- Tottem - Library management made social. Built with NextJS/TailwindCSS/TS/Prisma.
- OctoLinker site
- Syntax.fm
- Notion Blog - Next.js site using new SSG support with a Notion backed blog.
- Companies / Sites using NextJS
- NextJS official examples
- Next + TypeScript + Yarn monorepo
- Next.js SDK for signing in with Auth0
- Next.js Medium style boilerplate blog
- Next SEO - Plugin that makes managing your SEO easier in Next.js projects.
- Next.js + MDX Enhanced - Enables MDX pages, layouts, and front matter.
- Zero Config PWA Plugin
- next-translate - Tool to translate Next.js applications.
- next-i18next - Easiest way to translate your NextJs apps.
- Netlify Next.js cache - Cache the Next.js build folder in your Netlify builds.
- next-dark-mode - Enable dark mode for Next.js.
- next-postgres - React 16.4.2 + NextJS 7.0.2 + Emotion + Sequelize 4/Postgres + Passport Local Auth + Zeit or Heroku Deployment.
- Nice Boys™️ Product Boilerplate - Quickly build new products and apps.
- So you want to build a web app? - Tim Neutkens (2019)
- Does NextJS will be soon obsolete? - Great answer by main dev of next.js
- Redux wrapper for Next.js
- Performance analysis: Next.js SSR on Node.js
- Introducing Create Next App (2019)
- Persistent Layout Patterns in Next.js (2019)
- Universal Next.js Route
- Awesome Next.js
- The Next.js Handbook
- Static Generation / SSG Improvements
- Next.js course
- Next.js website source
- Next.js Plugins
- next-urql - Set of convenience utilities for using urql with NextJS.
- Next.js Apollo TypeScript pre-configured starter with great DX
- Mastering NextJS - Premiere video course for building production, server-side rendered applications with Next.js and React.
- NextJS/Reason/Tailwind Template
- dotJS 2019 - Tim Neutkens - What to expect from a modern web framework?
- Next & Apollo Example
- next-learn-demo - Meant to be used with the Next.js tutorial on https://nextjs.org/learn.
- Next.js Starter with User Authentication/Authorization
- next-purgecss - Nextjs + purgecss for faster websites.
- next-offline - Make your Next.js application work offline using service workers via Google's workbox.
- Next.js Stats GitHub Action - Downloads and runs project with provided configs gathering stats to compare branches.
- React ESI - Blazing-fast Server-Side Rendering for React and Next.js.
- Server-side Only React with Next (2020) (HN)
- Serverless Nextjs Component - Deploy your next apps using the serverless framework.
- next-aws-lambda-webpack-plugin - Pack a compat layer between next.js serverless page and AWS Lambda.
- Next.js Static Props
- Next.js Team AMA (2020)
- next-codegen - Fast API route and page generation for Next.js projects.
- NextJS Default Template - Opinionated Boilerplate for NextJS, Tailwind and Reason.