All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Version Template below
- CI with Travis
- Basic piece move validation
- Active color indicator
- Wrong next position calculated when moving piece from square index 63
- First implementation of move validation
- Squares hovered by a piece are now highlighted
- Wrong piece drag preview after a capture occurred
- Installed libraries:
- react-dnd
- react-dnd-html5-backend
- Added first implementation of move via DnD
- Updated stories to with react-dnd-html5-backend
- handle MOVE action
- Installed libraries:
- redux
- react-redux
- immutable
- redux-immutable
- redux-devtools-extension
- reselect
- Set up redux
- Set up redux dev-tools
- Separated components between 'components' and 'containers'
- Added a 'redux' folder with first duck (game)
- Added a arrayOfPiecesToPosition() util function
- Added tests for util functions
- Started tests for game duck
- Added Game component
- Initiated project with create-react-app
- Added content for changelog, readme, license files
- Set up Storybook and ESLint
- Added first components: Square, Board, Piece
- Added PNG images for the pieces