Train5D is a health & wellness platform I developed to help users manage their fitness and wellness goals. The project is transitioning from its original WordPress setup to a modern stack using Python, JavaScript, and React.
Primary Pages:
: Features a carousel and Google Login API.signup.html
: Contains a registration form.
Secondary Pages (working drafts):
: Initial landing page.workout-planner.html
: Page for planning workouts.
- Google Login API
- Carousel on the login page
- Registration Form
- Drop Down Menus
- CSS: Compiled using SASS and Node.js.
- Frontend Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- Backend Technologies: Transitioning to Python, React.
- Database: PostgreSQL.
- Hosting: Deployed on Digital Ocean App Manager.
- Accessibility: Designed to achieve a score of 95 or higher on Google Lighthouse.
- Website: Multi-page site focused on "hobbies."
- Accessibility: Targeted a score of 95+ on Google Lighthouse.
- Components:
- Responsive UI across mobile, tablet, and desktop.
- Utilization of JavaScript frameworks (React, etc.).
- Integration of a third-party API.
- CSS Preprocessor (SASS).
- Forms for user interaction.
- The existing WordPress site can be found at: train5d.com
- Training programs will be listed on the subdomain: training.train5d.com
You can view the ongoing development at: https://monkfish-app-8nmj4.ondigitalocean.app/index.html
The design of Train5D was inspired by sign-in pages from various cloud-based websites. I aimed to create a clean and user-friendly interface by incorporating:
- Minimalistic Design: Focused on simplicity to provide a clutter-free experience.
- Effective Use of Carousels: Engaging and interactive carousels for showcasing features.
- Integration with Third-Party APIs: Ensuring a smooth login experience with services like Google Login.
- Responsive Design: Ensuring accessibility and functionality across different devices and screen sizes.
These elements were chosen to enhance usability and provide a modern, appealing user experience.