diff --git a/mmd_tools/m17n.py b/mmd_tools/m17n.py index b71b1bf5..fdf33385 100644 --- a/mmd_tools/m17n.py +++ b/mmd_tools/m17n.py @@ -1,812 +1,6775 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 MMD Tools authors # This file is part of MMD Tools. +# ##### BEGIN AUTOGENERATED I18N SECTION ##### +# NOTE: You can safely move around this auto-generated block (with the begin/end markers!), +# and edit the translations by hand. +# Just carefully respect the format of the tuple! -translation_dict = { - "ja_JP": { - # Preferences - ("*", "View3D > Sidebar > MMD Tools Panel"): "3Dビュー > サイドバー > MMD Toolsパネル", - ("*", "Utility tools for MMD model editing. (UuuNyaa's forked version)"): "MMDモデル編集用のユーティリティーツールです。(UuuNyaaのフォーク版)", - ("*", "Enable MMD Model Production Features"): "MMDモデル製作機能を有効化", - ("*", "Shared Toon Texture Folder"): "共有トゥーンテクスチャフォルダ", - ("*", "Base Texture Folder"): "ベーステクスチャフォルダ", - ("*", "Dictionary Folder"): "辞書フォルダ", - ("*", "Non-Collision Threshold"): "非コリジョンしきい値", +# Tuple of tuples: +# ((msgctxt, msgid), (sources, gen_comments), (lang, translation, (is_fuzzy, comments)), ...) +translations_tuple = ( + (("*", ""), + ((), ()), + ("ja_JP", "Project-Id-Version: mmd_tools 4.1.0 (0)\n", + (False, + ("Blender's translation file (po format).", + "Copyright (C) 2024 The Blender Authors.", + "This file is distributed under the same license as the Blender package.", + "FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR."))), + ("zh_HANS", "Project-Id-Version: mmd_tools 4.1.0 (0)\n", + (False, + ("Blender's translation file (po format).", + "Copyright (C) 2024 The Blender Authors.", + "This file is distributed under the same license as the Blender package.", + "FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR."))), + ), + (("*", "Base Texture Folder"), + (("bpy.types.MMDToolsAddonPreferences.base_texture_folder",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ベーステクスチャフォルダ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "基础纹理文件夹", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Path for textures shared between models"), + (("bpy.types.MMDToolsAddonPreferences.base_texture_folder",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "模型间共用纹理的路径", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Dictionary Folder"), + (("bpy.types.MMDToolsAddonPreferences.dictionary_folder",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "辞書フォルダ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "词典文件夹", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Path for searching csv dictionaries"), + (("bpy.types.MMDToolsAddonPreferences.dictionary_folder",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "搜索 CSV 词典的路径", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Enable MMD Model Production Features"), + (("bpy.types.MMDToolsAddonPreferences.enable_mmd_model_production_features",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDモデル製作機能を有効化", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "开启MMD模型制作功能", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Shared Toon Texture Folder"), + (("bpy.types.MMDToolsAddonPreferences.shared_toon_folder",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "共有トゥーンテクスチャフォルダ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "共用的卡通纹理文件夹", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Directory path to toon textures. This is normally the \"Data\" directory within of your MikuMikuDance directory"), + (("bpy.types.MMDToolsAddonPreferences.shared_toon_folder",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "卡通纹理的路径. 通常为 MikuMikuDance 目录下的\"Data\"目录", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Branch"), + (("bpy.types.MMDToolsAddonPreferences.updater_branch_to_update",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ブランチ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "分支", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Target branch to update add-on"), + (("bpy.types.MMDToolsAddonPreferences.updater_branch_to_update",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "升级插件的目标分支", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Internal MMD type of this object (DO NOT CHANGE IT DIRECTLY)"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该物体的内部 MMD 类型(切勿直接改动)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigid Body Grp Empty"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'RIGID_GRP_OBJ'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体组空物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Joint Grp Empty"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'JOINT_GRP_OBJ'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "关节组空物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Temporary Grp Empty"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'TEMPORARY_GRP_OBJ'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "临时组空物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Place Holder"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'PLACEHOLDER'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "占位符", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Joint"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'JOINT'", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:127"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ジョイント", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigid body"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'RIGID_BODY'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Track Target"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'TRACK_TARGET'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "追踪目标", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Non Collision Constraint"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'NON_COLLISION_CONSTRAINT'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "非碰撞约束", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Spring Constraint"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'SPRING_CONSTRAINT'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "弹簧约束", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Spring Goal"), + (("bpy.types.Object.mmd_type:'SPRING_GOAL'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "弹簧目标", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bone Order Menu"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_MT_mmd_tools_bone_order_menu",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼顺序菜单", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Display Item Frame Menu"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_MT_mmd_tools_display_item_frame_menu",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "表示枠菜单", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Display Item Menu"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_MT_mmd_tools_display_item_menu",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "表示菜单", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Joint Menu"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_MT_mmd_tools_joint_menu",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "关节菜单", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morph Menu"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_MT_mmd_tools_morph_menu",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形菜单", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigidbody Menu"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_MT_mmd_tools_rigidbody_menu",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体菜单", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigidbody Select Menu"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_MT_mmd_tools_rigidbody_select_menu",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体选择菜单", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD UuuNyaa"), + (("bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_mmd_file_export", + "bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_mmd_file_import", + "bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_mmd_armature_add", + "bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_mmd_object", + "bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_mmd_pose", + "bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_mmd_select_object", + "bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_mmd_shading"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD UuuNyaa", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Add Missing Vertex Groups from Bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_add_missing_vertex_groups_from_bones",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "从骨骼添加丢失的顶点组", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Add the missing vertex groups to the selected mesh"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_add_missing_vertex_groups_from_bones",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将丢失的顶点组添加至选中的网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Search in all meshes"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_add_missing_vertex_groups_from_bones.search_in_all_meshes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "全てのメッシュで検索", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在所有网格中搜索", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Search for vertex groups in all meshes"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_add_missing_vertex_groups_from_bones.search_in_all_meshes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在所有网格中搜索顶点组", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Apply Additional Transform"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_additional_transform",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "应用额外变换", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Translate appended bones of selected object for Blender"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_additional_transform",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将选中物体的附加骨骼转译为适合 Blender 的形式", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Apply Bone Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_bone_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "应用骨骼变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Apply current pose to active bone morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_bone_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将当前姿态应用于活动骨骼形变", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Apply Bone Morph Offset"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_bone_morph_offset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "应用骨骼形变偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Stores the current bone location and rotation into this offset"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_bone_morph_offset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将当前的骨骼位置与旋转存入此偏移中", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Apply Material Offset"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_material_morph_offset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "应用材质偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Calculates the offsets and apply them, then the temporary material is removed"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_material_morph_offset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "计算并应用偏移, 然后移除临时材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Apply UV Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_uv_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "应用 UV 形变", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Calculate the UV offsets of selected vertices and apply to active UV morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_apply_uv_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "计算选中顶点的 UV 偏移并应用至活动的 UV 形变", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Assemble All"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_assemble_all",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "全部装配", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Attach Meshes to Model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_attach_meshes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将网格附加至模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Finds existing meshes and attaches them to the selected MMD model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_attach_meshes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "寻找现存的网格, 并将其附加到选中的 MMD 模型上", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Setup Bone Fixed Axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_fixed_axis_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーン修正回転軸を適用", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "设置骨骼固定轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Setup fixed axis of selected bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_fixed_axis_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为选中的骨骼设置固定坐标轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select type"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_fixed_axis_setup.type", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_local_axes_setup.type", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup.type", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_slider_setup.type"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Disable MMD fixed axis of selected bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_fixed_axis_setup.type:'DISABLE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为选中的骨骼禁用MMD固定坐标轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Load"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_fixed_axis_setup.type:'LOAD'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_local_axes_setup.type:'LOAD'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "加载", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Load/Enable MMD fixed axis of selected bones from their Y-axis or the only rotatable axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_fixed_axis_setup.type:'LOAD'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "以Y轴或唯一的可旋转轴为选中的骨骼加载或启用MMD固定坐标轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Align bone axes to MMD fixed axis of each bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_fixed_axis_setup.type:'APPLY'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将骨骼与MMD固定坐标轴对齐", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Setup Bone Local Axes"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_local_axes_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "设置骨骼局部轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Setup local axes of each bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_local_axes_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为每根骨骼设置局部坐标轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Disable MMD local axes of selected bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_local_axes_setup.type:'DISABLE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为选中的骨骼禁用MMD局部坐标轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Load/Enable MMD local axes of selected bones from their bone axes"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_local_axes_setup.type:'LOAD'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "以骨骼轴为选中的骨骼加载或启用MMD局部坐标轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Align bone axes to MMD local axes of each bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_bone_local_axes_setup.type:'APPLY'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将骨骼与MMD局部坐标轴对齐", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Build Rig"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_build_rig",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "绑骨", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Translate physics of selected object into format usable by Blender"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_build_rig",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将选中物体的物理转译为 Blender 可用的形式", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The collision margin between rigid bodies. If 0, the default value for each shape is adopted."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_build_rig.collision_margin",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体的碰撞距离. 若设为零,则使用形状的默认值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Non-Collision Distance Scale"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_build_rig.non_collision_distance_scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "非衝突距離スケール", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "非碰撞距离比例", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The distance scale for creating extra non-collision constraints while building physics"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_build_rig.non_collision_distance_scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "装配物理时创建的额外非碰撞约束的距离比例", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Change MMD IK Loop Factor"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_change_mmd_ik_loop_factor", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_object.py:34", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:234"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMD IK反復係数を変更", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "改变MMD IK循环系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Multiplier for all bones' IK iterations in Blender"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_change_mmd_ik_loop_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "Blender 中所有骨骼的逆向运动学迭代数乘数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD IK Loop Factor"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_change_mmd_ik_loop_factor.mmd_ik_loop_factor", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.ik_loop_factor"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMD IK反復係数", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD IK循环系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor of MMD IK loop"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_change_mmd_ik_loop_factor.mmd_ik_loop_factor", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.ik_loop_factor", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.ik_loop_factor"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD 逆运动学循环比例系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Check Update"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_check_addon_update",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "检查更新", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Check Add-on Update"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_check_addon_update",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "アドオン更新", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "检查插件更新", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Clean Additional Transform"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clean_additional_transform",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理额外变换", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Delete shadow bones of selected object and revert bones to default MMD state"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clean_additional_transform",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "删除选中物体的影子骨骼并将骨骼复原至默认 MMD 状态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Clean Duplicated Material Morphs"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clean_duplicated_material_morphs",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理重复材质变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Clean duplicated material morphs"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clean_duplicated_material_morphs",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理重复的材质变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Clean Rig"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clean_rig",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理物理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Delete temporary physics objects of selected object and revert physics to default MMD state"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clean_rig",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "删除选中物体的临时物理物体并将物理复原为 MMD 默认状态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Clean Shape Keys"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clean_shape_keys", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:87"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "シェイプキーをクリーン", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理形态键", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove unused shape keys of selected mesh objects"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clean_shape_keys",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清除选中网格物体未使用的形态键", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Clear Bone Morph View"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clear_bone_morph_view",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理骨骼变形视图", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Reset transforms of all bones to their default values"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clear_bone_morph_view",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将所有骨骼变换重设为默认值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Clear Temp Materials"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clear_temp_materials",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理临时材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Clears all the temporary materials"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clear_temp_materials",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清除所有临时材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Clear UV Morph View"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clear_uv_morph_view",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理 UV 变形视图", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Clear all temporary data of UV morphs"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_clear_uv_morph_view",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清除所有 UV 变形的临时数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Convert Materials"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "マテリアルノードを変換", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Convert materials of selected objects."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换选中物体的材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Clean Nodes"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials.clean_nodes", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials_for_cycles.clean_nodes"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ノードをクリーン", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理节点", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove redundant nodes as well if enabled. Disable it to keep node data."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials.clean_nodes", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials_for_cycles.clean_nodes"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "启用时,也清理冗余的节点. 禁用以保留节点数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Subsurface"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials.subsurface",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "次表面", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Convert to Principled BSDF"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials.use_principled", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials_for_cycles.use_principled"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "プリンシプルBSDFへ変換", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换为原理化BSDF", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Convert MMD shader nodes to Principled BSDF as well if enabled"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials.use_principled", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials_for_cycles.use_principled"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "启用时,也将MMD着色器节点转换为原理化BSDF", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Convert Materials For Cycles"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials_for_cycles",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "マテリアルノードを変換", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为 Cycles 转换材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Convert materials of selected objects for Cycles."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_materials_for_cycles",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换选中物体的材质以供 Cycles 使用", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Convert to MMD Camera"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换为 MMD 相机", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Create a camera rig for MMD"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为 MMD 创建相机机架", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bake camera animation to a new MMD camera rig"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera.bake_animation",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将相机动画烘培之新的MMD机架", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Camera Source"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera.camera_source",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "カメラソース", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "摄像机源", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select camera source to bake animation (camera target is the selected or DoF object)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera.camera_source",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择烘焙动画使用的摄像机源", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Current active camera object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera.camera_source:'CURRENT'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "当前活动的相机对象", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scene camera object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera.camera_source:'SCENE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "场景相机对象", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Min Distance"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera.min_distance",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "最小距离", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Minimum distance to camera target when baking animation"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera.min_distance",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "烘焙动画时至摄像机源的最小距离", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor for initializing the camera"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_camera.scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "初始化相机的比例系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Convert to MMD Light"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_lamp",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换 MMD 光源", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Create a light rig for MMD"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_lamp",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建 MMD 光源绑定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor for initializing the light"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_lamp.scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "初始化灯光的比例系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Convert to a MMD Model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换至 MMD 模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Convert active armature with its meshes to a MMD model (experimental)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将活动骨架及其网格转换为 MMD 模型 (实验性)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Ambient Color Source"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.ambient_color_source",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "アンビエントカラーソース", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "环境色源", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select ambient color source"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.ambient_color_source",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择环境色源", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Diffuse color"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.ambient_color_source:'DIFFUSE'", + "bpy.types.MMDMaterial.diffuse_color", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.diffuse_color"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "漫射色", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Mirror color (if property \"mirror_color\" is available)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.ambient_color_source:'MIRROR'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "镜像色 (若\"mirror_color\"属性可用)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Convert Material Nodes"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.convert_material_nodes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "マテリアルノードを変換", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换材质节点", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Minimum Edge Alpha"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.edge_alpha_min",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "最小輪郭アルファ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "最小边缘Alpha", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Minimum alpha of MMD toon edge color"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.edge_alpha_min",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD卡通边缘颜色的最小 Alpha", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Edge Threshold"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.edge_threshold",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "輪郭しきい値", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "边缘阈值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD toon edge will not be enabled if freestyle line color alpha less than this value"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.edge_threshold",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "若 Freestyle 线条颜色小于此值,则MMD卡通边缘不会启用", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Middle Joint Bones Lock"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.middle_joint_bones_lock",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "中間関節ボーンをロック", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "中间关节骨锁定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Lock specific bones for backward compatibility."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.middle_joint_bones_lock",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为向后兼容而锁定指定的骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor for converting the model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_convert_to_mmd_model.scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换该模型时的缩放比例系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Create a MMD Model Root Object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_create_mmd_model_root_object",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建 MMD 模型根物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Create a MMD model root object with a basic armature"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_create_mmd_model_root_object",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建 MMD 模型根物体以及基本的骨架", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Name(Eng)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_create_mmd_model_root_object.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.name_e", + "bpy.types.BoneMorph.name_e", + "bpy.types.GroupMorph.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDBone.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDDisplayItemFrame.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDJoint.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDMaterial.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.name_e", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorph.name_e", + "bpy.types.UVMorph.name_e", + "bpy.types.VertexMorph.name_e"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "名前(英語)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "名称(英文)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The english name of the MMD model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_create_mmd_model_root_object.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.name_e"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "此MMD模型的英文名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The name of the MMD model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_create_mmd_model_root_object.name_j", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.name"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "此MMD模型的名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Create Work Material"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_create_work_material",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建工作材质", + (True, ())), + ), + (("*", "Creates a temporary material to edit this offset"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_create_work_material",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建临时材质以编辑此偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Disassemble All"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_disassemble_all",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "全部拆卸", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Add Display Item"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "添加表示项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Add a display item to the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将表示项目添加至列表", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Find Display Item"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_find",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "查找表示项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Find the display item of active bone or morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_find",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "查找活动骨骼或形变的表示项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Find type"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_find.type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "查找类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Find Bone Item"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_find.type:'BONE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "查找骨骼项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Find active bone in Display Panel"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_find.type:'BONE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在表示面板中查找活动的骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Find Morph Item"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_find.type:'MORPH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "查找变形项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Find active morph of Morph Tools Panel in Display Panel"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_find.type:'MORPH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在表示面板中查找变形面板中活动的变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Add Display Item Frame"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_frame_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "添加表示枠", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Add a display item frame to the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_frame_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "向列表添加表示枠", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Move Display Item Frame"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_frame_move",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移动表示枠", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Move active display item frame up/down in the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_frame_move",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将活动的表示枠上移或下移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Move type"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_frame_move.type", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_move.type", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_move.type", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_object_move.type"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移动类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Remove Display Item Frame"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_frame_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除表示枠", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove active display item frame from the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_frame_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "从列表中移除活动的表示枠", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Move Display Item"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_move",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移动表示", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Move active display item up/dowm in the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_move",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将活动的表示上移或下移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Display Item Quick Setup"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "表示快速设置", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Quick setup display items"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "快速设置表示", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Clear all items and frames, reset to default"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup.type:'RESET'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理所有项目和框架并重设至默认", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Load Facial Items"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup.type:'FACIAL'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "表情項目をロード", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "载入面部项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Load all morphs to faical frame"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup.type:'FACIAL'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在面部框架载入所有变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sync from Bone Collections"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup.type:'GROUP_LOAD'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "从骨骼集合同步", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sync armature's bone collections to display item frames"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup.type:'GROUP_LOAD'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将骨架的骨骼集合同步至表示枠中", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sync to Bone Collections"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup.type:'GROUP_APPLY'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "同步至骨骼集合", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sync display item frames to armature's bone collections"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_quick_setup.type:'GROUP_APPLY'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将表示枠同步至骨骼集合", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Remove Display Item"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除表示", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove display item(s) from the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "从列表中移除表示", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Delete all display items"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_remove.all",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "删除所有表示", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Select Current Display Item"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_select_current",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选中当前表示", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select the bone or morph assigned to the display item"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_display_item_select_current",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选中表示关联的骨骼或变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Edge Preview Setup"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edge_preview_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "輪郭プレビュー", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "边缘预览设置", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Preview toon edge settings of active model using \"Solidify\" modifier"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edge_preview_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "预览利用\"实体化\"修改器为活动模型生成的卡通边缘设置", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select action"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edge_preview_setup.action",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择行动", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Create"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edge_preview_setup.action:'CREATE'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_slider_setup.type:'CREATE'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Create toon edge"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edge_preview_setup.action:'CREATE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建卡通边缘", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Clean"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edge_preview_setup.action:'CLEAN'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Clear toon edge"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edge_preview_setup.action:'CLEAN'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清除卡通边缘", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Edit Related Bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edit_bone_morph_offset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "编辑相关骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Applies the location and rotation of this offset to the bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edit_bone_morph_offset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将该偏移的位置与旋转应用至骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Edit UV Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edit_uv_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "编辑 UV 形变", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Edit UV morph on a temporary UV layer (use UV Editor to edit the result)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_edit_uv_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在临时 UV 图层上编辑 UV 形变 (使用 UV 编辑器来编辑结果)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Execute Translation Batch"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_execute_translation_batch",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "执行批量翻译", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Export PMX File (.pmx)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导出 PMX 文件 (.pmx)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Export selected MMD model(s) to PMX file(s) (.pmx)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将选中的 MMD 模型导出至 PMX 文件 (.pmx)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Copy textures"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.copy_textures", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.copy_textures"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "テクスチャをコピー", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "复制纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Disable SPH/SPA"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.disable_specular",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "SPH/SPAを無効化", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "禁用SPH/SPA", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Disables all the Specular Map textures. It is required for some MME Shaders."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.disable_specular",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "禁用所有高光贴图纹理. 部分 MME 着色器需要启用此项", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Log level"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.log_level", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.log_level"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ログレベル", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "日志级别", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select log level"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.log_level", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.log_level"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择日志级别", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "4. DEBUG"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.log_level:'DEBUG'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.log_level:'DEBUG'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "4. 调试", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "3. INFO"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.log_level:'INFO'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.log_level:'INFO'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "3. 信息", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "2. WARNING"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.log_level:'WARNING'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.log_level:'WARNING'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "2. 警告", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "1. ERROR"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.log_level:'ERROR'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.log_level:'ERROR'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "1. 错误", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Overwrite Bone Morphs"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.overwrite_bone_morphs_from_pose_library",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーンモーフを上書き", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "覆盖骨骼变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Overwrite the bone morphs from active pose library before exporting."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.overwrite_bone_morphs_from_pose_library",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "エクスポート前にボーンモーフをアクティブなポーズライブラリから上書きします", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在导出前覆盖活动姿态库中的骨骼变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Create a log file"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.save_log", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.save_log", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.save_log", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.save_log"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ログファイルを作成", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建一个日志文件", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor for exporting the model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导出模型时的缩放比例系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sort Materials"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.sort_materials",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "マテリアルをソート", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "排列材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sort materials for alpha blending. WARNING: Will not work if you have transparent meshes inside the model. E.g. blush meshes"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.sort_materials",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为 Alpha 混合排列材质. 警告:若模型中有透明材质则无法正常工作", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sort Vertices"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.sort_vertices",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "頂点をソート", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "排列顶点", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Choose the method to sort vertices"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.sort_vertices",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择排列顶点的方式", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "No sorting"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.sort_vertices:'NONE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "无排序", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use blender's internal vertex order"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.sort_vertices:'BLENDER'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用 Blender 内部的顶点序", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use custom vertex weight of vertex group \"mmd_vertex_order\""), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.sort_vertices:'CUSTOM'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用\"mmd_vertex_order\"顶点组的自定义顶点权重", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "(Experimental) Translate in Presets"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.translate_in_presets",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "(実験的) プリセットで翻訳", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "(实验性) 预设中的翻译", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Translate in presets before exporting."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.translate_in_presets",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "エクスポート前にプリセットで翻訳します", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导出前在预设中进行翻译", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Visible Meshes Only"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.visible_meshes_only",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "可視メッシュのみ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "只有可见的网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Export visible meshes only"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_pmx.visible_meshes_only",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "仅导出可见的网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Export VMD File (.vmd)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vmd",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导出 VMD 文件 (.vmd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Export motion data of active object to a VMD file (.vmd)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vmd",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将活动物体的运动数据导出至 VMD 文件 (.vmd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor for exporting the motion"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vmd.scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导出动作的缩放比例系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use Frame Range"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vmd.use_frame_range",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "フレーム範囲を使用", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用帧范围", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Export frames only in the frame range of context scene"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vmd.use_frame_range",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "仅导出当前上下文场景中帧范围中的帧", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Treat Current Pose as Rest Pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vmd.use_pose_mode", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.use_pose_mode", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.use_pose_mode", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.use_pose_mode"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "現在のポーズをレストポーズとして処理", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "把当前的姿态当作静置姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "You can pose the model to export a motion data to different pose base, such as T-Pose or A-Pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vmd.use_pose_mode",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "可设置模型的姿态以将动作数据导出至不同的基础姿态,如T字姿态或A字姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Export VPD File (.vpd)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导出 VPD 文件 (.vpd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Export active rig's pose library to VPD file(s) (.vpd)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导出活动骨架的姿态库至 VPD 文件 (.vpd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Pose Type"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.pose_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "姿态类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Choose the pose type to export"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.pose_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择导出的姿态类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Current Pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.pose_type:'CURRENT'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "現在のポーズ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "当前姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Current pose of the rig"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.pose_type:'CURRENT'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨架的当前姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.pose_type:'ACTIVE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "アクティブなポーズ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active pose of the rig's pose library"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.pose_type:'ACTIVE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨架姿态库中的活动姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "All Poses"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.pose_type:'ALL'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "全てのポーズ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "全部姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "All poses of the rig's pose library (the pose name will be the file name)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.pose_type:'ALL'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨架姿态库中的所有姿态 (文件名与姿态名相同)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor for exporting the pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导出姿态的缩放比例系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "You can pose the model to export a pose data to different pose base, such as T-Pose or A-Pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_export_vpd.use_pose_mode",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "可设置模型的姿态以将姿态数据导出至不同的基础姿态,如T字姿态或A字姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Flip Pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_flip_pose",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDポーズを反転", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "翻转姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Apply the current pose of selected bones to matching bone on opposite side of X-Axis."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_flip_pose",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将选中骨骼的当前姿态应用于X轴对称的骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Global Translation Popup"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_global_translation_popup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "全局翻译弹窗", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Import Model File (.pmd, .pmx)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导入模型文件 (.pmd, .pmx)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Import model file(s) (.pmd, .pmx)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导入模型文件 (.pmd, .pmx)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Apply Bone Fixed Axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.apply_bone_fixed_axis",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーン修正回転軸を適用", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "应用骨骼固定轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Apply bone's fixed axis to be blender suitable"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.apply_bone_fixed_axis",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "应用骨骼的固定坐标轴,使其适合被 Blender 处理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Clean Model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.clean_model",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モデルをクリーン", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清空模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove unused vertices and duplicated/invalid faces"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.clean_model",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除未使用的顶点和重复的或无效的面", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rename Bones To English"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.dictionary", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.dictionary", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.dictionary"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーンを英語にリネーム", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将骨骼重命名为英文", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Translate bone names from Japanese to English using selected dictionary"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.dictionary", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.dictionary", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.dictionary"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用选中的词典将骨骼名从日语翻译为英语", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Fix IK Links"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.fix_IK_links",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "IKリンクを修正", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "修复IK关联", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Fix IK links to be blender suitable"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.fix_IK_links",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "修复逆向运动学关联,使其适合被 Blender 处理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "IK Loop Factor"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.ik_loop_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "逆向运动学循环系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove Doubles"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.remove_doubles",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "去重", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Merge duplicated vertices and faces"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.remove_doubles",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "合并重复的顶点和面", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rename Bones - L / R Suffix"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.rename_bones", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.rename_bones", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.rename_bones"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーンをリネーム - L / R接尾辞", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将骨骼重命名 - L / R后缀", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use Blender naming conventions for Left / Right paired bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.rename_bones", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.rename_bones", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.rename_bones"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为左右成对的骨骼应用 Blender 命名约定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor for importing the model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导入模型的缩放比例系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "influence of .spa textures"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.spa_blend_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", ".spaテクスチャの影響度", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", ".spa纹理影响权重", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The diffuse color factor of texture slot for .spa textures"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.spa_blend_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质槽 .spa 纹理的漫射色系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "influence of .sph textures"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.sph_blend_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", ".sphテクスチャの影響度", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", ".sph纹理影响权重", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The diffuse color factor of texture slot for .sph textures"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.sph_blend_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质槽 .sph 纹理的漫射色系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Types"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.types", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.types"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "タイプ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select which parts will be imported"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.types",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择待导入的部分", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigidbodies and joints (include Armature)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.types:'PHYSICS'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体与关节 (含骨架)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Display frames (include Armature)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.types:'DISPLAY'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "表示枠 (含骨架)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morphs"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.types:'MORPHS'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.types:'MORPH'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.types:'MORPH'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslation.filter_types:'MORPH'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslation.filter_types:'MORPH'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslationElement.type:'MORPH'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslationElement.type:'MORPH'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モーフ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morphs (include Armature and Mesh)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.types:'MORPHS'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形 (含骨架与网格)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "use MIP maps for UV textures"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.use_mipmap",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "UVテクスチャへミップマップを使用", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为UV纹理使用多级纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Specify if mipmaps will be generated"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.use_mipmap",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "是否生成多级纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rename Bones - Use Underscore"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.use_underscore", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.use_underscore", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.use_underscore"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーンをリネーム - アンダースコア使用", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将骨骼重命名 - 使用下划线", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Will not use dot, e.g. if renaming bones, will use _R instead of .R"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_model.use_underscore", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.use_underscore", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.use_underscore"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "不使用点. 例如,重命名骨骼时使用 _R 而非 .R", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Import VMD File (.vmd)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导入 VMD 文件 (.vmd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Import a VMD file to selected objects (.vmd)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "向选中物体导入 VMD 文件 (.vmd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bone Mapper"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.bone_mapper", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.bone_mapper"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーンマッパー", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼映射器", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select bone mapper"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.bone_mapper", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.bone_mapper"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择骨骼映射器", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use blender bone name"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.bone_mapper:'BLENDER'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.bone_mapper:'BLENDER'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用 Blender 骨骼名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use japanese name of MMD bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.bone_mapper:'PMX'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.bone_mapper:'PMX'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用 MMD 骨骼的日语名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Renamed bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.bone_mapper:'RENAMED_BONES'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.bone_mapper:'RENAMED_BONES'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "リネームしたボーン", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重命名的骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rename the bone of motion data to be blender suitable"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.bone_mapper:'RENAMED_BONES'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重命名动作数据中的骨骼,使其适于被 Blender 处理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "How many frames added before motion starting"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.margin",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "动作开始前的帧数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor for importing the motion"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导入运动的缩放比例系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Update scene settings"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.update_scene_settings",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "シーン設定を更新", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新场景设置", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Update frame range and frame rate (30 fps)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.update_scene_settings",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新帧范围与帧率 (30 FPS)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use NLA"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.use_NLA",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "NLAを使用", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用NLA", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Import the motion as NLA strips"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.use_NLA",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将动作导入为非线性动作片段", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Mirror Motion"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.use_mirror",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モーションをミラー", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "镜像运动", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Import the motion by using X-Axis mirror"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.use_mirror",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导入动作时使用X轴镜像", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "You can pose the model to fit the original pose of a motion data, such as T-Pose or A-Pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vmd.use_pose_mode",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "可将设置模型的姿态,使其符合动作数据的原始姿态,如T字姿态或A字姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Import VPD File (.vpd)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导入 VPD 文件 (.vpd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Import VPD file(s) to selected rig's pose library (.vpd)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "向选中骨架的姿态库导入 VPD 文件 (.vpd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rename the bone of pose data to be blender suitable"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.bone_mapper:'RENAMED_BONES'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重命名姿态数据中的骨骼,使其适于被 Blender 处理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scaling factor for importing the pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导入姿态的缩放比例", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "You can pose the model to fit the original pose of a pose data, such as T-Pose or A-Pose"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_import_vpd.use_pose_mode",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "可将设置模型的姿态,使其符合姿态数据的原始姿态,如T字姿态或A字姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Join Meshes"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_join_meshes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "接合网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Join the Model meshes into a single one"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_join_meshes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将模型的网格结合为单个网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sort Shape Keys"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_join_meshes.sort_shape_keys",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "シェイプキーをソート", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "排列形态键", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sort shape keys in the order of vertex morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_join_meshes.sort_shape_keys",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "按顶点变形顺序排列形态键", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Add Joint"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "添加关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Add Joint(s) to selected rigidbody objects"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "向选中刚体物体添加关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Limit Angular Lower"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.limit_angular_lower",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "角限制最小值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Lower limit of rotation"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.limit_angular_lower",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "旋转角度的下限", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Limit Angular Upper"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.limit_angular_upper",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "角限制最大值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Upper limit of rotation"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.limit_angular_upper",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "旋转角度的上限", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Limit Linear Lower"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.limit_linear_lower",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "线限制最小值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Lower limit of translation"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.limit_linear_lower",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "平移距离的下限", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Limit Linear Upper"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.limit_linear_upper",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "线限制最大值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Upper limit of translation"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.limit_linear_upper",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "平移距离的上限", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Spring(Angular)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.spring_angular", + "bpy.types.MMDJoint.spring_angular"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "スプリング(角度)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "角弹簧", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Spring constant of rotation"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.spring_angular", + "bpy.types.MMDJoint.spring_angular"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "扭转弹簧的弹簧常数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Spring(Linear)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.spring_linear", + "bpy.types.MMDJoint.spring_linear"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "スプリング(リニア)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "线弹簧", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Spring constant of movement"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.spring_linear", + "bpy.types.MMDJoint.spring_linear"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "线性弹簧的弹簧常数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use Bone Rotation"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.use_bone_rotation",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用骨骼旋转", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Match joint orientation to bone orientation if enabled"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_add.use_bone_rotation",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "启用时,将关节的朝向与骨骼的朝向匹配", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Remove Joint"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Deletes the currently selected Joint"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_joint_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "删除当前选中的关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Init Material Offset"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_morph_offset_init",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "初始化材质偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Set all offset values to target value"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_morph_offset_init",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将所有偏移值设置为目标值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Target Value"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_morph_offset_init.target_value",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "目标值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Target value"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_morph_offset_init.target_value",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "目标值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Open Sphere Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_open_sphere_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "スフィアテクスチャ", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "打开球纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Create sphere texture of active material"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_open_sphere_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为活动的材质创建球球面纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Open Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_open_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "スフィアテクスチャ", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "打开纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Create main texture of active material"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_open_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为活动的材质创建主纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Remove Sphere Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_remove_sphere_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "スフィアテクスチャ", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除球纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove sphere texture of active material"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_remove_sphere_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除活动材质的球面纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Remove Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_remove_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove main texture of active material"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_material_remove_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除活动材质的主纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Model Join by Bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_model_join_by_bones",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "按骨骼接合模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Join Type"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_model_join_by_bones.join_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "接続タイプ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "接合类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Model Separate by Bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_model_separate_by_bones",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "按骨骼拆分模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Boundary Joint Owner"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_model_separate_by_bones.boundary_joint_owner",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "境界ジョイントオーナー", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "边界的关节所有者", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Source Model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_model_separate_by_bones.boundary_joint_owner:'SOURCE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "分離元モデル", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "源模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Destination Model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_model_separate_by_bones.boundary_joint_owner:'DESTINATION'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "分離先モデル", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "目标模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Include Descendant Bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_model_separate_by_bones.include_descendant_bones",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "子孫ボーンを含む", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "包括后代的骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Separate Armature"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_model_separate_by_bones.separate_armature",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "アーマチュアを分離する", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "分离骨架", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Weight Threshold"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_model_separate_by_bones.weight_threshold",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ウェイトしきい値", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "权重阈值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Add Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "添加变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Add a morph item to active morph list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "向活动的变形列表中添加变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Copy Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_copy",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "复制变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Make a copy of active morph in the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_copy",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在列表中创建活动变形的复制", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Move Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_move",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移动变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Move active morph item up/down in the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_move",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在列表中上移或下移活动的变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Add Morph Offset"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_offset_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "添加形变偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Add a morph offset item to the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_offset_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "向列表中添加形变偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Remove Morph Offset"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_offset_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除形变偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove morph offset item(s) from the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_offset_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "从列表中移除形变偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Delete all morph offset items"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_offset_remove.all",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "删除所有变形偏移项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Overwrite Bone Morphs from active Pose Library"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_overwrite_from_active_pose_library",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "从活动姿态库覆写骨骼变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Remove Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove morph item(s) from the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "从列表中移除变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Delete all morph items"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_remove.all",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "删除所有变形项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Morph Slider Setup"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_slider_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "设置变形滑块", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Translate MMD morphs of selected object into format usable by Blender"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_slider_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将选中物体的 MMD 变形转译为 Blender 可用的格式", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Create placeholder object for morph sliders"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_slider_setup.type:'CREATE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为变形滑块创建占位物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bind"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_slider_setup.type:'BIND'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "绑定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bind morph sliders"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_slider_setup.type:'BIND'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "绑定变形滑块", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Unbind"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_slider_setup.type:'UNBIND'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "解绑", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Unbind morph sliders"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_morph_slider_setup.type:'UNBIND'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "解除与变形滑块的绑定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Move Material Down"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_move_material_down",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "下移材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Moves the selected material one slot down"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_move_material_down",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将选中材质槽下移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Move Material Up"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_move_material_up",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "上移材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Moves selected material one slot up"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_move_material_up",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将选中材质槽上移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Move Object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_object_move",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移动物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Move active object up/down in the list"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_object_move",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将活动的物体在列表中上移或下移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Select Object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_object_select",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选中物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select the object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_object_select",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "メッシュを選択してください", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选中物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The object name"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_object_select.name",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "物体名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Delete Bake"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_ptcache_rigid_body_delete_bake", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:81"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "删除烘焙", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Recalculate bone roll"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_recalculate_bone_roll", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_object.py:35"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーンロールを再計算", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重算骨骼滚转", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Recalculate bone roll for arm related bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_recalculate_bone_roll",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为骨架相关的骨骼重新计算滚转", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Reset Object Visivility"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_reset_object_visibility",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重设物体可见性", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Reset to default Blender shading"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_reset_shading",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重设为 Blender 默认着色", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Restore this Name"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_restore_mmd_translation_element_name",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "恢复名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Add Rigid Bodies to selected bones"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为选中的骨骼添加刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Collision Group Mask"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.collision_group_mask", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.properties:'collision_group_mask'", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.collision_group_mask"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "コリジョングループマスク", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "碰撞组遮罩", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The groups the object can not collide with"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.collision_group_mask", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.collision_group_mask"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该物体不能碰撞的碰撞组", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Collision Group"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.collision_group_number", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.properties:'collision_group_number'", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.collision_group_number"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "コリジョングループ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "碰撞组", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The collision group of the object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.collision_group_number", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.collision_group_number"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该物体的碰撞组", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "How much the object 'weights' irrespective of gravity"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.mass",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该物体在重力影响之外的“重量”", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The english name of rigid body ($name_e means use the english name of target bone)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.name_e",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该刚体的英文名 ($name_e 表示使用目标骨骼的英文名)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The name of rigid body ($name_j means use the japanese name of target bone)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.name_j",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该刚体的名称 ($name_j 表示使用目标骨骼的日文名)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select the collision shape"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.rigid_shape", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.shape"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择碰撞形状", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigid Type"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.rigid_type", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.properties:'type'", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.type"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "リジッドタイプ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select rigid type"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.rigid_type", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.type"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择刚体类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigid body's orientation completely determined by attached bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.rigid_type:'0'", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.type:'0'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体的朝向完全由附加的骨骼确定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Attached bone's orientation completely determined by rigid body"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.rigid_type:'1'", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.type:'1'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "附加骨骼的朝向完全由刚体确定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Physics + Bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.rigid_type:'2'", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.type:'2'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "物理演算 + ボーン", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "物理 + 骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bone determined by combination of parent and attached rigid body"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.rigid_type:'2'", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.type:'2'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼由父级与刚体共同决定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Size of the object, the values will multiply the length of target bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_add.size",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "物体的大小,结果会与目标骨骼的长度相乘", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Deletes the currently selected Rigid Body"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_remove",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "删除选中的刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Select Rigid Body"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDリジッドボディ選択", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select similar rigidbody objects which have the same property values with active rigidbody object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择与活动刚体具有相同属性值的刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Hide Others"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.hide_others",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "他を隠す", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "隐藏其他", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Hide the rigidbody object which does not have the same property values with active rigidbody object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.hide_others",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "隐藏与选中刚体不具有相同属性值的刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select the properties to be compared"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.properties",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择欲比较的属性", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Collision group"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.properties:'collision_group_number'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "碰撞组", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Collision group mask"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.properties:'collision_group_mask'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "碰撞组遮罩", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigid type"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.properties:'type'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Collision shape"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.properties:'shape'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "碰撞形状", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Target bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_select.properties:'bone'", + "bpy.types.BoneMorphData.bone", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.bone"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "目标骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Update Rigid Body World"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_world_update",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新刚体世界", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Update rigid body world and references of rigid body constraint according to current scene objects (experimental)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_rigid_body_world_update",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "按照当前场景的物体更新刚体世界以及刚体约束的引用 (实验性)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Bind SDEF Driver"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "绑定 SDEF 驱动器", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bind MMD SDEF data of selected objects"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为选中物体绑定 MMD SDEF 数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bulk"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind.mode:'2'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "バルク", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "散装", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Speed up with numpy (may be slower in some cases)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind.mode:'2'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用 Numpy 加速 (可能反而减速)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Normal mode"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind.mode:'1'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "正常模式", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "- Auto -"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind.mode:'0'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "自動", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "自动", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select best mode by benchmark result"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind.mode:'0'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "按基准测试结果选择最优的模式", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Support bone scaling (slow)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind.use_scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "支持骨骼缩放 (较慢)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Skip"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind.use_skip",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "スキップ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "略过", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Skip when the bones are not moving"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_bind.use_skip",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼不运动时跳过", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Reset MMD SDEF cache"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_cache_reset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重设 MMD SDEF 缓存", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Reset MMD SDEF cache of selected objects and clean unused cache"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_cache_reset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重设选中物体的 MMD SDEF 缓存并清理未使用的缓存", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Unbind SDEF Driver"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_unbind",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "解绑 SDEF 驱动器", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Unbind MMD SDEF data of selected objects"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_sdef_unbind",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "解除选中物体的 MMD SDEF 数据绑定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Select Related Bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_select_bone_morph_offset_bone",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择相关骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select the bone assigned to this offset in the armature"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_select_bone_morph_offset_bone",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在骨架中选中与此偏移相关的骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Separate By Materials"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_separate_by_materials",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "マテリアルで分解", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "按材质分离", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Clean Shape Keys"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_separate_by_materials.clean_shape_keys",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清除形态键", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Remove unused shape keys of separated objects"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_separate_by_materials.clean_shape_keys",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清除分离物体未使用的形态键", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Set Frame Range"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_set_frame_range",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "フレーム範囲を使用", + (True, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "设置帧区间", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Set the frame range to best values to play the animation from start to finish. And set the frame rate to 30.0."), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_set_frame_range",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将帧区间设置为完整播放动画的最优值, 并将帧率设为 30.0", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "GLSL View"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_set_glsl_shading",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "GLSL 视图", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use GLSL shading with additional lighting"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_set_glsl_shading",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用带有额外光照的 GLSL 着色", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Shadeless GLSL View"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_set_shadeless_glsl_shading",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "无光影 GLSL 视图", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use only toon shading"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_set_shadeless_glsl_shading",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "仅使用卡通着色", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Translate a MMD Model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "翻译 MMD 模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Translate Japanese names of a MMD model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "翻译 MMD 模型中的日文名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Allow Fails"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.allow_fails",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "失敗を許可", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "允许失败", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Allow incompletely translated names"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.allow_fails",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "允许为完全翻译的名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Dictionary"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.dictionary", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslation.dictionary"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "辞書", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "词典", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Translate names from Japanese to English using selected dictionary"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.dictionary",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用选中的词典从日语翻译为英语", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select translation mode"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.modes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择翻译模式", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Names"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.modes:'MMD'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMD名", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Fill MMD English names"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.modes:'MMD'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "填入 MMD 英文名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Blender Names"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.modes:'BLENDER'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "Blender名", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "Blender 名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Translate blender names (experimental)"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.modes:'BLENDER'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "翻译 Blender 名称 (实验性)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Overwrite a translated English name"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.overwrite",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "覆写翻译的英文名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select which parts will be translated"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.types",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择欲翻译的部分", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Display frames"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.types:'DISPLAY'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslation.filter_types:'DISPLAY'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslationElement.type:'DISPLAY'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "表示枠", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigidbodies and joints"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.types:'PHYSICS'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslation.filter_types:'PHYSICS'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslationElement.type:'PHYSICS'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体与关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Model name and comments"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.types:'INFO'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslation.filter_types:'INFO'", + "bpy.types.MMDTranslationElement.type:'INFO'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "模型名与注释", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use Morph Prefix"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.use_morph_prefix",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モーフ接頭辞を使用", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用变形前缀", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Add/remove prefix to English name of morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_translate_mmd_model.use_morph_prefix",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "添加或删除变形英文名的前缀", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Update"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_update_addon", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:560", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:90"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "更新", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Update Add-on"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_update_addon",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "升级插件", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Branch Name"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_update_addon.branch_name",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "分支名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Branch name to update"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_update_addon.branch_name",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "欲升级至的分支名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "View Bone Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_view_bone_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "查看骨骼变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "View the result of active bone morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_view_bone_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "查看活动骨骼变形的结果", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "View UV Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_view_uv_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "查看 UV 变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "View the result of active UV morph on current mesh object"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_OT_view_uv_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "查看活动 UV 变形在当前网格物体上的结果", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Bone Tools"), + (("bpy.types.BONE_PT_mmd_tools_bone",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDボーンツール", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD骨骼工具", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Joint"), + (("bpy.types.JOINT_PT_mmd_tools_bone",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDジョイント", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Material"), + (("bpy.types.MATERIAL_PT_mmd_tools_material",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDマテリアル", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MATERIAL_PT_mmd_tools_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDテクスチャ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_bone_order", + "bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_display_items", + "bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_joint_list", + "bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_material_sorter", + "bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_meshes_sorter", + "bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_model_production", + "bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_model_setup", + "bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_morph_tools", + "bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_rigidbody_list", + "bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_scene_setup"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bone Order"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_bone_order",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーン順序", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼顺序", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Camera Tools"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_camera",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDカメラツール", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD摄像机工具", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Display Panel"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_display_items",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "表示パネル", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "表示面板", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Joints"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_joint_list",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ジョイント", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Light Tools"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_light",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDライトツール", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD灯光工具", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Material Sorter"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_material_sorter",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "マテリアル順序", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质顺序", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Meshes Sorter"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_meshes_sorter",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "メッシュ順序", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "网格顺序", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Model Production"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_model_production",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モデル製作", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "模型制作", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Model Setup"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_model_setup",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モデル設定", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "模型设定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morph Tools"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_morph_tools",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モーフツール", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形工具", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigid Bodies"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_rigidbody_list",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "リジッドボディ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Model Information"), + (("bpy.types.OBJECT_PT_mmd_tools_root_object",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDモデル情報", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD模型信息", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Rigid Body"), + (("bpy.types.RIGID_PT_mmd_tools_bone",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDリジッドボディ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD IK Toggle"), + (("bpy.types.PoseBone.mmd_ik_toggle",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "切换 MMD IK", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD IK toggle is used to import/export animation of IK on-off"), + (("bpy.types.PoseBone.mmd_ik_toggle",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在启用或关闭逆向运动学的情况下导入或导出动画", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Collection Definition"), + (("bpy.types.CollectionProperty",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "RNA collection property to define lists, arrays and mappings"), + (("bpy.types.CollectionProperty",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "RNA", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Pointer Type"), + (("bpy.types.CollectionProperty.fixed_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Fixed pointer type, empty if variable type"), + (("bpy.types.CollectionProperty.fixed_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "String Definition"), + (("bpy.types.StringProperty",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "RNA text string property definition"), + (("bpy.types.StringProperty",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "String default value"), + (("bpy.types.StringProperty.default",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Maximum Length"), + (("bpy.types.StringProperty.length_max",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Maximum length of the string, 0 means unlimited"), + (("bpy.types.StringProperty.length_max",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bone Morph"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Bone Data"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorph.active_data",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动骨骼数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select category"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorph.category", + "bpy.types.GroupMorph.category", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorph.category", + "bpy.types.UVMorph.category", + "bpy.types.VertexMorph.category"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择类别", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Eye Brow"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorph.category:'EYEBROW'", + "bpy.types.GroupMorph.category:'EYEBROW'", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorph.category:'EYEBROW'", + "bpy.types.UVMorph.category:'EYEBROW'", + "bpy.types.VertexMorph.category:'EYEBROW'", + "bpy.types.MMD_ROOT_UL_display_items.morph_filter:'EYEBROW'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "眉毛", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "眉毛", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Eye"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorph.category:'EYE'", + "bpy.types.GroupMorph.category:'EYE'", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorph.category:'EYE'", + "bpy.types.UVMorph.category:'EYE'", + "bpy.types.VertexMorph.category:'EYE'", + "bpy.types.MMD_ROOT_UL_display_items.morph_filter:'EYE'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "目", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "眼睛", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Mouth"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorph.category:'MOUTH'", + "bpy.types.GroupMorph.category:'MOUTH'", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorph.category:'MOUTH'", + "bpy.types.UVMorph.category:'MOUTH'", + "bpy.types.VertexMorph.category:'MOUTH'", + "bpy.types.MMD_ROOT_UL_display_items.morph_filter:'MOUTH'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "口", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "嘴部", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morph Data"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorph.data", + "bpy.types.GroupMorph.data", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorph.data", + "bpy.types.UVMorph.data"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Japanese Name"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorph.name", + "bpy.types.GroupMorph.name", + "bpy.types.MMDBone.name_j", + "bpy.types.MMDJoint.name_j", + "bpy.types.MMDMaterial.name_j", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.name_j", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorph.name", + "bpy.types.UVMorph.name", + "bpy.types.VertexMorph.name"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "日文名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "English Name"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorph.name_e", + "bpy.types.GroupMorph.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDBone.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDDisplayItemFrame.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDJoint.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDMaterial.name_e", + "bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.name_e", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorph.name_e", + "bpy.types.UVMorph.name_e", + "bpy.types.VertexMorph.name_e"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "英文名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bone ID"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorphData.bone_id", + "bpy.types.MMDBone.bone_id"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼 ID", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rotation in quaternions"), + (("bpy.types.BoneMorphData.rotation",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "四元数表示的旋转", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Group Morph"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "组变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Group Data"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorph.active_data",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动组数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Group Morph Offset"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorphOffset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "组变形偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morph Type"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorphOffset.morph_type", + "bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem.morph_type"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select morph type"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorphOffset.morph_type", + "bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem.morph_type"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择变形类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Material Morphs"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorphOffset.morph_type:'material_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem.morph_type:'material_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_morph_type:'material_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.material_morphs"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "UV Morphs"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorphOffset.morph_type:'uv_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem.morph_type:'uv_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_morph_type:'uv_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.uv_morphs"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "UV 变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bone Morphs"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorphOffset.morph_type:'bone_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem.morph_type:'bone_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_morph_type:'bone_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.bone_morphs"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Vertex Morphs"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorphOffset.morph_type:'vertex_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem.morph_type:'vertex_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_morph_type:'vertex_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.vertex_morphs"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "顶点变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Group Morphs"), + (("bpy.types.GroupMorphOffset.morph_type:'group_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem.morph_type:'group_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_morph_type:'group_morphs'", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.group_morphs"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "组变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Additional Transform Bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.additional_transform_bone",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "额外变换骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Additional transform bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.additional_transform_bone",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "额外变换骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Additional Transform Bone ID"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.additional_transform_bone_id",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "额外变换骨骼ID", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Additional Transform Influence"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.additional_transform_influence",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "额外变换骨骼影响", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Additional transform influence"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.additional_transform_influence",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "额外变换骨骼的影响权重", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Unique ID for the reference of bone morph and rotate+/move+"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.bone_id",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该骨骼形变, 旋转 + 和移动 + 的参照的唯一ID", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Fixed Axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.enabled_fixed_axis", + "bpy.types.MMDBone.fixed_axis"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "軸制限", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "固定轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use fixed axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.enabled_fixed_axis",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用固定的坐标轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Local Axes"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.enabled_local_axes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ローカル軸", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "局部轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use local axes"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.enabled_local_axes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用局部坐标轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Fixed axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.fixed_axis",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "固定轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Additional Location"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.has_additional_location",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "额外位置", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Additional location"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.has_additional_location",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "具有额外的位置", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Additional Rotation"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.has_additional_rotation",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "额外旋转", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Additional rotation"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.has_additional_rotation",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "具有额外的旋转", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "IK Rotation Constraint"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.ik_rotation_constraint",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "IK 旋转约束", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The unit angle of IK"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.ik_rotation_constraint",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "逆向运动学的单位角", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Controllable"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.is_controllable",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "操作", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "可控", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Is controllable"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.is_controllable",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该骨骼是否可被控制", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Tip Bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.is_tip",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ティップボーン", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "尖端骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Is zero length bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.is_tip",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该谷歌的长度是否为零", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Local X-Axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.local_axis_x",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ローカルX軸", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "局部X轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Local x-axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.local_axis_x",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "局部X轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Local Z-Axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.local_axis_z",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ローカルZ軸", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "局部Z轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Local z-axis"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.local_axis_z",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "局部Z轴", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "After Dynamics"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.transform_after_dynamics",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "物理後", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "动力学后", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "After physics"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.transform_after_dynamics",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变换作用在物理之后", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Transform Order"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.transform_order",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "変形階層", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形阶层", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Deformation tier"), + (("bpy.types.MMDBone.transform_order",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形的顺序, 越大约靠后计算", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Is perspective"), + (("bpy.types.MMDCamera.is_perspective",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "相机是否是透视相机", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "PMX 表示項目(表示枠内の1項目)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select item type"), + (("bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem.type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择项目类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMDDisplayItem.type:'MORPH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "形变", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "PMX 表示枠\n\n PMXファイル内では表示枠がリストで格納されています。\n "), + (("bpy.types.MMDDisplayItemFrame",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Display Item"), + (("bpy.types.MMDDisplayItemFrame.active_item",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动的表示枠项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Display Items"), + (("bpy.types.MMDDisplayItemFrame.data",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "表示枠项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Special"), + (("bpy.types.MMDDisplayItemFrame.is_special",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "特别", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Is special"), + (("bpy.types.MMDDisplayItemFrame.is_special",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "マテリアル"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Alpha transparency"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.alpha",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "Alpha 透明度", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Ambient color"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.ambient_color", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.ambient_color"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "环境色", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Edge Color"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.edge_color", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.edge_color"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "輪郭カラー", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "边缘颜色", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Toon edge color"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.edge_color",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "卡通边缘色", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Edge Weight"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.edge_weight", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.edge_weight"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "輪郭ウェイト", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "边缘权重", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Toon edge size"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.edge_weight",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "卡通边缘的大小", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Ground Shadow"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.enabled_drop_shadow",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "地面シャドウ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "地面阴影", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Display ground shadow"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.enabled_drop_shadow",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示地面阴影", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Self Shadow"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.enabled_self_shadow",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "セルフシャドウ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "自身阴影", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Object can cast shadows"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.enabled_self_shadow",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "物体能否投射阴影", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Self Shadow Map"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.enabled_self_shadow_map",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "セルフシャドウマップ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "自身阴影贴图", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Object can become shadowed by other objects"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.enabled_self_shadow_map",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "物体上能否产生其他物体的阴影", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Toon Edge"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.enabled_toon_edge",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "トゥーン輪郭", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "卡通边缘", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use toon edge"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.enabled_toon_edge",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用卡通边缘", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Double Sided"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.is_double_sided",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "両面表示", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "双面", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Both sides of mesh should be rendered"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.is_double_sided",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "是否渲染网格的两面", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use Shared Toon Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.is_shared_toon_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "共有トゥーンテクスチャを使用", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用共用卡通纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use shared toon texture or custom toon texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.is_shared_toon_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用共用的卡通纹理或自定义的卡通纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Material ID"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.material_id", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.material_id"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质ID", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Unique ID for the reference of material morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.material_id",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质变形引用使用的唯一ID", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Shared Toon Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.shared_toon_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "共有トゥーンテクスチャ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "共用卡通纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Shared toon texture id (toon01.bmp ~ toon10.bmp)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.shared_toon_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "共用卡通纹理的ID (toon01.bmp ~ toon10.bmp)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Reflect"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.shininess", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.shininess", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.shininess"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "反射", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "反射", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sharpness of reflected highlights"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.shininess",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "反射高光的锐度", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Specular color"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.specular_color", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.specular_color"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "高光色", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sphere Map Type"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.sphere_texture_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "球面纹理类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Choose sphere texture blend type"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.sphere_texture_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择球面纹理的混合类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "SubTexture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.sphere_texture_type:'3'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "サブテクスチャ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "次纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Toon Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.toon_texture", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:221"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "トゥーンテクスチャ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "卡通纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The file path of custom toon texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDMaterial.toon_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "自定义卡通纹理的文件路径", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Size of the object"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRigidBody.size",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "物体大小", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMDモデルデータ\n\n モデルルート用に作成されたEmtpyオブジェクトで使用します\n "), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Display Item Frame"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_display_item_frame",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动的表示枠项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Joint Index"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_joint_index",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动的关节索引", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Mesh"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_mesh_index",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动的网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_morph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动的形变", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Morph Type"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_morph_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动的形变类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select current morph type"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_morph_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择当前的形变类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Rigidbody Index"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.active_rigidbody_index",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动的刚体索引", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Comment (English)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.comment_e_text",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "コメント(英語)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "注释 (英文)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The text datablock of the english comment"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.comment_e_text",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "英文注释的文本数据块", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The text datablock of the comment"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.comment_text",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "注释的文本数据块", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Is Built"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.is_built",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "已装配", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morph Panel Show Settings"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.morph_panel_show_settings",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "形变面板展示设定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show Morph Settings"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.morph_panel_show_settings",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示形变设定", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Name (English)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.name_e",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "名前(英語)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "名称(英文)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show Armature"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_armature",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示骨架", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show the armature object of the MMD model"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_armature",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示MMD模型的骨架物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show Joints"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_joints",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show all joints of the MMD model"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_joints",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示MMD模型的所有关节", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show all meshes of the MMD model"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_meshes",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示MMD模型的所有网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show Joint Names"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_names_of_joints",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示关节名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show joint names"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_names_of_joints",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示关节的名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show Rigid Body Names"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_names_of_rigid_bodies",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示刚体名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show rigid body names"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_names_of_rigid_bodies",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示刚体的名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show Rigid Bodies"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_rigid_bodies",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show all rigid bodies of the MMD model"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_rigid_bodies",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示MMD模型的所有刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show Temps"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_temporary_objects",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示临时物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show all temporary objects of the MMD model"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.show_temporary_objects",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示MMD模型的所有临时物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use Property Driver"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.use_property_driver",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用属性驱动器", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Setup drivers for MMD property animation (Visibility and IK toggles)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.use_property_driver",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "为MMD属性动画 (可见性与逆向运动学切换) 设置驱动器", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use SDEF"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.use_sdef", + "bpy.types.MMDRoot.use_sdef"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用球面混合蒙皮权重", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use Sphere Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.use_sphere_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用球材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use sphere texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.use_sphere_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用球材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use Toon Texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.use_toon_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用卡通材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use toon texture"), + (("bpy.types.MMDRoot.use_toon_texture",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用卡通材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Operation Script Preset"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "操作脚本预设", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "\"\""), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'CLEAR'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "\"\"", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Translate to English"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'TO_ENGLISH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "英語へ翻訳", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "翻译成英文", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "to_english(name)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'TO_ENGLISH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Blender L/R to MMD L/R"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'TO_MMD_LR'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "Blenderの左右をMMDの左右へ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将Blender的左右改为MMD的左右", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "to_mmd_lr(name)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'TO_MMD_LR'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD L/R to Blender L/R"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'TO_BLENDER_LR'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDの左右をBlenderの左右へ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将MMD的左右改为Blender的左右", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "to_blender_lr(name_j)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'TO_BLENDER_LR'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Restore Blender Names"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'RESTORE_BLENDER'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "Blender名称を復元", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "恢复Blender名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "org_name"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'RESTORE_BLENDER'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Restore Japanese MMD Names"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'RESTORE_JAPANESE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "日本語MMD名称を復元", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "恢复日文MMD名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "org_name_j"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'RESTORE_JAPANESE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Restore English MMD Names"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'RESTORE_ENGLISH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "英語MMD名称を復元", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "名称英文MMD名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "org_name_e"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'RESTORE_ENGLISH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Copy English MMD Names, if empty copy Japanese MMD Name"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'ENGLISH_IF_EMPTY_JAPANESE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "英語MMD名称をコピー、空なら日本語MMD名称をコピー", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "复制英文MMD名称,如果为空则复制日文MMD名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "name_e if name_e else name_j"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'ENGLISH_IF_EMPTY_JAPANESE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Copy Japanese MMD Names, if empty copy English MMD Name"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'JAPANESE_IF_EMPTY_ENGLISH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "日本語MMD名称をコピー、空なら英語MMD名称をコピー", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "复制日文MMD名称,如果为空则复制英文MMD名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "name_j if name_j else name_e"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_script_preset:'JAPANESE_IF_EMPTY_ENGLISH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Operation Target"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_target",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "操作目标", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Blender Name (name)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_target:'BLENDER'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "Blender名称 (name)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "Blender名称 (name)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Japanese MMD Name (name_j)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_target:'JAPANESE'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "日本語MMD名称 (name_j)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "日文MMD名称 (name_j)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "English MMD Name (name_e)"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.batch_operation_target:'ENGLISH'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "英語MMD名称 (name_e)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "英文MMD名称 (name_e)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "English Blank"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.filter_english_blank",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "英语为空", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Japanese Blank"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.filter_japanese_blank",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "日语为空", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Restorable"), + (("bpy.types.MMDTranslation.filter_restorable",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "可恢复", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Material Morph"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Material Data"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorph.active_data",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动的材质数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Edge color"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.edge_color",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "边缘颜色", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Edge weight"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.edge_weight",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "边缘权重", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Target material"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.material",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "目标材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Material Data"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.material_data",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Offset Type"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.offset_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "偏移类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select offset type"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.offset_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择偏移类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Related Mesh"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.related_mesh",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "関連するメッシュ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "相关网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Stores a reference to the mesh where this morph data belongs to"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.related_mesh",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "保存该形变数据所属的网格的引用", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Related Mesh Data"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.related_mesh_data",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "相关网格数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sphere Texture factor"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.sphere_texture_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "スフィアテクスチャ係数", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "球体纹理系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sphere texture factor"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.sphere_texture_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "球体纹理的系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Texture factor"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.texture_factor", + "bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.texture_factor"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "テクスチャ係数", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "纹理系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Toon Texture factor"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.toon_texture_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "トゥーンテクスチャ係数", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "卡通纹理系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Toon texture factor"), + (("bpy.types.MaterialMorphData.toon_texture_factor",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "卡通纹理的系数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "UV Morph"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "UV形变", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active UV Data"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorph.active_data",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动的UV数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select data type"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorph.data_type",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择数据类型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Store offset data in root object (deprecated)"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorph.data_type:'DATA'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在根物体中保存偏移数据 (已弃用)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Store offset data in vertex groups"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorph.data_type:'VERTEX_GROUP'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "在顶点组中保存便宜数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "UV Index"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorph.uv_index",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "UV索引", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "UV index (UV, UV1 ~ UV4)"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorph.uv_index",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "UV索引 (UV, UV1 ~ UV4)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Vertex Group Scale"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorph.vertex_group_scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "顶点组比例", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The value scale of \"Vertex Group\" data type"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorph.vertex_group_scale",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "\"顶点组\"数据类型的缩放比例值", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "UV Morph Offset"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorphOffset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "UV 形变偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Vertex Index"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorphOffset.index",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "顶点索引", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "UV offset"), + (("bpy.types.UVMorphOffset.offset",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "UV偏移", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Vertex Morph"), + (("bpy.types.VertexMorph",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "顶点形变", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Name"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_ROOT_UL_display_items.mmd_name",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD名称", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show JP or EN name of MMD bone"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_ROOT_UL_display_items.mmd_name",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示MMD骨骼的日文或英文名", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "JP"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_ROOT_UL_display_items.mmd_name:'name_j'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "日文", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "EN"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_ROOT_UL_display_items.mmd_name:'name_e'",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "英文", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morph Filter"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_ROOT_UL_display_items.morph_filter",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "形变筛选", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Only show items matching this category"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_ROOT_UL_display_items.morph_filter",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "仅展示符合分类的项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Model Filter"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_joints.model_filter", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_rigidbodies.model_filter"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "模型筛选", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Show items of active model or all models"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_joints.model_filter", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_rigidbodies.model_filter"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示活动模型还是全部模型的项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active Model"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_joints.model_filter:'ACTIVE'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_rigidbodies.model_filter:'ACTIVE'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "選択中のモデル", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "活动模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "All Models"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_joints.model_filter:'ALL'", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_rigidbodies.model_filter:'ALL'"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "全てのモデル", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "全部模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Only show visible items"), + (("bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_joints.visible_only", + "bpy.types.MMD_TOOLS_UL_rigidbodies.visible_only"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "仅显示可见项目", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "MikuMikuDance Model (.pmd, .pmx)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:22",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MikuMikuDance 模型 (.pmd, .pmx)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "MikuMikuDance Motion (.vmd)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:23", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:45"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MikuMikuDance 动作 (.vmd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Vocaloid Pose Data (.vpd)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:24", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:46"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "Vocaloid 姿态数据 (.vpd)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "MikuMikuDance Model (.pmx)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:44",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MikuMikuDance 模型 (.pmx)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Create MMD Model"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:66",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建 MMD 模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "MMD Flip Pose"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:129",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDポーズを反転", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD翻转姿态", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Select MMD Rigid Body"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/menus.py:109",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDリジッドボディ選択", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择MMD刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Checked update. ({})"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/addon_updater.py:286",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "更新を確認しました. ({})", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新检查成功. ({})", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Updated to {}. ({})"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/addon_updater.py:345",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "{}へ更新しました. ({})", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "已更新至 {}. ({})", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Failed to check update {}. ({})"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/addon_updater.py:284",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "更新の確認に失敗しました. {} ({})", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新检查失败. {} ({})", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Failed to update {}. ({})"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/addon_updater.py:347",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "更新に失敗しました. {} ({})", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新失败. {} ({})", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Imported MMD model from \"%s\""), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/fileio.py:210",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "已从\"%s\"导入 MMD 模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "[Skipped] The armature object of MMD model \"%s\" can't be found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/fileio.py:553",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "[跳过] 找不到 MMD 模型\"%s\"的骨架数据", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Exported MMD model \"%s\" to \"%s\""), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/fileio.py:581",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "已导出 MMD 模型\"%s\"至\"%s\"", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select a MMD model"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/material.py:246", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/misc.py:198", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/misc.py:245"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择 MMD 模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Created %d toon edge(s)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/material.py:258",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "已创建 %d 条卡通边缘", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", " * Failed to change to Cycles render engine."), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/material.py:48",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "* 未能改变至 Cycles 渲染引擎", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Materials not found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/material.py:193", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/material.py:219"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "找不到材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "This operation will break existing f-curve/action."), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/misc.py:305",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "この操作は既存のFカーブ/アクションを破壊します", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "这一操作将破坏现有的函数曲线/动作", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Click [OK] to run the operation."), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/misc.py:306",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "[OK]をクリックして操作を実行してください", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "点击[确定]来运行操作", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Can not move object \"%s\""), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/misc.py:68",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "无法移动物体\"%s\"", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The model does not have any meshes"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/misc.py:208",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该模型不具有任何网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Model Armature not found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/misc.py:250",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "找不到模型的骨架", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Active object is not an armature object"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/model.py:152", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/model.py:183"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选中的物体不是骨架物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The model mesh can't be found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:299", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:361"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "找不到模型的网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Material \"%s\" not found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:366",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "找不到材质\"%s\"", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Temporary material \"%s\" is in use"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:371",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "临时材质\"%s\"已占用", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Material not found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:305",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "找不到材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Please select a mesh object"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:580",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择网格物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Invalid uv index: %d"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:594",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "无效 UV 索引: %d", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Failed to create a temporary uv layer"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:604",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "无法创建临时 UV 层", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", " * UV map \"%s\" not found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:732",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", " * 找不到 UV 贴图 \"%s\"", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "An unexpected error happened"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:326",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "发生了非预期的错误", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Base material for %s was not found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/morph.py:430",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "找不到 %s 的基础材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The model root can't be found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/rigid_body.py:55",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "找不到模型的根部", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Please select two or more mmd rigid objects"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/rigid_body.py:451",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择两个或更多 MMD 刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Binded of selected mesh(es)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/sdef.py:88",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Filter"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:233",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "筛选", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "is Blank:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:237",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "空白のみ:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "是空白:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Japanese"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:239",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "日本語", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "日文", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "English"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:240",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "英語", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "英文", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select the target column for Batch Operations:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:250",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "一括操作の対象列を選択:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择批量操作的目标列:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Batch Operation:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:271",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "一括操作:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "批量操作:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Preset"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:276",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "预设", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Execute"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:277",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "実行", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "执行", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Dictionaries:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:281",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "辞書:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "词典:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "to_english"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:283",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "replace"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:288",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "替换", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Failed to translate %d names, see '%s' in text editor"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:99", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:326"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "未能翻译 %d 个名称,参见文本编辑器中的 '%s'", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Failed to load dictionary: %s"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/operators/translations.py:82",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "未能加载词典: %s", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Information:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:46", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:31"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "情報:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "信息:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "ID"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:49", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:34"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ID", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "ID", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rotate +"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:87",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "回転 +", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "旋转 +", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Move +"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:88",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "移動 +", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移动 +", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Influence"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:92",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "影响", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Shadow Bone!"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:38",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD Shadow Bone!", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Load"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:68", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:78"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "加载", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Apply"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:69", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:79", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:546", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:573", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:516"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "应用", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "IK Angle {%s}"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:27",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "IK角度 {%s}", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "IK Angle (%s)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_bone.py:29",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "IK角度 (%s)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Distance"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_camera.py:36",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "距离", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Convert"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_camera.py:44", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_lamp.py:36"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Light Source"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_lamp.py:34",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "光源", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "光源", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Color:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:41",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "カラー:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "颜色:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Shadow:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:53",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "シャドウ:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "阴影:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Texture:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:91",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "テクスチャ:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "纹理:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sphere Texture:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:105",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "スフィアテクスチャ:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "球体纹理:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Add"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:102", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:116"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "添加", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Remove"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:99", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_material.py:113"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移除", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Collision Group Mask:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_physics.py:73",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "コリジョングループマスク:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "碰撞组遮罩:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Damping"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_physics.py:82",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "阻尼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "X-Axis:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_physics.py:118", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_physics.py:134"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "X軸:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "X轴:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Y-Axis:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_physics.py:119", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_physics.py:135"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "Y軸:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "Y轴:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Z-Axis:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_physics.py:120", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/prop_physics.py:136"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "Z軸:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "Z轴:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "MMD Shading Presets"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/shading.py:23",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDシェーディングプリセット", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD着色预设", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "GLSL"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/shading.py:25",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "GLSL", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Shadeless"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/shading.py:26",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "影なし", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "无明暗", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Reset"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/shading.py:28", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:115"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重设", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Model:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:34",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モデル:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "模型:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Import"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:35", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:40", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:45"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "インポート", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导入", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Export"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:36", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:41", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:46"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "エクスポート", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "导出", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Motion:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:39",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モーション:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "运动:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Pose:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:44",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ポーズ:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "姿态:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Timeline:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:51",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "タイムライン:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "时间线:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Start"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:54",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "开始", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "End"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:55",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "结束", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigid Body Physics:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:63",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "リジッドボディ物理演算:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体物理:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Update World"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:64",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ワールドを更新", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新世界", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Visibility:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:114",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "可視性:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "可见性:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Mesh"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:120",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Armature"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:121",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨架", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Temporary Object"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:122",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "テンポラリオブジェクト", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "临时物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Rigid Body"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:124",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Assembly:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:133",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "組み立て:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "装配:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "All"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:138",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "全部", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "SDEF"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:142",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "SDEF", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "SDEF", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Bone"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:148", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:270"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーン", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Property"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:165",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "属性", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "IK Toggle:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:202",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "IK切替え:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "IK切换:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Mesh:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:210",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "メッシュ:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "网格:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Separate by Materials"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:212",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "マテリアルで分解", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "按材质分开", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Join"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:213", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:77"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "統合", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "合并", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Material:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:217",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "マテリアル:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Sphere Texture"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:222",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "スフィアテクスチャ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "球体纹理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Convert to Blender"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:227",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "Blender用に変換", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换给Blender", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Misc:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:231",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "その他:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "杂项:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "(Experimental) Global Translation"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:233",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "(実験的) 全体翻訳", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "(实验性) 全局翻译", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "MMD Tools/Manual"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:25",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMD Tools/マニュアル", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "MMD Tools/使用手册", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Substeps"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:68",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "サブステップ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "子步数", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Iterations"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:69",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "反復数", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "迭代", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select a MMD Model"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:98", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:220", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:387", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:707", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:768", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/util_tools.py:101", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/util_tools.py:310"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDモデルを選択してください", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择一个MMD模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Morph"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:152", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:271"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モーフ", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Physics"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:160", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:162"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "物理演算", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "物理", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Edge Preview"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:224",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "輪郭プレビュー", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "边缘预览", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Bake"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/sidebar.py:83",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "烘焙", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Create Model"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:37",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モデルを作成", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "创建新的模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Convert Model"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:38",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モデルを変換", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "转换模型", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Attach Meshes"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:43",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "メッシュを取付", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "连接网格", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Translate"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:46",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "翻訳", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "翻译", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Model Surgery:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:53",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モデル手術", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "模型手术", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Chop"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:59",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "切断", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "切断", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Peel"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:70",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "はがす", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "剥去", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Select"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:272", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:558"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Material Offsets (%d)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:466", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:466"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "マテリアルオフセット (%d)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "材质偏移 (%d)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "View"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:545", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:569"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "显示", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Clear"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:547", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:570", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:517", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:491"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "清除", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Bone Offsets (%d)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:549", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:549"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ボーンオフセット (%d)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "骨骼偏移 (%d)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Edit"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:572", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:559"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "编辑", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Group Offsets (%d)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:589", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:589"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "グループオフセット (%d)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "群组偏移 (%d)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Select Similar..."), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:679",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "類似を選択...", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择类似...", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select Similar"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:692",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择类似的刚体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Move To Top"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:195", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:207", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:374", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:694", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:755"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "最初へ移動", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移至顶部", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Move To Bottom"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:196", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:208", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:375", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:695", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:756"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "最後へ移動", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "移至底部", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Delete All"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:205", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:365"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "全て削除", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "删除全部", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Bind morphs to .placeholder"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:367",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モーフを.placeholderへバインド", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "将变形绑定到.placeholder", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Unbind morphs from .placeholder"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:368",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モーフを.placeholderからバインド解除", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "解绑变形与.placeholder", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Morph Settings"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:424",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "モーフ設定", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "变形设置", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Not found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:461",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "未找到", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "This is not a valid base material"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:479",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "不是有效的基础材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Armature not found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:541",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "找不到骨架", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Scale"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:581",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "缩放", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "UV Offsets (%d)"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:583", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:583"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "UVオフセット (%d)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "UV偏移 (%d)", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "This offset affects all materials"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/tool.py:488",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "该偏移影响所有材质", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Use the arrows to sort"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/util_tools.py:30", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/util_tools.py:66"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "矢印を使って並べ替えてください", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "使用箭头来排序", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Select a mesh object"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/util_tools.py:43",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "メッシュを選択してください", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "选择一个网格物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Sort by Bone Hierarchy"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/util_tools.py:294",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "按骨骼层次排序", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "The armature object of active MMD model can't be found"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/util_tools.py:315",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "找不到选中MMD模型的骨架", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "No mesh object with \"mmd_bone_order_override\" modifier"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/panels/util_tools.py:326",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "没有带有\"mmd_bone_order_override\"修改器的网格物体", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Add-on update"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:57",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "アドオン更新", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "插件更新", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Restart Blender to complete update"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:64",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "Blenderを再起動して更新を完了", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "重新启动Blender以完成更新", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Check mmd_tools add-on update"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:70", + "scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:75"), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "mmd_toolsアドオンの更新を確認", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "检查mmd_tools插件更新", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "(Danger) Manual Update:"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:87",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "(危険)手動更新:", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "(危险)手动更新:", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Target"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:89",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "ターゲット", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "目标", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "No updates are available"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:84",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "更新はありません", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "没有更新", + (False, ())), + ), + (("Operator", "Update to the latest release version ({})"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:80",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新至最新发布版本 ({})", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Update to the latest release version ({})"), + (("scripts/addons/mmd_tools/preferences.py:80",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "最新バージョンへ更新", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "更新至最新发布版本 ({})", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "mmd_tools"), + (("Add-on mmd_tools info: name",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "View3D > Sidebar > MMD Panel"), + (("Add-on mmd_tools info: location",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "", + (False, ())), + ), + (("*", "Utility tools for MMD model editing. (UuuNyaa's forked version)"), + (("Add-on mmd_tools info: description",), + ()), + ("ja_JP", "MMDモデル編集用のユーティリティーツールです. (UuuNyaaのフォーク版)", + (False, ())), + ("zh_HANS", "用于MMD模型编辑的实用工具. (UuuNyaa的分叉版本)", + (False, ())), + ), +) - ("*", "Add-on update"): "アドオン更新", - ("Operator", "Restart Blender to complete update"): "Blenderを再起動して更新を完了", - ("Operator", "Check mmd_tools add-on update"): "mmd_toolsアドオンの更新を確認", - ("*", "Update to the latest release version ({})"): "最新バージョンへ更新", - ("Operator", "No updates are available"): "更新はありません", - ("*", "(Danger) Manual Update:"): "(危険)手動更新:", - ("*", "Branch"): "ブランチ", - ("*", "Target"): "ターゲット", - ("Operator", "Update"): "更新", +translations_dict = {} +for msg in translations_tuple: + key = msg[0] + for lang, trans, (is_fuzzy, comments) in msg[2:]: + if trans and not is_fuzzy: + translations_dict.setdefault(lang, {})[key] = trans - ("*", "Failed to check update {}. ({})"): "更新の確認に失敗しました。{} ({})", - ("*", "Checked update. ({})"): "更新を確認しました。({})", - ("*", "Updated to {}. ({})"): "{}へ更新しました。({})", - ("*", "Failed to update {}. ({})"): "更新に失敗しました。{} ({})", +# ##### END AUTOGENERATED I18N SECTION ##### - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Model Production - ("*", "Model Production"): "モデル製作", - ("Operator", "Create Model"): "モデルを作成", - ("Operator", "Create a MMD Model Root Object"): "MMDモデルルートオブジェクトを作成", - ("*", "Name(Eng)"): "名前(英語)", +translation_dict = translations_dict - ("Operator", "Convert Model"): "モデルを変換", - ("Operator", "Convert to a MMD Model"): "MMDモデルへ変換", - ("*", "Ambient Color Source"): "アンビエントカラーソース", - ("*", "Edge Threshold"): "輪郭しきい値", - ("*", "Minimum Edge Alpha"): "最小輪郭アルファ", - ("*", "Convert Material Nodes"): "マテリアルノードを変換", - ("*", "Middle Joint Bones Lock"): "中間関節ボーンをロック", +if __name__ == '__main__': + total_count = 0 + untranslated_count = {'ja_JP': 0, 'zh_HANS': 0} - ("Operator", "Attach Meshes"): "メッシュを取付", - - ("Operator", "Translate"): "翻訳", - ("Operator", "Translate a MMD Model"): "MMDモデルを翻訳", - ("Operator", "(Experimental) Global Translation"): "(実験的) 全体翻訳", - ("*", "Dictionary"): "辞書", - ("*", "Modes"): "モード", - ("*", "MMD Names"): "MMD名", - ("*", "Blender Names"): "Blender名", - ("*", "Use Morph Prefix"): "モーフ接頭辞を使用", - ("*", "Allow Fails"): "失敗を許可", - - ("*", "Model Surgery:"): "モデル手術", - ("Operator", "Chop"): "切断", - ("Operator", "Peel"): "はがす", - ("Operator", "Model Separate by Bones"): "モデルをボーンで分離", - ("*", "Separate Armature"): "アーマチュアを分離する", - ("*", "Include Descendant Bones"): "子孫ボーンを含む", - ("*", "Weight Threshold"): "ウェイトしきい値", - ("*", "Boundary Joint Owner"): "境界ジョイントオーナー", - ("*", "Source Model"): "分離元モデル", - ("*", "Destination Model"): "分離先モデル", - - ("Operator", "Join"): "統合", - ("Operator", "Model Join by Bones"): "モデルをボーンで統合", - ("*", "Join Type"): "接続タイプ", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Model Setup - ("*", "Model Setup"): "モデル設定", - ("*", "Visibility:"): "可視性:", - ("*", "Assembly:"): "組み立て:", - ("Operator", "Physics"): "物理演算", - ("Operator", "Build Rig"): "ビルドリグ", - ("*", "Non-Collision Distance Scale"): "非衝突距離スケール", - ("*", "Collision Margin"): "衝突マージン", - - ("Operator", "SDEF"): "SDEF", - ("Operator", "Bind SDEF Driver"): "SDEFドライバーをバインド", - ("*", "- Auto -"): "自動", - ("*", "Bulk"): "バルク", - ("*", "Skip"): "スキップ", - - ("*", "IK Toggle:"): "IK切替え:", - - ("*", "Mesh:"): "メッシュ:", - ("Operator", "Separate by Materials"): "マテリアルで分解", - ("Operator", "Join"): "統合", - ("*", "Sort Shape Keys"): "シェイプキーをソート", - - ("*", "Material:"): "マテリアル:", - ("Operator", "Edge Preview"): "輪郭プレビュー", - ("Operator", "Convert to Blender"): "Blender用に変換", - ("Operator", "Convert Materials"): "マテリアルを変換", - ("*", "Convert to Principled BSDF"): "プリンシプルBSDFへ変換", - ("*", "Clean Nodes"): "ノードをクリーン", - - ("*", "Misc:"): "その他:", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Scene Setup - ("*", "Scene Setup"): "シーン設定", - ("Operator", "MMD Tools/Manual"): "MMD Tools/マニュアル", - ("Operator", "Import"): "インポート", - ("Operator", "Export"): "エクスポート", - - ("*", "Model:"): "モデル:", - ("*", "Types"): "タイプ", - ("*", "Morphs"): "モーフ", - ("*", "Clean Model"): "モデルをクリーン", - ("*", "Fix IK Links"): "IKリンクを修正", - ("*", "Apply Bone Fixed Axis"): "ボーン修正回転軸を適用", - ("*", "Rename Bones - L / R Suffix"): "ボーンをリネーム - L / R接尾辞", - ("*", "Rename Bones - Use Underscore"): "ボーンをリネーム - アンダースコア使用", - ("*", "Rename Bones To English"): "ボーンを英語にリネーム", - ("*", "Internal Dictionary"): "内蔵辞書", - ("*", "use MIP maps for UV textures"): "UVテクスチャへミップマップを使用", - ("*", "influence of .sph textures"): ".sphテクスチャの影響度", - ("*", "influence of .spa textures"): ".spaテクスチャの影響度", - ("*", "Log level"): "ログレベル", - ("*", "Create a log file"): "ログファイルを作成", - ("*", "Copy textures"): "テクスチャをコピー", - ("*", "Sort Materials"): "マテリアルをソート", - ("*", "Disable SPH/SPA"): "SPH/SPAを無効化", - ("*", "Visible Meshes Only"): "可視メッシュのみ", - ("*", "Overwrite Bone Morphs"): "ボーンモーフを上書き", - ("*", "Overwrite the bone morphs from active pose library before exporting."): "エクスポート前にボーンモーフをアクティブなポーズライブラリから上書きします。", - ("*", "(Experimental) Translate in Presets"): "(実験的) プリセットで翻訳", - ("*", "Translate in presets before exporting."): "エクスポート前にプリセットで翻訳します。", - ("*", "Sort Vertices"): "頂点をソート", - - ("*", "Motion:"): "モーション:", - ("*", "Bone Mapper"): "ボーンマッパー", - ("*", "Renamed bones"): "リネームしたボーン", - ("*", "Treat Current Pose as Rest Pose"): "現在のポーズをレストポーズとして処理", - ("*", "Mirror Motion"): "モーションをミラー", - ("*", "Update scene settings"): "シーン設定を更新", - ("*", "Use Frame Range"): "フレーム範囲を使用", - ("*", "Use NLA"): "NLAを使用", - - ("*", "Pose:"): "ポーズ:", - ("*", "Current Pose"): "現在のポーズ", - ("*", "Active Pose"): "アクティブなポーズ", - ("*", "All Poses"): "全てのポーズ", - - ("*", "Timeline:"): "タイムライン:", - - ("*", "Rigid Body Physics:"): "リジッドボディ物理演算:", - ("Operator", "Update World"): "ワールドを更新", - ("*", "Substeps"): "サブステップ", - ("*", "Iterations"): "反復数", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Display Panel - ("*", "Display Panel"): "表示パネル", - ("Operator", "Bone"): "ボーン", - ("Operator", "Morph"): "モーフ", - ("Operator", "Add Display Item Frame"): "表示項目フレームを追加", - ("Operator", "Remove Display Item Frame"): "表示項目フレームを削除", - ("Operator", "Move Display Item Frame"): "表示項目フレームを移動", - ("Operator", "Add Display Item"): "表示項目を追加", - ("Operator", "Remove Display Item"): "表示項目を削除", - ("Operator", "Move Display Item"): "表示項目を移動", - ("*", "Quick setup display items"): "表示項目のクイックセットアップ", - ("*", "Load Facial Items"): "表情項目をロード", - ("*", "Load Bone Groups"): "ボーングループをロード", - ("*", "Apply Bone Groups"): "ボーングループを適用", - ("Operator", "Move To Top"): "最初へ移動", - ("Operator", "Move To Bottom"): "最後へ移動", - ("Operator", "Delete All"): "全て削除", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Morph Tools Panel - ("*", "Morph Tools"): "モーフツール", - ("*", "Eye"): "目", - ("*", "Eye Brow"): "眉毛", - ("*", "Mouth"): "口", - ("Operator", "Bind morphs to .placeholder"): "モーフを.placeholderへバインド", - ("Operator", "Unbind morphs from .placeholder"): "モーフを.placeholderからバインド解除", - ("Operator", "Add Morph"): "モーフを追加", - ("Operator", "Remove Morph"): "モーフを削除", - ("Operator", "Copy Morph"): "モーフをコピー", - ("Operator", "Overwrite Bone Morphs from active Pose Library"): "ボーンモーフをアクティブなポーズライブラリから上書き", - ("Operator", "Clean Duplicated Material Morphs"): "重複マテリアルモーフを掃除", - ("Operator", "Move Morph"): "モーフを移動", - ("Operator", "Add Morph Offset"): "モーフオフセットを追加", - ("Operator", "Remove Morph Offset"): "モーフオフセットを削除", - ("*", "Related Mesh"): "関連するメッシュ", - ("Operator", "Create Work Material"): "ワークマテリアルを生成", - ("Operator", "Init Material Offset"): "マテリアルオフセットを初期化", - ("*", "Texture factor"): "テクスチャ係数", - ("*", "Sphere Texture factor"): "スフィアテクスチャ係数", - ("*", "Toon Texture factor"): "トゥーンテクスチャ係数", - ("*", "Morph Settings"): "モーフ設定", - ("*", "Material Offsets (%d)"): "マテリアルオフセット (%d)", - ("*", "Bone Offsets (%d)"): "ボーンオフセット (%d)", - ("*", "UV Offsets (%d)"): "UVオフセット (%d)", - ("*", "Group Offsets (%d)"): "グループオフセット (%d)", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Rigid Bodies - ("*", "Rigid Bodies"): "リジッドボディ", - ("*", "Active Model"): "選択中のモデル", - ("*", "All Models"): "全てのモデル", - ("Operator", "Select Similar..."): "類似を選択...", - ("Operator", "Select Rigid Body"): "リジッドボディを選択", - ("*", "Collision Group"): "コリジョングループ", - ("*", "Collision Group Mask"): "コリジョングループマスク", - ("*", "Rigid Type"): "リジッドタイプ", - ("*", "Hide Others"): "他を隠す", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Joints - ("*", "Joints"): "ジョイント", - ("Operator", "Add Joint"): "ジョイントを追加", - ("Operator", "Remove Joint"): "ジョイントを削除", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Material Sorter Panel - ("*", "Material Sorter"): "マテリアル順序", - ("*", "Select a mesh object"): "メッシュを選択してください", - ("*", "Use the arrows to sort"): "矢印を使って並べ替えてください", - ("Operator", "Move Material Up"): "マテリアルを移動", - ("Operator", "Move Material Down"): "マテリアルを移動", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Meshes Sorter Panel - ("*", "Meshes Sorter"): "メッシュ順序", - ("*", "Select a MMD Model"): "MMDモデルを選択してください", - ("Operator", "Move Object"): "オブジェクトを移動", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Bone Order Panel - ("*", "Bone Order"): "ボーン順序", - ("*", "After Dynamics"): "物理後", - ("*", "Transform Order"): "変形階層", - ("Operator", "Add Missing Vertex Groups from Bones"): "ボーンから不足している頂点グループを追加", - ("*", "Search in all meshes"): "全てのメッシュで検索", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > Misc > MMD Display Panel - ("*", "MMD Display"): "MMD表示", - ("*", "Temporary Object"): "テンポラリオブジェクト", - ("*", "Rigid Body Name"): "リジッドボティ名", - ("*", "Joint"): "ジョイント", - ("*", "Joint Name"): "ジョイント名", - ("*", "Toon Texture"): "トゥーンテクスチャ", - ("*", "Sphere Texture"): "スフィアテクスチャ", - ("*", "Property Drivers"): "プロパティドライバー", - - # 3D Viewport > Shading - ("*", "MMD Shading Presets"): "MMDシェーディングプリセット", - ("Operator", "Shadeless"): "影なし", - - # 3D Viewport > Menu > Object - ("Operator", "Clean Shape Keys"): "シェイプキーをクリーン", - - # 3D Viewport > Menu > Pose - ("Operator", "MMD Flip Pose"): "MMDポーズを反転", - - # 3D Viewport > Menu > Select - ("Operator", "Select MMD Rigid Body"): "MMDリジッドボディ選択", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Light Tools - ("*", "MMD Light Tools"): "MMDライトツール", - ("Operator", "Convert to MMD Light"): "MMDライトへ変換", - ("*", "Light Source"): "光源", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Camera Tools - ("*", "MMD Camera Tools"): "MMDカメラツール", - ("Operator", "Convert to MMD Camera"): "MMDカメラへ変換", - ("*", "Camera Source"): "カメラソース", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Model Information Panel - ("*", "MMD Model Information"): "MMDモデル情報", - ("*", "Name (English)"): "名前(英語)", - ("*", "Comment (English)"): "コメント(英語)", - ("Operator", "Change MMD IK Loop Factor"): "MMD IK反復係数を変更", - ("*", "MMD IK Loop Factor"): "MMD IK反復係数", - ("Operator", "Recalculate bone roll"): "ボーンロールを再計算", - ("*", "This operation will break existing f-curve/action."): "この操作は既存のFカーブ/アクションを破壊します。", - ("*", "Click [OK] to run the operation."): "[OK]をクリックして操作を実行してください。", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Rigid Body - ("*", "MMD Rigid Body"): "MMDリジッドボディ", - ("*", "Physics + Bone"): "物理演算 + ボーン", - ("*", "Collision Group Mask:"): "コリジョングループマスク:", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Joint - ("*", "MMD Joint"): "MMDジョイント", - ("*", "X-Axis:"): "X軸:", - ("*", "Y-Axis:"): "Y軸:", - ("*", "Z-Axis:"): "Z軸:", - ("*", "Spring(Linear)"): "スプリング(リニア)", - ("*", "Spring(Angular)"): "スプリング(角度)", - - # Properties > Material Properties > MMD Material Panel - ("*", "MMD Material"): "MMDマテリアル", - ("*", "Color:"): "カラー:", - ("*", "Shadow:"): "シャドウ:", - ("*", "Double Sided"): "両面表示", - ("*", "Ground Shadow"): "地面シャドウ", - ("*", "Self Shadow Map"): "セルフシャドウマップ", - ("*", "Self Shadow"): "セルフシャドウ", - ("*", "Toon Edge"): "トゥーン輪郭", - ("*", "Edge Color"): "輪郭カラー", - ("*", "Edge Weight"): "輪郭ウェイト", - - # Properties > Material Properties > MMD Texture Panel - ("*", "MMD Texture"): "MMDテクスチャ", - ("*", "Texture:"): "テクスチャ:", - ("*", "Sphere Texture:"): "スフィアテクスチャ:", - ("*", "SubTexture"): "サブテクスチャ", - ("*", "Use Shared Toon Texture"): "共有トゥーンテクスチャを使用", - ("*", "Shared Toon Texture"): "共有トゥーンテクスチャ", - - # Properties > Bone Properties > MMD Bone Tools Panel - ("*", "MMD Bone Tools"): "MMDボーンツール", - ("*", "Information:"): "情報:", - ("*", "Controllable"): "操作", - ("*", "Tip Bone"): "ティップボーン", - ("*", "Fixed Axis"): "軸制限", - ("*", "Local Axes"): "ローカル軸", - ("*", "Local X-Axis"): "ローカルX軸", - ("*", "Local Z-Axis"): "ローカルZ軸", - ("*", "Rotate +"): "回転 +", - ("*", "Move +"): "移動 +", - - # Shader Editor > Shader Nodes - ("*", "Base Tex Fac"): "ベーステクスチャ係数", - ("*", "Base Tex"): "ベーステクスチャ", - ("*", "Base Alpha"): "ベースアルファ", - ("*", "Base UV"): "ベースUV", - ("*", "Toon Tex Fac"): "トゥーンテクスチャ係数", - ("*", "Toon Tex"): "トゥーンテクスチャ", - ("*", "Toon Alpha"): "トゥーンアルファ", - ("*", "Toon UV"): "トゥーンUV", - ("*", "Sphere Tex Fac"): "スフィアテクスチャ係数", - ("*", "Sphere Tex"): "スフィアテクスチャ", - ("*", "Sphere Alpha"): "スフィアアルファ", - ("*", "Sphere UV"): "スフィアUV", - ("*", "Sphere Mul/Add"): "スフィア 乗算/加算", - ("*", "SubTex UV"): "サブテクスチャUV", - - # Operator Popup > Global Translation Popup - ("Operator", "Global Translation Popup"): "全体翻訳ポップアップ", - ("*", "is Blank:"): "空白のみ:", - ("*", "Japanese"): "日本語", - ("*", "English"): "英語", - ("*", "Select the target column for Batch Operations:"): "一括操作の対象列を選択:", - ("*", "Blender Name (name)"): "Blender名称 (name)", - ("*", "Japanese MMD Name (name_j)"): "日本語MMD名称 (name_j)", - ("*", "English MMD Name (name_e)"): "英語MMD名称 (name_e)", - ("*", "Batch Operation:"): "一括操作:", - ("*", "Clear"): "クリア", - ("*", "Translate to English"): "英語へ翻訳", - ("*", "Blender L/R to MMD L/R"): "Blenderの左右をMMDの左右へ", - ("*", "MMD L/R to Blender L/R"): "MMDの左右をBlenderの左右へ", - ("*", "Restore Blender Names"): "Blender名称を復元", - ("*", "Restore Japanese MMD Names"): "日本語MMD名称を復元", - ("*", "Restore English MMD Names"): "英語MMD名称を復元", - ("*", "Copy English MMD Names, if empty copy Japanese MMD Name"): "英語MMD名称をコピー、空なら日本語MMD名称をコピー", - ("*", "Copy Japanese MMD Names, if empty copy English MMD Name"): "日本語MMD名称をコピー、空なら英語MMD名称をコピー", - ("Operator", "Execute"): "実行", - ("*", "Dictionaries:"): "辞書:", - - # Shader Editor > Nodes - ("*", "Fac"): "係数", - ("*", "Ambient"): "アンビエント", - ("*", "Ambient1"): "アンビエント1", - ("*", "Ambient2"): "アンビエント2", - ("*", "Diffuse"): "ディフューズ", - ("*", "Diffuse1"): "ディフューズ1", - ("*", "Diffuse2"): "ディフューズ2", - ("*", "Specular"): "スペキュラー", - ("*", "Specular1"): "スペキュラー1", - ("*", "Specular2"): "スペキュラー2", - ("*", "Reflect"): "反射", - ("*", "Reflect1"): "反射1", - ("*", "Reflect2"): "反射2", - ("*", "Alpha"): "アルファ", - ("*", "Alpha1"): "アルファ1", - ("*", "Alpha2"): "アルファ2", - ("*", "Edge RGB"): "輪郭 RGB", - ("*", "Edge1 RGB"): "輪郭1 RGB", - ("*", "Edge2 RGB"): "輪郭2 RGB", - ("*", "Edge A"): "輪郭 A", - ("*", "Edge1 A"): "輪郭1 A", - ("*", "Edge2 A"): "輪郭2 A", - ("*", "Base RGB"): "ベース RGB", - ("*", "Base1 RGB"): "ベース1 RGB", - ("*", "Base2 RGB"): "ベース2 RGB", - ("*", "Base A"): "ベース A", - ("*", "Base1 A"): "ベース1 A", - ("*", "Base2 A"): "ベース2 A", - ("*", "Base Tex"): "ベーステクスチャ", - ("*", "Toon RGB"): "トゥーン RGB", - ("*", "Toon1 RGB"): "トゥーン1 RGB", - ("*", "Toon2 RGB"): "トゥーン2 RGB", - ("*", "Toon A"): "トゥーン A", - ("*", "Toon1 A"): "トゥーン1 A", - ("*", "Toon2 A"): "トゥーン2 A", - ("*", "Toon Tex"): "トゥーンテクスチャ", - ("*", "Sphere RGB"): "スフィア RGB", - ("*", "Sphere1 RGB"): "スフィア1 RGB", - ("*", "Sphere2 RGB"): "スフィア2 RGB", - ("*", "Sphere A"): "スフィア A", - ("*", "Sphere1 A"): "スフィア1 A", - ("*", "Sphere2 A"): "スフィア2 A", - ("*", "Sphere Tex"): "スフィアテクスチャ", - ("*", "Sphere Tex Add"): "スフィアテクスチャ加算", - }, - "zh_HANS": { - # Preferences - ("*", "View3D > Sidebar > MMD Tools Panel"): "3D视图 > 侧栏 > MMD Tools面板", - ("*", "Utility tools for MMD model editing. (UuuNyaa's forked version)"): "用于MMD模型编辑的实用工具。(UuuNyaa的分叉版本)", - ("*", "Enable MMD Model Production Features"): "开启MMD模型制作功能", - ("*", "Shared Toon Texture Folder"): "共用的卡通纹理文件夹", - ("*", "Base Texture Folder"): "基础纹理文件夹", - ("*", "Dictionary Folder"): "词典文件夹", - ("*", "Non-Collision Threshold"): "非碰撞阈值", - - ("*", "Add-on update"): "插件更新", - ("Operator", "Restart Blender to complete update"): "重新启动Blender以完成更新", - ("Operator", "Check mmd_tools add-on update"): "检查mmd_tools插件更新", - ("*", "Update to the latest release version ({})"): "更新到最新发布版本", - ("Operator", "No updates are available"): "没有更新", - ("*", "(Danger) Manual Update:"): "(危险)手动更新:", - ("*", "Branch"): "分支", - ("*", "Target"): "目标", - ("Operator", "Update"): "更新", - - ("*", "Failed to check update {}. ({})"): "更新检查失败。{} ({})", - ("*", "Checked update. ({})"): "更新检查成功。({})", - ("*", "Updated to {}. ({})"): "已更新至 {}。({})", - ("*", "Failed to update {}. ({})"): "更新失败。{} ({})", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Model Production - ("*", "Model Production"): "模型制作", - ("Operator", "Create Model"): "创建新的模型", - ("Operator", "Create a MMD Model Root Object"): "创建一个MMD模型的根物体", - ("*", "Name(Eng)"): "名称(英文)", - - ("Operator", "Convert Model"): "转换模型", - ("Operator", "Convert to a MMD Model"): "转换为MMD模型", - ("*", "Ambient Color Source"): "环境色源", - ("*", "Edge Threshold"): "边缘阈值", - ("*", "Minimum Edge Alpha"): "最小边缘Alpha", - ("*", "Convert Material Nodes"): "转换材质节点", - ("*", "Middle Joint Bones Lock"): "中间关节骨锁定", - - ("Operator", "Attach Meshes"): "连接网格", - - ("Operator", "Translate"): "翻译", - ("Operator", "Translate a MMD Model"): "翻译一个MMD模型", - ("Operator", "(Experimental) Global Translation"): "(实验性) 全局翻译", - ("*", "Dictionary"): "词典", - ("*", "Modes"): "模式", - ("*", "MMD Names"): "MMD名称", - ("*", "Blender Names"): "Blender名称", - ("*", "Use Morph Prefix"): "使用变形前缀", - ("*", "Allow Fails"): "允许失败", - - ("*", "Model Surgery:"): "模型手术", - ("Operator", "Chop"): "切断", - ("Operator", "Peel"): "剥去", - ("Operator", "Model Separate by Bones"): "用骨骼分离模型", - ("*", "Separate Armature"): "分离骨架", - ("*", "Include Descendant Bones"): "包括后代的骨骼", - ("*", "Weight Threshold"): "权重阈值", - ("*", "Boundary Joint Owner"): "边界的关节所有者", - ("*", "Source Model"): "源模型", - ("*", "Destination Model"): "目标模型", - - ("Operator", "Join"): "合并", - ("Operator", "Model Join by Bones"): "用骨骼合并模型", - ("*", "Join Type"): "接合类型", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Model Setup - ("*", "Model Setup"): "模型设定", - ("*", "Visibility:"): "可见性:", - ("*", "Assembly:"): "装配:", - ("Operator", "Physics"): "物理", - ("Operator", "Build Rig"): "建立骨架", - ("*", "Non-Collision Distance Scale"): "非碰撞距离缩放", - ("*", "Collision Margin"): "碰撞边距", - - ("Operator", "SDEF"): "SDEF", - ("Operator", "Bind SDEF Driver"): "绑定SDEF驱动器", - ("*", "- Auto -"): "自动", - ("*", "Bulk"): "散装", - ("*", "Skip"): "略过", - - ("*", "IK Toggle:"): "IK切换:", - - ("*", "Mesh:"): "网格:", - ("Operator", "Separate by Materials"): "按材质分开", - ("Operator", "Join"): "合并", - ("*", "Sort Shape Keys"): "排列形态键", - - ("*", "Material:"): "材质:", - ("Operator", "Edge Preview"): "边缘预览", - ("Operator", "Convert to Blender"): "转换给Blender", - ("Operator", "Convert Materials"): "转换材质", - ("*", "Convert to Principled BSDF"): "转换为原理化BSDF", - ("*", "Clean Nodes"): "清理节点", - - ("*", "Misc:"): "杂项:", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Scene Setup - ("*", "Scene Setup"): "场景设定", - ("Operator", "MMD Tools/Manual"): "MMD Tools/使用手册", - ("Operator", "Import"): "导入", - ("Operator", "Export"): "导出", - - ("*", "Model:"): "模型:", - ("*", "Types"): "类型", - ("*", "Morphs"): "变形", - ("*", "Clean Model"): "清空模型", - ("*", "Fix IK Links"): "修复IK关联", - ("*", "Apply Bone Fixed Axis"): "应用骨骼固定轴", - ("*", "Rename Bones - L / R Suffix"): "将骨骼重命名 - L / R后缀", - ("*", "Rename Bones - Use Underscore"): "将骨骼重命名 - 使用下划线", - ("*", "Rename Bones To English"): "将骨骼重命名为英文", - ("*", "Internal Dictionary"): "内部词典", - ("*", "use MIP maps for UV textures"): "使用多级纹理进行UV纹理", - ("*", "influence of .sph textures"): ".sph纹理的影响", - ("*", "influence of .spa textures"): ".spa纹理的影响", - ("*", "Log level"): "日志级别", - ("*", "Create a log file"): "创建一个日志文件", - ("*", "Copy textures"): "复制纹理", - ("*", "Sort Materials"): "排列材质", - ("*", "Disable SPH/SPA"): "禁用SPH/SPA", - ("*", "Visible Meshes Only"): "只有可见的网格", - ("*", "Overwrite Bone Morphs"): "覆盖骨骼变形", - ("*", "Overwrite the bone morphs from active pose library before exporting."): "在导出前覆盖活动姿态库中的骨骼变形。", - ("*", "(Experimental) Translate in Presets"): "(实验的) 预设中的翻译", - ("*", "Translate in presets before exporting."): "导出前在预设中进行翻译。", - ("*", "Sort Vertices"): "排列顶点", - - ("*", "Motion:"): "运动:", - ("*", "Bone Mapper"): "骨骼映射器", - ("*", "Renamed bones"): "重命名的骨骼", - ("*", "Treat Current Pose as Rest Pose"): "把当前的姿态当作静置姿态", - ("*", "Mirror Motion"): "镜像运动", - ("*", "Update scene settings"): "更新场景设置", - ("*", "Use Frame Range"): "使用帧范围", - ("*", "Use NLA"): "使用NLA", - - ("*", "Pose:"): "姿态:", - ("*", "Current Pose"): "当前的姿态", - ("*", "Active Pose"): "活动的姿态", - ("*", "All Poses"): "全部姿态", - - ("*", "Timeline:"): "时间线:", - - ("*", "Rigid Body Physics:"): "刚体物理:", - ("Operator", "Update World"): "更新世界", - ("*", "Substeps"): "子步数", - ("*", "Iterations"): "迭代", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Display Panel - ("*", "Display Panel"): "显示面板", - ("Operator", "Bone"): "骨骼", - ("Operator", "Morph"): "变形", - ("Operator", "Add Display Item Frame"): "添加显示项目帧", - ("Operator", "Remove Display Item Frame"): "移除显示项目帧", - ("Operator", "Move Display Item Frame"): "移动显示项目帧", - ("Operator", "Add Display Item"): "添加显示项目", - ("Operator", "Remove Display Item"): "移除显示项目", - ("Operator", "Move Display Item"): "移动显示项目", - ("*", "Quick setup display items"): "快速设置显示项目", - ("*", "Load Facial Items"): "载入面部项目", - ("*", "Load Bone Groups"): "载入骨骼组", - ("*", "Apply Bone Groups"): "应用骨骼组", - ("Operator", "Move To Top"): "移至顶部", - ("Operator", "Move To Bottom"): "移至底部", - ("Operator", "Delete All"): "删除全部", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Morph Tools Panel - ("*", "Morph Tools"): "变形工具", - ("*", "Eye"): "眼", - ("*", "Eye Brow"): "眼眉", - ("*", "Mouth"): "嘴巴", - ("Operator", "Bind morphs to .placeholder"): "将变形绑定到.placeholder", - ("Operator", "Unbind morphs from .placeholder"): "解绑变形与.placeholder", - ("Operator", "Add Morph"): "添加变形", - ("Operator", "Remove Morph"): "移除变形", - ("Operator", "Copy Morph"): "复制变形", - ("Operator", "Overwrite Bone Morphs from active Pose Library"): "覆盖活动姿态库中的骨骼变形", - ("Operator", "Clean Duplicated Material Morphs"): "清理重复材质变形", - ("Operator", "Move Morph"): "移动变形", - ("Operator", "Add Morph Offset"): "添加变形偏移", - ("Operator", "Remove Morph Offset"): "移除变形偏移", - ("*", "Related Mesh"): "相关网格", - ("Operator", "Create Work Material"): "创建工作材质", - ("Operator", "Init Material Offset"): "初始化材质偏移", - ("*", "Texture factor"): "纹理系数", - ("*", "Sphere Texture factor"): "球体纹理系数", - ("*", "Toon Texture factor"): "卡通纹理系数", - ("*", "Morph Settings"): "变形设置", - ("*", "Material Offsets (%d)"): "材质偏移 (%d)", - ("*", "Bone Offsets (%d)"): "骨骼偏移 (%d)", - ("*", "UV Offsets (%d)"): "UV偏移 (%d)", - ("*", "Group Offsets (%d)"): "群组偏移 (%d)", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Rigid Bodies - ("*", "Rigid Bodies"): "刚体", - ("*", "Active Model"): "活动的模型", - ("*", "All Models"): "全部模型", - ("Operator", "Select Similar..."): "选择类似...", - ("Operator", "Select Rigid Body"): "选择刚体", - ("*", "Collision Group"): "碰撞组", - ("*", "Collision Group Mask"): "碰撞组遮罩", - ("*", "Rigid Type"): "刚体类型", - ("*", "Hide Others"): "隐藏其他", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Joints - ("*", "Joints"): "关节", - ("Operator", "Add Joint"): "添加关节", - ("Operator", "Remove Joint"): "移除关节", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Material Sorter Panel - ("*", "Material Sorter"): "材质顺序", - ("*", "Select a mesh object"): "选择一个网格物体", - ("*", "Use the arrows to sort"): "使用箭头来排序", - ("Operator", "Move Material Up"): "移动材质", - ("Operator", "Move Material Down"): "移动材质", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Meshes Sorter Panel - ("*", "Meshes Sorter"): "网格顺序", - ("*", "Select a MMD Model"): "选择一个MMD模型", - ("Operator", "Move Object"): "移动物体", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > MMD > Bone Order Panel - ("*", "Bone Order"): "骨骼顺序", - ("*", "After Dynamics"): "作用于物理之后", - ("*", "Transform Order"): "变形顺序", - ("Operator", "Add Missing Vertex Groups from Bones"): "从骨骼中添加缺失的顶点组", - ("*", "Search in all meshes"): "在所有网格中搜索", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > Misc > MMD Display Panel - ("*", "MMD Display"): "MMD显示", - ("*", "Temporary Object"): "临时物体", - ("*", "Rigid Body Name"): "刚体名称", - ("*", "Joint"): "关节", - ("*", "Joint Name"): "关节名称", - ("*", "Toon Texture"): "卡通纹理", - ("*", "Sphere Texture"): "球体纹理", - ("*", "Property Drivers"): "属性驱动器", - - # 3D Viewport > Shading - ("*", "MMD Shading Presets"): "MMD着色预设", - ("Operator", "Shadeless"): "无明暗", - - # 3D Viewport > Menu > Object - ("Operator", "Clean Shape Keys"): "清理形态键", - - # 3D Viewport > Menu > Pose - ("Operator", "MMD Flip Pose"): "MMD翻转姿态", - - # 3D Viewport > Menu > Select - ("Operator", "Select MMD Rigid Body"): "选择MMD刚体", - - # 3D Viewport > Sidebar > Misc > MMD Shading Panel - ("*", "MMD Shading"): "MMD着色", - ("Operator", "Shadeless"): "无明暗", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Light Tools - ("*", "MMD Light Tools"): "MMD灯光工具", - ("Operator", "Convert to MMD Light"): "转换为MMD灯光", - ("*", "Light Source"): "光源", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Camera Tools - ("*", "MMD Camera Tools"): "MMD摄像机工具", - ("Operator", "Convert to MMD Camera"): "转换为MMD摄像机", - ("*", "Camera Source"): "摄像机源", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Model Information Panel - ("*", "MMD Model Information"): "MMD模型信息", - ("*", "Name (English)"): "名称(英文)", - ("*", "Comment (English)"): "注释(英文)", - ("Operator", "Change MMD IK Loop Factor"): "改变MMD IK循环系数", - ("*", "MMD IK Loop Factor"): "MMD IK循环系数", - ("Operator", "Recalculate bone roll"): "重算骨骼扭转", - ("*", "This operation will break existing f-curve/action."): "这一操作将破坏现有的函数曲线/动作。", - ("*", "Click [OK] to run the operation."): "点击[确定]来运行操作。", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Rigid Body - ("*", "MMD Rigid Body"): "MMD刚体", - ("*", "Physics + Bone"): "物理 + 骨骼", - ("*", "Collision Group Mask:"): "碰撞组遮罩:", - - # Properties > Object Properties > MMD Joint - ("*", "MMD Joint"): "MMD关节", - ("*", "X-Axis:"): "X轴:", - ("*", "Y-Axis:"): "Y轴:", - ("*", "Z-Axis:"): "Z轴:", - ("*", "Spring(Linear)"): "弹簧(线性)", - ("*", "Spring(Angular)"): "弹簧(棱角)", - - # Properties > Material Properties > MMD Material Panel - ("*", "MMD Material"): "MMD材质", - ("*", "Color:"): "颜色:", - ("*", "Shadow:"): "阴影:", - ("*", "Double Sided"): "双面", - ("*", "Ground Shadow"): "地面阴影", - ("*", "Self Shadow Map"): "自身阴影贴图", - ("*", "Self Shadow"): "自身阴影", - ("*", "Toon Edge"): "卡通边缘", - ("*", "Edge Color"): "边缘颜色", - ("*", "Edge Weight"): "边缘权重", - - # Properties > Material Properties > MMD Texture Panel - ("*", "MMD Texture"): "MMD纹理", - ("*", "Texture:"): "纹理:", - ("*", "Sphere Texture:"): "球体纹理:", - ("*", "SubTexture"): "次纹理", - ("*", "Use Shared Toon Texture"): "使用共用的卡通纹理", - ("*", "Shared Toon Texture"): "共用的卡通纹理", - - # Properties > Bone Properties > MMD Bone Tools Panel - ("*", "MMD Bone Tools"): "MMD骨骼工具", - ("*", "Information:"): "信息:", - ("*", "Controllable"): "可控制的", - ("*", "Tip Bone"): "尖端骨骼", - ("*", "Fixed Axis"): "固定轴", - ("*", "Local Axes"): "局部轴", - ("*", "Local X-Axis"): "局部X轴", - ("*", "Local Z-Axis"): "局部Z轴", - ("*", "Rotate +"): "旋转 +", - ("*", "Move +"): "移动 +", - - # Shader Editor > Shader Nodes - ("*", "Base Tex Fac"): "基础纹理系数", - ("*", "Base Tex"): "基础纹理", - ("*", "Base Alpha"): "基础Alpha", - ("*", "Base UV"): "基础UV", - ("*", "Toon Tex Fac"): "卡通纹理系数", - ("*", "Toon Tex"): "卡通纹理", - ("*", "Toon Alpha"): "卡通Alpha", - ("*", "Toon UV"): "卡通UV", - ("*", "Sphere Tex Fac"): "球体纹理系数", - ("*", "Sphere Tex"): "球体纹理", - ("*", "Sphere Alpha"): "球体Alpha", - ("*", "Sphere UV"): "球体UV", - ("*", "Sphere Mul/Add"): "球体 乘法/加法", - ("*", "SubTex UV"): "次纹理UV", - - # Operator Popup > Global Translation Popup - ("Operator", "Global Translation Popup"): "全局翻译对话框", - ("*", "is Blank:"): "是空白:", - ("*", "Japanese"): "日文", - ("*", "English"): "英文", - ("*", "Select the target column for Batch Operations:"): "选择批量操作的目标列:", - ("*", "Blender Name (name)"): "Blender名称 (name)", - ("*", "Japanese MMD Name (name_j)"): "日文MMD名称 (name_j)", - ("*", "English MMD Name (name_e)"): "英文MMD名称 (name_e)", - ("*", "Batch Operation:"): "批量操作:", - ("*", "Clear"): "清空", - ("*", "Translate to English"): "翻译成英文", - ("*", "Blender L/R to MMD L/R"): "将Blender的左右改为MMD的左右", - ("*", "MMD L/R to Blender L/R"): "将MMD的左右改为Blender的左右", - ("*", "Restore Blender Names"): "恢复Blender名称", - ("*", "Restore Japanese MMD Names"): "名称日文MMD名称", - ("*", "Restore English MMD Names"): "名称英文MMD名称", - ("*", "Copy English MMD Names, if empty copy Japanese MMD Name"): "复制英文MMD名称,如果为空则复制日文MMD名称", - ("*", "Copy Japanese MMD Names, if empty copy English MMD Name"): "复制日文MMD名称,如果为空则复制英文MMD名称", - ("Operator", "Execute"): "执行", - ("*", "Dictionaries:"): "词典:", - - # Shader Editor > Nodes - ("*", "Fac"): "系数", - ("*", "Ambient"): "环境", - ("*", "Ambient1"): "环境1", - ("*", "Ambient2"): "环境2", - ("*", "Diffuse"): "漫射", - ("*", "Diffuse1"): "漫射1", - ("*", "Diffuse2"): "漫射2", - ("*", "Specular"): "高光", - ("*", "Specular1"): "高光1", - ("*", "Specular2"): "高光2", - ("*", "Reflect"): "反射", - ("*", "Reflect1"): "反射1", - ("*", "Reflect2"): "反射2", - ("*", "Alpha"): "Alpha", - ("*", "Alpha1"): "Alpha1", - ("*", "Alpha2"): "Alpha2", - ("*", "Edge RGB"): "边缘 RGB", - ("*", "Edge1 RGB"): "边缘1 RGB", - ("*", "Edge2 RGB"): "边缘2 RGB", - ("*", "Edge A"): "边缘 A", - ("*", "Edge1 A"): "边缘1 A", - ("*", "Edge2 A"): "边缘2 A", - ("*", "Base RGB"): "基础 RGB", - ("*", "Base1 RGB"): "基础1 RGB", - ("*", "Base2 RGB"): "基础2 RGB", - ("*", "Base A"): "基础 A", - ("*", "Base1 A"): "基础1 A", - ("*", "Base2 A"): "基础2 A", - ("*", "Base Tex"): "基础Tex", - ("*", "Toon RGB"): "卡通 RGB", - ("*", "Toon1 RGB"): "卡通1 RGB", - ("*", "Toon2 RGB"): "卡通2 RGB", - ("*", "Toon A"): "卡通 A", - ("*", "Toon1 A"): "卡通1 A", - ("*", "Toon2 A"): "卡通2 A", - ("*", "Toon Tex"): "卡通纹理", - ("*", "Sphere RGB"): "球体 RGB", - ("*", "Sphere1 RGB"): "球体1 RGB", - ("*", "Sphere2 RGB"): "球体2 RGB", - ("*", "Sphere A"): "球体 A", - ("*", "Sphere1 A"): "球体1 A", - ("*", "Sphere2 A"): "球体2 A", - ("*", "Sphere Tex"): "球体纹理", - ("*", "Sphere Tex Add"): "球体纹理加算", - }, -} + for msg in translations_tuple: + key = msg[0] + total_count += 1 + for lang, trans, (is_fuzzy, comments) in msg[2:]: + if not trans: + untranslated_count[lang] += 1 + print(f'Untranslated key {key} for language {lang}') + elif is_fuzzy: + untranslated_count[lang] += 1 + print(f'Fuzzy translation key {key} for language {lang}') + + for lang, cnt in untranslated_count.items(): + print(f'Of {total_count} entries, {cnt} have not been translated for language {lang}')