Updates since 2024-01-26
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There was 1 Merged pull request:
- 1539: (3/5) oc: Allow using source-dir flag with all-images flag (dharmit)
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 2 New pull requests:
1551: (16/16) microshift: USHIFT-2196: User-facing audit-log configuration (copejon)
Add ability for MicroShift users to configure API server audit logging policies, storage location, log rotation and retention, and actions when disk capacity reached.
1552: (18/18) microshift: USHIFT-2245: Add router namespace ownership enhancement (pacevedom) (OCPSTRAT-1067)
OpenShift defaults to not allow routes in multiple namespaces use the same hostname, and MicroShift inherits that default.
Ever since OpenShift 4 this has been possible to configure, and MicroShift should allow that too to accommodate additional use cases.
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 17 Active pull requests:
- 1541: (82/105) microshift: USHIFT-2188: introduce microshift API Custom certs (eslutsky) (USHIFT-2101)
- 1548: (60/108) microshift: USHIFT-2089: Add router configuration options (pacevedom) (OCPSTRAT-1069)
- 1531: (26/114) windows-containers: WINC-1174: WinC Disconnected Support (saifshaikh48) (OCPSTRAT-619) (WINC-936)
- 1490: (14/224) machine-config: MCO-811: MachineConfigNode introduction for MCO State Reporting (cdoern) (MCO-452)
- 1540: (14/70) cluster-logging: Performance-Tuning enhancement proposal. (alanconway) (OBSDA-549)
- 1528: (11/274) installer: Enabling CAPI-based Installations in openshift-install (patrickdillon) (CORS-2840)
- 1542: (10/14) storage: STOR-1499: add enhancement for Azure File cloning with azcopy (RomanBednar) (STOR-1499)
- 1514: (9/230) ingress: NE-761: Support for admin configured CA trust bundle in Ingress Operator (bharath-b-rh) (RFE-2182) (OCPSTRAT-431) (NE-761)
- 1502: (5/79) security: Create tls-artifacts-registry enhancement (vrutkovs) (API-1603)
- 1515: (4/39) machine-config: on-cluster builds enhancement (cheesesashimi) (MCO-834)
- 1549: (3/14) etcd: ETCD-514: Add etcd size tuning (dusk125) (ETCD-514)
- 1465: (3/211) machine-api: OCPCLOUD-1578: Add enhancement for converting Machine API resource to Cluster API (JoelSpeed) (OCPCLOUD-1578)
- 1532: (2/7) node-tuning: CNF-10784: Mixed cpu node plugin - Enhancement update (Tal-or) (CNF-7603) (1421) (mixed-cpu-node-plugin)
- 1415: (2/355) ingress: NE-1129: Make ingress operator optional on HyperShift (alebedev87) (NE-1129)
- 1537: (1/35) cluster-logging: WIP LOG-4928: Cluster logging v2 APIs (jcantrill)
- 1524: (1/38) observability: cluster-logging: Add multi-cluster-observability-addon proposal (periklis) (OBSDA-356) (OBSDA-393) (LOG-4539) (OBSDA-489)
- 1267: (1/234) network: vSphere IPI Support for Static IPs (rvanderp3) (OCPPLAN-9654)
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 15 Revived (closed more than 7 days ago, but with new comments) pull requests:
- 1440: (0/111) network: OPNET-268: Configure-ovs Alternative (cybertron)
- 1442: (0/26) cluster-logging: Cluster Logging Proposal: output record format options. (alanconway) (LOG-2827)
- 1450: (0/24) installer: Installer: Azure Cluster Scaling for Outbound Traffic (lranjbar)
- 1457: (0/90) cluster-scope-secret-volumes: Shared Resources via OpenShift Builds Operator (adambkaplan)
- 1466: (0/13) general: [TRACING-3490] enhancement proposal default observability service (frzifus)
- 1480: (0/42) kube-apiserver: AUTH-387: kube-apiserver: allow unsupported files sync (stlaz) (AUTH-387)
- 1493: (0/50) authentication: HOSTEDCP-1240: WIP: auth: add an enhancement on a supported direct OIDC config (stlaz) (HOSTEDCP-1240)
- 1500: (0/11) machine-config: Introduce machineconfiguration status enhancement (cdoern) (MCO-452)
- 1510: (0/15) installer: OCPSTRAT-736: installer: support of extending workers to AWS Wavelength (mtulio) (OCPSTRAT-736) (SPLAT-1125) (SPLAT-1218) (SPLAT-1219)
Revived (closed more than 7 days ago, but with new comments) Pull Requests Modifying Existing Documents
- 1446: (0/303) ingress: NE-1366: Revisions for set-delete-http-headers EP (miheer) (NE-982) (RFE-464)
- 1449: (0/32) dev-guide: Updating the information about default runlevel (LalatenduMohanty)
- 1474: (0/18) cluster-logging: Updated to match final implementation. (alanconway) (OBSDA-344) (LOG-3982)
- 1478: (0/13) network: Networking: update EIP multi NIC proposal (martinkennelly) (SDN-1123)
- 1499: (0/11) guidelines: Add specific operating at scale section to the enhancement template (jcaamano)
- 1522: (0/11) update: OTA-916: enhancements/update/configurable-clusterversion-signature-stores: Tech-preview first (wking) (OTA-916)
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 16 Idle (no comments for at least 7 days) pull requests:
- 1298: (0/293) monitoring: Metrics collection profiles (JoaoBraveCoding)
- 1424: (0/17) dev-guide: Add a continuous Kubernetes rebase proposal (bertinatto)
- 1431: (0/211) ingress: OCPSTRAT-139: Ingress operator dashboard (jotak) (OCPSTRAT-139) (NETOBSERV-1052)
- 1456: (0/314) network: SDN-4035: IPAM for VMs for OVN Kubernetes secondary networks (maiqueb) (SDN-4035)
- 1463: (0/83) network: Mutable dual-stack VIPs (mkowalski) (OCPSTRAT-178) (OPNET-340) (OPNET-80)
- 1492: (0/44) update: OTA-1029: Add CVO Log level API (Davoska) (OTA-1029)
- 1496: (0/304) machine-config: Managing boot images via the MCO (djoshy) (MCO-589)
- 1503: (0/41) cluster-logging: Add LokiStack tokenized auth proposal (periklis) (OCPSTRAT-6) (OCPSTRAT-171 (AWS STS)) (OCPSTRAT-114 (Azure WIF)) (OCPSTRAT-922 (GCP WIF)) (LOG-4540 (AWS & Azure)) (LOG-4754 (GCP))
- 1506: (0/152) machine-api: [OSD-15261] CPMS: allow automatic vertical scaling. (bergmannf) (OSD-15261)
- 1509: (0/13) network: SDN-4114: initial iptables-deprecation-alerter proposal (danwinship) (SDN-4114)
- 1513: (0/92) cluster-logging: Added enhancements/cluster-logging/content-filter.md (alanconway) (LOG-2155)
- 1517: (0/101) oc: OCPSTRAT-784: Simplify and unify adding nodes on day 2 using agent-based installer approach (andfasano) (OCPSTRAT-784) (AGENT-682)
- 1525: (0/75) machine-config: MCO-507: admin defined reboot policy enhancement (yuqi-zhang)
- 1545: (0/94) microshift: USHIFT-2186: Multus CNI for MicroShift (pmtk) (OCPSTRAT-473)
- 1546: (0/11) workload-partitioning: OCPEDGE-808: feat: add ep for cpu limits with workload partitioning (eggfoobar) (OCPEDGE-57)
- 1411: (0/36) dev-guide: Add exception to pointer guidance for structs that must be omitted (JoelSpeed)
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 5 With lifecycle/stale or lifecycle/rotten pull requests:
- 1368: (1/58) machine-config: OCPNODE-1525: Support Evented PLEG in Openshift (sairameshv) (OCPNODE-1525)
- 1436: (1/250) dns: NE-1325: External DNS Operator support for Shared VPCs (gcs278)
- 1468: (6/83) installer: CORS-2062: Customer configured DNS for cloud platforms AWS, Azure and GCP (sadasu) (CORS-1874)
- 1479: (1/39) cluster-api: Enhancement for installing OpenShift natively via Cluster API (JoelSpeed)
- 1494: (1/69) observability-ui: add observability ui operator proposal (jgbernalp) (OU-204)