All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- The QRScannerView now evaluates all QR-codes not only the first one found. Therefore the qrScanningDidSucceedWithCode has to return a bool wether this QR-Code was usable or not.
- UBUserDefaults 2.0 (support for Codable arrays, removal of UBOptionalUserDefault)
- Image tinting
- Added a new UI element:
in aUIScrollView
- UBLocationManager restartLocationMonitoring
- UBUserDefaults support for dictionaries with string keys
- Added
andlocationManager(, locationIsFresh:)
to get notified if no location updates happend for too long
- Push notification handeling is now relying on the system UI view and not a custom UIAlertView
- Multi-Push Registration
- UBLabel.attributedText respects attributes of label type
- UBLabel, UBLabelType
- PushManager
- LocationManager
- Many other improvements
- Disabled automatic pause on location manager
- Moved SwiftUI into own
- Clean network errors
- Allowed missing transitions of networking state
- Fix certificate pinning
- Fixed tests
- Update cache headers on 304 response
- Localization Module
- Logging Module
- Networking Module: Request, Response, Task, Modifiers, Recovery
- Networking Security: Server Trust and Redirections
- Data Task status tracker
- UIColor from HEX
- Keyboard Layout Guide
- Cron Jobs
- Location Services: Convenience wrapper for authorization
- UserDefaults Property Wrapper
- Return cached metrics