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Web Application

The Web application

  • handles signaling between Unity and the Web browser
  • is the location of the Web page

The web application uses WebRTC technologies, which means that your browser must also support WebRTC. You can see a table of supported browsers here.


See this page for details on which browsers support WebRTC.

Lanching The Server

You can get a executable file of web server from the Wizard Window.

  1. Select Window > Render Streaming > Render Streaming Wizard in the menu bar.

  2. Select Download latest version web app.

Download webapp

  1. Run it from the command line.

Launch webserver explorer

Command Options

Option Details Default
-h --help Show the help menu
-p —port \<number\> Set the port number 80
-s --secure Use https
-k —keyfile \<path\> Designate the private key file to use with https server.key
-c —certfile \<path\> Designate the certification file to use with https server.cert
-t --type \<type\> Type of signaling protocol, Choose websocket or http websocket
-m —-mode \<type\> Choose Communication mode public or private public
-l —logging \<type\> Choose http logging type (use morgan library) dev

Command Examples

Use the following command to start the server as http. Port 80 will be used.


This command will run the server as https. Port 443 will be used. A certificate (server.cert) and a key (server.key) must also be set up (details).

.\webserver -s -p 443

The command will run in the mode that uses HTTP polling as the signaling protocol.

.\webserver -t http

The command will run in private mode.

.\webserver -m private


In private mode, Signaling only using same ConnectionId between peers.

When running a https server, keep in mind to set the URL signaling property of the Renderstreaming component in Unity to https as well. Use this command to display the help guide.

.\webserver -h

How to custmize web application

Please see the page Customize Web Application.