The hub for anime and all related content.
The project is still in the early stages of development. But if you are interested, then star the project and come back later.
This project was started because I was tired of having to use the public websites.
There are some that is fine, but you almost always have to deal with ads and popups.
Also, you needed a VPN for security and privacy.
So I started to look for a website I could self-host, but there was none good enough.
So I decided to make my own.
- A website that is easy to use.
- A website that is easy to self-host.
- A website that is easy to maintain.
- A website that is easy to update.
- A place where there is everything you need.
- Next.Js V.14 - Frontend
- Shadcn/UI - UI Library
- SQLite - Database
- Lucia-Auth V.2.7.6 - Auth
- V.1.5.5 - Content API
🟢List the ready features here:
- Auth
- Basic Anime Watching
🟡Currently working on:
- Main page
- Anime page
- Search page
- Cache
🔴Next features:
- Main structure
- More...
Anime search page (Work in progress, not finished)
Anime page (Work in progress, not finished)
- Clone the repo
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Start the server
npm run dev
Project is: in progress
Contributions are always welcome! Contributions can be given in the form of:
- Code (PR)
- Documentation (PR)
- Ideas (Issues)
- Bug reports (Issues)