Asmc Macro Assembler Reference
The error messages generated by Asmc components fall into three categories:
Fatal errors (A1000-A1901): These indicate a severe problem that prevents the utility from completing its normal process.
Nonfatal errors (A2000-A3021): The utility may complete its process. If it does, its result is not likely to be the one you want.
Warnings (A4000-A8020): These messages indicate conditions that may prevent you from getting the results you want.
All error messages take the following form:
Utility: Filename <Line> : <Errortype> <Code>: <Messagetext>
The program that sent the error message.
The file that contains the error-generating condition.
The approximate line where the error condition exists.
Fatal Error, Error, or Warning.
The unique 5- or 6-digit error code.
A short and general description of the error condition.