-> first stable version.
-> code/ has runnable experiments code.
-> libs/ has libraries: pyutils, shnetutil, tt-pytorch.
- `TODO`: Each `TODO` denotes something that is incomplete or in-progress. It will be improved in future when bandwidth and time permits.
- `NOTE`: Each `NOTE` denotes an important note, either to the user who is trying to use the code, or the maintainer who is trying to find the relevance or importance of a particular suite with respect to the repo architecture.
- To make docker run.
- To make both the sequential runs into a shell file and put as final run command.
- Leaving concept of
colorspace in shnetutil
. It will be easy if we want to iteratively add stuff to this, but if we donot, having it in, does not hurt and saves us trouble to refactor. shnetutil.pipeline.logutils
misplaced? Because utilities architecturally should be inshnetutil.utils