Field Name | Definition |
MethodsOfControlDebtBondage | Indicates whether the individual is forced to work to pay off a created or perceived debt. The individual is deceived to work for little or no pay, with no control over his/her debt. Debt bondage is defined as the status or condition arising from a pledge by a debtor of his personal services or of those of a person under his control as security for a debt, if the value of those services as reasonably assessed is not applied towards the liquidation of the debt or the length and nature of those services are not respectively limited and defined (United Nations' 1956 Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery). |
MethodsOfControlTakesEarnings | Indicates whether the individual has experienced a situation where the exploiters have taken his/her remuneration in order to control him/her. |
MethodsOfControlRestrictsFinancialAccess | Indicates whether the individual experienced a situation in which his/her exploiter(s) prohibited or restricted the individual's access to necessary daily living funds or their own personal finances. This includes but not limited to, controlling an individual’s personal bank account, bank/credit cards, or overtly stealing the individual’s personal funds. |
MethodsOfControlThreats | Indicates whether the individual experienced a situation in which his/her exploiter(s) explicitly or implicitly communicated an intent to inflict harm or loss on the individual or another. Threats to report or contact law enforcement in order to negatively impact the individual or another are considered distinct and are categorized in the MethodsOfControlThreatOfLawEnforcement variable. |
MethodsOfControlPsychologicalAbuse | Indicates whether the individual experienced a situation in which their exploiter(s) used emotionally abusive, deceptive, or devious tactics to influence the individual. This may include, but is not limited to, name calling, verbal abuse, humiliating in front of others, manipulating real or perceived power imbalances, or shaming, blaming the individual. It may also include acts intended to exploit or prey upon any familial or romantic bonds/attachments the individual has with their exploiter(s). |
MethodsOfControlPhysicalAbuse | Indicates whether the individual experienced a situation in which their exploiter(s) acted to cause physical injury, pain, disability, death or trauma to the individual. This includes but not limited to shoving, strangulation, shaking, slapping, punching, kicking, pulling hair, burning, branding or tattooing, the use of a weapon, or using one’s size and strength against the individual. Physical acts of a sexual abuse are considered distinct and are categorized in the MethodsOfControlSexualAbuse variable. |
MethodsOfControlSexualAbuse | Indicates whether the individual experienced any kind of unwanted or non-consenting sexual contact from their exploiter(s) as a means by which to control the individual, rather than a purpose for which the individual was trafficked, in order to influence their behavior. This includes, but is not limited to, using sexual acts, assault, or contact as punishment or manipulation or normalizing sexual violence. It also includes coercive behavior that interferes with the individual’s ability to control his/her reproductive life, including but not limited to, forcing/coercing the individual to terminate or continue a pregnancy against their will, manipulating birth control, intentionally exposing someone to an STI, preventing condom negotiation, and/or attempting to or impregnating the individual without their consent. |
MethodsOfControlFalsePromises | Indicates whether the individual was defrauded or tricked into entering the exploitative situation by their exploiter(s) using deception and false pretenses. |
MethodsOfControlPsychoactiveSubstances | Indicates whether the exploiter(s) induced the individual into substance abuse, provided substances to make the individual compliant or in order to influence their behavior, or exploited an existing substance abuse issue. |
MethodsOfControlRestrictsMovement | Indicates whether the exploiter(s) isolated, confined or limited the movement of the individual in any way physically or socially. This may include situations in which the individual is physically detained, prevented from moving without being accompanied or monitored, or the exploiter(s) threatens or enacts repercussions related to the individual’s movement. This may also include forms of emotional isolation including restricting the individual’s access to support systems or social networks or moving the individual frequently in order to prevent the individual from establishing support systems or social networks. |
MethodsOfControlRestrictsMedicalCare | Indicates whether the exploiter(s) limited the individual’s access to medical or health services. Including but not limited to necessary medical care or treatment being withheld, or when access to such treatment was controlled by the exploiter(s). This category also includes situations in which the individual was unable to access or interact with health services without being accompanied or monitored by the exploiter(s). |
MethodsOfControlExcessiveWorkingHours | Indicates whether the individual was required to work a significant number of hours in excess of what they were contracted or promised; could include over-time, late or atypical shifts, or overnight hours. Could be used a means for keeping the individual isolated and/or unable to seek help or report their situation. In some instances, work hours may be so excessive as to cause physical and/or mental health issues which may also limit the individual’s capacity to seek help or report their situation. |
MethodsOfControlUsesChildren | Indicates whether the exploiter limited the individual's access to their children as a means of control whether through separation, isolation, manipulation of custody, or physical removal of child to stay with individuals or family connected to or controlled by the exploiter. Could occur permanently or intermittently and could be tied to an exploiter's control over a child's access to healthcare, school, or extended family. |
MethodsOfControlThreatOfLawEnforcement | Indicates whether the individual experienced a situation in which their exploiter(s) explicitly or implicitly communicated an intent to contact or involve law enforcement or other relevant authorities, such as immigration authorities, in order to negatively impact the individual or another. |
MethodsOfControlWithholdsNecessities | Indicates whether the individual experienced a situation in which their exploiter(s) denied, restricted, or threatened to deny/restrict basic living necessities such as food, shelter, water, hygiene, appropriate clothes, or necessary items for religious observance or gender expression. |
MethodsOfControlWithholdsDocuments | Indicates whether the individual experienced a situation in which their exploiter(s) limited, restricted, or controlled the individual’s access to important documents including, but not limited to, the individual’s passport, immigration documents, work permit, identification card, government benefit documents, birth certificate, gender identity carry letter, court-issued protection orders, custody papers, or other legal, official, or government documents. |
MethodsOfControlOther | Indicates whether the exploiter used a tactic intended to create or maintain power and control over the individual that cannot reasonably fit in any of the previous categories. |
Field Name | Definition |
A_AgricultureForestryAndFishing | This division includes the exploitation of vegetal and animal natural resources, comprising the activities of growing of crops, raising and breeding of animals, harvesting of timber and other plants, animals or animal products from a farm or their natural habitats. |
B_MiningAndQuarrying | This division includes the extraction of minerals occurring naturally as solids (coal and ores), liquids (petroleum) or gases (natural gas). Extraction can be achieved by different methods such as underground or surface mining, well operation, seabed mining etc. This section also includes supplementary activities aimed at preparing the crude materials for marketing, for example, crushing, grinding, cleaning, drying, sorting, concentrating ores, liquefaction of natural gas and agglomeration of solid fuels. These operations are often carried out by the units that extracted the resource and/or others located nearby. Mining activities are classified into divisions, groups and classes on the basis of the principal mineral produced. |
C_Manufacturing | This division includes the physical or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products, although this cannot be used as the single universal criterion for defining manufacturing (see remark on processing of waste below). The materials, substances, or components transformed are raw materials that are products of agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining or quarrying as well as products of other manufacturing activities. Substantial alteration, renovation or reconstruction of goods is generally considered to be manufacturing. Units engaged in manufacturing are often described as plants, factories or mills and characteristically use power-driven machines and materials-handling equipment. However, units that transform materials or substances into new products by hand or in the worker’s home and those engaged in selling to the general public of products made on the same premises from which they are sold, such as bakeries and custom tailors, are also included in this section. Manufacturing units may process materials or may contract with other units to process their materials for them. Both types of units are included in manufacturing. The output of a manufacturing process may be finished in the sense that it is ready for utilization or consumption, or it may be semi-finished in the sense that it is to become an input for further manufacturing. For example, the output of alumina refining is the input used in the primary production of aluminium; primary aluminium is the input to aluminium wire drawing; and aluminium wire is the input for the manufacture of fabricated wire products. |
D_ElectricityGasSteamAndAirConditioningSupply | This division includes the activity of providing electric power, natural gas, steam, hot water and the like through a permanent infrastructure (network) of lines, mains and pipes. The dimension of the network is not decisive; also included are the distribution of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and the like in industrial parks or residential buildings. This section therefore includes the operation of electric and gas utilities, which generate, control and distribute electric power or gas. Also included is the provision of steam and air-conditioning supply. |
E_WaterSupplySewerageWasteManagement | This section includes activities related to the management (including collection, treatment and disposal) of various forms of waste, such as solid or non-solid industrial or household waste, as well as contaminated sites. The output of the waste or sewage treatment process can either be disposed of or become an input into other production processes. Activities of water supply are also grouped in this section, since they are often carried out in connection with, or by units also engaged in, the treatment of sewage. |
F_Construction | This division includes general construction of buildings of all kinds. It includes new work, repair, additions and alterations, the erection of pre-fabricated buildings or structures on the site and also construction of temporary nature. |
G_WholesaleAndRetailTradeRepairOfMotorVehicles | This division includes wholesale and retail sale (i.e. sale without transformation) of any type of goods and the rendering of services incidental to the sale of these goods. Wholesaling and retailing are the final steps in the distribution of goods. Goods bought and sold are also referred to as merchandise. Also included in this section are the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. |
H_TransportationAndStorage | This division includes the provision of passenger or freight transport, whether scheduled or not, by rail, pipeline, road, water or air and associated activities such as terminal and parking facilities, cargo handling, storage etc. Included in this section is the renting of transport equipment with driver or operator. Also included are postal and courier activities. |
I_AccommodationAndFoodServiceActivities | This section includes the provision of short-stay accommodation for visitors and other travellers and the provision of complete meals and drinks fit for immediate consumption. The amount and type of supplementary services provided within this section can vary widely. |
J_InformationAndCommunication | This includes but is not limited to: Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities, Programming and broadcasting activities, Telecommunications. |
K_FinancialAndInsuranceActivities | Includes financial service activities, including insurance, reinsurance and pension funding activities and activities to support financial services. This section also includes the activities of holding assets, such as activities of holding companies and the activities of trusts, funds and similar financial entities. |
L_RealEstateActivities | This section includes acting as lessors, agents and/or brokers in one or more of the following: selling or buying real estate, renting real estate, providing other real estate services such as appraising real estate or acting as real estate escrow agents. Activities in this section may be carried out on own or leased property and may be done on a fee or contract basis. Also included is the building of structures, combined with maintaining ownership or leasing of such structures. |
M_ProfessionalScientificAndTechnicalActivities | This section includes specialized professional, scientific and technical activities. These activities require a high degree of training, and make specialized knowledge and skills available to users. Examples are: -Legal and accounting activities -Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities -Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis -Scientific research and development -Advertising and market research -Other professional, scientific and technical activities -Veterinary activities. |
N_AdministrativeAndSupportServiceActivities | This section includes a variety of activities that support general business operations. |
O_PublicAdministrationAndDefence | This section includes activities of a governmental nature, normally carried out by the public administration. This includes the enactment and judicial interpretation of laws and their pursuant regulation, as well as the administration of programmes based on them, legislative activities, taxation, national defence, public order and safety, immigration services, foreign affairs and the administration of government programmes. This section also includes compulsory social security activities. |
P_Education | This section includes education at any level or for any profession, oral or written as well as by radio and television or other means of communication. It includes education by the different institutions in the regular school system at its different levels as well as adult education, literacy programmes etc. Also included are military schools and academies, prison schools etc. at their respective levels. The section includes public as well as private education. |
Q_HumanHealthAndSocialWorkActivities | This section includes the provision of health and social work activities. Activities include a wide range of activities, starting from health care provided by trained medical professionals in hospitals and other facilities, over residential care activities that still involve a degree of health care activities to social work activities without any involvement of health care professionals. |
R_ArtsEntertainmentAndRecreation | This section includes a wide range of activities to meet varied cultural, entertainment and recreational interests of the general public, including live performances, operation of museum sites, gambling, sports and recreation activities. |
S_OtherServiceActivities | This section (as a residual category) includes the activities of membership organizations, the repair of computers and personal and household goods and a variety of personal service activities not covered elsewhere in the classification. |
T_ActivitiesOfHouseholdsAsEmployers | This division includes activities of households as employers of domestic personnel. Furthermore, it includes the undifferentiated subsistence goods-producing and services producing activities of households. |
U_ActivitiesOfExtraterritorialOrganizations | This class includes activities of international organizations such as the United Nations and the specialized agencies of the United Nations system, regional bodies etc., the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Customs Organization, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the European Communities, the European Free Trade Association etc. This class also includes activities of diplomatic and consular missions when being determined by the country of their location rather than by the country they represent. |