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Publishing new version

Francis Rupert edited this page Jan 9, 2018 · 19 revisions
  1. Bump semver number in package.json
  2. Edit references to version number:
    1. In title of index.html
  3. Commit those changes and push develop
  4. Merge to master (from develop)
  5. Create tag from master to x.x.x
  6. Push new tag to origin
  7. npm run deploy Deploys dist to gh-pages
  8. grunt compress - creates a versioned ZIP of dist in /published/ (which is not committed)
  9. Draft a new Release
    1. Tag and title are identical, e.g. "0.2.7" (note, not "v0.2.7")
    2. Add Release Notes
    3. Attach ZIP (from /published/)
    4. Publish Release
  10. npm publish
  11. Update fsa-design-system to new version
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