pg_tileserv is a PostGIS based dynamic vector tile server written in golang capable to serve postgis layers as vector tiles. Additinally it supports invoking SQL functions as vector tile layers. The server connects to a PostGIS DB through $DATABASE_URL env variable representing postgres connection string. The server can use a TOML config as an alternative to its defaults.
The server lives in its namespace: pgtileserv and features 2 replicasets
It requires to create a secret to store database connection string prior to apply pgtileserv-deployment.yaml
by kubectl command.
kubectl delete secret pgtileserv-secrets --ignore-not-found -n pgtileserv
kubectl create secret generic pgtileserv-secrets --from-literal=DATABASE_URL=${DATABASE_URL} -n pgtileserv
kubectl apply -f yaml/pgtileserv-deployment.yaml
The above command will create the following environment
- namespace
- deployment
- service
- ingress
To uninstall use the same yaml files i opposite order
kubectl delete -f yaml/pgtileserv-deployment.yaml
The scripts folder contains bash scripts that can install/uninstall the server and its associated resources provided they are invoked from current directory