Orsi and Geneletti (2016) developed a model in NetLogo to explore how different transportation modes (e.g. bus and private vehicle) impact visitation patterns in the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage Site (Italy). By modelling individual agents (i.e. visitors), one can explore how crowding levels build up along trials (i.e. hiking routes) over the course of a day. By understanding such activities, the model provides a tool for mangers to explore or test strategies which preserve natural resources and the quality of recreational experience.
Model Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2016.07.008
Orsi, F. and Geneletti, D. (2016), Transportation as a Protected Area Management Tool: An Agent-based Model to Assess the Effect of Travel Mode Choices on Hiker Movements, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 60: 12-22.