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Boring Bridge Holder

A Solana program that facilitates token bridging using Hyperlane's infrastructure. The program implements a secure ownership model using Squads Protocol for critical administrative controls while maintaining efficient token bridging operations.

Security Model

Administrative Control

  • Program upgrade authority is managed by a Squads multisig
  • Program account ownership is managed by the same Squads multisig
  • This ensures critical administrative functions require multiple signatures, preventing single-point-of-failure risks

Strategist Role

  • The strategist is implemented as a normal externally owned account (not a PDA)
  • The strategist has limited control, only being able to:
    1. Initiate transfers up to the current token balance
    2. Pay bridge fees using their own lamports

Transfer Flow

When a strategist initiates a remote transfer, the following security checks and operations occur:

  1. Strategist Verification

    • Verifies the transaction signer matches the stored strategist public key
  2. Configuration Validation

    • All strategist-provided parameters (except amount) are hashed and compared against stored configuration
    • This prevents unauthorized modification of bridge parameters
  3. Token Transfer

    • Transfers the specified token amount from the program derived account(BoringState) to the strategist
    • Amount is bounded by the program's current token balance
  4. Bridge Execution

    • The transferred tokens are bridged from the strategist's account, using Hyperlane's infrastructure
    • Bridge fees are paid by the strategist's account

Important Notes

  • The strategist cannot modify any bridge configuration parameters
  • All configuration changes require multisig approval
  • Bridge fees must be covered by the strategist's lamport balance
  • Token transfers are limited to the program's available balance




  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd boring-bridge-holder
  2. Install dependencies:

    yarn install


Build the program:

anchor build


Run the tests:

anchor test


Solana devnet:

anchor deploy --provider.cluster

Eclipse Mainnet:

solana program deploy target/deploy/ --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json -u

To retry txs:

solana program deploy target/deploy/ --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json -u --buffer <PATH_TO_INTERMEDIATE_KEYPAIR>

To generate an intermediate keypair:

solana-keygen recover --outfile ./intermediate.json

To see abandoned buffer accounts:

solana program show --buffers -u

To close abandoned buffer accounts:

solana program close --buffers --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json -u

Squads Multisig

Navigate to Backup Squads Website

Go to settings and set the following: RPC Url: Program ID: eSQDSMLf3qxwHVHeTr9amVAGmZbRLY2rFdSURandt6f

Then enter the multisig address. Squads multisig: 8QfUfa4QRqPrbvJ7h98VQPCE8vM6KFovYYEMkiVwSAaf


To change upgrade authority. Note only add in the --skip-new-upgrade-authority-signer-check flag if you are sure the new upgrade authority is correct.

solana program set-upgrade-authority <PROGRAM_ID> --new-upgrade-authority <NEW_UPGRADE_AUTHORITY> -u --skip-new-upgrade-authority-signer-check

Make necessary changes to the program, update the version number in, and in tests/boring-bridge-holder.ts

solana program write-buffer target/deploy/ -u

If txs fail, then recover the intermediate keypair and retry the txs with the intermediate keypair. Once you have the buffer account, update the bufferAccount variable in scripts/create_upgrade_tx.ts.

Change the buffer authority to the multisig.

solana program set-buffer-authority <BUFFER_ACCOUNT> --new-buffer-authority <NEW_BUFFER_AUTHORITY> -u

Then run

ts-node scripts/create_upgrade_tx.ts


Before running any scripts:

  1. Copy the sample environment file:

    cp sample.env .env
  2. Fill out the .env file with your configuration values

  3. Run scripts using ts-node:

  • initialize.ts: Initialize the boring bridge holder account

  • transfer_ownership.ts: Transfer ownership of the boring bridge holder account

  • update_configuration.ts: Update the configuration

  • update_strategist.ts: Update the strategist

  • transfer_remote.ts: Transfer tokens remotely

    ts-node scripts/<script-name>.ts

Verifying deployed program matches local program

  • Make sure solana-verify is installed.
  • Make sure anchor build has been run.
  • Run the following command:
ts-node scripts/verify_program.ts

Under the hood this script is just using solana-verify get-executable-hash and solana-verify get-program-hash to verify the program hashes match.

Program Structure

  • programs/boring-bridge-holder/src/ Main program file containing instruction handlers
  • programs/boring-bridge-holder/src/instructions/: Directory containing instruction-specific logic
    • Logic for the transfer remote instruction
  • tests/boring-bridge-holder.ts: Test suite

Key Features

  • Initialize a boring bridge holder account
  • Transfer ownership
  • Update strategist
  • Update configuration
  • Transfer tokens remotely using Hyperlane's infrastructure

Account Structure


  • Creator: The account that created the boring bridge holder
  • Owner: The account that can update configuration and transfer ownership
  • Strategist: The account that can execute transfers
  • Config Hash: Hash of the current configuration
  • Bump: PDA bump seed

Configuration Data

  • Target Program
  • NOOP Program
  • Token PDA
  • Mailbox Program
  • Mailbox Outbox
  • Message Dispatch Authority
  • IGP Program
  • IGP Program Data
  • IGP Account (This is really the overhead IGP program)
  • Token Sender (This is really the IGP account)
  • Token 2022 Program
  • Mint Authority
  • Destination Domain
  • EVM Recipient
  • Decimals
