A 2D side-scrolling platformer created with C# (using Unity) for the NUS module CP2106: Independent Software Development Project (Orbital).
The README can be viewed at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QefOmaWYOIShugKOF9S5boh4K7fNxyH4XrjbHZ2cpPA/edit
It contains our motivations, game features, workflow, design choices, and more!
Here is a video showcasing the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNtASzWaBvs
If you would like to try this game online instead of downloading: https://play.unity.com/mg/other/a-hero-s-tale-v1-1
- To navigate to the source code, head to
- To download the executable of the game, go to Releases and download
A Hero's Tale v1.1
- Alternatively, to download the WebGL builds, or executable build, you can also head to
Game Versions/
- Alternatively, to download the WebGL builds, or executable build, you can also head to
- Note that there are files omitted from the repository due to being too large.