Releases: Touhma/DSP_Galactic_Scale
Theme Loader / Exporter.
Fixes compatibility with advanced miner (Thanks Kremnev8)
Export and import planet themes!
Make sure to check out our discord server!
Hotfix - Moon Size Clamp
Fixes issue where moons can be larger or smaller than min/max size in Dev Gen
External Theme Loader
- Fixed a few more blueprint bugs
- Hopefully Fixed some copypaste bugs for real this time
- Fixed the missing habitable zone in Dev Gen
- Added the ability to load themes from JSON and use them in generators. BepInEx/config/GalacticScale/CustomThemes Ask in discord for help.
- Fixed planet label bleedthrough on the last planet in the system
Blueprints Fixed
- Fixed numerous blueprint bugs
- Fixed some copypaste bugs
- Fixed the update message repeating itself
Hotfix - Huge Planet Assembler CopyPaste Inserter Length
Fixes inserter length on 490/500/510 radius planets (hopefully).
If it causes issues, disable in settings and let me know.
Blueprint Camera Hotfix
Fixes Blueprint Camera on Small/Large planets
Blueprint Patch Compatibility
- Compatibility with DSP v8.19.7662
- Moves config files to ../../config/GalacticScale to prevent deletion by mod manager (Of course if you update using mod manager it will delete your config files first!
- @sp00ktober added a transpiler
- @tyukara added translation
Fixes - Fixed issue when starting a second game
- Fixed Tidal Lock checkbox in Dev Generator
- Compatibility fixes for Nebula Multiplayer Mod
- Fixed error preventing game start after downgrading
- Fixed Orbit Radius on planets in Dev Generator
- Numerous other fixes to Dev Generator
- Added Moon Bias Slider to Dev Generator (Between Telluric and Gas Giant)
Changes - Completely rewrote everything to do with main config (to make it more easily expandable)
- Changed a bunch of internal variable names <- Devs take note!
- Moved JSON Export to main settings window
- Added Star Type filtering to Themes, and to Theme Queries. We can now specify which stars particular planets will spawn around
Dev Gen
I've redone the Galactic Scale Generator. Let me know what you think (Preferably in discord)
Old Generator is where it was, new one is called Dev.
Weird bug that would prevent save games from loading. But not always.
Trash should no longer into space on outer planets.
Skip Prologue option checkbox fixed
Fixed sliders (in Dev Gen) losing their config if Ludicrous mode is enabled
Fixed some JSON Theme Minification that wasn't working. More to come.
Fixed belts going into logistics stations on tiny planets.
Hopefully fixed belt connections to ghosts breaking
Fixed power system bug for huge factories
Added Help button to main menu.
Fixed Logistics Stations & Infinite planet load
2.0.beta.73.0 Create LICENSE
Fixed Orbital Collector Height.
Fixed orbital collector height
Fixed Charon Atmosphere
Fixed Pluto/Charon bug when loading from save
Fixed Water in Sulfurous Sea Theme to now be Acid