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With Hover, you can write regular expressions to parse messages from USSD sessions and SMS responses. Our parsers allow you to:

  • Automatically assign a transaction status to understand transaction success rates and reasons for transaction failures. Hover's SDK captures all USSD session messages and SMS messages, which match your chosen sender and regex, occuring up to twelve hours following the end of the transaction. These can be accessed from the transaction details in your dashboard.

  • Parse out specific information from the USSD message or SMS. This might include the amount of a transaction, the user’s balance, or the transaction confirmation number. Capturing this type of information enables features like persistent in-app transaction histories and low balance notifications.

You can add parsers to any action within your Hover dashboard. When the Hover SDK receives a USSD or SMS message that matches a parser, the parser will set status fields on the associated transaction. A parser “matches” when its regular expression matches the message's text. If you are parsing an SMS, the parser's sender must be an exact match (case sensitive) to the SMS sender. Hover will also record "misses" for SMS that arrive within fifteen minutes after a transaction. A parser "misses" when the sender matches, but the regular expression does not match the text.

If you’d prefer to use a third party tool or build your own parser, Hover's SDK always returns the text of USSD sessions. You can also use Android APIs to get SMS responses.

Creating a Parser

Choosing a status and category

{% include status.html %}

{% include categories.html %}

Writing the regex

See our blog post for more on writing regular expressions for parsers.

General rules for writing the regex:

  • Your regex should be as specific as possible to prevent matching unrelated messages.
  • We recommend ending your regex with .* and replacing whitespace with [\s]*. This accounts for variation that often occurs in confirmation messages over time, such as ads at the end of the message.
  • Use named-groups. The SDK uses named-groups in the regex to parse out variables and return them to you. For example, if you want to parse the numerical balance out of a Check Balance message, the group in the regex might look like (?<balance>[0-9\,\.]+). Any named groups parsed out of the confirmation will show in the transaction details for that transaction in the Hover Dashboard. See below for how to get this information in-app.
  • Check your regex. We recommend RegexPlanet (note: case-insensitive should be ON).

Here's a fictional example of a Check Balance confirmation SMS and a regular expression with named-groups:

5555SIMPLYDIAL5555 Imethibitishwa Salio lako ni Tsh5,555.00 tarehe 24/10/19, 09:10 PM. Kweli, Pesa ni M-Pesa! Lipia bidhaa mitandaoni kwa M-PESA MASTERCARD.


Matching SMS

If you choose a message type of "SMS" and specify an SMS sender, then the SDK will watch for any SMS message from that sender for up to twelve hours after the transaction occurs (since SMS can sometimes be delayed) and attempt to use the regular expression to match the message. If it matches, then the SMS will be assumed to be related to the most recent pending transaction for the parser's action. You can use this to match a mobile money confirmation from the operator, or you could use it to match a related SMS, for example an electricity token from the electricity provider after taking a Pay Bill action. The sender field is case-sensitive.

If an SMS arrives within fifteen minutes of a transaction that matches the sender but not the regex, or has a case-insensitive sender match then an "SMS miss" will be added to the transaction. This will show up in the details in the Hover dashboard as well as firing a local broadcast intent which you can listen for in your app. Start listening before starting the transaction:

{% include sms_listener.html %}

Don't forget to unregister it in onDestroy of your activity.

User Message

This is an optional field that you can use to write a user friendly message when this parser matches. It will display to the end-user on the final confirmation screen.

Implement the Parsed Message Receiver In-App

Add a BroadcastReceiver which receives intents with the action YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME.CONFIRMED_TRANSACTION to your Android Manifest. Make sure exported is false otherwise another app could spoof successful transactions:

{% include broadcast_receiver.html %}

Create the Receiver itself and use the intent as you need:

{% include transaction_receiver.html %}

The intent received will contain the meta data about the transaction, such as the action, transaction uuid, and original message. The named-groups that have been parsed out are in a serialized HashMap extra called parsed_variables. It is recomended that you check that an variable is present first with parsed_variables.containsKey()

Extra Type Description
uuid String Unique Identifier for the transaction
action_id String The action id from out supported operators page
response_message String Full message used for parsing
status String "pending", "failed" or "succeeded"
status_meaning String What you specified for the latest matched parser or one of the default failed cases above
status_description String Message you specified for the latest matched parser
matched_parser_id Int Unique identifier for the parser which matched, causing this transaction to update
message_type String "ussd" or "sms"
message_sender String If SMS, the sender id from the parser form, null if USSD
regex String Regular expression you specified in the parser form
sim_hni String The Home Network Identifier (MCC + MNC) of the SIM used
environment Int 0 for normal, 1 for debug, 2 for test
request_timestamp Long Time user initiated transaction (Unix time)
update_timestamp Long Time at which the transaction last updated (SMS arrival or USSD finished)
response_timestamp Long (depreciated) Same as updated_timestamp
input_extras Hashmap<String, String> A HashMap object of all the extras you passed in using .extra(key, value)
parsed_variables Hashmap<String, String> A HashMap object of all named groups parsed out of the response message based on your regex
session_messages String[ ] Array of all USSD session messages in order encountered

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