Name | Type | Description | Notes |
businessName | String | Name of the business to be verified | [optional] |
tradestyleName | String | Trade Style Name of the business to be verified | [optional] |
taxIDNumber | String | Tax ID Number of the business to be verified | [optional] |
businessRegistrationNumber | String | Registration number of business to be verified | [optional] |
dayOfIncorporation | Integer | Day of incorporation of the business to be verified | [optional] |
monthOfIncorporation | Integer | Month of incorporation of the business to be verified | [optional] |
yearOfIncorporation | Integer | Year of incorporation of the business to be verified | [optional] |
jurisdictionOfIncorporation | String | Jurisdiction Of Incorporation of the business to be verified | [optional] |
shareholderListDocument | Boolean | Whether or not to retrieve shareholderList document | [optional] |
financialInformationDocument | Boolean | Whether or not to retrieve financial information document | [optional] |
dunsNumber | String | Duns Number | [optional] |
enhancedProfile | Boolean | Whether or not to retrieve enhancedProfile detail | [optional] |
entities | Boolean | Whether or not to retrieve entity detail | [optional] |
peopleOfSignificantControl | List<PersonOfSignificantControl> | A list of people to check for their matchstatus | [optional] |
filings | Boolean | Whether or not to retrieve filing detail | [optional] |
articleOfAssociation | Boolean | Whether or not to retrieve article of association document | [optional] |
registrationDetails | Boolean | Whether or not to retrieve registration detail document | [optional] |
annualReport | Boolean | Whether or not to retrieve annual report document | [optional] |