#Vim Settings
I set up a repository to easily sync my vim settings across multiple computers. This setup takes advantage of the pathogen plugin to keep plugins in their own directories, and thus easily syncable.
#Set Up
First, I initialized a git repository in the ~/.vim/
folder. Then, I moved my
old .vimrc
into the .vim
folder and created a symbolic link from the
dotfile in the home directory to the one in the repository with the following
ln -s .vim/.vimrc .vimrc
Unfortunately, vim does not play nice with symbolic links on Windows. Hopefully this will be fixed in a future version. For now, I've found the best workaround is to create a minimal _vimrc in the User's home directory with the following line:
source $HOME\vimfiles\.vimrc
The same process must be followed for the .gvimrc
for GUI settings. Then, the
real .vimrc will fix the $MYVIMRC and $MYGVIMRC variables to point to the
correct files in case a plugin needs to resource them.
Keeping my vim settings the same across computers is now as easy as executing
while inside vim. I have included a vimscript that will set
up Vundle on first installation, and update all plugins to simplify the process
of cloning vim settings into new computers.