diff --git a/extensions/SharkPool/Community-Spotlight.js b/extensions/SharkPool/Community-Spotlight.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dd3609446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/SharkPool/Community-Spotlight.js
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// Name: Community Spotlight
+// ID: SPspotlight
+// Description: Display and Advertise Promotional Content for Free.
+// By: SharkPool
+// Licence: MIT
+// Version V.1.0.1
+(function (Scratch) {
+ "use strict";
+ if (!Scratch.extensions.unsandboxed) throw new Error("Community Spotlight must run unsandboxed!");
+ const menuIconURI =
+ const vm = Scratch.vm;
+ const runtime = vm.runtime;
+ const acceptableRatios = ["1:1", "4:3", "4:5", "16:9", "9:16"];
+ const acceptableImgs = [
+ "250x250 Square", "300x250 Rectangle", "480x270 Widescreen",
+ "300x50 Horizontal Banner", "50x300 Vertical Banner",
+ "360x120 Large Horizontal Banner", "120x360 Large Vertical Banner"
+ ];
+ let tags = [];
+ let initialized = false;
+ // Community Spotlight Exports
+ // Uses MIT Licence (https://github.com/Community-Spotlight)
+ // eslint-disable-next-line
+ window.CommunitySpotlight={b:"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Community-Spotlight/",u:{},c:{}};window.CommunitySpotlight.u["fetchIndex"]=async function(){const r=await fetch(`${window.CommunitySpotlight.b}promotion-index/main/index.json`);if(!r.ok)throw new Error("Couldn't fetch promotions!");return await r.json()};window.CommunitySpotlight.u["filterPromos"]=function(j,t,p){const r=(a)=>a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)];t=t==="video"?"video":t==="html"?"html":"image";p=typeof p==="object"?p:{};if(p.tags){if(p.tags.constructor.name==="Array"){p.tags=p.tags.map((e)=>{return e.toLowerCase()})}else{console.warn("CS -- 'tags' parameter must be an Array");return{}}}const{aspectRatio,videoLength}=p;let c=Object.values(j).filter(q=>{return q.media[t+"s"].length>0});if(c.length===0){console.warn("CS -- No promotions found with given type");return {}}if(p.tags&&p.tags.length>0)c=c.filter((q)=>q.tags.some(tag=>p.tags.includes(tag)));if(aspectRatio)c=c.filter(q=>{return q.media[t+"s"].some((i)=>{return i.size===aspectRatio})});if(t==="video"&&videoLength)c=c.filter(q=>{return q.media.videos.some((i)=>{return i.length===videoLength})});if(c.length===0){console.warn("CS -- No promotions found with given parameters");return{}}const g=r(c);let m,l,f;switch(t){case"video":f=g.media.videos,m=aspectRatio&&videoLength?f.find(e=>e.size===aspectRatio&&e.length===videoLength):!aspectRatio&&videoLength?f.find(e=>e.length===videoLength):aspectRatio&&!videoLength?f.find(e=>e.size===aspectRatio):r(f),l=`sz${m.size.replace(":","x")}leng${m.length}.${m.type}`;break;case"html":f=g.media.htmls,l=`sz${(m=aspectRatio?f.find(e=>e.size===aspectRatio):r(f)).size.replace(":","x")}.html`;break;default:f=g.media.images,m=aspectRatio?f.find(e=>e.size===aspectRatio):r(f),l=`${m.size}.${m.type}`}delete g.media;g.url=`${window.CommunitySpotlight.b}promotion-media/main/${encodeURIComponent(g.id)}/${l}`;return g};async function refreshPromoCacheCS(){try{window.CommunitySpotlight.c = await window.CommunitySpotlight.u["fetchIndex"]()}catch (e){console.error(e)}}async function getOnlinePromoCS(t,p){return window.CommunitySpotlight.u["filterPromos"](await window.CommunitySpotlight.u["fetchIndex"](),t,p)}function getCachedPromoCS(t,p){return window.CommunitySpotlight.u["filterPromos"](structuredClone(window.CommunitySpotlight.c),t,p)}
+ class SPspotlight {
+ constructor() {
+ // Initialize the Promotions
+ this.refresh();
+ this.promoSpaceInfo = { pos: [0, 0], sz: [1, 1] };
+ this.promoSpace = document.createElement("div");
+ vm.renderer.addOverlay(this.promoSpace, "scale-centered");
+ runtime.on("PROJECT_STOP_ALL", () => { this.deletePromo() });
+ runtime.on("PROJECT_START", () => { this.deletePromo() });
+ runtime.on("RUNTIME_PAUSED", () => {
+ const video = this.promoSpace.querySelector("video");
+ if (video) video.pause();
+ });
+ runtime.on("RUNTIME_UNPAUSED", () => {
+ const video = this.promoSpace.querySelector("video");
+ if (video) video.play();
+ });
+ }
+ getInfo() {
+ return {
+ id: "SPspotlight",
+ name: "Community Spotlight",
+ color1: "#00a1e6",
+ color2: "#0085e6",
+ color3: "#006fbf",
+ menuIconURI,
+ blocks: [
+ {
+ func: "promoDisclaim",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BUTTON,
+ text: "Promotion Disclaimer"
+ },
+ {
+ func: "addPromo",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BUTTON,
+ text: "Add My Promotion"
+ },
+ "---",
+ {
+ opcode: "activeTags",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER,
+ text: "active tags"
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "filterTags",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "filter promos with tags [TAGS]",
+ arguments: {
+ TAGS: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "[\"Gaming\", \"Art\"]" }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "refresh",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "refresh promo cache"
+ },
+ { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Manual Display" },
+ {
+ opcode: "getImgPromo",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER,
+ text: "get promo image with size [SIZE]",
+ arguments: {
+ SIZE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "IMGS" }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "getVidPromo",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER,
+ text: "get [LENGTH] sec promo video with size [SIZE]",
+ arguments: {
+ SIZE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "VID_RATIO" },
+ LENGTH: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "VID_LENGTH" }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "getHTMLPromo",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER,
+ text: "get promo html with size [SIZE]",
+ arguments: {
+ SIZE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "VID_RATIO" },
+ },
+ },
+ { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Auto Display" },
+ {
+ opcode: "showImgPromo",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "display promo image with size [SIZE]",
+ arguments: {
+ SIZE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "IMGS" }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "showVidPromo",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "display [LENGTH] sec promo video with size [SIZE]",
+ arguments: {
+ SIZE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "VID_RATIO" },
+ LENGTH: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "VID_LENGTH" }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "showHTMLPromo",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "display promo HTML with size [SIZE]",
+ arguments: {
+ SIZE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "VID_RATIO" }
+ },
+ },
+ "---",
+ {
+ opcode: "visiblePromo",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "[TYPE] displayed promo",
+ arguments: {
+ TYPE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "VISIBLE" }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "deletePromo",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "delete displayed promo"
+ },
+ "---",
+ {
+ opcode: "setPromoPos",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "set position of promo to x [x] y [y]",
+ arguments: {
+ x: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 0 },
+ y: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 0 }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "setPromoScale",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "set scale of promo to x [x] y [y]",
+ arguments: {
+ x: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 200 },
+ y: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER, defaultValue: 100 }
+ },
+ }
+ ],
+ menus: {
+ VISIBLE: { acceptReporters: true, items: ["show", "hide"] },
+ IMGS: { acceptReporters: true, items: acceptableImgs },
+ VID_RATIO: { acceptReporters: true, items: acceptableRatios },
+ acceptReporters: true,
+ items: ["any", "5", "10", "15", "30"]
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // Helper Funcs
+ promoDisclaim() {
+ alert(`WARNING: Community Spotlight will NOT earn you any Money.\nScratch projects have numerous Security Issues that make earning Money Impractical.\n\nAll Promotions are Moderated, Free and Acessible to Everyone.`);
+ }
+ addPromo() { Scratch.openWindow("https://community-spotlight.github.io/uploader-site/") }
+ displayPromo(promo, scale) {
+ if (promo.id === undefined) return;
+ const isVideo = promo.url.endsWith(".mp4");
+ const isHTML = promo.url.endsWith(".html");
+ const div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.setAttribute("style", "width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: -50%; left: -50%;");
+ const newSpace = document.createElement(isVideo ? "video" : isHTML ? "iframe" : "img");
+ newSpace.setAttribute("title", promo.promoter);
+ newSpace.src = promo.url;
+ newSpace.draggable = false;
+ newSpace.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
+ newSpace.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events: auto; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);");
+ if (!isVideo && !isHTML) newSpace.style.cursor = "pointer";
+ // even though HTML is Moderated, its good to have some sandboxes
+ if (isHTML) newSpace.setAttribute("sandbox", "allow-scripts allow-forms allow-same-origin");
+ let sz = scale.split(" ")[0];
+ if (isVideo || isHTML) {
+ const scaleAmt = sz === "1:1" ? 240 : 120;
+ newSpace.style.width = `${parseInt(sz.split(":")[0]) * scaleAmt}px`;
+ newSpace.style.height = `${parseInt(sz.split(":")[1]) * scaleAmt}px`;
+ } else {
+ newSpace.style.width = `${sz.split("x")[0]}px`;
+ newSpace.style.height = `${sz.split("x")[1]}px`;
+ }
+ div.appendChild(newSpace);
+ this.promoSpace.firstChild?.remove();
+ this.promoSpace.appendChild(div);
+ this.updatePromo();
+ newSpace.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ if (isVideo && e.target !== newSpace) return;
+ // TODO add proper click detection for iframes. Maybe make a content holder?
+ Scratch.openWindow(promo["promoter-url"]);
+ });
+ if (isVideo) {
+ newSpace.controls = true;
+ newSpace.play();
+ }
+ }
+ updatePromo() {
+ if (!this.promoSpace.firstChild) return;
+ const { pos, sz } = this.promoSpaceInfo;
+ this.promoSpace.firstChild.style.transform = `translate(${pos[0]}px, ${pos[1]}px) scale(${sz[0]},${sz[1]})`;
+ }
+ // Block Funcs
+ activeTags() { return JSON.stringify(tags) }
+ filterTags(args) {
+ try { tags = JSON.parse(Scratch.Cast.toString(args.TAGS).toLowerCase()) }
+ catch { tags = [] }
+ }
+ async refresh() {
+ await refreshPromoCacheCS();
+ initialized = true;
+ }
+ getImgPromo(args) {
+ if (!initialized) return "{}";
+ if (acceptableImgs.indexOf(args.SIZE) === -1) return "{}";
+ const aspectRatio = args.SIZE.split(" ")[0];
+ return JSON.stringify(
+ getCachedPromoCS("image", { tags, aspectRatio })
+ );
+ }
+ showImgPromo(args) {
+ if (!initialized) return;
+ this.displayPromo(
+ JSON.parse(this.getImgPromo(args)), args.SIZE
+ );
+ }
+ getVidPromo(args) {
+ if (!initialized) return "{}";
+ if (acceptableRatios.indexOf(args.SIZE) === -1) return "{}";
+ const videoLength = args.LENGTH === "any" ? undefined : Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.LENGTH);
+ return JSON.stringify(
+ getCachedPromoCS("video", {
+ tags, videoLength, aspectRatio: args.SIZE
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ showVidPromo(args) {
+ if (!initialized) return;
+ this.displayPromo(
+ JSON.parse(this.getVidPromo(args)), args.SIZE
+ );
+ }
+ getHTMLPromo(args) {
+ if (!initialized) return "{}";
+ if (acceptableRatios.indexOf(args.SIZE) === -1) return "{}";
+ return JSON.stringify(
+ getCachedPromoCS("html", {
+ tags, aspectRatio: args.SIZE
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ showHTMLPromo(args) {
+ if (!initialized) return;
+ this.displayPromo(
+ JSON.parse(this.getHTMLPromo(args)), args.SIZE
+ );
+ }
+ visiblePromo(args) {
+ this.promoSpace.style.display = args.TYPE === "show" ? "" : "none";
+ }
+ deletePromo() { this.promoSpace.firstChild?.remove() }
+ setPromoPos(args) {
+ this.promoSpaceInfo.pos = [
+ Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.x), Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.y) * -1
+ ];
+ this.updatePromo();
+ }
+ setPromoScale(args) {
+ this.promoSpaceInfo.sz = [
+ Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.x) / 100, Scratch.Cast.toNumber(args.y) / 100
+ ];
+ this.updatePromo();
+ }
+ }
+ function addGradientToBody() {
+ var grad = document.createElement("div");
+ grad.innerHTML = ``;
+ document.body.appendChild(grad);
+ }
+ if (Scratch.gui) Scratch.gui.getBlockly().then((ScratchBlocks) => {
+ addGradientToBody();
+ if (!ScratchBlocks?.SPgradients?.patched) { // Gradient Patch by 0znzw & SharkPool
+ ScratchBlocks.SPgradients = {gradientUrls: {}, patched: false};
+ const BSP = ScratchBlocks.BlockSvg.prototype, BSPR = BSP.render;
+ BSP.render = function(...args) {
+ const res = BSPR.apply(this, args);
+ let category;
+ if (this?.svgPath_ && this?.category_ && (category = this.type.slice(0, this.type.indexOf("_"))) && ScratchBlocks.SPgradients.gradientUrls[category]) {
+ const urls = ScratchBlocks.SPgradients.gradientUrls[category];
+ if (urls) this.svgPath_.setAttribute("fill", urls[0]);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ ScratchBlocks.SPgradients.patched = true;
+ }
+ ScratchBlocks.SPgradients.gradientUrls["SPspotlight"] = ["url(#SPspotlight-GRAD)", "url(#SPspotlight-GRAD)"];
+ });
+ Scratch.extensions.register(new SPspotlight());
diff --git a/images/SharkPool/Community-Spotlight.svg b/images/SharkPool/Community-Spotlight.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e212bb2243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/SharkPool/Community-Spotlight.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@