This a high level documentation on how to use the TrueLayerPaymentsSDK
Once your app has obtained the payment (or mandate) identifier and resource token from the backend (see Setup), you can use the iOS SDK to process the payment.
context: TrueLayer.Payments.Models.SinglePayment.Context(
identifier: // Your payment ID,
token: // Your resource token,
redirectURL: // Your redirect URL
preferences: // Your possible preferences like type of presentation and country code.
)) { processResult in
switch processResult.result {
case .success(let success):
// Handle `TrueLayer.Payments.Models.SinglePayment.State`.
case .failure(let failure):
// Handle `TrueLayer.Payments.Models.SinglePayment.Error`.
// Handle `resultShown`.
The parameters used in TrueLayer.Payments.Models.SinglePayment.Context
are explained below:
: the payment identifier retrieved from your backend.token
: the payment token retrieved from your backend.redirectURL
: the destination where the user should be redirected once the authorization flow is done outside of the app (bank website, HPP). This is usually your app's redirect URI.preferences
parameter to allow you to customize the authentication flow. Precisely:presentationStyle
: determines how the SDK should be presented.preferredCountryCode
: the preferred country to use when displaying the providers. If the country is invalid, or does not include any providers, the value will fallback to the user's locale.shouldShowResultScreen
: whether the TrueLayer SDK should show the payment result screen (see #showing-a-result-screen).maximumResultScreenTimeout
: the maximum timeout for refreshing the payment result screen (see #showing-a-result-screen).
When the user is redirected back to your app from their bank app or website, it is recommend to re-invoke processSinglePayment(...)
with the same Context
. This is because some banks require further input from the user, which the SDK can present.
TrueLayer.Payments.Models.SinglePayment.State |
Description |
.executed |
The bank confirmed the payment. |
.authorized |
The user authorized the payment with the bank. |
.redirect |
(Deprecated) The user has been redirected to the bank to authorize the payment. |
.settled |
The funds have reached the destination. |
.wait |
The SDK flow is complete, but a decoupled authorisation action is still pending with the user and/or the bank. |
TrueLayer.Payments.Models.SinglePayment.Error |
Description |
.authorizationFailed |
The authorization process failed on the user <-> bank side. |
.connectionIssues |
There was an issue while connecting to the internet. |
.generic |
A unexpected error, the error will be passed as a String parameter. |
.invalidToken |
The token used to make the payment is not authorized to undergo such operation. |
.invalidRedirectURI |
The redirect URI passed to the SDK is invalid. |
.paymentExpired |
The user took too long to complete the payment, and therefore it expired. |
.paymentNotFound |
The requested payment was not found. |
.paymentRejected |
The payment was rejected by the bank. |
.providerOffline |
The pre-selected provider was offline. |
.sdkNotConfigured |
The SDK configure method has not been called before using it. |
.serverError |
The server encountered an error while processing the answer. |
.blocked |
The payment has been blocked due to a regulatory requirement. This may happen if the PSU fails a sanctions check. |
.invalidAccountDetails |
The payment failed because either the creditor's or debtor's account details were invalid. |
.invalidAccountHolderName |
The payment failed because the account holder's name details were invalid. |
.invalidCredentials |
The banking credentials provided by the PSU to log into their bank were incorrect. |
.invalidRemitterAccount |
The account details of the remitter bank account provided during the payment flow were incorrect. |
.invalidRequest |
The payment failed due to invalid data in the request. |
.invalidSortCode |
The payment failed due to an invalid sort code being provided. |
.insufficientFunds |
The PSU did not have the required balance in their account to complete this payment. |
.notAuthorized |
The PSU cancelled the payment or wasn't able to successfully authenticate on the provider's UI. |
.paymentLimitExceeded |
The PSU's payment limit amount with their bank was breached. |
.providerError |
The provider has unexpectedly failed when creating the payment. |
.providerExpired |
The payment failed because the token or exchange code used to communicate with the bank expired. |
.providerRejected |
The provider rejected the payment. |
.unknownError |
The payment failed for an unknown reason on the server side. |
.userCanceledAtProvider |
The payment failed because the user cancelled the authorisation during the payment flow. |
.unexpectedBehavior |
The SDK encountered an unexpected behavior. |
.userCanceled |
The user canceled the payment. |
In order to get the status of a payment, the SDK offers the following method:
func paymentStatus(paymentIdentifier:, resourceToken:) async throws -> TrueLayer.Payments.Models.SinglePayment.Status
TrueLayer.Payments.Models.SinglePayment.Status |
Description |
.authorizationRequired |
The payment requires authorisation. |
.authorizing |
The user is authorizing the payment. |
.authorized |
The payment has been authorized by the bank. |
.executed |
The payment has been executed. |
.settled |
The funds have reached the destination. |
.failed |
The payment failed. This can be due to various reasons. |
context: TrueLayer.Payments.Models.Mandate.Context(
identifier: // Your mandate ID,
token: // Your resource token,
redirectURL: // Your redirect URL
preferences: // Your possible preferences like type of presentation and country code.
)) { processResult in
switch processResult.result {
case .success(let success):
// Handle `TrueLayer.Payments.Models.Mandate.State`.
case .failure(let failure):
// Handle `TrueLayer.Payments.Models.Mandate.Error`.
// Handle `resultShown`.
The parameters used in TrueLayer.Payments.Models.Mandate.Context
are explained below:
: the mandate identifier retrieved from your backend.token
: the mandate token retrieved from your backend.redirectURL
: the destination where the user should be redirected once the authorization flow is done outside of the app (bank website, HPP). This is usually your app's redirect URI.preferences
parameter to allow you to customize the authentication flow. Precisely:presentationStyle
: determines how the SDK should be presented.preferredCountryCode
- the preferred country to use when displaying the providers. If the country is invalid, or does not include any providers, the value will fallback to the user's locale.shouldShowResultScreen
: whether the TrueLayer SDK should show the payment result screen (see #showing-a-result-screen).
: the maximum timeout for refreshing the payment result screen (see #showing-a-result-screen).
TrueLayer.Payments.Models.Mandate.State |
Description |
.authorized |
The user authorized the mandate with the bank. |
.redirect |
(Deprecated) The user has been redirected to the bank to authorize the mandate. |
TrueLayer.Payments.Models.Mandate.Error |
Description |
.authorizationFailed |
The authorization process failed on the user <-> bank side. |
.connectionIssues |
There was an issue while connecting to the internet. |
.generic |
A unexpected error, the error will be passed as a String parameter. |
.invalidToken |
The token used to make the mandate is not authorized to undergo such operation. |
.invalidRedirectURI |
The redirect URI passed to the SDK is invalid. |
.mandateExpired |
The mandate expired. |
.mandateNotFound |
The requested mandate was not found. |
.mandateRejected |
The mandate was rejected by the bank. |
.providerOffline |
The pre-selected provider was offline. |
.revoked |
The mandate has been revoked and is no longer valid. |
.sdkNotConfigured |
The SDK configure method has not been called before using it. |
.serverError |
The server encountered an error while processing the answer. |
.providerError |
The provider has unexpectedly failed when creating the mandate. |
.providerRejected |
The provider rejected the mandate. |
.invalidRequest |
The mandate failed due to invalid data in the request. |
.invalidSortCode |
The mandate failed due to an invalid sort code being provided. |
.unknownError |
The mandate failed for an unknown reason. |
.unexpectedBehavior |
The SDK encountered an unexpected behaviour. |
.userCanceled |
The user canceled the mandate. |
In order to get the status of a mandate, the SDK offers the following method:
func mandateStatus(mandateIdentifier:, resourceToken:) async throws -> TrueLayer.Payments.Models.Mandate.Status
TrueLayer.Payments.Models.PayMandatement.Status |
Description |
.authorizationRequired |
The mandate requires authorisation. |
.authorizing |
The user is authorizing the mandate. |
.authorized |
The user has authorized the mandate with their bank. |
.revoked |
The mandate has been revoked and is no longer valid. |
.failed |
The mandate failed. |
In the Preferences
object, shouldShowResultScreen
is set to true
by default. This tells the TrueLayer SDK to display the result of a payment or mandate at the end of the authorization flow. This screen automatically refreshes until the payment is creditable, or until a maximum timeout is reached (customizable by setting maximumResultScreenTimeout
). By default this timeout is 10 seconds, and cannot be set longer (the SDK will use 10s if you pass a greater value).