diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index a0dc42e6f5..e4a3b0211e 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -208,10 +208,8 @@ TiledArray/util/vector.h
- TiledArray/external/librett.h
@@ -225,9 +223,18 @@ if(CUDA_FOUND)
+ TiledArray/external/hip.h)
+ TiledArray/external/librett.h)
@@ -275,10 +282,19 @@ if(CUDA_FOUND)
# the list of libraries on which TiledArray depends on
+# LibreTT needed for either CUDA or HIP
diff --git a/src/TiledArray/external/hip.h b/src/TiledArray/external/hip.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75dbfc6955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TiledArray/external/hip.h
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+ * This file is a part of TiledArray.
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Virginia Tech
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ *
+ * Chong Peng
+ * Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech
+ * July 23, 2018
+ *
+ */
+#define HipSafeCall(err) __hipSafeCall(err, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define HipSafeCallNoThrow(err) __hipSafeCallNoThrow(err, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define HipCheckError() __hipCheckError(__FILE__, __LINE__)
+inline void __hipSafeCall(hipError_t err, const char* file, const int line) {
+ if (hipSuccess != err) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "hipSafeCall() failed at: " << file << ":" << line << ": ";
+ ss << hipGetErrorString(err);
+ throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
+ }
+inline void __hipSafeCallNoThrow(hipError_t err, const char* file,
+ const int line) {
+ if (hipSuccess != err) {
+ madness::print_error("hipSafeCallNoThrow() failed at: ", file, ":", line,
+ ": ", hipGetErrorString(err));
+ }
+inline void __hipCheckError(const char* file, const int line) {
+ auto err = hipGetLastError();
+ if (hipSuccess != err) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "hipCheckError() failed at: " << file << ":" << line << ": ";
+ ss << hipGetErrorString(err);
+ throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
+ }
+namespace TiledArray {
+namespace detail {
+inline int num_streams() {
+ int num_streams = -1;
+ char* num_stream_char = std::getenv("TA_HIP_NUM_STREAMS");
+ /// default num of streams is 3
+ if (num_stream_char) {
+ num_streams = std::atoi(num_stream_char);
+ } else {
+ num_streams = 3;
+ }
+ return num_streams;
+inline int num_devices() {
+ int num_devices = -1;
+ HipSafeCall(hipGetDeviceCount(&num_devices));
+ return num_devices;
+inline int current_device_id(World& world) {
+ int mpi_local_size = -1;
+ int mpi_local_rank = -1;
+ std::tie(mpi_local_rank, mpi_local_size) = mpi_local_rank_size(world);
+ int num_devices = detail::num_devices();
+ int device_id = -1;
+ // devices may already be pre-mapped
+ // if mpi_local_size <= num_devices : all ranks are in same resource set, map
+ // round robin
+ if (mpi_local_size <= num_devices) {
+ device_id = mpi_local_rank % num_devices;
+ } else { // mpi_local_size > num_devices
+ char* cvd_cstr = std::getenv("HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES");
+ if (cvd_cstr) { // HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES is set, assume that pre-mapped
+ // make sure that there is only 1 device available here
+ if (num_devices != 1) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ std::string(
+ "HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable is set, hence using "
+ "the provided device-to-rank mapping; BUT TiledArray found ") +
+ std::to_string(num_devices) +
+ " HIP devices; only 1 HIP device / MPI process is supported");
+ }
+ device_id = 0;
+ } else { // not enough devices + devices are not pre-mapped
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ std::string("TiledArray found ") + std::to_string(mpi_local_size) +
+ " MPI ranks on a node with " + std::to_string(num_devices) +
+ " HIP devices; only 1 MPI process / HIP device model is currently "
+ "supported");
+ }
+ }
+ return device_id;
+inline void HIPRT_CB hip_readyflag_callback(void* userData) {
+ // convert void * to std::atomic
+ std::atomic* flag = static_cast*>(userData);
+ // set the flag to be true
+ flag->store(true);
+struct ProbeFlag {
+ ProbeFlag(std::atomic* f) : flag(f) {}
+ bool operator()() const { return flag->load(); }
+ std::atomic* flag;
+inline void thread_wait_stream(const hipStream_t& stream) {
+ std::atomic* flag = new std::atomic(false);
+ HipSafeCall(hipLaunchHostFunc(stream, detail::hip_readyflag_callback, flag));
+ detail::ProbeFlag probe(flag);
+ // wait with sleep and do not do work
+ madness::ThreadPool::await(probe, false, true);
+ // madness::ThreadPool::await(probe, true, true);
+ delete flag;
+} // namespace detail
+inline const hipStream_t*& tls_stream_accessor() {
+ static thread_local const hipStream_t* thread_local_stream_ptr{nullptr};
+ return thread_local_stream_ptr;
+inline void synchronize_stream(const hipStream_t* stream) {
+ tls_stream_accessor() = stream;
+ * hipEnv maintains the HIP-related part of the runtime environment,
+ * such as HIP-specific memory allocators
+ *
+ * \note this is a Singleton
+ */
+class hipEnv {
+ public:
+ ~hipEnv() {
+ // destroy streams on current device
+ for (auto& stream : streams_) {
+ HipSafeCallNoThrow(hipStreamDestroy(stream));
+ }
+ }
+ hipEnv(const hipEnv&) = delete;
+ hipEnv(hipEnv&&) = delete;
+ hipEnv& operator=(const hipEnv&) = delete;
+ hipEnv& operator=(hipEnv&&) = delete;
+ /// access the singleton instance; if not initialized will be
+ /// initialized via hipEnv::initialize() with the default params
+ static std::unique_ptr& instance() {
+ if (!instance_accessor()) {
+ initialize();
+ }
+ return instance_accessor();
+ }
+ // clang-format off
+ /// initialize the instance using explicit params
+ /// \param world the world to use for initialization
+ /// \param page_size memory added to the pools supporting `this->um_allocator()`, `this->device_allocator()`, and `this->pinned_allocator()` in chunks of at least
+ /// this size (bytes) [default=2^25]
+ /// \param pinned_alloc_limit the maximum total amount of memory (in bytes) that
+ /// allocator returned by `this->pinned_allocator()` can allocate;
+ /// this allocator is not used by default [default=0]
+ // clang-format on
+ static void initialize(World& world = TiledArray::get_default_world(),
+ const std::uint64_t page_size = (1ul << 25),
+ const std::uint64_t pinned_alloc_limit = (1ul << 40)) {
+ static std::mutex mtx; // to make initialize() reentrant
+ std::scoped_lock lock{mtx};
+ // only the winner of the lock race gets to initialize
+ if (instance_accessor() == nullptr) {
+ int num_streams = detail::num_streams();
+ int num_devices = detail::num_devices();
+ int device_id = detail::current_device_id(world);
+ // set device for current MPI process .. will be set in the ctor as well
+ HipSafeCall(hipSetDevice(device_id));
+ HipSafeCall(hipDeviceSetCacheConfig(hipFuncCachePreferShared));
+ // uncomment to debug umpire ops
+ //
+ // umpire::util::Logger::getActiveLogger()->setLoggingMsgLevel(
+ // umpire::util::message::Debug);
+ // make Thread Safe UM Dynamic POOL
+ auto& rm = umpire::ResourceManager::getInstance();
+ auto mem_total_free = hipEnv::memory_total_and_free_device();
+ // turn off Umpire introspection for non-Debug builds
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ constexpr auto introspect = true;
+ constexpr auto introspect = false;
+ // allocate all currently-free memory for UM pool
+ auto um_dynamic_pool =
+ rm.makeAllocator(
+ "UMDynamicPool", rm.getAllocator("UM"), mem_total_free.second,
+ pinned_alloc_limit);
+ // allocate zero memory for device pool
+ auto dev_size_limited_alloc =
+ rm.makeAllocator(
+ "size_limited_alloc", rm.getAllocator("DEVICE"),
+ mem_total_free.first);
+ auto dev_dynamic_pool =
+ rm.makeAllocator(
+ "HIPDynamicPool", dev_size_limited_alloc, 0, pinned_alloc_limit);
+ // allocate pinned_alloc_limit in pinned memory
+ auto pinned_size_limited_alloc =
+ rm.makeAllocator(
+ "SizeLimited_PINNED", rm.getAllocator("PINNED"),
+ pinned_alloc_limit);
+ auto pinned_dynamic_pool =
+ rm.makeAllocator(
+ "QuickPool_SizeLimited_PINNED", pinned_size_limited_alloc,
+ page_size, page_size, /* alignment */ TILEDARRAY_ALIGN_SIZE);
+ auto hip_env = std::unique_ptr(
+ new hipEnv(world, num_devices, device_id, num_streams,
+ um_dynamic_pool, dev_dynamic_pool, pinned_dynamic_pool));
+ instance_accessor() = std::move(hip_env);
+ }
+ }
+ World& world() const { return *world_; }
+ int num_devices() const { return num_devices_; }
+ int current_device_id() const { return current_device_id_; }
+ int num_streams() const { return num_streams_; }
+ bool concurrent_managed_access() const {
+ return device_concurrent_managed_access_;
+ }
+ size_t stream_id(const hipStream_t& stream) const {
+ auto it = std::find(streams_.begin(), streams_.end(), stream);
+ if (it == streams_.end()) abort();
+ return it - streams_.begin();
+ }
+ /// @return the total size of all and free device memory on the current device
+ static std::pair memory_total_and_free_device() {
+ std::pair result;
+ // N.B. hipMemGetInfo returns {free,total}
+ HipSafeCall(hipMemGetInfo(&result.second, &result.first));
+ return result;
+ }
+ /// Collective call to probe HIP {total,free} memory
+ /// @return the total size of all and free device memory on every rank's
+ /// device
+ std::vector> memory_total_and_free() const {
+ auto world_size = world_->size();
+ std::vector total_memory(world_size, 0), free_memory(world_size, 0);
+ auto rank = world_->rank();
+ std::tie(total_memory.at(rank), free_memory.at(rank)) =
+ hipEnv::memory_total_and_free_device();
+ world_->gop.sum(total_memory.data(), total_memory.size());
+ world_->gop.sum(free_memory.data(), free_memory.size());
+ std::vector> result(world_size);
+ for (int r = 0; r != world_size; ++r) {
+ result.at(r) = {total_memory.at(r), free_memory.at(r)};
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ const hipStream_t& stream(std::size_t i) const { return streams_.at(i); }
+ const hipStream_t& stream_h2d() const { return streams_[num_streams_]; }
+ const hipStream_t& stream_d2h() const { return streams_[num_streams_ + 1]; }
+ /// @return a (non-thread-safe) Umpire allocator for device UM
+ umpire::Allocator& um_allocator() { return um_allocator_; }
+ // clang-format off
+ /// @return the max actual amount of memory held by um_allocator()
+ /// @details returns the value provided by `umpire::strategy::QuickPool::getHighWatermark()`
+ /// @note if there is only 1 Umpire allocator using UM memory should be identical to the value returned by `umpire::ResourceManager::getInstance().getAllocator("UM").getHighWatermark()`
+ // clang-format on
+ std::size_t um_allocator_getActualHighWatermark() {
+ TA_ASSERT(dynamic_cast(
+ um_allocator_.getAllocationStrategy()) != nullptr);
+ return dynamic_cast(
+ um_allocator_.getAllocationStrategy())
+ ->getActualHighwaterMark();
+ }
+ /// @return a (non-thread-safe) Umpire allocator for device memory
+ umpire::Allocator& device_allocator() { return device_allocator_; }
+ // clang-format off
+ /// @return the max actual amount of memory held by um_allocator()
+ /// @details returns the value provided by `umpire::strategy::QuickPool::getHighWatermark()`
+ /// @note if there is only 1 Umpire allocator using DEVICE memory should be identical to the value returned by `umpire::ResourceManager::getInstance().getAllocator("DEVICE").getHighWatermark()`
+ // clang-format on
+ std::size_t device_allocator_getActualHighWatermark() {
+ TA_ASSERT(dynamic_cast(
+ device_allocator_.getAllocationStrategy()) != nullptr);
+ return dynamic_cast(
+ device_allocator_.getAllocationStrategy())
+ ->getActualHighwaterMark();
+ }
+ /// @return an Umpire allocator that allocates from a
+ /// pinned memory pool
+ /// @warning this is not a thread-safe allocator, should be only used when
+ /// wrapped into umpire_allocator_impl
+ umpire::Allocator& pinned_allocator() { return pinned_allocator_; }
+ // clang-format off
+ /// @return the max actual amount of memory held by pinned_allocator()
+ /// @details returns the value provided by `umpire::strategy::QuickPool::getHighWatermark()`
+ /// @note if there is only 1 Umpire allocator using PINNED memory this should be identical to the value returned by `umpire::ResourceManager::getInstance().getAllocator("PINNED").getHighWatermark()`
+ // clang-format on
+ std::size_t pinned_allocator_getActualHighWatermark() {
+ TA_ASSERT(dynamic_cast(
+ pinned_allocator_.getAllocationStrategy()) != nullptr);
+ return dynamic_cast(
+ pinned_allocator_.getAllocationStrategy())
+ ->getActualHighwaterMark();
+ }
+ protected:
+ hipEnv(World& world, int num_devices, int device_id, int num_streams,
+ umpire::Allocator um_alloc, umpire::Allocator device_alloc,
+ umpire::Allocator pinned_alloc)
+ : world_(&world),
+ um_allocator_(um_alloc),
+ device_allocator_(device_alloc),
+ pinned_allocator_(pinned_alloc),
+ num_devices_(num_devices),
+ current_device_id_(device_id),
+ num_streams_(num_streams) {
+ if (num_devices <= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("No HIP-Enabled GPUs Found!\n");
+ }
+ // set device for current MPI process
+ HipSafeCall(hipSetDevice(current_device_id_));
+ /// check the capability of HIP device
+ hipDeviceProp prop;
+ HipSafeCall(hipGetDeviceProperties(&prop, device_id));
+ if (!prop.managedMemory) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("HIP Device doesn't support managedMemory\n");
+ }
+ int concurrent_managed_access;
+ HipSafeCall(hipDeviceGetAttribute(&concurrent_managed_access,
+ hipDeviceAttributeConcurrentManagedAccess,
+ device_id));
+ device_concurrent_managed_access_ = concurrent_managed_access;
+ if (!device_concurrent_managed_access_) {
+ std::cout << "\nWarning: HIP Device doesn't support "
+ "ConcurrentManagedAccess!\n\n";
+ }
+ // creates streams on current device
+ streams_.resize(num_streams_ + 2);
+ for (auto& stream : streams_) {
+ HipSafeCall(hipStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, hipStreamNonBlocking));
+ }
+ std::cout << "created " << num_streams_ << " HIP streams + 2 I/O streams"
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ // the world used to initialize this
+ World* world_;
+ /// allocator backed by a (non-thread-safe) dynamically-sized pool for UM
+ umpire::Allocator um_allocator_;
+ /// allocator backed by a (non-thread-safe) dynamically-sized pool for device
+ /// memory
+ umpire::Allocator device_allocator_;
+ // allocates from a dynamic, size-limited pinned memory pool
+ // N.B. not thread safe, so must be wrapped into umpire_allocator_impl
+ umpire::Allocator pinned_allocator_;
+ int num_devices_;
+ int current_device_id_;
+ bool device_concurrent_managed_access_;
+ int num_streams_;
+ std::vector streams_;
+ inline static std::unique_ptr& instance_accessor() {
+ static std::unique_ptr instance_{nullptr};
+ return instance_;
+ }
+namespace detail {
+const hipStream_t& get_stream_based_on_range(const Range& range) {
+ // TODO better way to get stream based on the id of tensor
+ auto stream_id = range.offset() % hipEnv::instance()->num_streams();
+ auto& stream = hipEnv::instance()->stream(stream_id);
+ return stream;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace TiledArray