- 如何快速地生成ESDF/TSDF地图,满足motion planning频率要求
- Computation time for constructing
- Querying SDF time
- SDF是用的什么形式的地图:voxel map / elevation map
SDF from elevation map > Voxblox(fast) GIE > FIESTA > Voxblox(fast、accuracy)
- decomposing the robot’s collision bodies for collision avoidance.
- 为什么要把机器人各个部分近似成球体,因为方便查询球体中心到障碍物的距离,查询的点少,高效,算力小。
- Approach:
- 2018-ISR-Computation_of_Collision_Distance_and_Gradient_using_an_Automatic_Sphere_Approximation_of_the_Robot_Model_with_Bounded_Error
- 将传感器数据(RGBD, 点云)转换为TSDF
- 使用TSDF转化为occupancy网格
- 使用batch方法计算ESDF(根据TSDF使用 propagate的方式 更新ESDF)
- voxblox 方法和代码理解
- 使用光线追踪法将点云叠加到占有栅格地图中,然后将所有占用状态发生改变的体素分别添加到insertQueue和deleteQueue两个队列中 使用一个名为ESDF更新初始化的过程,将两个队列的内容合并到updateQueue队列中,并使用基于广度优先搜索算法(BFS)的ESDF更新算法更新所有可能更改的体素。
- Run FIESTA package blog:
This software is a volumetric mapping system that effectively calculates Occupancy Grid Maps (OGMs) and Euclidean Distance Transforms (EDTs) with GPU.
ref: GPU-accelerated Incremental Euclidean Distance Transform for Online Motion Planning of Mobile Robots
- elevation_mapping_cupy(not yet)
- GEM(not yet)
- Perceptive Locomotion through Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
- Robust Rough-Terrain Locomotion with a Quadrupedal Robot
- Walking Posture Adaptation for Legged Robot Navigation in Confined Spaces
- a robot-centric multi-elevation map
- 2.5D elevation map存在的问题:elevation map是把障碍物中最高的一点记录下来,如果有墙,障碍物堆满, 不适用。
- muti-elevation-map:会把overhanging obstacle remove,这样就会使地面的建图不会被悬挂的障碍物影响。缺点,不是ceiling ,把机器人当作了一个固定高度
- 文章做法:扩展了ETH elevation map,用grid map库,把地面估计出来,当作地板,把地板层添加进map中的一个layer,把地图从2.5D扩展成3D,再算SDF
- SDF是怎么用进轨迹优化问题中的:CHOMP
- Voxblox
- GIE-mapping(2022-RAL)
- A Collision-Free MPC for Whole-Body Dynamic Locomotion and Manipulation
- 2013_CHOMP_Covariant Hamiltonian optimization for motion planning
- CHOMP has been the foundation of many motion planners foundation of many motion planners
空间中一个点到最近障碍物的欧式平方距离: :障碍物0,empty cells 无穷
简化计算 (evaluation of the elevation map)
ref: “Distance transforms of sampled functions,”
STEP 2中的计算产生问题: 当前计算SDF使用的是cell 中心点的距离到障碍物中心点的距离,会导致SDF梯度不连续
解决办法: 使用cell center到occupied /free cell边界的距离 通过调整[ref]来解决问题的离散性 : cell in local elevation map d(·, ·) :a function that returns the squared distance between the center of one cell and the border of another: r:the resolution of the map ref: 2017-RAS-Real-Time Motion Planning of Legged Robots: A Model Predictive Control Approach
compute distance transforms
ref: A direct method for trajectory optimization of rigid bodies through contact
for each height in parallel
ref: “Distance transforms of sampled functions,”