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Sisyphus - The simple finite state machine generator

What is Sisyphus?

Sisyphus is meant to be a simple to use command line program to generate finite state machines, also known as finite automatons, into other target languages. Sisyphus is written in Haskell.

Where does the name come from?

Writing state machines is a monotonic, tedious and repetitive work. Yet you have to be careful to get the details right. This kind of tasks are nowadays called Sisyphean tasks:

In Greek mythology Sisyphus or Sisyphos was the king of Ephyra (now known
as Corinth). He was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and
deceitfulness by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for
it to roll down when it nears the top, repeating this action for eternity.
Through the classical influence on modern culture, tasks that are both
laborious and futile are therefore described as Sisyphean.

Having my own experience with writing state machine code I thought that was a very funny metaphor, thus I stuck to the name Sisyphus.


Sisyphus auto-generates its lexer and parser code. For this it uses the yacc style Haskell programs Alex and Happy, thus these are dependencies for Sisyphus.

Actually compiling the program can be done either with Cabal or the stack tool from the Haskell Tool Stack. Conveniently all of the above mentioned dependencies are included in the cross-platform Haskell Platform. Further you will need git or you will have to download a .zip if you want the sources.

So the recommended way to install Sisyphus is to:

  1. Install the Stack Tool
  2. Install git and clone the project or download the zipped package
  3. Type the following commands in the terminal in the projects root:
    make install

After that the sisyphus program should be available in your PATH. Type sisyphus --help for a test. You should see Sisyphus' help text printed.


Sisyphus generates its output from so called grammar files. Grammar files are simply text files with a syntax understood by Sisyphus.

The list of supported input formats can be found below. Currently the only supported syntax is Sisyphus' own domain specific language, called Sisyphus Grammar Format (SGF), which is very closely related to the PlantUML state diagram specification. PlantUML was chosen as the basis of the language because it is already a well known specification standard with a good support for advanced state chart features, such has hierarchical and parallel state machines.

Note however that PlantUML and SGF are not a 100% interchangeable! The details about the commonalities and differences deserves its own section below.

Command Line Interface

Sisyphus is meant to be used in the command line. Here is its own help text:

~$ sisyphus --help
Sisyphus - Finite state machine generator v1.0.0.0

sisyphus [OPTIONS] [PATH]

Common flags:
  -W --no-warnings         Don't print warnings
  -E --warn-is-error       Warnings are treated as errors
  -p --print-statemachine  Print the parsed state machine
  -d --outputdir=DIR       Output will go in this directory
  -T --template-root=ITEM  The root directory of the sisyphus templates
  -n --fsm-name=NAME       The name used for file names and variable prefixes
  -i --input-format=INPUT  The input file format
  -t --targets=TARGET      The target language of the generated FSM
  -? --help                Display help message
  -V --version             Print version information
     --numeric-version     Print just the version number

The options and arguments are listed in more detail in the table below:

Long name Short name Description
no-warnings W Warnings, if any, are silently ignored
warn-is-error E Warnings, if any, will be treated like errors
print-statemachine p The state machine parsed from the input file is printed on stdout
outputdir d The root directory of the output. All generated files will go there
template-root T The root directory of the sisyphus templates. The are required for the generation process
fsm-name n This string is used to prefix the state machine output files as well as variables within these files
input-format i The grammar format of the input grammar file
targets t This option can be repeated. Every specified target language will be generated
help ? Display help message
version V Print version information

A typical usage could look like this (taken from the GarageDoor example):

~$ cd path/to/sisyphus_git_root/examples/GarageDoor
~$ sisyphus -pE -T../../templates -nGarageDoorFSM -d. -tC GarageDoor.sgf

This will result in the files GarageDoorFSM.h and GarageDoorFSM.c which you can compile into your application.

If you want a quick visualization of your state machine code you can copy/paste the grammar file content into the PlantText online tool. Please not that the PlantText tool expects the input to be PlantUML, so even though most Sisyphus files will meet these constraints it might well be that the tool's parser will reject the input with a syntax error.


- Simple
- Fast
- Readable
- Maximum target language support
- Aims to be the pandoc of state machines

Target Group

Sisyphus is meant to be the right choice for the common use case: A simple state machine with less than 30 states. This is exactly the niche where hand written code starts to become unreadable und hard to maintain and commercial solutions are overkill, or don't justify their price respectively.


State machines are omnipresent in every day programming. Sometimes they appear in so simple forms that people do not notice them, sometimes they hide deep inside so called "spaghetti code", but the concept of states and transitioning between them is our means to describe the world.

Yet there are no good tools that manage the balancing act of

- Being easy and fast to use
- Free of charge
- Expressive

Usually programmers choose one of the following options

1. Hand write a state machine in their programming language of choice
2. Use a sophisticated UML designer program and auto-generate code from it

The first options tends to become un-maintanable very quickly, but is ususally the fastest option and free of charge.

The second option allows to create very complex state machines that are still maintainable and comprehensible, because visualization greatly helps to understand the states and transitions. But these tools have definitely a higher learning curve and are commercial products.

Sisyphus tries to fit inbetween both options. It is based on a very simple description language which allows to write down logic quickly. From this simple text file code will be generated, alleviating the programmer from writing the code by hand. Because of its simplicity Sisyphus cannot fully compete with full featured commercial products, but is meant to provide simple solutions to common problems.

Currently supported input formats

- SGF: Sisyphus Grammar Format

Currently supported target languages

- C

What Sisyphus is not

- Not the next Simulink, Enterprise Architect or VisualState
- Not meant as a graphical tool (no GUI planned)

Future work

- Full conformity to the UML standard (e.g. hierarchical state machines)
- Ability to read commercial file formats and generate code from them


- [x] Sisyphus grammar specification
- [x] Lexer/Parser for grammar
- [x] Plausibility checks for grammar input
- [x] Code generation mechanism
- [x] Produce code in C
- [ ] Produce code in C++
- [ ] Produce code in Python
- [ ] Support SCXML as input format
- [ ] Support for internal variables
- [ ] Support for guards
- [ ] Hierarchical state machines
- [ ] Support for 3rd party state machines

Sisyphus Grammar Format

The theory behind Sisyphus and thus its grammar is that of statecharts. The term statechart were first coined by David Harel in his 1984 paper 'Statecharts: A visual formalism for complex systems' and has inspired many systems and applications in the years that followed. The concept of state charts has been further formalised in the UML standard. Sisyphus tries to stick to the UML specifications as closely as possible, specifically to the chapter 14 of the UML2.5 standard.

Sisyphus' own grammar lends itself a lot from PlantUML state diagram specification. Even though closely related to each other these language specifications are not fully compatible. In the following the main differences are enlisted:

- In Sisyphus states have to be declared before usage
- In Sisyphus different states can have the same name as long as their
  scope is different. If you want to refer to a state that does not
  have a unique name the name must be (partially) qualified by its scope
  until it is unambiguously clear which state is referred at
- As a consequence of the prior two bulletin it is possbile to define
  transitions from and to states anywhere in the grammar file as long
  as you scope the states appropriately
- PlantUML and PlantText are purely about the textual and visual
  depiction of the state chart. Sisyphus however gives a semantic meaning
  to the contents. As a consequence PlantUML allows any text to be placed
  in a state. Sisyphus on the other hand interprets the text as behavior:
  entry, exit and internal reactions
- Entry, exit and internal reactions are introduced via the <entry>,
  <exit> and <internal> specifiers

The following things are identical:

- PlantUML notes syntax, but Sisyphus will simply ignore them
- A simple state (no inner elements) is simply introduced with the
  declaration `state STATENAME`
- A nested state (contains other states etc.) is written as
  `state STATENAME {...}`, where the dots stand for the body. If the body
  is empty Sisyphus will consider the state to be a simple state
- Parallel state machines, a.k.a. regions are created by either two or
  more dashses `-` or two or more pipes `|`
- A transition with the special star state (`[*]`) as source marks the
  initial state of a region
- A transition with the special star state (`[*]`) as target marks a
  final state of a region
- The trigger of a transition is given after a colon `:`

In general a state machine has to react on events, possibly triggering a complex cascade of inner (private) events, also called signals. The following behavior elements exist: entry reactions, exit reactions, internal reactions and transitions. Internal reactions and transitions are made up of a trigger, an optional boolean guard function and an optional behavior side which describes the behavior of the element towards stimulation. An internal reaction never leaves the state it belongs to and the state is never considered as exited or entered. A transition on the other hand, even if the source state equals the destination state, always causes the source state to be exited and the destination state to be entered.

The textual representation of the full action specification for an internal reaction or a transition follows the following syntax:

{trigger}* ['['<guard>']'] ['/'<behavior-expression>]
e.g. evButtonPress [!Switched_Off] / ^evPressed @open

Currently guards are not supported in Sisyphus. Events (signals) emitted by a transition are prefixed by a ^, actions to be executed are prefixed by a @. By this convention it is possible that an event and an action share the same name without any ambiguities.

It is not easy to fully formalize these rules. Sisyphus' grammar is best explained by examples, so please have a look at the files in the examples directory.


Even though Sisyphus is written in Haskell literally everyone that knows a programming language can contribute! Why? Because ultimately Sisyphus wants to generate code for every possible target language. If you see your favorite programming language missing, please feel free to contribute. Even with no programming knowledge at all, contributions to the documentation, better comments and typo corrections are always welcome.