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Pagination Phoenix.Component for the Scrivener library, compatible with Phoenix 1.7 and LiveViews.

This library is an alternative to scrivener_html, which is no longer actively maintained and is not compatible with Phoenix 1.7 and live views (numerous forks have sprung up to correct this by including a dependency on phoenix_html_helpers...). It reuses part of the scrivener_html code, but it relies on Phoenix.Component to generate the pagination HTML code.


Add :scrivener_components to your project's dependencies:

def deps do
    {:scrivener_components, "~> 0.1.1"}

Depending on the CSS framework you use, import the component in your view.

defp html_helpers do
  quote do
    # ...
    # Import the pagination component for your CSS framework
    import Scrivener.Components.BootstrapV5

Available framworks / modules:

  • Bootstrap V5: Scrivener.Components.BootstrapV5
  • That's all for now...


Use in your template:

<.pagination page={page} url_params={[{"q", "term"}]} path={&~p"/index?#{&1}"} />

You may customize and translate texts:

  url_params={[{"q", "term"}]}
    next: gettext("Next"),
    previous: gettext("Previous")
  ]} />


  • page is a %Scrivener.Page{} struct returned from Repo.paginate/2
  • url_params is a list of tuples for the query parameters that will persist accross pagination (typically the current search, filter and/or sort parameters)
  • path is a 1-arity function that receive the url_params merged with the current page number (page) and return the path. Typically a verified route sigil like &~p"/index?#{&1}"
  • navigation_mode is an Atom, to control the link component navigation mode, can be :navigate, :patch or :href (default: :navigate)
  • options is a Keyword list that can be used to customize the behaviour of the pagination:
    • previous: the text displayed for the previous link (default: <<)
    • next: the text displayed for the previous link (default: >>)
    • first:
      • if true (default), display always display the first page link,
      • if a :string, replace the page number (1) with the text (ex: First)
      • if false, the first page is not displayed (if it is not in the distance from the current page...)
    • last:
      • if true (default), display always display the last page link,
      • if a :string, replace the last page number with the text (ex: Last)
      • if false, the last page is not displayed (if it is not in the distance from the current page...)
    • ellipsis: the text to display when number of page is more than the distance, (default: raw("&hellip;"))
    • distance: the maximum number of page links around the current page to display in the pagination (default: 5)
  • You may add additionals attributes to the pagination component (for JS integration for instance)