- Webpack Summary - Webpack plugin for displaying a short summary at the end of the build process.
- add-asset-html-webpack-plugin - Add a JavaScript or CSS asset to the HTML generated by html-webpack-plugin.
- Webpack Extension Reloader - Webpack plugin to automatically reload browser extensions during development.
- React Refresh Webpack Plugin - Enable "Fast Refresh" (also previously known as Hot Reloading) for React components. (Tweet)
- ts-loader - TypeScript loader for webpack.
- Webpack External Import - Import() other chunks and modules from third parties, or other webpack builds themselves! At runtime.
- Speed Measure Plugin - See how fast (or not) your plugins and loaders are, so you can optimise your builds.
- react-imported-component - Bundler-independent solution for SSR-friendly code-splitting.
- Configs Webpack Plugin - Simplified AoT runtime config solution for your webpack builds.
- worker-plugin - Automatically bundle & compile Web Workers within Webpack.
- Webpack: From apprentice to master book
- Awesome Webpack Perf - Curated list of webpack tools and plugins that help make the web faster.
- Building a Platform: Webpack and the Future by Sean Larkin (2018)
- Jetpack - Wraps webpack to create a smoother developer experience.
- Optimize your libraries with webpack - Using a library in your webpack project? Use these tips to make your bundle smaller.
- How to set up an advanced Webpack application (2019)
- inspectpack - Inspection tool for Webpack frontend JavaScript bundles.
- webpack autoconf - Tool to create personalized and optimized webpack.config.js
- Web Performance Optimization with webpack
- Building a Great Developer Experience: The Road to Parcel Version 2 (2019)
- Bundle Analyzer - Keep your webpack bundle optimized over time.
- @mixer/webpack-bundle-compare - Tool for comparing webpack bundle stats.
- Tobias Koppers's presentations