Global optimization of Lipschitz functions.
- C. Malherbe and N. Vayatis. "Global optimization of Lipschitz functions". ICML. 2314 - 2323. (2017)
- R. Martinez-Cantin. BayesOpt: {A} Bayesian Optimization Library for Nonlinear Optimization, Experimental Design and Bandits. CoRR. 1405.7430. (2014)
CMA-ES - Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
- N. Hansen. The CMA Evolution Strategy: A Comparing Review. In J.A. Lozano, P. Larrañaga, I. Inza and E. Bengoetxea (Eds.). Towards a new evolutionary computation. Advances in estimation of distribution algorithms. Springer, pp. 75-102 (2006).
CRS - Controlled Random Search with Local Mutation
- P. Kaelo and M. M. Ali, "Some variants of the controlled random search algorithm for global optimization," J. Optim. Theory Appl. 130 (2), 253-264 (2006).
- D. R. Jones, C. D. Perttunen, and B. E. Stuckmann, "Lipschitzian optimization without the lipschitz constant," J. Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 79, p. 157 (1993).
MLSL - Multi-Level Single-Linkage
- A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan and G. T. Timmer, "Stochastic global optimization methods," Mathematical Programming, vol. 39, p. 27-78 (1987). (Actually 2 papers — part I: clustering methods, p. 27, then part II: multilevel methods, p. 57.)