diff --git a/lang/en-US.js b/lang/en-US.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bfad9d30..00000000
--- a/lang/en-US.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-export default {
- app: {
- name: 'CTFever',
- title: 'CTFever Toolkit by uniiem',
- subtitle: 'Toolkit',
- tip: {
- title: 'Welcome to CTFever',
- content: 'CTFever is a toolkit for CTFers. It is a collection of useful online tools.',
- }
- },
- topbar: {
- login: 'LOGIN',
- signup: 'SIGN UP',
- back: 'Back',
- install_pwa: 'Install',
- appearance: {
- light: 'Light',
- dark: 'Dark',
- auto: 'Auto'
- },
- share: 'Share',
- share_link: 'Link with page state',
- drawer_collapse: 'Collapse',
- },
- context_menu: {
- external_link: 'Open in new tab',
- mark_add: 'Add to favorites',
- mark_remove: 'Remove from favorites',
- copy: 'Copy link',
- },
- action: {
- marked: 'Added to favorites',
- unmarked: 'Removed from favorites',
- copied: 'Copied to clipboard',
- copied_with_state: 'Copied {} to clipboard',
- },
- settings: {
- appearance: {
- label: 'Appearance',
- language: {
- label: 'Language',
- },
- color_mode: {
- label: 'Color mode',
- mode: {
- light: 'Light',
- dark: 'Dark',
- auto: 'Auto',
- },
- },
- },
- about: {
- label: 'About CTFever',
- version: {
- label: 'Version',
- check_update_logs: 'Check update logs',
- },
- follow_us: {
- label: 'Follow us',
- subtitle: 'Follow us for updates and more',
- },
- donate: {
- label: 'Donate',
- subtitle: 'If you like CTFever, please buy us a coffee',
- link: {
- afdian: 'Afdian',
- }
- },
- },
- backend: {
- label: 'Backend',
- subtitle: 'Some tools require backend support',
- endpoint: {
- label: 'Endpoint',
- },
- version: {
- label: 'Version',
- }
- },
- danger_zone: {
- label: 'Danger Zone',
- subtitle: 'These actions may affect or clear local data',
- wipe: {
- label: 'Wipe local data',
- subtitle: 'Clear all local data, unrecoverable',
- btn: 'Wipe',
- dialog: {
- title: 'Wipe data',
- content: 'Delete your local favorites list, all preferences, and recently used tools. This action cannot be undone',
- okText: 'Confirm wipe',
- cancelText: 'cancel',
- },
- }
- }
- },
- common: {
- radix: {
- bin: 'Binary',
- oct: 'Octal',
- dec: 'Decimal',
- hex: 'Hexadecimal',
- },
- badge: {
- premium: 'Premium',
- newest: 'Newest',
- recommended: 'Recommended',
- beta: 'Experimental'
- },
- copy: 'Copy',
- copied: 'Copied',
- btn_encode: 'Encode',
- btn_decode: 'Decode',
- text_encoded: 'Encoded',
- text_decoded: 'Decoded',
- btn_encrypt: 'Encrypt',
- btn_decrypt: 'Decrypt',
- btn_execute: 'Execute',
- btn_calculate: 'Calculate',
- btn_run: 'RUN',
- btn_swap: 'SWAP',
- btn_backspace: '← BACKSPACE',
- btn_clean: 'Clean',
- btn_validate: 'Validate',
- btn_parse: 'Parse',
- btn_version: 'Version',
- btn_generate: 'Generate',
- text_encode: 'Encode',
- text_decode: 'Decode',
- text_plain: 'Plaintext',
- text_cipher: 'Ciphertext',
- text_original_content: 'Original content',
- text_result_content: 'Result',
- text_input: 'Input',
- text_output: 'Output',
- text_secret: 'Secret',
- text_algorithm: 'Algorithm',
- text_offset: 'Offset',
- text_mode: 'Mode',
- text_type: 'Type',
- text_radix: 'Radix',
- text_string: 'String',
- text_search: 'Search',
- text_search_result: `Search results for '{}'`,
- text_tag_archive: 'Archiving of tag {}',
- },
- page: {
- home: {
- favoriteKit: {
- title: 'Favorites',
- desc: 'Tools that you marked as favorite',
- },
- },
- settings: {
- title: 'Preferences'
- },
- notFound: {
- title: 'Page Not Found',
- message: 'The spirit of exploration is valuable, but unfortunately there is nothing here :(',
- btn: 'Back home',
- btnPrevious: 'Previous page',
- },
- },
- toolkit: {
- EaD: {
- title: 'Encoding and Decoding',
- desc: 'A toolkit for encoding and decoding data'
- },
- cryptography: {
- title: 'Cryptography',
- desc: 'A toolkit for cryptography'
- },
- programRelated: {
- title: 'Program related',
- desc: 'Code obfuscation, decompilation, etc.'
- },
- networkTool: {
- title: 'Network tool',
- desc: 'A toolkit for network'
- },
- dataConversion: {
- title: 'Data Conversion',
- desc: 'A toolkit for data conversion'
- },
- misc: {
- title: 'Misc',
- desc: 'A toolkit for miscellaneous'
- },
- },
- tool: {
- // EaD
- ascii: {
- title: 'ASCII',
- desc: 'Convert text to ASCII code',
- continuity: 'Continuity (Auto recognize printable characters)',
- split: 'Split by comma'
- },
- urlEncoding: {
- title: 'URL Encoding',
- desc: 'URL encode and decode'
- },
- baseSeries: {
- title: 'BaseN Series',
- desc: 'Convert words and numbers to baseN series encoded'
- },
- rotSeries: {
- title: 'ROT-N Series',
- desc: 'Convert words or numbers to ROT series encoded'
- },
- morseCode: {
- title: 'Morse Code',
- desc: 'Convert words to Morse Code'
- },
- utf8Conversion: {
- title: 'UTF8 Conversion',
- desc: 'Conversion of Chinese and special characters'
- },
- jsonSerializer: {
- title: 'JSON Serializer',
- desc: 'Json data editing, supports JSONPath'
- },
- // Cryptography
- uuid: {
- title: 'UUID',
- desc: 'Generate UUID'
- },
- messageDigest: {
- title: 'Message Digest',
- desc: 'Generate message digest'
- },
- caesarCipher: {
- title: 'Caesar Cipher',
- desc: 'Convert text to Caesar Cipher'
- },
- railFenceCipher: {
- title: 'Rail Fence Cipher',
- desc: 'Convert text to Rail Fence Cipher',
- rows: 'Rows'
- },
- pigpen: {
- title: 'Pigpen Cipher',
- desc: 'Freemason\'s cipher, Simple replacement password'
- },
- vigenereCipher: {
- title: 'Vigenere Cipher',
- desc: 'It is an encryption method based on the Caesar cipher'
- },
- cloudShadow: {
- title: 'Cloud Shadow',
- desc: 'Cloud Shadow is a simple encryption method'
- },
- // Network Tool
- ipAttribution: {
- title: 'IP Geo-location',
- desc: 'Query IP address attribution and ISP information'
- },
- portScan: {
- title: 'Port Scanning',
- desc: 'Scan and analyze the port opening of the specified host'
- },
- httpHeaders: {
- title: 'HTTP(s) Headers',
- desc: 'Parse HTTP(s) response headers'
- },
- // Data Conversion
- radixConversion: {
- title: 'Radix Converter',
- desc: 'Convert a number to a different radix',
- readable: 'Human Readable',
- },
- timeStamp: {
- title: 'Time Stamp Converter',
- desc: 'Convert a time stamp to any format',
- timestamp: 'Timestamp',
- humanReadable: 'Human Readable',
- unit: 'Unit',
- now: 'NOW',
- utc: 'UTC',
- fromNow: 'From Now',
- dayOfYear: 'Day of Year',
- weekOfYear: 'Week of Year'
- },
- base2img: {
- title: 'Base64 to Image',
- desc: 'Convert base64 string to image'
- },
- dataUnitsConversion: {
- title: 'Data Unit Conversion',
- desc: 'Convert data storage units'
- },
- // Program Related
- pycDecompiler: {
- title: 'Pyc Decompiler',
- desc: 'Decompile pyc file',
- },
- binExtract: {
- title: 'Bin Extractor',
- desc: 'Extract from bin file (binwalk)',
- },
- jsFuck: {
- title: 'JSFuck',
- desc: 'JSFuck is a JavaScript implementation of the esoteric programming language Fuck'
- },
- brainFuck: {
- title: 'BrainFuck',
- desc: 'BrainFuck is a programming language that is a variant of the esoteric programming language Fuck'
- },
- // Misc
- serialTool: {
- title: 'Serial Port Tool',
- desc: 'A experimental tool for serial port',
- baud: 'Baud rate',
- status: 'Status',
- resend: 'Timed',
- resendDelay: 'Delay',
- autoEOL: 'Auto CR+LF',
- connected: 'CONNECTED',
- disconnected: 'DISCONNECTED',
- open: 'SELECT PORT',
- close: 'CLOSE PORT',
- tip: {
- unknown: 'Unknown error',
- opened: 'Serial port opened',
- closed: 'Serial port closed'
- }
- },
- crc: {
- title: 'CRC',
- desc: 'CRC is a checksum algorithm used to detect errors in data transmissions',
- crcModel: 'CRC Model',
- inputMode: 'Input Mode',
- checksum_result: 'Checksum Result',
- },
- temperatureConversion: {
- title: 'Temperature Conversion',
- desc: 'Convert temperature into multiple units'
- },
- coreValues: {
- title: 'Core Values Cipher',
- desc: 'Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony!'
- },
- blindWatermark: {
- title: 'Blind Watermark Extractor',
- desc: 'A watermark method invisible to the naked eye'
- },
- dictionaryGenerator: {
- title: 'Dictionary Generator',
- desc: 'Generate an exhaustive dictionary in the specified format'
- },
- pseudoEncryptedZipCheck: {
- title: 'Pseudo Encrypted Zip Check',
- desc: 'Check if the zip file is pseudo encrypted'
- },
- zeroWidthSteganography: {
- title: 'Zero Width Steganography',
- desc: 'Plain text steganography with zero-width characters of Unicode'
- },
- },
- tags: {
- encodingAndDecoding: 'Encoding And Decoding',
- generator: 'Generator',
- hash: 'Hash',
- encryptionAndDecryption: 'Encryption And Decryption',
- conversion: 'Conversion',
- decompiler: 'Decompiler',
- obfuscation: 'Obfuscation',
- compiler: 'Compiler',
- utility: 'Utility',
- check: 'Check',
- reverse: 'Re',
- steganography: 'Steganography',
- editor: 'Editor',
- }
diff --git a/lang/zh-CN.js b/lang/zh-CN.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cffd781..00000000
--- a/lang/zh-CN.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-export default {
- app: {
- name: 'CTFever',
- title: 'CTFever Toolkit by uniiem',
- subtitle: '工具套件',
- tip: {
- title: '欢迎来到 CTFever',
- content: '这是为 CTF 发烧者准备的的工具套件,助你过关斩将、攻克难关。目前基础功能和一部分高级功能已经完成,可以在 GitHub 上查看工具列表和开发进度。欢迎给我们的开源仓库 star、pr。',
- }
- },
- topbar: {
- login: '登陆',
- signup: '创建账号',
- back: '返回',
- install_pwa: '安装',
- appearance: {
- light: '亮色',
- dark: '暗色',
- auto: '自动'
- },
- share: '分享',
- share_link: '包含页面状态的链接',
- drawer_collapse: '收起',
- },
- context_menu: {
- external_link: '在新窗口打开',
- mark_add: '添加到收藏',
- mark_remove: '移出收藏夹',
- copy: '复制链接',
- },
- action: {
- marked: '已收藏',
- unmarked: '已移出收藏',
- copied: '已复制到剪贴板',
- copied_with_state: '已复制{}到剪贴板',
- },
- settings: {
- appearance: {
- label: '外观',
- language: {
- label: '语言',
- },
- color_mode: {
- label: '颜色模式',
- mode: {
- light: '浅色',
- dark: '深色',
- auto: '自动',
- },
- },
- },
- about: {
- label: '关于',
- version: {
- label: '版本',
- check_update_logs: '更新日志',
- },
- follow_us: {
- label: '关注我们',
- subtitle: '关注我们并取得更新资讯',
- },
- donate: {
- label: '捐赠',
- subtitle: '如果你喜欢 CTFever,欢迎捐赠以支持我们的开发',
- link: {
- afdian: '爱发电',
- }
- },
- },
- backend: {
- label: '后端',
- subtitle: '部分工具需要后端支持',
- endpoint: {
- label: '服务器端点',
- },
- version: {
- label: '服务端版本',
- }
- },
- danger_zone: {
- label: '危险区',
- subtitle: '这些操作可能会影响或破坏本地数据',
- wipe: {
- label: '清空数据',
- subtitle: '删除所有本地数据,该操作不可恢复',
- btn: '清除',
- dialog: {
- title: '清空数据',
- content: '删除本地的收藏列表、所有偏好设置及最近使用的工具。该操作无法撤销',
- okText: '确认清空',
- cancelText: '取消',
- },
- }
- }
- },
- common: {
- radix: {
- bin: '二进制',
- oct: '八进制',
- dec: '十进制',
- hex: '十六进制'
- },
- badge: {
- premium: '高级',
- newest: '上新',
- recommended: '精选',
- beta: '实验性'
- },
- copy: '复制',
- copied: '已复制',
- btn_encode: '编码',
- btn_decode: '解码',
- btn_encrypt: '加密',
- btn_decrypt: '解密',
- btn_execute: '执行',
- btn_calculate: '计算',
- btn_run: '运行',
- btn_swap: '交换',
- btn_backspace: '← 退格',
- btn_clean: '清空',
- btn_validate: '校验',
- btn_parse: '格式化',
- btn_version: '版本',
- btn_generate: '生成',
- text_encode: '编码',
- text_decode: '解码',
- text_encoded: '已编码内容',
- text_decoded: '已解码内容',
- text_plain: '原文',
- text_cipher: '密文',
- text_original_content: '原始内容',
- text_result_content: '结果',
- text_input: '输入',
- text_output: '输出',
- text_secret: '密钥',
- text_algorithm: '算法',
- text_offset: '偏移量',
- text_mode: '模式',
- text_type: '类型',
- text_radix: '进制',
- text_string: '字符串',
- text_search: '搜索',
- text_search_result: '"{}" 的搜索结果',
- text_tag_archive: '标签 {} 的归档',
- },
- page: {
- home: {
- favoriteKit: {
- title: '收藏夹',
- desc: '收藏的常用工具集'
- },
- },
- settings: {
- title: '首选项'
- },
- notFound: {
- title: '未找到页面',
- message: '探索的精神可贵,但很遗憾这里什么都没有 :(',
- btn: '回到首页',
- btnPrevious: '返回',
- },
- },
- toolkit: {
- EaD: {
- title: '编码和解码',
- desc: '常见数据编码和解码',
- },
- cryptography: {
- title: '密码学',
- desc: '常见密码学算法工具包'
- },
- programRelated: {
- title: '程序相关',
- desc: '代码混淆、反编译等工具'
- },
- networkTool: {
- title: '网络工具',
- desc: '常用网络工具套件'
- },
- dataConversion: {
- title: '数据转换',
- desc: '各种数据转换工具包'
- },
- misc: {
- title: '杂项',
- desc: '通用型的工具套件'
- },
- },
- tool: {
- // EaD
- ascii: {
- title: 'ASCII',
- desc: '在 ASCII 和 字符串之间转换',
- continuity: '连续(自动识别可打印字符)',
- split: '逗号分隔'
- },
- urlEncoding: {
- title: 'URL 编码',
- desc: 'URL 编码和解码'
- },
- baseSeries: {
- title: 'Base 系列编码',
- desc: '将字符转换为 Base 系列编码'
- },
- rotSeries: {
- title: 'ROT-13 编码',
- desc: '简易的替换式密码,是凯撒密码的一种变体'
- },
- morseCode: {
- title: '摩尔斯码',
- desc: '将字母和数字转换为摩尔斯码'
- },
- utf8Conversion: {
- title: 'UTF8 转换',
- desc: '中文和特殊符号转换 UTF-8 编码'
- },
- jsonSerializer: {
- title: 'JSON 编辑器',
- desc: 'JSON 数据编辑,支持 JSONPath'
- },
- // Cryptography
- uuid: {
- title: 'UUID',
- desc: '验证和生成各种版本的 UUID'
- },
- messageDigest: {
- title: '消息摘要计算',
- desc: '计算内容的消息摘要,如 MD5、SHA1、SHA256 等'
- },
- caesarCipher: {
- title: '凯撒密码',
- desc: '一种利用偏移字母表替换加密的技术'
- },
- railFenceCipher: {
- title: '栅栏密码',
- desc: '明文分组排列成栅栏,然后每组依次排列组成密文',
- rows: '栏数'
- },
- pigpen: {
- title: '猪圈密码',
- desc: '又称共济会密码,一种简单的替换式密码'
- },
- vigenereCipher: {
- title: '维吉尼亚密码',
- desc: '在凯撒密码基础上产生的一种加密方法'
- },
- cloudShadow: {
- title: '云影密码',
- desc: '一种简单的替换式密码'
- },
- // Network Tool
- ipAttribution: {
- title: 'IP 地址归属',
- desc: '查询 IP 地址归属地和 ISP 信息'
- },
- portScan: {
- title: '端口扫描',
- desc: '扫描分析指定主机的端口开放情况'
- },
- httpHeaders: {
- title: 'HTTP(s) 响应头',
- desc: '查看 HTTP(s) 请求响应头信息'
- },
- // Data Conversion
- radixConversion: {
- title: '进制转换',
- desc: '将输入数字转换为不同进制的输出',
- readable: '易读形式',
- },
- timeStamp: {
- title: '时间戳转换',
- desc: '将 UNIX 时间戳转换为任何格式',
- timestamp: '时间戳',
- humanReadable: '可读形式',
- unit: '单位',
- now: '现在',
- utc: '世界协调时(UTC)',
- fromNow: '到现在的时间',
- dayOfYear: '天数',
- weekOfYear: '周数'
- },
- base2img: {
- title: 'Base64 图片转换',
- desc: '图片和 Base64 互相转换'
- },
- dataUnitsConversion: {
- title: '数据存储单位换算',
- desc: 'kbit/KB/KiB 等单位的换算'
- },
- // Program Related
- pycDecompiler: {
- title: 'Pyc 反编译',
- desc: '在线反编译 pyc 并审阅代码'
- },
- binExtract: {
- title: 'Bin 文件提取',
- desc: '提取二进制文件中的隐藏文件 (binwalk)'
- },
- jsFuck: {
- title: 'JSFuck',
- desc: '源于 BrainFuck,用于混淆 JavaScript 代码'
- },
- brainFuck: {
- title: 'BrainFuck',
- desc: '一种极小化的计算机语言'
- },
- // Misc
- serialTool: {
- title: '串口调试器',
- desc: '一个实验性的串口调试工具',
- baud: '波特率',
- status: '状态',
- resend: '定时发送',
- resendDelay: '自动发送延时',
- autoEOL: '自动发送换行',
- connected: '已连接',
- disconnected: '已断开',
- open: '打开串口',
- close: '关闭串口',
- tip: {
- unknown: '未知错误',
- opened: '串口已打开',
- closed: '串口已关闭'
- }
- },
- crc: {
- title: 'CRC',
- desc: '循环冗余校验码,用于校验文件、网络数据等数据的完整性',
- crcModel: '校验模型',
- inputMode: '输入模式',
- checksum_result: '校验计算结果'
- },
- temperatureConversion: {
- title: '温度换算',
- desc: '将温度转换为多种单位'
- },
- coreValues: {
- title: '核心价值观密码',
- desc: '富强民主文明和谐自由平等公正法制爱国敬业诚信友善!'
- },
- blindWatermark: {
- title: '盲水印提取',
- desc: '一种肉眼不可见的水印方式'
- },
- dictionaryGenerator: {
- title: '密码字典生成器',
- desc: '生成指定格式的穷举字典'
- },
- pseudoEncryptedZipCheck: {
- title: 'Zip 伪加密检测',
- desc: '检查上传的 Zip 文件是否为伪加密文件'
- },
- zeroWidthSteganography: {
- title: '零宽文本隐写',
- desc: '带有 Unicode 零宽度字符的纯文本隐写术'
- },
- },
- tags: {
- encodingAndDecoding: '编码',
- encryptionAndDecryption: '加密',
- generator: '生成器',
- hash: '哈希散列',
- conversion: '处理转换',
- decompiler: '反编译',
- obfuscation: '混淆',
- compiler: '编译器',
- utility: '调试工具',
- check: '校验',
- reverse: '逆向',
- steganography: '隐写',
- editor: '编辑器',
- }