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How to build your own demo

This walkthrough will help you generate FHE-C++ transpiled from your own C++ code. These instructions assume that all dependencies have already been installed (as described in the README).

1. Write your C++ code

To begin, navigate to the transpiler/examples folder, create a directory, and put your own C++ program containing the code you will want transpiled in said folder. You must ensure the following is included in your code:

  • The function where the execution should begin must be marked with #pragma hls_top, so the transpiler knows where to begin transpiling. More specifically, the transpiler will create transpiled implementations of the function marked with #pragma hls_top, and all function calls from within said marked function.
  • All loops must be marked with #pragma hls_unroll yes to inform XLS[cc] to unroll the loop, which is required by the transpiling process.
  • There are limitations of what C++ code can be transpiled. See the README for the current limitations and possible workarounds.

To illustrate using the string_cap_char example, examine the code in the file (shown below), which capitalizes the first letter of every word in a given input string:

State::State() : last_was_space_(true) {}

unsigned char State::process(unsigned char c) {
  unsigned char ret = c;

  if (last_was_space_ && (c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) ret -= ('a' - 'A');

  last_was_space_ = (c == ' ');
  return ret;

#pragma hls_top
char my_package(State &st, char c) { return st.process(c); }

Note the following about the code above: * The C++ program's entry point must be marked with #pragma hls_top. In the case of string_cap_char, this is the my_package function. * This example is written such that the function above is called for each character. However, the string_cap/ example illustrates how the same result can be achieved by instead inputting the entire string and internally iterating on each character. * You may notice that and other code examples may have a corresponding .h header file. These are optional; header files are not a requirement.

2. Create a BUILD file

A BUILD file must exist in the directory containing your code for it to be transpiled. The BUILD file should contain the following:

load("//transpiler:fhe.bzl", "fhe_cc_library")

    name = "fn_tfhe",
    src = "",
    hdrs = ["fn.h"],

fhe_cc_library creates a Bazel macro that invokes build rules. 1 The arguments required by fhe_cc_library are as follows:

  • name is the name of the package being transpiled. This can be whatever you choose.
  • src is the C++ file containing the code to be transpiled (discussed in the previous section).
  • hdrs are any headers required for transpiling src. As previously mentioned, header files (and thus, this field) are optional.

3. Build and transpile your C++ code

The fhe_cc_library macro previously discussed generates a .transpiled_files rule that can be directly built to generate intermediate representations of the code used in the transpiling process. To build and transpile your C++, run a command such as the following, which assumes the directory containing the code and BUILD file is named "transpiler/examples/fn", and the name chosen above is "fn_tfhe":

bazel build -c opt //transpiler/examples/fn:fn_tfhe.transpiled_files

The transpiling process will generate several files, which should be listed in the above command's output. Feel free to examine these files to better understand more about the transpiling process. See sample_ir_directory for a sample of generated files. The intermediate representation(IR) files can be visualized with 'XLS IR visualization tools'

In particular, open the header file bearing the name chosen above (e.g., fn_tfhe.h), and find the signature (i.e., return value and arguments) of the transpiled function. This function is what needs to be called to perform the FHE-C++ operations equivalent to the operations in your original C++ code. The function signature of the transpiled function should be somewhat different than the function signature in your original C++ code. In particular, there should be additional arguments needed for performing FHE operations.

4. Write your FHE-C++ testbench

You will also need to write an executable C++ testbench that will simulate a "client" that provides input to and receive output from the transpiled FHE-C++ code on a "server". To illustrate using the string_cap_char example, examine the code in the file. Below is a simplified version of the code:

void FheStringCap(FheString& cipherresult, FheString& ciphertext, int data_size,
                  FheState& cipherstate, const TFheGateBootstrappingCloudKeySet* bk) {

  for (int i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
    CHECK_OK(my_package(cipherresult[i], cipherstate.get(), ciphertext[i], bk));

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if (argc < 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: string_cap_fhe_testbench string_input\n\n");
    return 1;

  const char* input = argv[1];
  // generate a keyset
  TFHEParameters params(120);

  // generate a random key
  std::array<uint32_t, 3> seed = {314, 1592, 657};
  TFHESecretKeySet key(params, seed);

  std::string plaintext(input);
  size_t data_size = plaintext.size();
  std::cout << "plaintext(" << data_size << "):" << plaintext << std::endl;

  // Encrypt data
  auto ciphertext = FheString::Encrypt(plaintext, key);
  std::cout << "Encryption done" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Initial state check by decryption: " << std::endl;
  std::cout << ciphertext.Decrypt(key) << "\n";
  std::cout << "\n";
  State st;
  FheState cipherstate(params.get());
  cipherstate.SetEncrypted(st, key.get());

  std::cout << "\t\t\t\t\tServer side computation:" << std::endl;
  // Perform string capitalization
  FheString cipher_result = {data_size, params};
  FheStringCap(cipher_result, ciphertext, data_size, cipherstate,;
  std::cout << "\t\t\t\t\tComputation done" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Decrypted result: ";
  std::cout << cipher_result.Decrypt(key) << "\n";
  std::cout << "Decryption done" << std::endl;

Stepping through the code as it is executed (i.e., starting from int main), we can see the following:

  1. The data to be transformed is input from the command-line (via argc & argv), as is typical for C++ programs. Thus, your testbench may do the same, or possibly input data by any means supported in C++.
  2. const char* input = argv[1]; stores in the input character array from the command-line in the variable input.
  3. TFHEParameters params(120); sets the TFHE security parameters, where 120 ensures TFHE will provide 128 bits of security. For more information, see the TFHE library.
  4. Since this is merely a testbench example, the code uses a hardcoded private key for the encryption by setting std::array<uint32_t, 3> seed = {314, 1592, 657}; TFHESecretKeySet key(params, seed);.
  5. By convention, the input string is stored to a variable named plaintext (i.e., std::string plaintext(input);) so it is clear the contents are unencrypted.
  6. Get the length of the input string with size_t data_size = plaintext.size();, to know when there are no more characters to read from plaintext.
  7. auto ciphertext = FheString::Encrypt(plaintext, key); encrypts the plaintext data with the symmetric secret key, and stores the ciphertext in an FheString variable named ciphertext.
  8. To ensure the encryption and decryption work correctly, we call and output the result of ciphertext.Decrypt(key), which should match the content of plaintext.
  9. FheString cipher_result = {data_size, params}; declares the variable cipher_result that will store the result of the transformation of the encrypted data.
  10. FheStringCap(cipher_result, ciphertext, data_size, state,; calls the FheStringCap helper function defined above int main. cipher_result is passed as an output argument. is a special key that allows operations to be performed on the ciphertext without it being decryptable.
  11. FheState state(params); is the FHE representation of the original C++ code's State that holds the last_was_space_ variable.
  12. The code then iterates over each FHE-character in ciphertext, sending it to the "server" to be transformed, and receiving the resulting FHE-character into the cipherresult variable.
  13. Finally, the client decrypts cipher_result to reveal the server's transformation, which in this case should be the capitalization of each word in the input sentence.

To summarise, the following is the minimum needed to implement a testbench:

  1. The testbench calls the FHE-C++ code using the method signature found in the header file generated by the transpiling process.
  2. The testbench must be an executable program (most likely written in C++).
  3. TFHEParameters params(120); initializes the TFHE library and specifies the security strength of the encryption.
  4. The TFHESecretKeySet encryption key is created with the aforementioned TFHEParameters and a std::array<uint32_t, 3> (i.e., an array of 3 unsigned 32-bit integers).
  5. The encrypted input and output data must be stored in an FHE-supported data type. These are defined in transpiler/data/fhe_data.h.
  6. The special key that allows for operations on the encrypted data is obtained by calling TFHESecretKeySet::cloud() on the previously-generated key.

Once the testbench has been written (e.g., fn_tfhe_testbench), it can be compiled and run a command such as:

bazel run -c opt fn:fn_tfhe_testbench -- "arg1" "arg2"

Note that any arguments to be passed to the testbench are added after two dashes (i.e., --).


1: For more information on fhe_cc_library and what parameters can be provided, see the fhe_cc_library definition in fhe.bzl.