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base repository: Turnerj/Schema.NET
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base: f12caf225ac84f46e17e861abcfee3448a605876
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head repository: Turnerj/Schema.NET
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compare: 6cefb74aa07a05c7fdc60bac4be932474e401923
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Showing with 2,749 additions and 2,784 deletions.
  1. +448 −448 .editorconfig
  2. +26 −8 .github/workflows/build.yml
  3. +4 −4 .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
  4. +2 −2 .github/workflows/release-drafter.yml
  5. +1 −1 Benchmarks/Schema.NET.Benchmarks/Schema.NET.Benchmarks.csproj
  6. +3 −4 Directory.Build.props
  7. +182 −182
  8. +179 −179 Schema.NET.sln
  9. +1 −1 Source/Common/SchemaEnumJsonConverter{T}.cs
  10. +1 −1 Source/Common/ValuesJsonConverter.cs
  11. +7 −28 Source/Common/Values{T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7}.cs
  12. +6 −24 Source/Common/Values{T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6}.cs
  13. +4 −16 Source/Common/Values{T1,T2,T3,T4}.cs
  14. +3 −12 Source/Common/Values{T1,T2,T3}.cs
  15. +2 −8 Source/Common/Values{T1,T2}.cs
  16. +1 −11 Source/Directory.Build.props
  17. +1 −1 Source/Schema.NET.Pending/Schema.NET.Pending.csproj
  18. +1 −1 Source/Schema.NET/Schema.NET.csproj
  19. +6 −6 Tests/Directory.Build.props
  20. +73 −73 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/ContextJsonConverterTest.cs
  21. +2 −0 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/Examples/CarTest.cs
  22. +2 −0 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/Examples/ProductTest.cs
  23. +66 −66 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/JsonLdContextTest.cs
  24. +313 −314 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/OneOrManyTest.cs
  25. +15 −15 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/Schema.NET.Test.csproj
  26. +246 −246 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/Values2Test.cs
  27. +348 −348 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/Values3Test.cs
  28. +478 −474 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/Values4Test.cs
  29. +23 −19 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/Values6Test.cs
  30. +24 −22 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/Values7Test.cs
  31. +10 −0 Tests/Schema.NET.Test/ValuesJsonConverterTest.cs
  32. +9 −9 Tools/Schema.NET.Tool/Schema.NET.Tool.csproj
  33. +53 −53 appveyor.yml
  34. +103 −103 azure-pipelines.yml
  35. +104 −103 build.cake
  36. +1 −1 dotnet-tools.json
  37. +1 −1 global.json