From d226852df9ff904ff134256198761271564a4617 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Evan Haas Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 17:01:44 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Value: avoid unaligned loads when printing strings --- src/aro/Value.zig | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/aro/Value.zig b/src/aro/Value.zig index 34025fc1..1821ff82 100644 --- a/src/aro/Value.zig +++ b/src/aro/Value.zig @@ -953,26 +953,44 @@ pub fn print(v: Value, ty: Type, comp: *const Compilation, w: anytype) @TypeOf(w pub fn printString(bytes: []const u8, ty: Type, comp: *const Compilation, w: anytype) @TypeOf(w).Error!void { const size: Compilation.CharUnitSize = @enumFromInt(ty.elemType().sizeof(comp).?); const without_null = bytes[0 .. bytes.len - @intFromEnum(size)]; + try w.writeByte('"'); switch (size) { - inline .@"1", .@"2" => |sz| { - const data_slice: []const sz.Type() = @alignCast(std.mem.bytesAsSlice(sz.Type(), without_null)); - const formatter = if (sz == .@"1") std.zig.fmtEscapes(data_slice) else std.unicode.fmtUtf16le(data_slice); - try w.print("\"{}\"", .{formatter}); + .@"1" => try w.print("{}", .{std.zig.fmtEscapes(without_null)}), + .@"2" => { + var items: [2]u16 = undefined; + var i: usize = 0; + while (i < without_null.len) { + @memcpy(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(items[0..1]), without_null[i..][0..2]); + i += 2; + const is_surrogate = std.unicode.utf16IsHighSurrogate(items[0]); + if (is_surrogate and i < without_null.len) { + @memcpy(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(items[1..2]), without_null[i..][0..2]); + if (std.unicode.utf16DecodeSurrogatePair(&items)) |decoded| { + i += 2; + try w.print("{u}", .{decoded}); + } else |_| { + try w.print("\\x{x}", .{items[0]}); + } + } else if (is_surrogate) { + try w.print("\\x{x}", .{items[0]}); + } else { + try w.print("{u}", .{items[0]}); + } + } }, .@"4" => { - try w.writeByte('"'); - const data_slice = std.mem.bytesAsSlice(u32, without_null); - var buf: [4]u8 = undefined; - for (data_slice) |item| { - if (item <= std.math.maxInt(u21) and std.unicode.utf8ValidCodepoint(@intCast(item))) { - const codepoint: u21 = @intCast(item); - const written = std.unicode.utf8Encode(codepoint, &buf) catch unreachable; - try w.print("{s}", .{buf[0..written]}); + var item: [1]u32 = undefined; + const data_slice = std.mem.sliceAsBytes(item[0..1]); + for (0..@divExact(without_null.len, 4)) |n| { + @memcpy(data_slice, without_null[n * 4 ..][0..4]); + if (item[0] <= std.math.maxInt(u21) and std.unicode.utf8ValidCodepoint(@intCast(item[0]))) { + const codepoint: u21 = @intCast(item[0]); + try w.print("{u}", .{codepoint}); } else { - try w.print("\\x{x}", .{item}); + try w.print("\\x{x}", .{item[0]}); } } - try w.writeByte('"'); }, } + try w.writeByte('"'); }