- Idiomatic rust
- Rust patterns
- Reflections on Rust, and the Sand Castle Metaphor
- Building Reliable Infrastructure in Rust by Tyler Neely
- Rust in production at Figma
- Category Theory in Rust Notes
- Cargo generate - Developer tool to help you get up and running quickly with a new Rust project by leveraging a pre-existing git repository as a template.
- Rust Won't Save You From All Bugs
- Desktop and editor setup for Rust development (2018)
- Rust can be difficult to learn and frustrating, but it’s also the most exciting thing in software development in a long time (2018)
- Parsing logs 230x faster with Rust (2018)
- Cross - "Zero setup" cross compilation and "cross testing" of Rust crates.
- Vim setup for Rust
- Cargo Watch - Watches over your Cargo project's source.
- List of Rust bloggers
- Jon Gjengset YouTube channel - Does many awesome Rust streams.
- The What and How of Futures and async/await in Rust
- Introducing Rust crash course (2018)
- Rust Language Cheat Sheet
- Rerast - Tool for transforming Rust code using rules.
- Rust Runtime for AWS Lambda - Makes it easy to run AWS Lambda Functions written in Rust.
- cargo-inspect - What is Rust doing behind the scenes?
- Scale By The Bay 2018: Bryan Cantrill, Rust and Other Interesting Things - Good talk on importance of values in programming languages.
- cargo-call-stack - Whole program static stack analysis.
- Rust in 2022 (2018)
- Rust 2019: Think Bigger (2018)
- Rust Analyzer - Experimental Rust compiler front-end for IDEs.
- Rust at speed — building a fast concurrent database (2018)
- You can't Rust that (2018)
- Rust Playground - Run Rust code online. OSS.
- crates.io - Source code for crates.io
- Read Rust - Collects interesting posts related to the Rust programming language.
- A Quick Look at Trait Objects in Rust (2019)
- Teach Rust (2019) - Free workshop material to use to give a course introducing the Rust programming language.
- Moving from Ruby to Rust (2019) (HN)
- miniserve - Nice & small CLI tool in Rust (can use for inspiration in building Rust CLI tools).
- Rust: A unique perspective (2019)
- Minimizing Rust Binary Size
- Rust Programming Tipz
- Rustlings - Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code.