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OpenNIC Shell

OpenNIC shell delivers an FPGA-based NIC shell with 100Gbps Ethernet ports. The latest version is built with Vivado 2020.2. Currently, the supported boards include

  • Xilinx Alveo U250, and
  • Xilinx Alveo U280

Starting from OpenNIC 1.0, the support for Bittware SoC-250 is obsolete and no longer maintained.

The NIC shell consists of skeleton components which implement host and Ethernet interfaces and two user logic boxes that wraps up user RTL plugins. Its architecture is shown in the figure below.

-----  -----------------------------------------------
|   |  |            System Configuration             | 
|   |  -----------------------------------------------
|   |     |         |         |         |         |  AXI-lite 125MHz
|   |     V         V         V         V         V
|   |  -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
|   |  |     |   |     |   |     |   |     |   |     |
| P |  |  Q  |==>| Box |==>|  A  |==>| Box |==>|  C  |
| C |  |  D  |   |  @  |   |  D  |   |  @  |   |  M  |
| I |  |  M  |   | 250 |   |  A  |   | 322 |   |  A  |
| E |  |  A  |<==| MHz |<==|  P  |<==| MHz |<==|  C  |
|   |  |     | | |     | | |     | | |     | | |     |
-----  ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | -------
               |         |         |         |
               -----------         -----------
             AXI-stream 250MHz   AXI-stream 322MHz

The shell skeleton has the following components.

  • QDMA subsystem. It includes the Xilinx QDMA IP and RTL logic that bridges the QDMA IP interface and the 250MHz user logic box. The interfaces between QDMA subsystem and the 250MHz box use a variant of the AXI4-stream protocol. Let us refer the variant as the 250MHz AXI-stream.
  • CMAC subsystem. It includes the Xilinx CMAC IP and some wrapper logic. OpenNIC shell supports either 1 or 2 CMAC ports. In the case of 2 CMAC ports, there are two instances of CMAC subsystems with dedicated data and control interfaces. The CMAC subsystem runs at 322MHz and connects to the 322MHz user logic box using a variant of the AXI4-stream protocol. Similarly, let us refer the variant as the 322MHz AXI-stream.
  • Packet adapter. It is used to convert between the 250MHz AXI-stream and 322MHz AXI-stream. On both TX and RX paths, the packet adapter serves as a packet-mode FIFO, which buffers the whole packet before sending out. On the RX path, it also restores the back-pressure capability which is missing from the CMAC subsystem interface.
  • System configuration. It implements a reset mechanism and allocates the register addresses for each components. The register interface uses AXI4-lite protocol and runs at 125MHz, which is phase-aligned with the 25MHz clock.

There are 2 user logic boxes, one running at 250MHz and the other at 322MHz. Each has a AXI-lite interface for register, 2 pairs of slave and master AXI-stream interfaces for TX and RX respectively. User RTL plugins are responsible for implementing the handling of these interfaces.

Repo Structure

The open-nic-shell repository is organized as follows.

|-- open-nic-shell --
    |-- constr --
        |-- au250 --
        |-- au280 --
        |-- ... --
    |-- plugin --
        |-- p2p --
    |-- script --
        |-- board_settings --
        |-- build.tcl
        |-- ...
    |-- src --
        |-- box_250mhz --
        |-- box_322mhz --
        |-- cmac_subsystem --
        |-- packet_adapter --
        |-- qdma_subsystem --
        |-- system_config --
        |-- utility --
        |-- ...
    |-- LICENSE.txt
    |-- ...

Most of the directories are self-explanatory. The code under src contains the skeleton components and the "empty" boxes. Sample plugins are available under the plugin directory.

How to Build

OpenNIC shell is built by running the Tcl script build.tcl under script in Vivado. Depending on the target device, the build script generates proper files for flash programming.

It is recommended to build the design with Internet connection, as it relies on updated Xilinx board files, accessible through Xilinx Board Store. The build script automatically updates Vivado against this repository. See the below section for build without Internet/Github access.

Build Script Options

To start building the shell, run the following command under script with a proper MODE choice (i.e., tcl, batch or gui).

vivado -mode MODE -source build.tcl -tclargs [-OPTION VALUE] ...

A list of options are available to configure the the build process and customize the design parameters.

# Build options

-board_repo  PATH
             path to local Xilinx board store repository for offline build.
             This option is used when Vivado is unable to connect to github
             and update the board repository.

-board       BOARD_NAME
             supported boards include:
             - au250, and
             - au280.

-tag         DESIGN_TAG
             string to identify the build.  The tag, along with the board
             name, becomes part of the build directory name.

-overwrite   0 (default), 1
             indicate if the script should overwrite existing build results.

-jobs        [1, 32] (default to 8)
             number of jobs for synthesis and implementation.

-synth_ip    0, 1 (default)
             indicate if IPs are out-of-box synthesized after creation.

-impl        0 (default), 1
             indicate if the script runs towards bitstream generation.  If
             set to 0, the script only creates the project and do not launch
             any run.

-post_impl   0 (default), 1
             indicate if MCS file is generated after bitstream generations.

-user_plugin PATH
             path to the user plugin repository.

# Design parameters

-build_timestamp VALUE
                 VALUE should be an 8-digit hexdecimal value without prefix.
                 It serves as the timestamp to identify the build and is
                 written into the shell register 0x0.  If not specified, the
                 date and time of the build is recorded using the format
                 MMDDhhmm, where MM is for month, DD for day, hh for hour
                 and mm for minute.

-min_pkt_len     [64, 256] (default to 64)
                 minimum packet length.

-max_pkt_len     [256, 9600] (default to 1514)
                 maximum packet length.

-use_phys_func   0, 1 (default)
                 indicates if the QDMA H2C and C2H AXI-stream interfaces are
                 included in the 250MHz user logic box.  A common scenario
                 for not using them is networking accelerators without DMA.
                 Regardless the value of this option, the QDMA IP is always
                 present in the shell since it also provide the AXI-lite
                 interfaces for register access.

-num_phys_func   [1, 4] (default to 1)
                 number of QDMA physical functions.

-num_queue       [1, 2048] (default to 512)
                 number of QDMA queues

-num_cmac_port   1 (default), 2
                 number of CMAC ports.

Build Process

The build process involves four steps.

  1. IP creation and optionally, out-of-box synthesis.
  2. Design project setup.
  3. Synthesis, implementation and bitstream generation.
  4. Post-processing.

By default, the script completes the first two steps, producing a Vivado project under the build directory. This can be customized using the -synth_ip, -impl and -post_impl options.

  • If -synth_ip is set to 0, the IP out-of-box synthesis is deferred.
  • If -impl is set to 1, the third step is performed.
  • If -post_impl is set 1, the post-processing step is performed after bitstream generation.

The build directory is located under build and named as [BOARD]_[TAG]. Under the build directory, there is a text file, DESIGN_PARAMETERS, which contains the parameters passed to the RTL top-level. All the IP files are stored under vivado_ip. The shell project is under open_nic_shell.

The following Verilog macros are defined and made available to the RTL source code.

  • The __synthesis__ macro.
  • Board name, either __au250__ or __au280__.

Build without Github Access from Vivado

If Vivado does not have access to Github, we need to have a local copy of the Xilinx Board Store repository, and pass the path to the build script via the -board_repo option.

User Plugin Integration

OpenNIC shell provides 2 user logic boxes for instantiating custom RTL logic, one running at 250MHz and the other at 322MHz. To build with custom plugins, pass the path of the plugin repository to the -user_plugin argument of the build script. Default plugins are available for both boxes under plugin/p2p/box_250mhz and plugin/p2p/box_322mhz respectively, which does simple port-to-port connection. If users are interested in only one box, they should instantiate the default plugin in the other one.

Each box requires a top-level wrapper for all the user plugins instantiated in that box. In other words, only one module should be instantiated in each box. There are a few rules on how to structure the -user_plugin. At a minimum level, it should look like the following.

    |-- box_250mhz --
        |-- user_plugin_250mhz_inst.vh
        |-- box_250mhz_address_map_inst.vh
        |-- box_250mhz_address_map.v
        |-- box_250mhz_axi_crossbar.tcl
    |-- box_322mhz --
        |-- user_plugin_322mhz_inst.vh
        |-- box_322mhz_address_map_inst.vh
        |-- box_322mhz_address_map.v
        |-- box_322mhz_axi_crossbar.tcl
    |-- ... --
    |-- build_box_250mhz.tcl
    |-- build_box_322mhz.tcl
    |-- ...

The files under box_250mhz and box_322mhz are glue code that connects the user plugins to OpenNIC shell.

  • user_plugin_XXXmhz_inst.vh is a Verilog header file that instantiates the top-level wrapper. It is included into src/box_XXXmhz/
  • box_XXXmhz_address_map_inst.vh is a Verilog header file that instantiates the box_XXXmhz_address_map module. It is included into src/box_XXXmhz/
  • box_XXXmhz_address_map.v implements the register address mapping in box_XXXmhz.
  • box_XXXmhz_axi_crossbar.tcl creates the AXI crossbar IP instantiated in box_XXXmhz_address_map.v.

Currently, these files need to be created and modified manually. In the next release, they will be auto-generated through a configuration file.

For each box, the build script performs the following steps.

  1. Source box_XXXmhz_axi_crossbar.tcl.
  2. Read box_XXXmhz_address_map.v.
  3. Add USER_PLUGIN_DIR/box_XXXmhz to the include_dirs property.
  4. Source build_box_XXXmhz.tcl.

To use the default plugin (i.e., plugin/ptp) in one of the boxes, remove the corresponding box_XXXmhz directory and build_box_XXXmhz.tcl.

Shell Interface

Shell and user logic boxes communicates through 3 types of interfaces.

  • AXI-lite interface running at 125MHz for register access.
  • AXI-stream interface running at either 250MHz or 322MHz for data path.
  • Synchronous reset interface running at 125MHz.

The 125MHz and 250MHz clock domains are phase aligned. Signals can be sampled across each domain without clock domain crossing. On the other hand, do note that different clock frequencies can lead to double sampling or missing samples.

The AXI-lite interface follows the standard AXI4-lite protocol without wstrb, awprot and arprot. At the system level, the address ranges for the 2 boxes are

  • 0x10000 - 0x3FFFF for the 322MHz box, and
  • 0x40000 - 0xFFFFF for the 250MHz box.

The 250MHz and 322MHz AXI-stream interfaces have slightly different semantics. The 250MHz interface has the following signals.

  • tvalid, 1 bit: same as standard AXI4-stream protocol.
  • tdata, 512 bits: data maps from lower to upper bytes.
  • tkeep, 64 bits: null bytes are only allowed when both tvalid and tlast are asserted and cannot be followed by other data bytes for the same packet. For example, a 96B packet has a tkeep value of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF in the first beat, and 0x00000000FFFFFFFF in the second beat.
  • tlast, 1 bit: same as standard AXI4-stream protocol.
  • tuser_size, 16 bits: field to specify packet size. It contains the number of bytes in the packet and must remain valid and unchanged if tvalid is asserted.
  • tuser_src, 16 bits: source of the packet.
  • tuser_dst, 16 bits: destination of the packet.
  • tuser_user, N bits: side-band user data.
  • tready, 1 bit: same as standard AXI4-stream protocol.

For the tkeep signal, the interface assumes its presence depending on the direction of a packet.

  • For packets exiting the shell, it is guaranteed that tkeep is consistent with tuser_size. This means that tkeep consists of all 1s when tvalid is asserted and tlast is de-asserted and shows a bit-mask for the valid bytes in the beat when both tvalid and tlast are asserted.
  • For packets entering the shell, tkeep can be optionally set to all 1s regardless of the value of tuser_size. This allows user plugins to drop tkeep in their implementation. If tkeep is not set to all 1s, it must be consistent with tuser_size.

For tuser_src and tuser_dst, they have the following format. For packets exiting the shell, tuser_src is marked accordingly and tuser_dst is all 0s.

| 15                         6 |    4 |          0 |
| P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P | R  R | F  F  F  F |
|            MAC ports         | Rsvd |  PCIe PFs  |

The 322MHz interface is more restrictive due to requirements from CMAC IP. It has the following signals.

  • tvalid, 1 bit: no de-assertion in the middle of a packet. In other words, once tvalid is asserted to indicate the start of packet, it must remain asserted until tlast.
  • tdata, 512 bits: same as in the 250MHz interface.
  • tkeep, 64 bits: same as in the 250MHz interface.
  • tlast, 1 bit: same as in the 250MHz interface.
  • tuser_err, 1 bit: indicates if the packet contains an error.
  • tready, 1 bit: same as in the 250MHz interface. But packets entering the shell, i.e., from the RX side of CMAC IPs, the tready signal is not present and the master side assumes that tready is always asserted.

Programming FPGA

After bitstream generation, FPGA can be programming in two ways.

  1. Program the device directly. The FPGA configuration will lose after reboot.
  2. Program and boot from the configuration memory.

Because the shell bitstream contains a PCI-e IP core, both approaches will cause the lost of PCI-e link. It could be fatal depending on the model of host motherboards. For example, for Dell servers, losing discovered PCI-e links could lead to a forced reboot triggered by iDRAC.

To avoid this, use the Bash script script/, which disables the reporting of fatal errors to PCI-e root complex before programming and triggers a PCI-e link re-scan after programming. The script takes the device BDF (i.e., BB:DD.FF without the domain, which usually is 0000) as the single input, and should be ran on the server with the FPGA card.

There are two limitations related to the script. First, if an FPGA is not yet programmed with a PCI-e enabled bitstream, it would not have an BDF address. In this case, the script does not work. The second case is when OpenNIC driver is already loaded, it can hang the kernel after the script issues link re-scan. This issue is planned to be addressed in the future driver release.

For the above two cases, the safest workaround is to use a different server to program the FPGA. For configuration memory programming, do a cold reboot to trigger the FPGA boot process.

Known Issues

Server Boot Failure after FPGA Programming

A warm reboot is needed after loading the bitstream onto the FPGA. But this reboot fails with the error message:

A PCIe link training failure is observed in Slot1 and the link is disabled.

For Dell servers, there is a temporary hack discussed here. The trick is to issue a second warm reboot command using iDRAC while the system is rebooting and before PCIe endpoint detection. The hypothesis is that this gives enough time to load the configuration on the FPGA. This seems to be working so far.

CMAC license

Some users have reported this error when trying to build the shell.

ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: This design contains one or more cells
for which bitstream generation is not permitted:
(<encrypted cellview>)`.  If a new IP Core license was added, in order for
the new license to be picked up, the current netlist needs to be updated by
resetting and re-generating the IP output products before bitstream

Since CMAC is hardened in Ultrascale+, cmac_usplus has a free license. To get the CMAC license, go to After login, click "Search Now" in the "Evaluation and No Charge Cores" box on the right side of the page. You will see a popup with a "Search" box at top left. Enter "100G" in the search box. You will see "UltraScale+ Integrated 100G Ethernet No Charge License". Select this and click "Add". A screenshot could be found here.

Copyright Notice and Disclaimer

This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws.


This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same.


Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in any application requiring failsafe performance, such as life-support or safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product liability.



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  • SystemVerilog 58.8%
  • Verilog 29.3%
  • Tcl 11.6%
  • Shell 0.3%