A Vue component for file uploads, powered by Dropzone.js. Check out the demo.
- Import the module
- Register it as a component as you would any other Vue component
- Use it within your template
<div id="app">
<p>Welcome to your Vue.js app!</p>
<dropzone id="myVueDropzone" url="https://httpbin.org/post"></dropzone>
import Dropzone from 'vue-dropzone/lib/Dropzone'
export default {
name: 'MainApp',
components: {
events: {
'vdropzone-success': function (file) {
console.log('A file was successfully uploaded')
Many of these props are inherited from dropzone configuration so see their doco for further details.
Prop Name | Type | Description |
id | String | A string by which to identify the component, can be anything. Required |
url | String | Url to post the upload to. Required |
clickable | Boolean | Whether the dropzone area is clickable, if false then users can only drag items on to the area. |
acceptedFileTypes | String | A comma separated string of accepted file types eg 'image/*,application/pdf,.psd' . |
thumbnailHeight | Number | The height of thumbnails in pixels. |
thumbnailWidth | Number | The width of thumbnails in pixels. |
showRemoveLink | Boolean | Whether the Remove link is shown on items. |
maxFileSizeInMB | Number | The maximum file size for a single upload in MB. |
maxNumberOfFiles | Number | The maximum number of files to allow the user to upload. |
autoProcessQueue | Boolean | Whether the files are automatically uploaded or not. |
useCustomDropzoneOptions | Boolean | If you want to define your own Dropzone config set this to true and define a dropzoneOptions. |
dropzoneOptions | Object | A custom set of rules to define your dropzone object, use anything available in the dropzone config. |
Events to send to the component.
Event Name | Description |
removeAllFiles() | Empties the dropzone area. |
processQueue() | Uploads the files, required if autoProcessQueue is set to false. |
Events emitted by the component to the parent.
Event Name | Description |
vdropzone-fileAdded(file) | File added to the dropzone. |
vdropzone-success(file) | File successfully uploaded. |
vdropzone-error(file) | File uploaded encountered an error. |
vdropzone-removedFile(file) | A file was removed from the dropzone. |
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve example at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build any changes made
npm run build