diff --git a/scripts/generate_builtins_dafsa.zig b/scripts/generate_builtins_dafsa.zig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd5c4b16 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/generate_builtins_dafsa.zig @@ -0,0 +1,951 @@ +// Generates a DAFSA and a companion array of builtin properties from the set of .def +// files from Clang found here: +// +// https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/clang/include/clang/Basic +// +// To generate, run the following command from the root of the repository: +// +// zig run scripts/generate_builtins_dafsa.zig --main-mod-path . -- path/to/Builtins*.def +// +// Current limitations: +// - Can not handle macros that span multiple lines +// - Skips TARGET_BUILTIN, CUSTOM_BUILTIN, and UNALIASED_CUSTOM_BUILTIN + +const std = @import("std"); +const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; +const Properties = @import("../src/builtins/Properties.zig"); +const TypeDescription = @import("../src/builtins/TypeDescription.zig"); + +const generated_file_path = "src/builtins/BuiltinFunction.zig"; + +const BuiltinData = struct { + param_str: []const u8, + properties: Properties, +}; + +pub fn main() !void { + var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; + defer std.debug.assert(gpa.deinit() == .ok); + const allocator = gpa.allocator(); + + var arena_state = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator); + defer arena_state.deinit(); + const arena = arena_state.allocator(); + + var args_it = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(allocator); + defer args_it.deinit(); + + _ = args_it.next(); + + var set = std.StringHashMap(BuiltinData).init(allocator); + defer set.deinit(); + + var max_params_count: usize = 0; + while (args_it.next()) |def_path| { + var def_contents = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(allocator, def_path, std.math.maxInt(u32)); + defer allocator.free(def_contents); + + const maybe_target = targetFromFilename(def_path) catch |err| switch (err) { + error.UnknownTarget => { + std.debug.print("unknown target for file '{s}', skipping\n", .{def_path}); + continue; + }, + error.UnexpectedFilename => { + std.debug.print("unexpected filename: '{s}'\n", .{def_path}); + return err; + }, + }; + + var line_it = std.mem.tokenizeAny(u8, def_contents, "\r\n"); + while (line_it.next()) |line| { + var param_it = MacroIterator.init(line); + const macro_str = param_it.next() orelse continue; + const macro = std.meta.stringToEnum(Macro, macro_str) orelse continue; + + switch (macro) { + .TARGET_BUILTIN, .CUSTOM_BUILTIN, .UNALIASED_CUSTOM_BUILTIN => continue, // TODO + else => {}, + } + + const name = param_it.next() orelse continue; + const params = param_it.next() orelse continue; + const params_without_quotes = params[1 .. params.len - 1]; + + // skip anything with & in it since that's 'by reference' + if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, params_without_quotes, '&') != null) { + std.debug.print("{s}: '&' in params str '{s}', skipping\n", .{ name, params_without_quotes }); + continue; + } + + var params_parser = TypeDescription.TypeIterator.init(params_without_quotes); + var params_count: usize = 0; + while (params_parser.next()) |_| { + params_count += 1; + } + if (params_count == 0) { + // pthread_create has an empty string as its params, so skip it + if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "pthread_create")) continue; + std.debug.print("{s}: failed to parse param string: {s}\n", .{ name, params }); + return error.InvalidParamString; + } + // return value is not counted + params_count -= 1; + + max_params_count = @max(params_count, max_params_count); + + const attrs_str = param_it.next() orelse continue; + const attrs = attributesFromString(attrs_str); + + var builtin_data = BuiltinData{ + .param_str = params_without_quotes, + .properties = .{ + .attributes = attrs, + .language = .all_languages, + .header = .none, + .target_set = Properties.TargetSet.initOne(maybe_target orelse .basic), + }, + }; + + switch (macro) { + .BUILTIN => {}, // no further params + .LANGBUILTIN => { + const lang = param_it.next() orelse continue; + builtin_data.properties.language = allowed_languages_map.get(lang) orelse { + std.debug.print("{s}: unknown language '{s}', skipping\n", .{ name, lang }); + continue; + }; + }, + .LIBBUILTIN => { + const header = param_it.next() orelse continue; + builtin_data.properties.header = header_map.get(header) orelse { + std.debug.print("{s}: unknown header '{s}', skipping\n", .{ name, header }); + continue; + }; + const lang = param_it.next() orelse continue; + builtin_data.properties.language = allowed_languages_map.get(lang) orelse { + std.debug.print("{s}: unknown language '{s}', skipping\n", .{ name, lang }); + continue; + }; + }, + else => @panic("TODO unsupported BUILTIN macro"), + } + + if (!param_it.isAtEnd()) { + std.debug.print("{s}: expected end of macro but '{s}' remains, skipping\n", .{ name, param_it.token_it.buffer[param_it.token_it.index..] }); + continue; + } + + var result = try set.getOrPut(name); + if (result.found_existing) { + if (!equivalentPrototypes(result.value_ptr.*, builtin_data)) { + result.value_ptr.param_str = "!"; + std.debug.print("{s}: param_str changed to \"!\"\n", .{name}); + } + if (maybe_target) |target| { + result.value_ptr.properties.target_set.insert(target); + } + } else { + result.key_ptr.* = try arena.dupe(u8, name); + builtin_data.param_str = try arena.dupe(u8, params_without_quotes); + result.value_ptr.* = builtin_data; + } + } + } + + std.debug.print("{} builtins, max params: {}\n", .{ set.count(), max_params_count }); + + { + var sorted_list = try allocator.alloc([]const u8, set.count()); + defer allocator.free(sorted_list); + var i: usize = 0; + var name_it = set.keyIterator(); + while (name_it.next()) |name_ptr| { + sorted_list[i] = name_ptr.*; + i += 1; + } + + std.mem.sort([]const u8, sorted_list, {}, struct { + pub fn lessThan(_: void, a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool { + return std.mem.lessThan(u8, a, b); + } + }.lessThan); + + var longest_name: usize = 0; + var shortest_name: usize = std.math.maxInt(usize); + + var builder = try DafsaBuilder.init(allocator); + defer builder.deinit(); + for (sorted_list) |name| { + try builder.insert(name); + longest_name = @max(name.len, longest_name); + shortest_name = @min(name.len, shortest_name); + } + try builder.finish(); + builder.calcNumbers(); + + // As a sanity check, confirm that the minimal perfect hashing doesn't + // have any collisions + { + var index_set = std.AutoHashMap(usize, void).init(allocator); + defer index_set.deinit(); + + var name_it_again = set.keyIterator(); + while (name_it_again.next()) |name_ptr| { + const name = name_ptr.*; + const index = builder.getUniqueIndex(name).?; + const result = try index_set.getOrPut(index); + if (result.found_existing) { + std.debug.print("clobbered {}, name={s}\n", .{ index, name }); + return error.MinimalPerfectHashCollision; + } + } + } + + var data_array = try allocator.alloc(*BuiltinData, set.count()); + defer allocator.free(data_array); + var names_array = try allocator.alloc([]const u8, set.count()); + defer allocator.free(names_array); + + var it = set.iterator(); + while (it.next()) |entry| { + const unique_index = builder.getUniqueIndex(entry.key_ptr.*).?; + const data_index = unique_index - 1; + data_array[data_index] = entry.value_ptr; + names_array[data_index] = entry.key_ptr.*; + } + + var dafsa_file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile(generated_file_path, .{}); + defer dafsa_file.close(); + + var file_writer = dafsa_file.writer(); + var buffered_writer = std.io.bufferedWriter(file_writer); + const writer = buffered_writer.writer(); + + std.debug.assert(set.contains("__builtin_canonicalize")); // used for the generated test case + + try writer.print("//! Autogenerated by {s}, do not edit\n\n", .{@src().file}); + try writer.writeAll( + \\const std = @import("std"); + \\const Properties = @import("Properties.zig"); + \\const TargetSet = Properties.TargetSet; + \\ + \\tag: Tag, + \\param_str: []const u8, + \\properties: Properties, + \\ + \\/// Integer starting at 0 derived from the unique index, + \\/// corresponds with the builtin_data array index. + \\pub const Tag = enum(u16) { _ }; + \\ + \\const Self = @This(); + \\ + \\pub fn fromName(name: []const u8) ?@This() { + \\ const data_index = tagFromName(name) orelse return null; + \\ return builtin_data[@intFromEnum(data_index)]; + \\} + \\ + \\pub fn tagFromName(name: []const u8) ?Tag { + \\ const unique_index = uniqueIndex(name) orelse return null; + \\ return @enumFromInt(unique_index - 1); + \\} + \\ + \\pub fn fromTag(tag: Tag) @This() { + \\ return builtin_data[@intFromEnum(tag)]; + \\} + \\ + \\pub fn nameFromTagIntoBuf(tag: Tag, name_buf: []u8) []u8 { + \\ std.debug.assert(name_buf.len >= longest_builtin_name); + \\ const unique_index = @intFromEnum(tag) + 1; + \\ return nameFromUniqueIndex(unique_index, name_buf); + \\} + \\ + \\pub fn nameFromTag(tag: Tag) NameBuf { + \\ var name_buf: NameBuf = undefined; + \\ const unique_index = @intFromEnum(tag) + 1; + \\ const name = nameFromUniqueIndex(unique_index, &name_buf.buf); + \\ name_buf.len = @intCast(name.len); + \\ return name_buf; + \\} + \\ + \\pub const NameBuf = struct { + \\ buf: [longest_builtin_name]u8 = undefined, + \\ len: std.math.IntFittingRange(0, longest_builtin_name), + \\ + \\ pub fn span(self: *const NameBuf) []const u8 { + \\ return self.buf[0..self.len]; + \\ } + \\}; + \\ + \\pub fn exists(name: []const u8) bool { + \\ if (name.len < shortest_builtin_name or name.len > longest_builtin_name) return false; + \\ + \\ var index: u16 = 0; + \\ for (name) |c| { + \\ index = findInList(dafsa[index].child_index, c) orelse return false; + \\ } + \\ return dafsa[index].end_of_word; + \\} + \\ + \\test exists { + \\ try std.testing.expect(exists("__builtin_canonicalize")); + \\ try std.testing.expect(!exists("__builtin_canonicaliz")); + \\ try std.testing.expect(!exists("__builtin_canonicalize.")); + \\} + \\ + \\pub fn isVarArgs(self: @This()) bool { + \\ return self.param_str[self.param_str.len - 1] == '.'; + \\} + \\ + \\ + ); + try writer.print("pub const shortest_builtin_name = {};\n", .{shortest_name}); + try writer.print("pub const longest_builtin_name = {};\n\n", .{longest_name}); + try writer.writeAll( + \\pub const BuiltinsIterator = struct { + \\ index: u16 = 1, + \\ name_buf: [longest_builtin_name]u8 = undefined, + \\ + \\ pub const Entry = struct { + \\ /// Memory of this slice is overwritten on every call to `next` + \\ name: []const u8, + \\ builtin: Self, + \\ }; + \\ + \\ pub fn next(self: *BuiltinsIterator) ?Entry { + \\ if (self.index > builtin_data.len) return null; + \\ const index = self.index; + \\ const data_index = index - 1; + \\ self.index += 1; + \\ return .{ + \\ .name = nameFromUniqueIndex(index, &self.name_buf), + \\ .builtin = builtin_data[data_index], + \\ }; + \\ } + \\}; + \\ + \\test BuiltinsIterator { + \\ var it = BuiltinsIterator{}; + \\ + \\ var seen = std.StringHashMap(Self).init(std.testing.allocator); + \\ defer seen.deinit(); + \\ + \\ var arena_state = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator); + \\ defer arena_state.deinit(); + \\ const arena = arena_state.allocator(); + \\ + \\ while (it.next()) |entry| { + \\ const index = uniqueIndex(entry.name).?; + \\ var buf: [longest_builtin_name]u8 = undefined; + \\ const name_from_index = nameFromUniqueIndex(index, &buf); + \\ try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(entry.name, name_from_index); + \\ + \\ if (seen.contains(entry.name)) { + \\ std.debug.print("iterated over {s} twice\n", .{entry.name}); + \\ std.debug.print("current data: {}\n", .{entry.builtin}); + \\ std.debug.print("previous data: {}\n", .{seen.get(entry.name).?}); + \\ return error.TestExpectedUniqueEntries; + \\ } + \\ try seen.put(try arena.dupe(u8, entry.name), entry.builtin); + \\ } + \\ try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, builtin_data.len), seen.count()); + \\} + \\ + \\/// Search siblings of `first_child_index` for the `char` + \\/// If found, returns the index of the node within the `dafsa` array. + \\/// Otherwise, returns `null`. + \\fn findInList(first_child_index: u16, char: u8) ?u16 { + \\ var index = first_child_index; + \\ while (true) { + \\ if (dafsa[index].char == char) return index; + \\ if (dafsa[index].end_of_list) return null; + \\ index += 1; + \\ } + \\ unreachable; + \\} + \\ + \\/// Returns a unique (minimal perfect hash) index (starting at 1) for the `name`, + \\/// or null if the name was not found. + \\fn uniqueIndex(name: []const u8) ?u16 { + \\ if (name.len < shortest_builtin_name or name.len > longest_builtin_name) return null; + \\ + \\ var index: u16 = 0; + \\ var node_index: u16 = 0; + \\ + \\ for (name) |c| { + \\ const child_index = findInList(dafsa[node_index].child_index, c) orelse return null; + \\ var sibling_index = dafsa[node_index].child_index; + \\ while (true) { + \\ const sibling_c = dafsa[sibling_index].char; + \\ std.debug.assert(sibling_c != 0); + \\ if (sibling_c < c) { + \\ index += dafsa[sibling_index].number; + \\ } + \\ if (dafsa[sibling_index].end_of_list) break; + \\ sibling_index += 1; + \\ } + \\ node_index = child_index; + \\ if (dafsa[node_index].end_of_word) index += 1; + \\ } + \\ + \\ if (!dafsa[node_index].end_of_word) return null; + \\ + \\ return index; + \\} + \\ + \\/// Returns a slice of `buf` with the name associated with the given `index`. + \\/// This function should only be called with an `index` that + \\/// is already known to exist within the `dafsa`, e.g. an index + \\/// returned from `uniqueIndex`. + \\fn nameFromUniqueIndex(index: u16, buf: []u8) []u8 { + \\ std.debug.assert(index >= 1 and index <= builtin_data.len); + \\ + \\ var node_index: u16 = 0; + \\ var count: u16 = index; + \\ var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(buf); + \\ const w = fbs.writer(); + \\ + \\ while (true) { + \\ var sibling_index = dafsa[node_index].child_index; + \\ while (true) { + \\ if (dafsa[sibling_index].number > 0 and dafsa[sibling_index].number < count) { + \\ count -= dafsa[sibling_index].number; + \\ } else { + \\ w.writeByte(dafsa[sibling_index].char) catch unreachable; + \\ node_index = sibling_index; + \\ if (dafsa[node_index].end_of_word) { + \\ count -= 1; + \\ } + \\ break; + \\ } + \\ + \\ if (dafsa[sibling_index].end_of_list) break; + \\ sibling_index += 1; + \\ } + \\ if (count == 0) break; + \\ } + \\ + \\ return fbs.getWritten(); + \\} + \\ + \\ + ); + try writer.print("pub const MaxParamCount = {};\n\n", .{max_params_count}); + try writer.writeAll( + \\/// We're 1 bit shy of being able to fit this in a u32: + \\/// - char only contains 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and _, so it could use a enum(u6) with a way to convert <-> u8 + \\/// (note: this would have a performance cost that may make the u32 not worth it) + \\/// - number has a max value of > 2047 and < 4095 (the first _ node has the largest number), + \\/// so it could fit into a u12 + \\/// - child_index currently has a max of > 4095 and < 8191, so it could fit into a u13 + \\/// + \\/// with the end_of_word/end_of_list 2 bools, that makes 33 bits total + \\const Node = packed struct(u64) { + \\ char: u8, + \\ /// Nodes are numbered with "an integer which gives the number of words that + \\ /// would be accepted by the automaton starting from that state." This numbering + \\ /// allows calculating "a one-to-one correspondence between the integers 1 to L + \\ /// (L is the number of words accepted by the automaton) and the words themselves." + \\ /// + \\ /// Essentially, this allows us to have a minimal perfect hashing scheme such that + \\ /// it's possible to store & lookup the properties of each builtin using a separate array. + \\ number: u16, + \\ /// If true, this node is the end of a valid builtin. + \\ /// Note: This does not necessarily mean that this node does not have child nodes. + \\ end_of_word: bool, + \\ /// If true, this node is the end of a sibling list. + \\ /// If false, then (index + 1) will contain the next sibling. + \\ end_of_list: bool, + \\ /// Padding bits to get to u64, unsure if there's some way to use these to improve something. + \\ _extra: u22 = 0, + \\ /// Index of the first child of this node. + \\ child_index: u16, + \\}; + \\ + \\ + ); + try builder.writeDafsa(writer); + try writeData(writer, data_array, names_array); + + try buffered_writer.flush(); + } +} + +fn writeData(writer: anytype, data_array: []const *BuiltinData, names_array: []const []const u8) !void { + try writer.writeAll("const builtin_data = blk: {\n"); + try writer.print(" @setEvalBranchQuota({});\n", .{data_array.len}); + try writer.writeAll(" break :blk [_]@This(){\n"); + for (data_array, names_array, 0..) |data, name, i| { + try writer.writeAll(" // "); + try writer.writeAll(name); + try writer.writeAll("\n"); + try writer.writeAll(" .{ .tag = "); + try writer.print("@enumFromInt({})", .{i}); + try writer.writeAll(", .param_str = \""); + try writer.writeAll(data.param_str); + try writer.writeAll("\", .properties = .{"); + var has_properties = false; + if (data.properties.header != .none) { + try writer.writeAll(" .header = ."); + try writer.writeAll(@tagName(data.properties.header)); + has_properties = true; + } + if (data.properties.language != .all_languages) { + if (has_properties) try writer.writeAll(","); + try writer.writeAll(" .language = ."); + try writer.writeAll(@tagName(data.properties.language)); + has_properties = true; + } + if (!data.properties.target_set.eql(Properties.TargetSet.initOne(.basic))) { + if (has_properties) try writer.writeAll(","); + var set_it = data.properties.target_set.iterator(); + if (data.properties.target_set.count() == 1) { + const target = set_it.next().?; + try writer.writeAll(" .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(."); + try writer.writeAll(@tagName(target)); + try writer.writeAll(")"); + } else { + try writer.writeAll(" .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ "); + var first = true; + while (set_it.next()) |target| { + if (!first) try writer.writeAll(", "); + try writer.writeAll("."); + try writer.writeAll(@tagName(target)); + first = false; + } + try writer.writeAll(" })"); + } + has_properties = true; + } + if (!allDefaultAttributes(data.properties.attributes)) { + if (has_properties) try writer.writeAll(","); + try writer.writeAll(" .attributes = .{ "); + + var first = true; + inline for (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(data.properties.attributes)).Struct.fields) |field| { + const default = @as(*align(1) const field.type, @ptrCast(field.default_value.?)).*; + if (@field(data.properties.attributes, field.name) != default) { + if (!first) try writer.writeAll(", "); + try writer.print(".{s} = ", .{std.zig.fmtId(field.name)}); + switch (@typeInfo(field.type)) { + .Enum => { + try writer.print(".{s}", .{std.zig.fmtId(@tagName(@field(data.properties.attributes, field.name)))}); + }, + .Bool, .Int => { + try writer.print("{}", .{@field(data.properties.attributes, field.name)}); + }, + else => @compileError("unsupported field type in attributes"), + } + first = false; + } + } + + try writer.writeAll(" }"); + has_properties = true; + } + if (has_properties) try writer.writeAll(" "); + try writer.writeAll("}"); + try writer.writeAll(" },\n"); + } + try writer.writeAll(" };\n"); + try writer.writeAll("};\n"); +} + +fn allDefaultAttributes(attributes: Properties.Attributes) bool { + inline for (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(attributes)).Struct.fields) |field| { + if (field.default_value) |default_ptr| { + const default = @as(*align(1) const field.type, @ptrCast(default_ptr)).*; + if (@field(attributes, field.name) != default) return false; + } else { + @panic("field with no default in Attributes"); + } + } + return true; +} + +const header_map = std.ComptimeStringMap(Properties.Header, .{ + .{ "NO_HEADER", .none }, + .{ "STDIO_H", .stdio }, + .{ "STDLIB_H", .stdlib }, + .{ "SETJMPEX_H", .setjmpex }, + .{ "STDARG_H", .stdarg }, + .{ "STRING_H", .string }, + .{ "CTYPE_H", .ctype }, + .{ "WCHAR_H", .wchar }, + .{ "SETJMP_H", .setjmp }, + .{ "MALLOC_H", .malloc }, + .{ "STRINGS_H", .strings }, + .{ "UNISTD_H", .unistd }, + .{ "PTHREAD_H", .pthread }, + // .{ "OBJC_MESSAGE_H", .objc_message }, + // .{ "OBJC_RUNTIME_H", .objc_runtime }, + // .{ "OBJC_OBJC_AUTO_H", .objc_objc_auto }, + // .{ "OBJC_OBJC_EXCEPTION_H", .objc_objc_exception }, + // .{ "OBJC_OBJC_SYNC_H", .objc_objc_sync }, + // .{ "FOUNDATION_NSOBJCRUNTIME_H", .Foundation_NSObjCRuntime }, + .{ "MATH_H", .math }, + .{ "COMPLEX_H", .complex }, + .{ "BLOCKS_H", .blocks }, + // .{ "MEMORY", .memory }, + // .{ "UTILITY", .utility }, +}); + +const allowed_languages_map = std.ComptimeStringMap(Properties.Language, .{ + .{ "ALL_LANGUAGES", .all_languages }, + .{ "ALL_MS_LANGUAGES", .all_ms_languages }, + .{ "ALL_GNU_LANGUAGES", .all_gnu_languages }, + .{ "GNU_LANG", .gnu_lang }, +}); + +fn attributesFromString(str: []const u8) Properties.Attributes { + var attrs = Properties.Attributes{}; + attrs.noreturn = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'r') != null; + attrs.pure = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'U') != null; + attrs.@"const" = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'c') != null; + attrs.custom_typecheck = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 't') != null; + attrs.allow_type_mismatch = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'T') != null; + attrs.lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'F') != null; + attrs.lib_function_without_prefix = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'f') != null; + attrs.returns_twice = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'j') != null; + attrs.eval_args = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'u') == null; // flipped + attrs.const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'e') != null; + attrs.const_without_fp_exceptions = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'g') != null; + attrs.const_evaluable = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 'E') != null; + if (std.mem.indexOfAny(u8, str, "sSpP")) |pos| { + attrs.format_kind = switch (str[pos]) { + 'p' => .printf, + 'P' => .vprintf, + 's' => .scanf, + 'S' => .vscanf, + else => unreachable, + }; + std.debug.assert(str[pos + 1] == ':'); + std.debug.assert(std.ascii.isDigit(str[pos + 2])); + std.debug.assert(str[pos + 3] == ':'); + const num = str[pos + 2] - '0'; + attrs.format_string_position = @intCast(num); + } + return attrs; +} + +fn targetFromFilename(filename: []const u8) !?Properties.Target { + const stem = std.fs.path.stem(filename); + if (std.ascii.startsWithIgnoreCase(stem, "builtins")) { + const suffix = stem["builtins".len..]; + if (suffix.len == 0) return null; + return targets_map.get(suffix) orelse return error.UnknownTarget; + } + return error.UnexpectedFilename; +} + +const targets_map = std.ComptimeStringMapWithEql(Properties.Target, .{ + .{ "aarch64", .aarch64 }, + .{ "aarch64neonsvebridge", .aarch64_neon_sve_bridge }, + .{ "aarch64neonsvebridge_cg", .aarch64_neon_sve_bridge_cg }, + .{ "amdgpu", .amdgpu }, + .{ "arm", .arm }, + .{ "bpf", .bpf }, + .{ "hexagon", .hexagon }, + .{ "hexagondep", .hexagon_dep }, + .{ "hexagonmapcustomdep", .hexagon_map_custom_dep }, + .{ "loongarch", .loong_arch }, + .{ "mips", .mips }, + .{ "neon", .neon }, + .{ "nvptx", .nvptx }, + .{ "ppc", .ppc }, + .{ "riscv", .riscv }, + .{ "riscvvector", .riscv_vector }, + .{ "sve", .sve }, + .{ "systemz", .systemz }, + .{ "ve", .ve }, + .{ "vevl.gen", .vevl_gen }, + .{ "webassembly", .webassembly }, + .{ "x86", .x86 }, + .{ "x86_64", .x86_64 }, + .{ "xcore", .xcore }, +}, std.comptime_string_map.eqlAsciiIgnoreCase); + +fn equivalentPrototypes(a: BuiltinData, b: BuiltinData) bool { + return std.mem.eql(u8, a.param_str, b.param_str) and std.meta.eql(a.properties.attributes, b.properties.attributes); +} + +const Macro = enum { + BUILTIN, + LANGBUILTIN, + LIBBUILTIN, + TARGET_BUILTIN, // TODO + CUSTOM_BUILTIN, // TODO + UNALIASED_CUSTOM_BUILTIN, // TODO +}; + +const MacroIterator = struct { + token_it: std.mem.TokenIterator(u8, .any), + + pub fn init(line: []const u8) MacroIterator { + return .{ + .token_it = std.mem.tokenizeAny(u8, line, "(, )"), + }; + } + + pub fn next(self: *MacroIterator) ?[]const u8 { + var value = self.token_it.next() orelse return null; + // value.len is always > 0 since we're using TokenIterator + if (value[0] == '"') { + // If the value starts with a quote, we don't want delimiters to break the quoted string, + // so keep appending values to the len until we find the end of the quoted string + const start_ptr = value.ptr; + var len: usize = 0; + while (true) { + len += value.len; + if (value[value.len - 1] == '"') break; + value = self.token_it.next() orelse break; + } + return start_ptr[0..len]; + } + return value; + } + + pub fn isAtEnd(self: *MacroIterator) bool { + return self.token_it.buffer[self.token_it.index] == ')'; + } +}; + +const DafsaBuilder = struct { + root: *Node, + arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, + allocator: Allocator, + unchecked_nodes: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(UncheckedNode), + minimized_nodes: std.HashMapUnmanaged(*Node, *Node, Node.DuplicateContext, std.hash_map.default_max_load_percentage), + previous_word_buf: [64]u8 = undefined, + previous_word: []u8 = &[_]u8{}, + + const UncheckedNode = struct { + parent: *Node, + char: u8, + child: *Node, + }; + + pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) !DafsaBuilder { + var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator); + errdefer arena.deinit(); + + var root = try arena.allocator().create(Node); + root.* = .{}; + return DafsaBuilder{ + .root = root, + .allocator = allocator, + .arena = arena.state, + .unchecked_nodes = .{}, + .minimized_nodes = .{}, + }; + } + + pub fn deinit(self: *DafsaBuilder) void { + self.arena.promote(self.allocator).deinit(); + self.unchecked_nodes.deinit(self.allocator); + self.minimized_nodes.deinit(self.allocator); + self.* = undefined; + } + + const Node = struct { + children: [256]?*Node = [_]?*Node{null} ** 256, + is_terminal: bool = false, + number: usize = 0, + + const DuplicateContext = struct { + pub fn hash(ctx: @This(), key: *Node) u64 { + _ = ctx; + var hasher = std.hash.Wyhash.init(0); + std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, key.children); + std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, key.is_terminal); + return hasher.final(); + } + + pub fn eql(ctx: @This(), a: *Node, b: *Node) bool { + _ = ctx; + return a.is_terminal == b.is_terminal and std.mem.eql(?*Node, &a.children, &b.children); + } + }; + + pub fn calcNumbers(self: *Node) void { + self.number = @intFromBool(self.is_terminal); + for (self.children) |maybe_child| { + const child = maybe_child orelse continue; + // A node's number is the sum of the + // numbers of its immediate child nodes. + child.calcNumbers(); + self.number += child.number; + } + } + + pub fn numDirectChildren(self: *const Node) u8 { + var num: u8 = 0; + for (self.children) |child| { + if (child != null) num += 1; + } + return num; + } + }; + + pub fn insert(self: *DafsaBuilder, str: []const u8) !void { + if (std.mem.order(u8, str, self.previous_word) == .lt) { + @panic("insertion order must be sorted"); + } + + var common_prefix_len: usize = 0; + for (0..@min(str.len, self.previous_word.len)) |i| { + if (str[i] != self.previous_word[i]) break; + common_prefix_len += 1; + } + + try self.minimize(common_prefix_len); + + var node = if (self.unchecked_nodes.items.len == 0) + self.root + else + self.unchecked_nodes.getLast().child; + + for (str[common_prefix_len..]) |c| { + std.debug.assert(node.children[c] == null); + + var arena = self.arena.promote(self.allocator); + var child = try arena.allocator().create(Node); + self.arena = arena.state; + + child.* = .{}; + node.children[c] = child; + try self.unchecked_nodes.append(self.allocator, .{ + .parent = node, + .char = c, + .child = child, + }); + node = node.children[c].?; + } + node.is_terminal = true; + + self.previous_word = self.previous_word_buf[0..str.len]; + @memcpy(self.previous_word, str); + } + + pub fn minimize(self: *DafsaBuilder, down_to: usize) !void { + if (self.unchecked_nodes.items.len == 0) return; + while (self.unchecked_nodes.items.len > down_to) { + const unchecked_node = self.unchecked_nodes.pop(); + if (self.minimized_nodes.getPtr(unchecked_node.child)) |child| { + unchecked_node.parent.children[unchecked_node.char] = child.*; + } else { + try self.minimized_nodes.put(self.allocator, unchecked_node.child, unchecked_node.child); + } + } + } + + pub fn finish(self: *DafsaBuilder) !void { + try self.minimize(0); + } + + fn nodeCount(self: *const DafsaBuilder) usize { + return self.minimized_nodes.count(); + } + + fn edgeCount(self: *const DafsaBuilder) usize { + var count: usize = 0; + var it = self.minimized_nodes.iterator(); + while (it.next()) |entry| { + for (entry.key_ptr.*.children) |child| { + if (child != null) count += 1; + } + } + return count; + } + + fn contains(self: *const DafsaBuilder, str: []const u8) bool { + var node = self.root; + for (str) |c| { + node = node.children[c] orelse return false; + } + return node.is_terminal; + } + + fn calcNumbers(self: *const DafsaBuilder) void { + self.root.calcNumbers(); + } + + fn getUniqueIndex(self: *const DafsaBuilder, str: []const u8) ?usize { + var index: usize = 0; + var node = self.root; + + for (str) |c| { + const child = node.children[c] orelse return null; + for (node.children, 0..) |sibling, sibling_c| { + if (sibling == null) continue; + if (sibling_c < c) { + index += sibling.?.number; + } + } + node = child; + if (node.is_terminal) index += 1; + } + + return index; + } + + fn writeDafsa(self: *const DafsaBuilder, writer: anytype) !void { + try writer.writeAll("const dafsa = [_]Node{\n"); + + // write root + try writer.writeAll(" .{ .char = 0, .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 0, .child_index = 1 },\n"); + + var queue = std.ArrayList(*Node).init(self.allocator); + defer queue.deinit(); + + var child_indexes = std.AutoHashMap(*Node, usize).init(self.allocator); + defer child_indexes.deinit(); + + try child_indexes.ensureTotalCapacity(@intCast(self.edgeCount())); + + var first_available_index: usize = self.root.numDirectChildren() + 1; + first_available_index = try writeDafsaChildren(self.root, writer, &queue, &child_indexes, first_available_index); + + while (queue.items.len > 0) { + // TODO: something with better time complexity + const node = queue.orderedRemove(0); + + first_available_index = try writeDafsaChildren(node, writer, &queue, &child_indexes, first_available_index); + } + + try writer.writeAll("};\n"); + } + + fn writeDafsaChildren( + node: *Node, + writer: anytype, + queue: *std.ArrayList(*Node), + child_indexes: *std.AutoHashMap(*Node, usize), + first_available_index: usize, + ) !usize { + var cur_available_index = first_available_index; + const num_children = node.numDirectChildren(); + var child_i: usize = 0; + for (node.children, 0..) |maybe_child, c_usize| { + const child = maybe_child orelse continue; + const c: u8 = @intCast(c_usize); + const is_last_child = child_i == num_children - 1; + + if (!child_indexes.contains(child)) { + const child_num_children = child.numDirectChildren(); + if (child_num_children > 0) { + child_indexes.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(child, cur_available_index); + cur_available_index += child_num_children; + } + try queue.append(child); + } + + try writer.print( + " .{{ .char = '{c}', .end_of_word = {}, .end_of_list = {}, .number = {}, .child_index = {} }},\n", + .{ c, child.is_terminal, is_last_child, child.number, child_indexes.get(child) orelse 0 }, + ); + + child_i += 1; + } + return cur_available_index; + } +}; diff --git a/scripts/process_builtins.py b/scripts/process_builtins.py deleted file mode 100755 index 39ad1a1a..00000000 --- a/scripts/process_builtins.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,499 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 -""" -process_builtins.py - -Tested with python 3.10 - -Intended usage: python3 scripts/process_builtins.py path/to/Builtins*.def | zig fmt --stdin > src/builtins/BuiltinFunction.zig -""" - -from __future__ import annotations -from dataclasses import dataclass -import enum -import fileinput -import itertools -import operator -import os -import re -import sys -import typing - - -NAME = r'(?P\w*)' -PARAMS = r'"(?P[\w.*&]*)"' -ATTRS = r'"(?P[\w:<>,\d]*)"' -HEADER = r'"(?P
[\w./-]+)"' -LANG = r'(?P\w*)' -COMMA = r'\W*,\W*' - -# BUILTIN(__builtin_atan2 , "ddd" , "Fne") -BUILTIN_REGEX = re.compile(fr""" -BUILTIN\(\W* - {NAME} {COMMA} {PARAMS} {COMMA} {ATTRS} -\W*\) -""", re.ASCII | re.VERBOSE) - -# LANGBUILTIN(_alloca, "v*z", "n", ALL_MS_LANGUAGES) -LANGBUILTIN_REGEX = re.compile(fr""" -LANGBUILTIN\(\W* - {NAME} {COMMA} {PARAMS} {COMMA} {ATTRS} {COMMA} {LANG} -\W*\) -""", re.ASCII | re.VERBOSE) - -# LIBBUILTIN(exit, "vi", "fr", "stdlib.h", ALL_LANGUAGES) -LIBBUILTIN_REGEX = re.compile(fr""" -LIBBUILTIN\(\W* - {NAME} {COMMA} {PARAMS} {COMMA} {ATTRS} {COMMA} {HEADER} {COMMA} {LANG} -\W*\) -""", re.ASCII | re.VERBOSE) - -TypePrefixMap = { - 'L': 'long (e.g. Li for \'long int\', Ld for \'long double\')', - 'LL': 'long long (e.g. LLi for \'long long int\', LLd for __float128)', - 'LLL': '__int128_t (e.g. LLLi)', - 'Z': 'int32_t (require a native 32-bit integer type on the target)', - 'W': 'int64_t (require a native 64-bit integer type on the target)', - 'N': '\'int\' size if target is LP64, \'L\' otherwise.', - 'O': 'long for OpenCL targets, long long otherwise.', - 'S': 'signed', - 'U': 'unsigned', - 'I': 'Required to constant fold to an integer constant expression.', -} - -TypeSpecMap = { - 'v': 'void', - 'b': 'boolean', - 'c': 'char', - 's': 'short', - 'i': 'int', - 'h': 'half (__fp16, OpenCL)', - 'x': 'half (_Float16)', - 'y': 'half (__bf16)', - 'f': 'float', - 'd': 'double', - 'z': 'size_t', - 'w': 'wchar_t', - 'F': 'constant CFString', - 'G': 'id', - 'H': 'SEL', - 'M': 'struct objc_super', - 'a': '__builtin_va_list', - 'A': '"reference" to __builtin_va_list', - 'V': 'Vector, followed by the number of elements and the base type.', - 'q': 'Scalable vector, followed by the number of elements and the base type.', - 'E': 'ext_vector, followed by the number of elements and the base type.', - 'X': '_Complex, followed by the base type.', - 'Y': 'ptrdiff_t', - 'P': 'FILE', - 'J': 'jmp_buf', - 'SJ': 'sigjmp_buf', - 'K': 'ucontext_t', - 'p': 'pid_t', - '.': '"...". This may only occur at the end of the function list.', -} - -TypeSuffixMap = { - '*' : 'pointer (optionally followed by an address space number,' \ - 'if no address space is specified than any address space will be accepted)', - '&' : 'reference (optionally followed by an address space number)', - 'C' : 'const', - 'D' : 'volatile', - 'R' : 'restrict', -} - -def type_spec_regex(keys) -> str: - one_letter = ''.join(key for key in keys if len(key) == 1) - two_letter = [key for key in keys if len(key) == 2] - if two_letter != ['SJ']: - raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected two-letter keys {two_letter}') - return fr'(?PSJ|[{one_letter}])' - - -TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(fr""" - (?P(LL|LLL|[LZWNOSUI](?!J))*) # Ignore trailing J because `SJ` is the sigjmp_buf spec - {type_spec_regex(TypeSpecMap)} # (?PSJ|[vbcsihxyfdzwFGHMaAVqEXYPJKp.]) - (?P[{''.join(TypeSuffixMap.keys())}]*) -""", re.ASCII | re.VERBOSE) - -class Language(enum.Enum): - """ - Language for which a builtin is available - """ - ALL_LANGUAGES = enum.auto() - CXX_LANG = enum.auto() - ALL_MS_LANGUAGES = enum.auto() - ALL_GNU_LANGUAGES = enum.auto() - GNU_LANG = enum.auto() - COR_LANG = enum.auto() - OCL_PIPE = enum.auto() - OCL_DSE = enum.auto() - OCL_GAS = enum.auto() - ALL_OCL_LANGUAGES = enum.auto() - CUDA_LANG = enum.auto() - HLSL_LANG = enum.auto() - OBJC_LANG = enum.auto() - - @property - def allowed(self) -> bool: - """ - A language we know how to handle - """ - return self in { - Language.ALL_LANGUAGES, - Language.ALL_MS_LANGUAGES, - Language.ALL_GNU_LANGUAGES, - Language.GNU_LANG, - } - -class Header(enum.Enum): - """ - Library header which contains the declaration for a builtin - """ - stdio = 'stdio.h' - stdlib = 'stdlib.h' - setjmpex = 'setjmpex.h' - stdarg = 'stdarg.h' - string = 'string.h' - ctype = 'ctype.h' - wchar = 'wchar.h' - setjmp = 'setjmp.h' - malloc = 'malloc.h' - strings = 'strings.h' - unistd = 'unistd.h' - pthread = 'pthread.h' - objc_message = 'objc/message.h' - objc_runtime = 'objc/runtime.h' - objc_objc_auto = 'objc/objc-auto.h' - objc_objc_exception = 'objc/objc-exception.h' - objc_objc_sync = 'objc/objc-sync.h' - Foundation_NSObjCRuntime = 'Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h' - math = 'math.h' - complex = 'complex.h' - Blocks = 'Blocks.h' - memory = 'memory' - utility = 'utility' - - @classmethod - def parse(cls, val: typing.Optional[str]) -> typing.Optional[Header]: - if val is None: - return None - return cls(val) - -class Target(enum.Enum): - aarch64 = 'aarch64' - aarch64_neon_sve_bridge = 'aarch64neonsvebridge' - aarch64_neon_sve_bridge_cg = 'aarch64neonsvebridge_cg' - amdgpu = 'amdgpu' - arm = 'arm' - bpf = 'bpf' - hexagon = 'hexagon' - hexagon_dep = 'hexagondep' - hexagon_map_custom_dep = 'hexagonmapcustomdep' - loong_arch = 'loongarch' - mips = 'mips' - neon = 'neon' - nvptx = 'nvptx' - ppc = 'ppc' - riscv = 'riscv' - riscv_vector = 'riscvvector' - sve = 'sve' - systemz = 'systemz' - ve = 've' - vevl_gen = 'vevl.gen' - webassembly = 'webassembly' - x86 = 'x86' - x86_64 = 'x86_64' - xcore = 'xcore' - - @classmethod - def parse(cls, val: typing.Optional[str]) -> typing.Optional[Target]: - if val is None: - return None - return cls(val) - - -@dataclass -class TypeDescription: - prefix: str - spec: str - suffix: str - -@dataclass -class Builtin: - """ - Builtin function description - """ - name: str - param_str: str - param_count: int - attrs: str - lang: Language - header: typing.Optional[Header] - target: typing.Optional[Target] - - def equivalent_prototypes(self, other: Builtin) -> bool: - """ - Determines if two same-name builtins have the same prototype - Used to coalesce target-specific builtins that work on multiple targets - """ - if self.name != other.name: - raise RuntimeError( - f'Attempted to compare builtins with different names: {self.name} and {other.name}') - return self.param_str == other.param_str and self.attrs == other.attrs - -def _parse_params(description: str) -> typing.List[TypeDescription]: - if not description: - return [] - output = [] - for entry in TYPE_REGEX.finditer(description): - group = entry.groupdict() - output.append(TypeDescription(**group)) - return output - -def _parse_builtin(line: str, regex: typing.Pattern, target: typing.Optional[Target]) -> typing.Optional[Builtin]: - result = regex.match(line) - if result is None: - return None - - group = result.groupdict() - params = group['params'] - parsed_params = _parse_params(params) - if not parsed_params: - # For some reason pthread_create is missing return type / param info, so skip it - # Every other function should at least have a return type - if group['name'] == 'pthread_create': - return None - raise RuntimeError(f'Missing return type for {group["name"]}') - - return Builtin( - name=group['name'], - param_str=params, - param_count=len(parsed_params) - 1, # first parsed param is return type - attrs=group['attrs'], - header=Header.parse(group.get('header')), - lang=Language[group.get('lang', 'ALL_LANGUAGES')], - target=target, - ) - -def _parse_line(line: str, target: typing.Optional[Target]) -> typing.Optional[Builtin]: - if line.startswith('BUILTIN'): - regex = BUILTIN_REGEX - elif line.startswith('LANGBUILTIN'): - regex = LANGBUILTIN_REGEX - elif line.startswith('LIBBUILTIN'): - regex = LIBBUILTIN_REGEX - else: - return None - - return _parse_builtin(line, regex, target) - -def escape_identifier(name: str) -> str: - """ - Escape a Zig identifier - """ - if re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$', name): - return name - return f'@"{name}"' - -def split_prefixes(prefix: str) -> typing.List[str]: - """ - Split the prefixes of a TypeDescription - """ - out = [] - while prefix: - if prefix.startswith('LLL'): - out.append('LLL') - prefix = prefix[3:] - elif prefix.startswith('LL'): - out.append('LL') - prefix = prefix[2:] - else: - out.append(prefix[0]) - prefix = prefix[1:] - return out - -def render_type_description(ty: TypeDescription) -> None: - """ - Render a TypeDescription - """ - print('.{') - print('.prefix = &.{') - for prefix in split_prefixes(ty.prefix): - print(f'.{escape_identifier(prefix)},') - print('},') - print(f'.spec = .{escape_identifier(ty.spec)},') - print('.suffix = &.{') - for char in ty.suffix: - print(f'.{escape_identifier(char)},') - print('},') - print('}') - -def render_attributes(attrs: str) -> None: - """ - Render a BuiltinAttributes struct - """ - if not attrs: - return - print('const attributes = Attributes{') - if 'r' in attrs: - print('.noreturn = true,') - if 'U' in attrs: - print('.pure = true,') - if 'c' in attrs: - print('.@"const" = true,') - if 't' in attrs: - print('.custom_typecheck = true,') - if 'T' in attrs: - print('.allow_type_mismatch = true,') - if 'F' in attrs: - print('.lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true,') - if 'f' in attrs: - print('.lib_function_without_prefix = true,') - if 'j' in attrs: - print('.returns_twice = true,') - if 'u' in attrs: - print('.eval_args = false,') - if 'e' in attrs: - print('.const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true,') - if 'g' in attrs: - print('.const_without_fp_exceptions = true,') - if 'E' in attrs: - print('.const_evaluable = true,') - if match := re.search(r'([sSpP]):(\d+):', attrs): - groups = match.groups() - format_kinds = { - 'p': 'printf', - 'P': 'vprintf', - 's': 'scanf', - 'S': 'vscanf', - } - print(f'.format_kind = .{format_kinds[groups[0]]},') - print(f'.format_string_position = {groups[1]},') - print('};') - -def render_targets(targets: typing.Sequence[Target]) -> None: - if not targets: - return - print("const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{") - for target in targets: - print(f'.{target.name} = true,') - print("});") - -def render_builtin(builtin: Builtin, targets: typing.Sequence[Target]) -> None: - """ - Render a description of a C builtin - """ - if not builtin.lang.allowed: - return - if '&' in builtin.param_str: - return - - print(f'pub const {builtin.name} = struct {{') - print(f'const param_str = "{builtin.param_str}";') - - if builtin.lang != Language.ALL_LANGUAGES: - print(f'const language = .{builtin.lang.name.lower()};') - if builtin.header: - print(f'const header = .{builtin.header.name.lower()};') - render_targets(targets) - - render_attributes(builtin.attrs) - print('};\n') - -def render_prelude(script: str) -> None: - """ - Generate the prelude - """ - print(f"//! Autogenerated by {script}, do not edit") - print(""" - const std = @import("std"); - const Properties = @import("Properties.zig"); - const TypeDescription = @import("TypeDescription.zig"); - const Attributes = Properties.Attributes; - const TargetSet = Properties.TargetSet; - - pub const Tag = blk: { - @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); - break :blk std.meta.DeclEnum(functions); - }; - - tag: Tag, - param_str: []const u8, - properties: Properties, - - pub fn fromTag(builtin: Tag) @This() { - @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); - switch (builtin) { - inline else => |tag| { - const desc = @field(functions, @tagName(tag)); - return .{ - .tag = tag, - .param_str = desc.param_str, - .properties = .{ - .language = if (@hasDecl(desc, "language")) @field(desc, "language") else .all_languages, - .header = if (@hasDecl(desc, "header")) @field(desc, "header") else .none, - .attributes = if (@hasDecl(desc, "attributes")) @field(desc, "attributes") else Attributes{}, - .target_set = if (@hasDecl(desc, "target_set")) @field(desc, "target_set") else TargetSet.init(.{ .basic = true }), - }, - }; - }, - } - } - - pub fn isVarArgs(self: @This()) bool { - return self.param_str[self.param_str.len - 1] == '.'; - } - """) - -def get_target(path: str) -> typing.Optional[Target]: - """ - Get the target for a given definitions file - """ - name = os.path.basename(path).lower().removeprefix('builtins').removesuffix('.def') or None - return Target.parse(name) - -def main() -> int: - """ - main - """ - if len(sys.argv) < 2: - print(f'Usage: {sys.argv[0]} path/to/Builtins.def', file=sys.stderr) - return 1 - - all_builtins = [] - for line in fileinput.input(encoding='utf-8'): - target = get_target(fileinput.filename()) - builtin = _parse_line(line, target) - if builtin is None: - continue - all_builtins.append(builtin) - - all_builtins.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('name')) - - render_prelude(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) - - max_param_count = 0 - print('const functions = struct {') - for _name, grouper in itertools.groupby(all_builtins, key=operator.attrgetter('name')): - group = list(grouper) - first = group[0] - - targets = [builtin.target for builtin in group] - if targets == [None]: - targets = [] - - for builtin in group[1:]: - if not first.equivalent_prototypes(builtin): - first.param_str = "!" - break - - max_param_count = max(max_param_count, first.param_count) - render_builtin(first, typing.cast(typing.List[Target], targets)) - - print('};') - print(f'pub const MaxParamCount = {max_param_count};') - - return 0 - -if __name__ == '__main__': - sys.exit(main()) diff --git a/src/Builtins.zig b/src/Builtins.zig index 6fd29564..6d01cc4c 100644 --- a/src/Builtins.zig +++ b/src/Builtins.zig @@ -125,6 +125,18 @@ fn createType(desc: TypeDescription, it: *TypeDescription.TypeIterator, comp: *c std.debug.assert(builder.specifier == .none); builder.specifier = Type.Builder.fromType(comp.types.ns_constant_string.ty); }, + .G => { + // Todo: id + return .{ .specifier = .invalid }; + }, + .H => { + // Todo: SEL + return .{ .specifier = .invalid }; + }, + .M => { + // Todo: struct objc_super + return .{ .specifier = .invalid }; + }, .a => { std.debug.assert(builder.specifier == .none); std.debug.assert(desc.suffix.len == 0); @@ -260,8 +272,7 @@ fn createBuiltin(comp: *const Compilation, builtin: BuiltinFunction, type_arena: /// Asserts that the builtin has already been created pub fn lookup(b: *const Builtins, name: []const u8) Expanded { - @setEvalBranchQuota(10_000); - const builtin = BuiltinFunction.fromTag(std.meta.stringToEnum(BuiltinFunction.Tag, name).?); + const builtin = BuiltinFunction.fromName(name).?; const ty = b._name_to_type_map.get(name).?; return .{ .builtin = builtin, @@ -271,9 +282,7 @@ pub fn lookup(b: *const Builtins, name: []const u8) Expanded { pub fn getOrCreate(b: *Builtins, comp: *Compilation, name: []const u8, type_arena: std.mem.Allocator) !?Expanded { const ty = b._name_to_type_map.get(name) orelse { - @setEvalBranchQuota(10_000); - const tag = std.meta.stringToEnum(BuiltinFunction.Tag, name) orelse return null; - const builtin = BuiltinFunction.fromTag(tag); + const builtin = BuiltinFunction.fromName(name) orelse return null; if (!comp.hasBuiltinFunction(builtin)) return null; try b._name_to_type_map.ensureUnusedCapacity(comp.gpa, 1); @@ -285,7 +294,7 @@ pub fn getOrCreate(b: *Builtins, comp: *Compilation, name: []const u8, type_aren .ty = ty, }; }; - const builtin = BuiltinFunction.fromTag(std.meta.stringToEnum(BuiltinFunction.Tag, name).?); + const builtin = BuiltinFunction.fromName(name).?; return .{ .builtin = builtin, .ty = ty, @@ -301,9 +310,9 @@ test "All builtins" { const type_arena = arena.allocator(); - for (0..@typeInfo(BuiltinFunction.Tag).Enum.fields.len) |i| { - const tag: BuiltinFunction.Tag = @enumFromInt(i); - const name = @tagName(tag); + var builtin_it = BuiltinFunction.BuiltinsIterator{}; + while (builtin_it.next()) |entry| { + const name = try type_arena.dupe(u8, entry.name); if (try comp.builtins.getOrCreate(&comp, name, type_arena)) |func_ty| { const get_again = (try comp.builtins.getOrCreate(&comp, name, std.testing.failing_allocator)).?; const found_by_lookup = comp.builtins.lookup(name); @@ -325,10 +334,10 @@ test "Allocation failures" { const type_arena = arena.allocator(); const num_builtins = 40; - for (0..num_builtins) |i| { - const tag: BuiltinFunction.Tag = @enumFromInt(i); - const name = @tagName(tag); - _ = try comp.builtins.getOrCreate(&comp, name, type_arena); + var builtin_it = BuiltinFunction.BuiltinsIterator{}; + for (0..num_builtins) |_| { + const entry = builtin_it.next().?; + _ = try comp.builtins.getOrCreate(&comp, entry.name, type_arena); } } }; diff --git a/src/CodeGen.zig b/src/CodeGen.zig index 6febbbb9..12ac697d 100644 --- a/src/CodeGen.zig +++ b/src/CodeGen.zig @@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ fn genBoolExpr(c: *CodeGen, base: NodeIndex, true_label: Ir.Ref, false_label: Ir fn genBuiltinCall(c: *CodeGen, builtin: BuiltinFunction, arg_nodes: []const NodeIndex, ty: Type) Error!Ir.Ref { _ = arg_nodes; _ = ty; - return c.comp.diag.fatalNoSrc("TODO CodeGen.genBuiltinCall {s}\n", .{@tagName(builtin.tag)}); + return c.comp.diag.fatalNoSrc("TODO CodeGen.genBuiltinCall {s}\n", .{BuiltinFunction.nameFromTag(builtin.tag).span()}); } fn genCall(c: *CodeGen, fn_node: NodeIndex, arg_nodes: []const NodeIndex, ty: Type) Error!Ir.Ref { diff --git a/src/Compilation.zig b/src/Compilation.zig index 3e7e9d00..f26b95d0 100644 --- a/src/Compilation.zig +++ b/src/Compilation.zig @@ -1400,9 +1400,7 @@ pub fn hasBuiltin(comp: *const Compilation, name: []const u8) bool { std.mem.eql(u8, name, "__builtin_offsetof") or std.mem.eql(u8, name, "__builtin_types_compatible_p")) return true; - @setEvalBranchQuota(10_000); - const tag = std.meta.stringToEnum(BuiltinFunction.Tag, name) orelse return false; - const builtin = BuiltinFunction.fromTag(tag); + const builtin = BuiltinFunction.fromName(name) orelse return false; return comp.hasBuiltinFunction(builtin); } diff --git a/src/Diagnostics.zig b/src/Diagnostics.zig index bf525c8c..279e627b 100644 --- a/src/Diagnostics.zig +++ b/src/Diagnostics.zig @@ -2677,7 +2677,7 @@ pub fn renderMessage(comp: *Compilation, m: anytype, msg: Message) void { }), .builtin_with_header => m.print(info.msg, .{ @tagName(msg.extra.builtin_with_header.header), - @tagName(msg.extra.builtin_with_header.builtin), + BuiltinFunction.nameFromTag(msg.extra.builtin_with_header.builtin).span(), }), else => @compileError("invalid extra kind " ++ @tagName(info.extra)), } diff --git a/src/Parser.zig b/src/Parser.zig index 33aced81..af7714a5 100644 --- a/src/Parser.zig +++ b/src/Parser.zig @@ -4622,7 +4622,10 @@ const CallExpr = union(enum) { return switch (self) { .standard => true, .builtin => |builtin| switch (builtin.tag) { - .__builtin_va_start, .__va_start, .va_start => arg_idx != 1, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__builtin_va_start").?, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__va_start").?, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("va_start").?, + => arg_idx != 1, else => true, }, }; @@ -4632,8 +4635,11 @@ const CallExpr = union(enum) { return switch (self) { .standard => true, .builtin => |builtin| switch (builtin.tag) { - .__builtin_va_start, .__va_start, .va_start => arg_idx != 1, - .__builtin_complex => false, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__builtin_va_start").?, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__va_start").?, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("va_start").?, + => arg_idx != 1, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__builtin_complex").? => false, else => true, }, }; @@ -4650,8 +4656,11 @@ const CallExpr = union(enum) { const builtin_tok = p.nodes.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(self.builtin.node)].decl.name; switch (self.builtin.tag) { - .__builtin_va_start, .__va_start, .va_start => return p.checkVaStartArg(builtin_tok, first_after, param_tok, arg, arg_idx), - .__builtin_complex => return p.checkComplexArg(builtin_tok, first_after, param_tok, arg, arg_idx), + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__builtin_va_start").?, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__va_start").?, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("va_start").?, + => return p.checkVaStartArg(builtin_tok, first_after, param_tok, arg, arg_idx), + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__builtin_complex").? => return p.checkComplexArg(builtin_tok, first_after, param_tok, arg, arg_idx), else => {}, } } @@ -4665,7 +4674,7 @@ const CallExpr = union(enum) { return switch (self) { .standard => null, .builtin => |builtin| switch (builtin.tag) { - .__builtin_complex => 2, + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__builtin_complex").? => 2, else => null, }, }; @@ -4675,7 +4684,7 @@ const CallExpr = union(enum) { return switch (self) { .standard => callable_ty.returnType(), .builtin => |builtin| switch (builtin.tag) { - .__builtin_complex => { + BuiltinFunction.tagFromName("__builtin_complex").? => { const last_param = p.list_buf.items[p.list_buf.items.len - 1]; return p.nodes.items(.ty)[@intFromEnum(last_param)].makeComplex(); }, diff --git a/src/builtins/BuiltinFunction.zig b/src/builtins/BuiltinFunction.zig index 53d786c9..013889b8 100644 --- a/src/builtins/BuiltinFunction.zig +++ b/src/builtins/BuiltinFunction.zig @@ -1,35783 +1,13037 @@ -//! Autogenerated by process_builtins.py, do not edit +//! Autogenerated by ./scripts/generate_builtins_dafsa.zig, do not edit const std = @import("std"); const Properties = @import("Properties.zig"); -const TypeDescription = @import("TypeDescription.zig"); -const Attributes = Properties.Attributes; const TargetSet = Properties.TargetSet; -pub const Tag = blk: { - @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); - break :blk std.meta.DeclEnum(functions); -}; - tag: Tag, param_str: []const u8, properties: Properties, -pub fn fromTag(builtin: Tag) @This() { - @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); - switch (builtin) { - inline else => |tag| { - const desc = @field(functions, @tagName(tag)); - return .{ - .tag = tag, - .param_str = desc.param_str, - .properties = .{ - .language = if (@hasDecl(desc, "language")) @field(desc, "language") else .all_languages, - .header = if (@hasDecl(desc, "header")) @field(desc, "header") else .none, - .attributes = if (@hasDecl(desc, "attributes")) @field(desc, "attributes") else Attributes{}, - .target_set = if (@hasDecl(desc, "target_set")) @field(desc, "target_set") else TargetSet.init(.{ .basic = true }), - }, - }; - }, - } -} - -pub fn isVarArgs(self: @This()) bool { - return self.param_str[self.param_str.len - 1] == '.'; -} - -const functions = struct { - pub const _Block_object_assign = struct { - const param_str = "vv*vC*iC"; - const header = .blocks; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _Block_object_dispose = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*iC"; - const header = .blocks; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _Exit = struct { - const param_str = "vi"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedAnd = struct { - const param_str = "NiNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedAnd16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedAnd8 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedCompareExchange = struct { - const param_str = "NiNiD*NiNi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedCompareExchange16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*ss"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedCompareExchange64 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLiLLi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedCompareExchange8 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*cc"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*D*v*v*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer_nf = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*D*v*v*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedDecrement = struct { - const param_str = "NiNiD*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedDecrement16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchange = struct { - const param_str = "NiNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchange16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchange8 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchangeAdd = struct { - const param_str = "NiNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchangeAdd16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchangeAdd8 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchangePointer = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*D*v*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchangeSub = struct { - const param_str = "NiNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchangeSub16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedExchangeSub8 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedIncrement = struct { - const param_str = "NiNiD*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedIncrement16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedOr = struct { - const param_str = "NiNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedOr16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedOr8 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedXor = struct { - const param_str = "NiNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedXor16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _InterlockedXor8 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _MoveFromCoprocessor = struct { - const param_str = "UiIUiIUiIUiIUiIUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const _MoveFromCoprocessor2 = struct { - const param_str = "UiIUiIUiIUiIUiIUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const _MoveToCoprocessor = struct { - const param_str = "vUiIUiIUiIUiIUiIUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const _MoveToCoprocessor2 = struct { - const param_str = "vUiIUiIUiIUiIUiIUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const _ReturnAddress = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __GetExceptionInfo = struct { - const param_str = "v*."; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .eval_args = false, - }; - }; - - pub const __abnormal_termination = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __annotation = struct { - const param_str = "wC*."; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __arithmetic_fence = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __assume = struct { - const param_str = "vb"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __atomic_always_lock_free = struct { - const param_str = "bzvCD*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __atomic_clear = struct { - const param_str = "vvD*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __atomic_is_lock_free = struct { - const param_str = "bzvCD*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __atomic_signal_fence = struct { - const param_str = "vi"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __atomic_test_and_set = struct { - const param_str = "bvD*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __atomic_thread_fence = struct { - const param_str = "vi"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin___CFStringMakeConstantString = struct { - const param_str = "FC*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___NSStringMakeConstantString = struct { - const param_str = "FC*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___clear_cache = struct { - const param_str = "vc*c*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin___fprintf_chk = struct { - const param_str = "iP*icC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 2, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_bottom = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_ptr = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_start = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_top = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___memccpy_chk = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*izz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___memcpy_chk = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*zz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___memmove_chk = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*zz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___mempcpy_chk = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*zz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___memset_chk = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*izz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___printf_chk = struct { - const param_str = "iicC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___snprintf_chk = struct { - const param_str = "ic*zizcC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 4, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___sprintf_chk = struct { - const param_str = "ic*izcC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 3, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___stpcpy_chk = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___stpncpy_chk = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*zz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___strcat_chk = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___strcpy_chk = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___strlcat_chk = struct { - const param_str = "zc*cC*zz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___strlcpy_chk = struct { - const param_str = "zc*cC*zz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin___strncat_chk = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*zz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; +/// Integer starting at 0 derived from the unique index, +/// corresponds with the builtin_data array index. +pub const Tag = enum(u16) { _ }; - pub const __builtin___strncpy_chk = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*zz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; +const Self = @This(); - pub const __builtin___vfprintf_chk = struct { - const param_str = "iP*icC*a"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 2, - }; - }; +pub fn fromName(name: []const u8) ?@This() { + const data_index = tagFromName(name) orelse return null; + return builtin_data[@intFromEnum(data_index)]; +} - pub const __builtin___vprintf_chk = struct { - const param_str = "iicC*a"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; +pub fn tagFromName(name: []const u8) ?Tag { + const unique_index = uniqueIndex(name) orelse return null; + return @enumFromInt(unique_index - 1); +} - pub const __builtin___vsnprintf_chk = struct { - const param_str = "ic*zizcC*a"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 4, - }; - }; +pub fn fromTag(tag: Tag) @This() { + return builtin_data[@intFromEnum(tag)]; +} - pub const __builtin___vsprintf_chk = struct { - const param_str = "ic*izcC*a"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 3, - }; - }; +pub fn nameFromTagIntoBuf(tag: Tag, name_buf: []u8) []u8 { + std.debug.assert(name_buf.len >= longest_builtin_name); + const unique_index = @intFromEnum(tag) + 1; + return nameFromUniqueIndex(unique_index, name_buf); +} - pub const __builtin_abort = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; +pub fn nameFromTag(tag: Tag) NameBuf { + var name_buf: NameBuf = undefined; + const unique_index = @intFromEnum(tag) + 1; + const name = nameFromUniqueIndex(unique_index, &name_buf.buf); + name_buf.len = @intCast(name.len); + return name_buf; +} - pub const __builtin_abs = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; +pub const NameBuf = struct { + buf: [longest_builtin_name]u8 = undefined, + len: std.math.IntFittingRange(0, longest_builtin_name), - pub const __builtin_acos = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; + pub fn span(self: *const NameBuf) []const u8 { + return self.buf[0..self.len]; + } +}; - pub const __builtin_acosf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; +pub fn exists(name: []const u8) bool { + if (name.len < shortest_builtin_name or name.len > longest_builtin_name) return false; - pub const __builtin_acosf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; + var index: u16 = 0; + for (name) |c| { + index = findInList(dafsa[index].child_index, c) orelse return false; + } + return dafsa[index].end_of_word; +} - pub const __builtin_acosh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; +test exists { + try std.testing.expect(exists("__builtin_canonicalize")); + try std.testing.expect(!exists("__builtin_canonicaliz")); + try std.testing.expect(!exists("__builtin_canonicalize.")); +} - pub const __builtin_acoshf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; +pub fn isVarArgs(self: @This()) bool { + return self.param_str[self.param_str.len - 1] == '.'; +} - pub const __builtin_acoshf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; +pub const shortest_builtin_name = 3; +pub const longest_builtin_name = 43; - pub const __builtin_acoshl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; +pub const BuiltinsIterator = struct { + index: u16 = 1, + name_buf: [longest_builtin_name]u8 = undefined, - pub const __builtin_acosl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; + pub const Entry = struct { + /// Memory of this slice is overwritten on every call to `next` + name: []const u8, + builtin: Self, }; - pub const __builtin_add_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "b."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, + pub fn next(self: *BuiltinsIterator) ?Entry { + if (self.index > builtin_data.len) return null; + const index = self.index; + const data_index = index - 1; + self.index += 1; + return .{ + .name = nameFromUniqueIndex(index, &self.name_buf), + .builtin = builtin_data[data_index], }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_addc = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiCUiCUiCUi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_addcb = struct { - const param_str = "UcUcCUcCUcCUc*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; + } +}; - pub const __builtin_addcl = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULiCULiCULiCULi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; +test BuiltinsIterator { + var it = BuiltinsIterator{}; + + var seen = std.StringHashMap(Self).init(std.testing.allocator); + defer seen.deinit(); + + var arena_state = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator); + defer arena_state.deinit(); + const arena = arena_state.allocator(); + + while (it.next()) |entry| { + const index = uniqueIndex(entry.name).?; + var buf: [longest_builtin_name]u8 = undefined; + const name_from_index = nameFromUniqueIndex(index, &buf); + try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(entry.name, name_from_index); + + if (seen.contains(entry.name)) { + std.debug.print("iterated over {s} twice\n", .{entry.name}); + std.debug.print("current data: {}\n", .{entry.builtin}); + std.debug.print("previous data: {}\n", .{seen.get(entry.name).?}); + return error.TestExpectedUniqueEntries; + } + try seen.put(try arena.dupe(u8, entry.name), entry.builtin); + } + try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, builtin_data.len), seen.count()); +} - pub const __builtin_addcll = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiCULLiCULLiCULLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; +/// Search siblings of `first_child_index` for the `char` +/// If found, returns the index of the node within the `dafsa` array. +/// Otherwise, returns `null`. +fn findInList(first_child_index: u16, char: u8) ?u16 { + var index = first_child_index; + while (true) { + if (dafsa[index].char == char) return index; + if (dafsa[index].end_of_list) return null; + index += 1; + } + unreachable; +} - pub const __builtin_addcs = struct { - const param_str = "UsUsCUsCUsCUs*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; +/// Returns a unique (minimal perfect hash) index (starting at 1) for the `name`, +/// or null if the name was not found. +fn uniqueIndex(name: []const u8) ?u16 { + if (name.len < shortest_builtin_name or name.len > longest_builtin_name) return null; + + var index: u16 = 0; + var node_index: u16 = 0; + + for (name) |c| { + const child_index = findInList(dafsa[node_index].child_index, c) orelse return null; + var sibling_index = dafsa[node_index].child_index; + while (true) { + const sibling_c = dafsa[sibling_index].char; + std.debug.assert(sibling_c != 0); + if (sibling_c < c) { + index += dafsa[sibling_index].number; + } + if (dafsa[sibling_index].end_of_list) break; + sibling_index += 1; + } + node_index = child_index; + if (dafsa[node_index].end_of_word) index += 1; + } - pub const __builtin_addf128_round_to_odd = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; + if (!dafsa[node_index].end_of_word) return null; - pub const __builtin_align_down = struct { - const param_str = "v*vC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; + return index; +} - pub const __builtin_align_up = struct { - const param_str = "v*vC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; +/// Returns a slice of `buf` with the name associated with the given `index`. +/// This function should only be called with an `index` that +/// is already known to exist within the `dafsa`, e.g. an index +/// returned from `uniqueIndex`. +fn nameFromUniqueIndex(index: u16, buf: []u8) []u8 { + std.debug.assert(index >= 1 and index <= builtin_data.len); + + var node_index: u16 = 0; + var count: u16 = index; + var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(buf); + const w = fbs.writer(); + + while (true) { + var sibling_index = dafsa[node_index].child_index; + while (true) { + if (dafsa[sibling_index].number > 0 and dafsa[sibling_index].number < count) { + count -= dafsa[sibling_index].number; + } else { + w.writeByte(dafsa[sibling_index].char) catch unreachable; + node_index = sibling_index; + if (dafsa[node_index].end_of_word) { + count -= 1; + } + break; + } + + if (dafsa[sibling_index].end_of_list) break; + sibling_index += 1; + } + if (count == 0) break; + } - pub const __builtin_alloca = struct { - const param_str = "v*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; + return fbs.getWritten(); +} - pub const __builtin_alloca_uninitialized = struct { - const param_str = "v*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; +pub const MaxParamCount = 12; - pub const __builtin_alloca_with_align = struct { - const param_str = "v*zIz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; +/// We're 1 bit shy of being able to fit this in a u32: +/// - char only contains 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and _, so it could use a enum(u6) with a way to convert <-> u8 +/// (note: this would have a performance cost that may make the u32 not worth it) +/// - number has a max value of > 2047 and < 4095 (the first _ node has the largest number), +/// so it could fit into a u12 +/// - child_index currently has a max of > 4095 and < 8191, so it could fit into a u13 +/// +/// with the end_of_word/end_of_list 2 bools, that makes 33 bits total +const Node = packed struct(u64) { + char: u8, + /// Nodes are numbered with "an integer which gives the number of words that + /// would be accepted by the automaton starting from that state." This numbering + /// allows calculating "a one-to-one correspondence between the integers 1 to L + /// (L is the number of words accepted by the automaton) and the words themselves." + /// + /// Essentially, this allows us to have a minimal perfect hashing scheme such that + /// it's possible to store & lookup the properties of each builtin using a separate array. + number: u16, + /// If true, this node is the end of a valid builtin. + /// Note: This does not necessarily mean that this node does not have child nodes. + end_of_word: bool, + /// If true, this node is the end of a sibling list. + /// If false, then (index + 1) will contain the next sibling. + end_of_list: bool, + /// Padding bits to get to u64, unsure if there's some way to use these to improve something. + _extra: u22 = 0, + /// Index of the first child of this node. + child_index: u16, +}; - pub const __builtin_alloca_with_align_uninitialized = struct { - const param_str = "v*zIz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vcipher = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vcipherlast = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vncipher = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vncipherlast = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vpermxor = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vpermxor_be = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vpmsumb = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vpmsumd = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vpmsumh = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vpmsumw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vsbox = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vshasigmad = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_crypto_vshasigmaw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiIiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_dss = struct { - const param_str = "vUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_dssall = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_dst = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*iUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_dstst = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*iUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_dststt = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*iUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_dstt = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*iUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_lvebx = struct { - const param_str = "V16cLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_lvehx = struct { - const param_str = "V8sLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_lvewx = struct { - const param_str = "V4iLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_lvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V16cUcvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_lvsr = struct { - const param_str = "V16cUcvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_lvx = struct { - const param_str = "V4iLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_lvxl = struct { - const param_str = "V4iLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_mfvscr = struct { - const param_str = "V8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_mtvscr = struct { - const param_str = "vV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_mtvsrbm = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_mtvsrdm = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_mtvsrhm = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_mtvsrqm = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_mtvsrwm = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_stvebx = struct { - const param_str = "vV16cLiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_stvehx = struct { - const param_str = "vV8sLiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_stvewx = struct { - const param_str = "vV4iLiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_stvx = struct { - const param_str = "vV4iLiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_stvxl = struct { - const param_str = "vV4iLiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vabsdub = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vabsduh = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vabsduw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddcuq = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddcuq_c = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddcuw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddecuq = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddecuq_c = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddeuqm = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddeuqm_c = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddsbs = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddshs = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddsws = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vaddubs = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vadduhs = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vadduqm = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vadduws = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vavgsb = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vavgsh = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vavgsw = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vavgub = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vavguh = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vavguw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vbpermd = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vbpermq = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcfsx = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4SiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcfuged = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcfux = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4UiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vclrlb = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vclrrb = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vclzb = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vclzd = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vclzdm = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vclzh = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vclzlsbb = struct { - const param_str = "SiV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vclzw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpbfp = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpbfp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpeqfp = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpeqfp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequb = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequb_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequd = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequd_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequh = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequh_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequq = struct { - const param_str = "V1LLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequq_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV1ULLLiV1LLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequw = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpequw_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgefp = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgefp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtfp = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtfp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsb = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsb_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsd = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsd_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsh = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsh_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsq = struct { - const param_str = "V1LLLiV1SLLLiV1SLLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsq_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV1SLLLiV1SLLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsw = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsw_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtub = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtub_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtud = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtud_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuh = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuh_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuq = struct { - const param_str = "V1LLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuq_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuw = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuw_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpneb = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpneb_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpned_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpneh = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpneh_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpnew = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpnew_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpnezb = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpnezh = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcmpnezw = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcntmbb = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiV16UcUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcntmbd = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiV2ULLiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcntmbh = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiV8UsUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vcntmbw = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiV4UiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vctsxs = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4fIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vctuxs = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4fIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vctzb = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vctzd = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vctzdm = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vctzh = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vctzlsbb = struct { - const param_str = "SiV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vctzw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vdivesd = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vdivesq = struct { - const param_str = "V1SLLLiV1SLLLiV1SLLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vdivesw = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vdiveud = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vdiveuq = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vdiveuw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vexpandbm = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vexpanddm = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vexpandhm = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vexpandqm = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vexpandwm = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vexptefp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextddvlx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextddvrx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextdubvlx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV16UcV16UcUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextdubvrx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV16UcV16UcUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextduhvlx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV8UsV8UsUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextduhvrx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV8UsV8UsUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextduwvlx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4UiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextduwvrx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4UiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextractbm = struct { - const param_str = "UiV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextractdm = struct { - const param_str = "UiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextracthm = struct { - const param_str = "UiV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextractqm = struct { - const param_str = "UiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextractwm = struct { - const param_str = "UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextsb2d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextsb2w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextsd2q = struct { - const param_str = "V1SLLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextsh2d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextsh2w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vextsw2d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vgbbd = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vgnb = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiV1ULLLiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsblx = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsbrx = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsbvlx = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcUiV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsbvrx = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcUiV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsd = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcULLiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsd_elt = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcULLiiC"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsdlx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsdrx = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinshlx = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinshrx = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinshvlx = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsUiV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinshvrx = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsUiV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsw = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcUiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinsw_elt = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcUiiC"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinswlx = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinswrx = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinswvlx = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiUiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vinswvrx = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiUiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vlogefp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaddfp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaxfp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaxsb = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaxsd = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaxsh = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaxsw = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaxub = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaxud = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaxuh = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmaxuw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmhaddshs = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmhraddshs = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vminfp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vminsb = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vminsd = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vminsh = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vminsw = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vminub = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vminud = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vminuh = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vminuw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmsumcud = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmsummbm = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV16ScV16UcV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmsumshm = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8SsV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmsumshs = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8SsV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmsumubm = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV16UcV16UcV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmsumuhm = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8UsV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmsumuhs = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8UsV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulesb = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulesd = struct { - const param_str = "V1SLLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulesh = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulesw = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmuleub = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmuleud = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmuleuh = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmuleuw = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulhsd = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulhsw = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulhud = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulhuw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulosb = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulosd = struct { - const param_str = "V1SLLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulosh = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulosw = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmuloub = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmuloud = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulouh = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vmulouw = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vnmsubfp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpdepd = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vperm_4si = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4iV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpextd = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpkpx = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpksdss = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpksdus = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpkshss = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpkshus = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpkswss = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpkswus = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpkudum = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpkudus = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpkuhus = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpkuwus = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpopcntb = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpopcntd = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpopcnth = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vpopcntw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vprtybd = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vprtybq = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vprtybw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrefp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrfim = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrfin = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrfip = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrfiz = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrlb = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrld = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrldmi = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrldnm = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrlh = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrlqmi = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrlqnm = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrlw = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrlwmi = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrlwnm = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vrsqrtefp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsel_4si = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4iV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsl = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsldbi = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vslo = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vslv = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsr = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsrab = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsrah = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsraw = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsrdbi = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsro = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsrv = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vstribl = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vstribl_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vstribr = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vstribr_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vstrihl = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vstrihl_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vstrihr = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vstrihr_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubcuq = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubcuq_c = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubcuw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubecuq = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubecuq_c = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubeuqm = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLiV1ULLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubeuqm_c = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubsbs = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubshs = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubsws = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsububs = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubuhs = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubuqm = struct { - const param_str = "V1ULLLiV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsubuws = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsum2sws = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsum4sbs = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV16ScV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsum4shs = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV8SsV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsum4ubs = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV16UcV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vsumsws = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vupkhpx = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vupkhsb = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vupkhsh = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vupkhsw = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vupklpx = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vupklsb = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vupklsh = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_altivec_vupklsw = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_alignbit = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_alignbyte = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_atomic_dec32 = struct { - const param_str = "UZiUZiD*UZiUicC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_atomic_dec64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWiD*UWiUicC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_atomic_inc32 = struct { - const param_str = "UZiUZiD*UZiUicC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_atomic_inc64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWiD*UWiUicC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_buffer_wbinvl1 = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_class = struct { - const param_str = "bdi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_classf = struct { - const param_str = "bfi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cosf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cubeid = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cubema = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cubesc = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cubetc = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pk_i16 = struct { - const param_str = "E2sii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pk_u16 = struct { - const param_str = "E2UsUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pk_u8_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "UifUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pknorm_i16 = struct { - const param_str = "E2sff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pknorm_u16 = struct { - const param_str = "E2Usff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pkrtz = struct { - const param_str = "E2hff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_dispatch_ptr = struct { - const param_str = "v*4"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_div_fixup = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_div_fixupf = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_div_fmas = struct { - const param_str = "ddddb"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_div_fmasf = struct { - const param_str = "ffffb"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_div_scale = struct { - const param_str = "dddbb*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_div_scalef = struct { - const param_str = "fffbb*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_append = struct { - const param_str = "ii*3"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_bpermute = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_consume = struct { - const param_str = "ii*3"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_faddf = struct { - const param_str = "ff*3fIiIiIb"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_fmaxf = struct { - const param_str = "ff*3fIiIiIb"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_fminf = struct { - const param_str = "ff*3fIiIiIb"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_gws_barrier = struct { - const param_str = "vUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_gws_init = struct { - const param_str = "vUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_gws_sema_br = struct { - const param_str = "vUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_gws_sema_p = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_gws_sema_v = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_permute = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ds_swizzle = struct { - const param_str = "iiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_endpgm = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_fcmp = struct { - const param_str = "WUiddIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_fcmpf = struct { - const param_str = "WUiffIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_fence = struct { - const param_str = "vUicC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_fmed3f = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_fract = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_fractf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_exp = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_expf = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_mant = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_mantf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_grid_size_x = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_grid_size_y = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_grid_size_z = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_groupstaticsize = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_iglp_opt = struct { - const param_str = "vIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_implicitarg_ptr = struct { - const param_str = "v*4"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_interp_mov = struct { - const param_str = "fUiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_interp_p1 = struct { - const param_str = "ffUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_interp_p1_f16 = struct { - const param_str = "ffUiUibUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_interp_p2 = struct { - const param_str = "fffUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_interp_p2_f16 = struct { - const param_str = "hffUiUibUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_is_private = struct { - const param_str = "bvC*0"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_is_shared = struct { - const param_str = "bvC*0"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_kernarg_segment_ptr = struct { - const param_str = "v*4"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ldexp = struct { - const param_str = "ddi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ldexpf = struct { - const param_str = "ffi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_lerp = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_log_clampf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_mbcnt_hi = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_mbcnt_lo = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_mqsad_pk_u16_u8 = struct { - const param_str = "WUiWUiUiWUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_mqsad_u32_u8 = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiWUiUiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_msad_u8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_qsad_pk_u16_u8 = struct { - const param_str = "WUiWUiUiWUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_queue_ptr = struct { - const param_str = "v*4"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_rcp = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_rcpf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_read_exec = struct { - const param_str = "WUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_read_exec_hi = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_read_exec_lo = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_readfirstlane = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_readlane = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_rsq = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_rsq_clamp = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_rsq_clampf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_rsqf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_barrier = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_dcache_inv = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_decperflevel = struct { - const param_str = "vIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_getpc = struct { - const param_str = "WUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_getreg = struct { - const param_str = "UiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_incperflevel = struct { - const param_str = "vIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_sendmsg = struct { - const param_str = "vIiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_sendmsghalt = struct { - const param_str = "vIiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_setprio = struct { - const param_str = "vIs"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_setreg = struct { - const param_str = "vIiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_sleep = struct { - const param_str = "vIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_s_waitcnt = struct { - const param_str = "vIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sad_hi_u8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sad_u16 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sad_u8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sbfe = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sched_barrier = struct { - const param_str = "vIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sched_group_barrier = struct { - const param_str = "vIiIiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sicmp = struct { - const param_str = "WUiiiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sicmpl = struct { - const param_str = "WUiWiWiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sinf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sqrt = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_sqrtf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_trig_preop = struct { - const param_str = "ddi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_trig_preopf = struct { - const param_str = "ffi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_ubfe = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_uicmp = struct { - const param_str = "WUiUiUiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_uicmpl = struct { - const param_str = "WUiWUiWUiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_wave_barrier = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_id_x = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_id_y = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_id_z = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_size_x = struct { - const param_str = "Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_size_y = struct { - const param_str = "Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_size_z = struct { - const param_str = "Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_workitem_id_x = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_workitem_id_y = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_amdgcn_workitem_id_z = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_annotation = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_cdp = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiUIiUIiUIiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_cdp2 = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiUIiUIiUIiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_clrex = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_cls = struct { - const param_str = "UiZUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_cls64 = struct { - const param_str = "UiWUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_cmse_TT = struct { - const param_str = "Uiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_cmse_TTA = struct { - const param_str = "Uiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_cmse_TTAT = struct { - const param_str = "Uiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_cmse_TTT = struct { - const param_str = "Uiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_dbg = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_dmb = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_dsb = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_get_fpscr = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_isb = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ldaex = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ldc = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ldc2 = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ldc2l = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ldcl = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ldrex = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ldrexd = struct { - const param_str = "LLUiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_mcr = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiUiUIiUIiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_mcr2 = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiUiUIiUIiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_mcrr = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiLLUiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_mcrr2 = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiLLUiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_mrc = struct { - const param_str = "UiUIiUIiUIiUIiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_mrc2 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUIiUIiUIiUIiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_mrrc = struct { - const param_str = "LLUiUIiUIiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_mrrc2 = struct { - const param_str = "LLUiUIiUIiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_nop = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_prefetch = struct { - const param_str = "!"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_qadd = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_qadd16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_qadd8 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_qasx = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_qdbl = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_qsax = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_qsub = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_qsub16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_qsub8 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_rbit = struct { - const param_str = "UiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_rbit64 = struct { - const param_str = "WUiWUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_rsr = struct { - const param_str = "UicC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_rsr128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLUicC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_rsr64 = struct { - const param_str = "!"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_rsrp = struct { - const param_str = "v*cC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_sadd16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_sadd8 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_sasx = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_sel = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_set_fpscr = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_sev = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_sevl = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_shadd16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_shadd8 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_shasx = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_shsax = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_shsub16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_shsub8 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlabb = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlabt = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlad = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smladx = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlald = struct { - const param_str = "LLiiiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlaldx = struct { - const param_str = "LLiiiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlatb = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlatt = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlawb = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlawt = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlsd = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlsdx = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlsld = struct { - const param_str = "LLiiiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smlsldx = struct { - const param_str = "LLiiiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smuad = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smuadx = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smulbb = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smulbt = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smultb = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smultt = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smulwb = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smulwt = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smusd = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_smusdx = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ssat = struct { - const param_str = "iiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ssat16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ssax = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ssub16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ssub8 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_stc = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_stc2 = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_stc2l = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_stcl = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_stlex = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_strex = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_strexd = struct { - const param_str = "iLLUiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_sxtab16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_sxtb16 = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_tcancel = struct { - const param_str = "vWUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_tcommit = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_tstart = struct { - const param_str = "WUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_ttest = struct { - const param_str = "WUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uadd16 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uadd8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uasx = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uhadd16 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uhadd8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uhasx = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uhsax = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uhsub16 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uhsub8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uqadd16 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uqadd8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uqasx = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uqsax = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uqsub16 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uqsub8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_usad8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_usada8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_usat = struct { - const param_str = "UiiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_usat16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_usax = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_usub16 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_usub8 = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uxtab16 = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_uxtb16 = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_vcvtr_d = struct { - const param_str = "fdi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_vcvtr_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_wfe = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_wfi = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_wsr = struct { - const param_str = "vcC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_wsr128 = struct { - const param_str = "vcC*LLLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_wsr64 = struct { - const param_str = "!"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_wsrp = struct { - const param_str = "vcC*vC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_arm_yield = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_asin = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_asinf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_asinf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_asinh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_asinhf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_asinhf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_asinhl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_asinl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_assume = struct { - const param_str = "vb"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_assume_aligned = struct { - const param_str = "v*vC*z."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atan = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atan2 = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atan2f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atan2f128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atan2l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atanf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atanf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atanh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atanhf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atanhf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atanhl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_atanl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bcmp = struct { - const param_str = "ivC*vC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bcopy = struct { - const param_str = "vv*v*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bitrev = struct { - const param_str = "UiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .xcore = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bitreverse16 = struct { - const param_str = "UsUs"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bitreverse32 = struct { - const param_str = "UZiUZi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bitreverse64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bitreverse8 = struct { - const param_str = "UcUc"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bpermd = struct { - const param_str = "SLLiSLLiSLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_bswap16 = struct { - const param_str = "UsUs"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bswap32 = struct { - const param_str = "UZiUZi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bswap64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_bzero = struct { - const param_str = "vv*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cabs = struct { - const param_str = "dXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cabsf = struct { - const param_str = "fXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cabsl = struct { - const param_str = "LdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cacos = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cacosf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cacosh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cacoshf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cacoshl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cacosl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_call_with_static_chain = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_calloc = struct { - const param_str = "v*zz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_canonicalize = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_canonicalizef = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_canonicalizef16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_canonicalizel = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_carg = struct { - const param_str = "dXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cargf = struct { - const param_str = "fXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cargl = struct { - const param_str = "LdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_casin = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_casinf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_casinh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_casinhf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_casinhl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_casinl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_catan = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_catanf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_catanh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_catanhf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_catanhl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_catanl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cbrt = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cbrtf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cbrtf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cbrtl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ccos = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ccosf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ccosh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ccoshf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ccoshl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ccosl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ceil = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ceilf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ceilf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ceilf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ceill = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cexp = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cexpf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cexpl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cfuged = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_char_memchr = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*iz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cimag = struct { - const param_str = "dXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cimagf = struct { - const param_str = "fXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cimagl = struct { - const param_str = "LdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_classify_type = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .eval_args = false, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clog = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clogf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clogl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clrsb = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clrsbl = struct { - const param_str = "iLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clrsbll = struct { - const param_str = "iLLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clz = struct { - const param_str = "iUi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clzl = struct { - const param_str = "iULi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clzll = struct { - const param_str = "iULLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_clzs = struct { - const param_str = "iUs"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cntlzdm = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_cnttzdm = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_complex = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_conj = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_conjf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_conjl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_constant_p = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .eval_args = false, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_convertvector = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_copysign = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_copysignf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_copysignf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_copysignf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hhh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_copysignl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cos = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cosf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cosf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cosf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cosh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_coshf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_coshf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_coshl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cosl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cpow = struct { - const param_str = "XdXdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cpowf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cpowl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cproj = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cprojf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cprojl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cpu_init = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .x86 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cpu_is = struct { - const param_str = "bcC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .x86 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_cpu_supports = struct { - const param_str = "bcC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .x86 = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_creal = struct { - const param_str = "dXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_crealf = struct { - const param_str = "fXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_creall = struct { - const param_str = "LdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_csin = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_csinf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_csinh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_csinhf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_csinhl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_csinl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_csqrt = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_csqrtf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_csqrtl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctan = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctanf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctanh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctanhf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctanhl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctanl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctz = struct { - const param_str = "iUi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctzl = struct { - const param_str = "iULi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctzll = struct { - const param_str = "iULLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ctzs = struct { - const param_str = "iUs"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_darn = struct { - const param_str = "LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_darn_32 = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_darn_raw = struct { - const param_str = "LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_dcbf = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_debugtrap = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_divde = struct { - const param_str = "SLLiSLLiSLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_divdeu = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_divf128_round_to_odd = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_divwe = struct { - const param_str = "SiSiSi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_divweu = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_dump_struct = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_dwarf_cfa = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_dwarf_sp_column = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_dynamic_object_size = struct { - const param_str = "zvC*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .eval_args = false, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_eh_return = struct { - const param_str = "vzv*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_eh_return_data_regno = struct { - const param_str = "iIi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_abs = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_add_sat = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_canonicalize = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_ceil = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_copysign = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_cos = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_floor = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_max = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_min = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_roundeven = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_sin = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_sub_sat = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_elementwise_trunc = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_erf = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_erfc = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_erfcf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_erfcf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_erfcl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_erff = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_erff128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_erfl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_exp = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_exp2 = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_exp2f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_exp2f128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_exp2f16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_exp2l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expect = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expect_with_probability = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiLid"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expm1 = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expm1f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expm1f128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_expm1l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_extend_pointer = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiv*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_extract_return_addr = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fabs = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fabsf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fabsf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fabsf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fabsl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fdim = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fdimf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fdimf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fdiml = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ffs = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ffsl = struct { - const param_str = "iLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ffsll = struct { - const param_str = "iLLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_floor = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_floorf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_floorf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_floorf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_floorl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_flt_rounds = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fma = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmaf = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmaf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmaf128_round_to_odd = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLdLLd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmaf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hhhh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmal = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmax = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmaxf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmaxf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmaxf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hhh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmaxl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmin = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fminf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fminf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fminf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hhh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fminl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmod = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmodf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmodf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmodf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hhh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fmodl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fpclassify = struct { - const param_str = "iiiiii."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_fprintf = struct { - const param_str = "iP*cC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_frame_address = struct { - const param_str = "v*IUi"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_free = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_frexp = struct { - const param_str = "ddi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_frexpf = struct { - const param_str = "ffi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_frexpf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_frexpl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_frob_return_addr = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_get_texasr = struct { - const param_str = "LUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_get_texasru = struct { - const param_str = "LUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_get_tfhar = struct { - const param_str = "LUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_get_tfiar = struct { - const param_str = "LUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_getid = struct { - const param_str = "Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .xcore = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_getps = struct { - const param_str = "UiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .xcore = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_huge_val = struct { - const param_str = "d"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_huge_valf = struct { - const param_str = "f"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_huge_valf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_huge_valf16 = struct { - const param_str = "x"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_huge_vall = struct { - const param_str = "Ld"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_hypot = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_hypotf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_hypotf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_hypotl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ia32_rdpmc = struct { - const param_str = "UOii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .x86 = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ia32_rdtsc = struct { - const param_str = "UOi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .x86 = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ia32_rdtscp = struct { - const param_str = "UOiUi*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .x86 = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ilogb = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ilogbf = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ilogbf128 = struct { - const param_str = "iLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ilogbl = struct { - const param_str = "iLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_index = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_inf = struct { - const param_str = "d"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_inff = struct { - const param_str = "f"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_inff128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_inff16 = struct { - const param_str = "x"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_infl = struct { - const param_str = "Ld"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_is_aligned = struct { - const param_str = "bvC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_isfinite = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_isgreater = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_isgreaterequal = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_isinf = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_isinf_sign = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_isless = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_islessequal = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_islessgreater = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_isnan = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_isnormal = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_isunordered = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_labs = struct { - const param_str = "LiLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_launder = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ldexp = struct { - const param_str = "ddi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ldexpf = struct { - const param_str = "ffi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ldexpf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ldexpl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lgamma = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lgammaf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lgammaf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lgammal = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_llabs = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_llrint = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_llrintf = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_llrintf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_llrintl = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_llround = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_llroundf = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_llroundf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_llroundl = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log10 = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log10f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log10f128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log10f16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log10l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log1p = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log1pf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log1pf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log1pl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log2 = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log2f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log2f128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log2f16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_log2l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_logb = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_logbf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_logbf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_logbl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_logf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_logf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_logf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_logl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_longjmp = struct { - const param_str = "vv**i"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lrint = struct { - const param_str = "Lid"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lrintf = struct { - const param_str = "Lif"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lrintf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LiLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lrintl = struct { - const param_str = "LiLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lround = struct { - const param_str = "Lid"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lroundf = struct { - const param_str = "Lif"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lroundf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LiLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_lroundl = struct { - const param_str = "LiLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_malloc = struct { - const param_str = "v*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_matrix_column_major_load = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_matrix_column_major_store = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_matrix_transpose = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_memchr = struct { - const param_str = "v*vC*iz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_memcmp = struct { - const param_str = "ivC*vC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_memcpy = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_memcpy_inline = struct { - const param_str = "vv*vC*Iz"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_memmove = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mempcpy = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_memset = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*iz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_memset_inline = struct { - const param_str = "vv*iIz"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_absq_s_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_absq_s_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_absq_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addq_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addq_s_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addq_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addqh_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addqh_r_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addqh_r_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addqh_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addsc = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addu_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addu_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addu_s_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addu_s_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_adduh_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_adduh_r_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_addwc = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_append = struct { - const param_str = "iiiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_balign = struct { - const param_str = "iiiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_bitrev = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_bposge32 = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmp_eq_ph = struct { - const param_str = "vV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmp_le_ph = struct { - const param_str = "vV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmp_lt_ph = struct { - const param_str = "vV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmpgdu_eq_qb = struct { - const param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmpgdu_le_qb = struct { - const param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmpgdu_lt_qb = struct { - const param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmpgu_eq_qb = struct { - const param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmpgu_le_qb = struct { - const param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmpgu_lt_qb = struct { - const param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmpu_eq_qb = struct { - const param_str = "vV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmpu_le_qb = struct { - const param_str = "vV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_cmpu_lt_qb = struct { - const param_str = "vV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpa_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpaq_s_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpaq_sa_l_w = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpaqx_s_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpaqx_sa_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpau_h_qbl = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpau_h_qbr = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpax_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dps_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpsq_s_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpsq_sa_l_w = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpsqx_s_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpsqx_sa_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpsu_h_qbl = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpsu_h_qbr = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_dpsx_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_extp = struct { - const param_str = "iLLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_extpdp = struct { - const param_str = "iLLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_extr_r_w = struct { - const param_str = "iLLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_extr_rs_w = struct { - const param_str = "iLLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_extr_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "iLLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_extr_w = struct { - const param_str = "iLLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_insv = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_lbux = struct { - const param_str = "iv*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_lhx = struct { - const param_str = "iv*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_lwx = struct { - const param_str = "iv*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_madd = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_maddu = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_maq_s_w_phl = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_maq_s_w_phr = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_maq_sa_w_phl = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_maq_sa_w_phr = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_modsub = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_msub = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_msubu = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mthlip = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mul_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mul_s_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_muleq_s_w_phl = struct { - const param_str = "iV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_muleq_s_w_phr = struct { - const param_str = "iV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_muleu_s_ph_qbl = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4ScV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_muleu_s_ph_qbr = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4ScV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mulq_rs_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mulq_rs_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mulq_s_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mulq_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mulsa_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mulsaq_s_w_ph = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_mult = struct { - const param_str = "LLiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_multu = struct { - const param_str = "LLiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_packrl_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_pick_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_pick_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_preceq_w_phl = struct { - const param_str = "iV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_preceq_w_phr = struct { - const param_str = "iV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precequ_ph_qbl = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precequ_ph_qbla = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precequ_ph_qbr = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precequ_ph_qbra = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_preceu_ph_qbl = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_preceu_ph_qbla = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_preceu_ph_qbr = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_preceu_ph_qbra = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precr_qb_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precr_sra_ph_w = struct { - const param_str = "V2siiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precr_sra_r_ph_w = struct { - const param_str = "V2siiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precrq_ph_w = struct { - const param_str = "V2sii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precrq_qb_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precrq_rs_ph_w = struct { - const param_str = "V2sii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_precrqu_s_qb_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_prepend = struct { - const param_str = "iiiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_raddu_w_qb = struct { - const param_str = "iV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_rddsp = struct { - const param_str = "iIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_repl_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_repl_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4Sci"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shilo = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shll_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shll_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4Sci"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shll_s_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shll_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shra_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shra_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4Sci"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shra_r_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shra_r_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4Sci"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shra_r_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shrl_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_shrl_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4Sci"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subq_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subq_s_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subq_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subqh_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subqh_r_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subqh_r_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subqh_w = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subu_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subu_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subu_s_ph = struct { - const param_str = "V2sV2sV2s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subu_s_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subuh_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_subuh_r_qb = struct { - const param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mips_wrdsp = struct { - const param_str = "viIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_modf = struct { - const param_str = "ddd*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_modff = struct { - const param_str = "fff*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_modff128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_modfl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_add_a_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_add_a_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_add_a_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_add_a_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_a_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_a_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_a_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_a_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_adds_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_addv_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_addv_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_addv_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_addv_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_addvi_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_addvi_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_addvi_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_addvi_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_and_v = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_andi_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_asub_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_asub_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_asub_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_asub_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_asub_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_asub_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_asub_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_asub_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ave_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ave_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ave_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ave_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ave_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ave_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ave_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ave_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_aver_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_aver_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_aver_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_aver_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_aver_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_aver_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_aver_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_aver_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bclr_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bclr_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bclr_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bclr_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bclri_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bclri_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bclri_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bclri_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsl_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsl_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsl_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsl_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsli_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsli_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsli_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8UsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsli_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsr_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsr_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsr_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsr_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsri_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsri_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsri_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8UsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_binsri_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bmnz_v = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bmnzi_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bmz_v = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bmzi_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bneg_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bneg_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bneg_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bneg_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bnegi_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bnegi_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bnegi_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bnegi_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bnz_b = struct { - const param_str = "iV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bnz_d = struct { - const param_str = "iV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bnz_h = struct { - const param_str = "iV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bnz_v = struct { - const param_str = "iV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bnz_w = struct { - const param_str = "iV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bsel_v = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bseli_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bset_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bset_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bset_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bset_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bseti_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bseti_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bseti_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bseti_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bz_b = struct { - const param_str = "iV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bz_d = struct { - const param_str = "iV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bz_h = struct { - const param_str = "iV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bz_v = struct { - const param_str = "iV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_bz_w = struct { - const param_str = "iV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ceq_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ceq_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ceq_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ceq_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ceqi_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ceqi_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ceqi_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ceqi_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_cfcmsa = struct { - const param_str = "iIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_cle_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_cle_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_cle_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_cle_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_cle_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_cle_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_cle_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_cle_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clei_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clei_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clei_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clei_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clei_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clei_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clei_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8UsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clei_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4UiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clt_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clt_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clt_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clt_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clt_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clt_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clt_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clt_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clti_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clti_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clti_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clti_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiISi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clti_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clti_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clti_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8UsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_clti_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4UiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_copy_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "iV16ScIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_copy_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "LLiV2SLLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_copy_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "iV8SsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_copy_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "iV4SiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_copy_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "iV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_copy_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "LLiV2ULLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_copy_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "iV8UsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_copy_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "iV4UiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ctcmsa = struct { - const param_str = "vIii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_div_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_div_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_div_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_div_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_div_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_div_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_div_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_div_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dotp_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dotp_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dotp_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dotp_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dotp_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dotp_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpadd_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpadd_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpadd_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpadd_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpadd_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpadd_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpsub_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpsub_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpsub_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpsub_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpsub_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_dpsub_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fadd_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fadd_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcaf_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcaf_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fceq_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fceq_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fclass_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fclass_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcle_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcle_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fclt_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fclt_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcne_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcne_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcor_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcor_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcueq_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcueq_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcule_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcule_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcult_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcult_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcun_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcun_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcune_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fcune_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fdiv_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fdiv_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fexdo_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8hV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fexdo_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fexp2_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fexp2_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fexupl_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fexupl_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV8h"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fexupr_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fexupr_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV8h"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ffint_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ffint_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ffint_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ffint_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ffql_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ffql_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ffqr_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ffqr_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fill_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16Sci"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fill_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fill_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8Ssi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fill_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4Sii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_flog2_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_flog2_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmadd_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmadd_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmax_a_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmax_a_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmax_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmax_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmin_a_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmin_a_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmin_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmin_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmsub_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmsub_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmul_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fmul_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_frcp_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_frcp_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_frint_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_frint_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_frsqrt_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_frsqrt_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsaf_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsaf_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fseq_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fseq_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsle_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsle_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fslt_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fslt_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsne_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsne_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsor_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsor_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsqrt_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsqrt_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsub_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsub_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsueq_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsueq_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsule_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsule_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsult_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsult_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsun_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsun_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsune_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_fsune_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftint_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftint_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftint_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftint_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftq_h = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftq_w = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftrunc_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftrunc_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftrunc_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ftrunc_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hadd_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hadd_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hadd_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hadd_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hadd_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hadd_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hsub_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hsub_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hsub_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hsub_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hsub_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_hsub_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvev_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvev_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvev_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvev_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvl_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvl_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvl_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvl_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvod_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvod_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvod_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvod_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvr_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvr_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvr_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ilvr_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_insert_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScIUii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_insert_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIUiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_insert_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsIUii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_insert_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiIUii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_insve_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScIUiV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_insve_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIUiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_insve_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsIUiV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_insve_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiIUiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ld_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16Scv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ld_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ld_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8Ssv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ld_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4Siv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ldi_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ldi_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ldi_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ldi_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ldr_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ldr_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4Siv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_madd_q_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_madd_q_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maddr_q_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maddr_q_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maddv_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maddv_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maddv_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maddv_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_a_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_a_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_a_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_a_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_max_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maxi_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maxi_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maxi_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maxi_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maxi_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maxi_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maxi_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_maxi_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_a_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_a_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_a_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_a_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_min_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mini_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mini_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mini_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mini_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mini_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mini_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mini_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mini_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mod_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mod_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mod_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mod_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mod_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mod_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mod_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mod_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_move_v = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_msub_q_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_msub_q_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_msubr_q_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_msubr_q_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_msubv_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_msubv_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_msubv_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_msubv_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mul_q_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mul_q_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mulr_q_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mulr_q_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mulv_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mulv_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mulv_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_mulv_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nloc_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nloc_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nloc_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nloc_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nlzc_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nlzc_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nlzc_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nlzc_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nor_v = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_nori_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_or_v = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_ori_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pckev_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pckev_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pckev_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pckev_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pckod_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pckod_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pckod_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pckod_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pcnt_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pcnt_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pcnt_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_pcnt_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sat_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sat_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sat_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sat_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sat_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sat_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sat_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sat_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_shf_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_shf_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_shf_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sld_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16cUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sld_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sld_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8sUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sld_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4iUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sldi_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sldi_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sldi_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sldi_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sll_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sll_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sll_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sll_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_slli_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_slli_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_slli_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_slli_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_splat_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_splat_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_splat_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_splat_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_splati_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_splati_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_splati_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_splati_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sra_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sra_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sra_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_sra_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srai_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srai_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srai_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srai_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srar_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srar_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srar_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srar_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srari_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srari_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srari_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srari_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srl_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srl_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srl_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srl_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srli_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srli_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srli_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srli_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srlr_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srlr_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srlr_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srlr_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srlri_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srlri_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srlri_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_srlri_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_st_b = struct { - const param_str = "vV16Scv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_st_d = struct { - const param_str = "vV2SLLiv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_st_h = struct { - const param_str = "vV8Ssv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_st_w = struct { - const param_str = "vV4Siv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_str_d = struct { - const param_str = "vV2SLLiv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_str_w = struct { - const param_str = "vV4Siv*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subs_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subs_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subs_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subs_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subs_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subs_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subs_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subs_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subsus_u_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Sc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subsus_u_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subsus_u_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Ss"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subsus_u_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subsuu_s_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16ScV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subsuu_s_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subsuu_s_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8SsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subsuu_s_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subv_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subv_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subv_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subv_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subvi_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subvi_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subvi_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_subvi_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_vshf_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_vshf_d = struct { - const param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLiV2LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_vshf_h = struct { - const param_str = "V8sV8sV8sV8s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_vshf_w = struct { - const param_str = "V4iV4iV4iV4i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_xor_v = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cV16c"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_msa_xori_b = struct { - const param_str = "V16cV16cIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .mips = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mul_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "b."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_mulf128_round_to_odd = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_nan = struct { - const param_str = "dcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nanf = struct { - const param_str = "fcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nanf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nanf16 = struct { - const param_str = "xcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nanl = struct { - const param_str = "LdcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nans = struct { - const param_str = "dcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nansf = struct { - const param_str = "fcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nansf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nansf16 = struct { - const param_str = "xcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nansl = struct { - const param_str = "LdcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nearbyint = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nearbyintf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nearbyintf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nearbyintl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nextafter = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nextafterf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nextafterf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nextafterl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nexttoward = struct { - const param_str = "ddLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nexttowardf = struct { - const param_str = "ffLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nexttowardf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nexttowardl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nontemporal_load = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_nontemporal_store = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_objc_memmove_collectable = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_object_size = struct { - const param_str = "zvC*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .eval_args = false, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_operator_delete = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_operator_new = struct { - const param_str = "v*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_os_log_format = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*cC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 0, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size = struct { - const param_str = "zcC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .eval_args = false, - .const_evaluable = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 0, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_pack_longdouble = struct { - const param_str = "Lddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_pack_vector_int128 = struct { - const param_str = "V1LLLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_parity = struct { - const param_str = "iUi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_parityl = struct { - const param_str = "iULi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_parityll = struct { - const param_str = "iULLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_pdepd = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_pextd = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_popcount = struct { - const param_str = "iUi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_popcountl = struct { - const param_str = "iULi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_popcountll = struct { - const param_str = "iULLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_pow = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_powf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_powf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_powf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hhh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_powi = struct { - const param_str = "ddi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_powif = struct { - const param_str = "ffi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_powil = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_powl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_addex = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiLLiCIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_alignx = struct { - const param_str = "vIivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_bcdadd = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_bcdadd_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_bcdsub = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_bcdsub_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_cmpb = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_cmpeqb = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_cmprb = struct { - const param_str = "iCIiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_compare_and_swap = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_compare_and_swaplp = struct { - const param_str = "iLiD*Li*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_compare_exp_eq = struct { - const param_str = "idd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_compare_exp_gt = struct { - const param_str = "idd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_compare_exp_lt = struct { - const param_str = "idd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_compare_exp_uo = struct { - const param_str = "idd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_dcbfl = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_dcbflp = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_dcbst = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_dcbt = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_dcbtst = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_dcbtstt = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_dcbtt = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_dcbz = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_eieio = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_extract_exp = struct { - const param_str = "Uid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_extract_sig = struct { - const param_str = "ULLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fcfid = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fcfud = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fctid = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fctidz = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fctiw = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fctiwz = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fctudz = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fctuwz = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_add = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_addlp = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_and = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiD*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_andlp = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_or = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiD*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_orlp = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_swap = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiD*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_swaplp = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fmsub = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fmsubs = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fnabs = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fnabss = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fnmadd = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fnmadds = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fnmsub = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fnmsubs = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fre = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fres = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fric = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_frim = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_frims = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_frin = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_frins = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_frip = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_frips = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_friz = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_frizs = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_frsqrte = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_frsqrtes = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fsel = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fsels = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fsqrt = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_fsqrts = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_get_timebase = struct { - const param_str = "ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_icbt = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_insert_exp = struct { - const param_str = "ddULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_iospace_eieio = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_iospace_lwsync = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_iospace_sync = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_isync = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_lbarx = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_ldarx = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_lharx = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_load2r = struct { - const param_str = "UsUs*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_load4r = struct { - const param_str = "UiUi*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_load8r = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLi*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_lwarx = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_lwsync = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_maddhd = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiLLiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_maddhdu = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_maddld = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiLLiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_maxfe = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLdLd."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_maxfl = struct { - const param_str = "dddd."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_maxfs = struct { - const param_str = "ffff."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mfmsr = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mfspr = struct { - const param_str = "ULiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mftbu = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_minfe = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLdLd."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_minfl = struct { - const param_str = "dddd."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_minfs = struct { - const param_str = "ffff."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mtfsb0 = struct { - const param_str = "vUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mtfsb1 = struct { - const param_str = "vUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mtfsf = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mtfsfi = struct { - const param_str = "vUIiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mtmsr = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mtspr = struct { - const param_str = "vIiULi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mulhd = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLiLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mulhdu = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULiULi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mulhw = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_mulhwu = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_popcntb = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_poppar4 = struct { - const param_str = "iUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_poppar8 = struct { - const param_str = "iULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_rdlam = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWiUWiUWIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_recipdivd = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_recipdivf = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_rldimi = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiULLiIUiIULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_rlwimi = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiIUiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_rlwnm = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_rsqrtd = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_rsqrtf = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_setb = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_stbcx = struct { - const param_str = "icD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_stdcx = struct { - const param_str = "iLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_stfiw = struct { - const param_str = "viC*d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_sthcx = struct { - const param_str = "isD*s"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_store2r = struct { - const param_str = "vUiUs*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_store4r = struct { - const param_str = "vUiUi*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_store8r = struct { - const param_str = "vULLiULLi*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_stwcx = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_swdiv = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_swdiv_nochk = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_swdivs = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_swdivs_nochk = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_sync = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_tdw = struct { - const param_str = "vLLiLLiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_test_data_class = struct { - const param_str = "idIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_trap = struct { - const param_str = "vi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_trapd = struct { - const param_str = "vLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ppc_tw = struct { - const param_str = "viiIUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_prefetch = struct { - const param_str = "vvC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_preserve_access_index = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_printf = struct { - const param_str = "icC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 0, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_get_image_channel_data_typei_ = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_get_image_channel_orderi_ = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_get_image_depthi_ = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_get_image_heighti_ = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_get_image_widthi_ = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_read_image2Dff_ = struct { - const param_str = "V4fiiff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_read_image2Dfi_ = struct { - const param_str = "V4fiiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_read_image2Dif_ = struct { - const param_str = "V4iiiff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_read_image2Dii_ = struct { - const param_str = "V4iiiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_read_image3Dff_ = struct { - const param_str = "V4fiiffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_read_image3Dfi_ = struct { - const param_str = "V4fiiiiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_read_image3Dif_ = struct { - const param_str = "V4iiiffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_read_image3Dii_ = struct { - const param_str = "V4iiiiiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_write_image2Df_ = struct { - const param_str = "viiiffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_write_image2Di_ = struct { - const param_str = "viiiiiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ptx_write_image2Dui_ = struct { - const param_str = "viiiUiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_r600_implicitarg_ptr = struct { - const param_str = "Uc*7"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_r600_read_tgid_x = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_r600_read_tgid_y = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_r600_read_tgid_z = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_r600_read_tidig_x = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_r600_read_tidig_y = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_r600_read_tidig_z = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_r600_recipsqrt_ieee = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_r600_recipsqrt_ieeef = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .amdgpu = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_readcyclecounter = struct { - const param_str = "ULLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_readflm = struct { - const param_str = "d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_realloc = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_reduce_add = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_reduce_and = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_reduce_max = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_reduce_min = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_reduce_mul = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_reduce_or = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_reduce_xor = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_remainder = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_remainderf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_remainderf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_remainderl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_remquo = struct { - const param_str = "dddi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_remquof = struct { - const param_str = "fffi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_remquof128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLdi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_remquol = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLdi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_return_address = struct { - const param_str = "v*IUi"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rindex = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rint = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rintf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rintf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rintf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rintl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rotateleft16 = struct { - const param_str = "UsUsUs"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rotateleft32 = struct { - const param_str = "UZiUZiUZi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rotateleft64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWiUWi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rotateleft8 = struct { - const param_str = "UcUcUc"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rotateright16 = struct { - const param_str = "UsUsUs"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rotateright32 = struct { - const param_str = "UZiUZiUZi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rotateright64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWiUWi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_rotateright8 = struct { - const param_str = "UcUcUc"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_round = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_roundf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_roundf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_roundf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_roundl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sadd_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bSiCSiCSi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_saddl_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bSLiCSLiCSLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_saddll_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bSLLiCSLLiCSLLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_scalbln = struct { - const param_str = "ddLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_scalblnf = struct { - const param_str = "ffLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_scalblnf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_scalblnl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_scalbn = struct { - const param_str = "ddi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_scalbnf = struct { - const param_str = "ffi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_scalbnf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_scalbnl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_set_texasr = struct { - const param_str = "vLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_set_texasru = struct { - const param_str = "vLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_set_tfhar = struct { - const param_str = "vLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_set_tfiar = struct { - const param_str = "vLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_setflm = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_setjmp = struct { - const param_str = "iv**"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_setps = struct { - const param_str = "vUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .xcore = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_setrnd = struct { - const param_str = "di"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_shufflevector = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_signbit = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .custom_typecheck = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_signbitf = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_signbitl = struct { - const param_str = "iLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sin = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sinf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sinf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sinf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sinh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sinhf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sinhf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sinhl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sinl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_smul_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bSiCSiCSi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_smull_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bSLiCSLiCSLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_smulll_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bSLLiCSLLiCSLLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_snprintf = struct { - const param_str = "ic*zcC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 2, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sponentry = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sprintf = struct { - const param_str = "ic*cC*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sqrt = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sqrtf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sqrtf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sqrtf128_round_to_odd = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_sqrtf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sqrtl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ssub_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bSiCSiCSi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ssubl_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bSLiCSLiCSLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ssubll_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bSLLiCSLLiCSLLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_stdarg_start = struct { - const param_str = "vA."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_stpcpy = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_stpncpy = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strcasecmp = struct { - const param_str = "icC*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strcat = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strchr = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strcmp = struct { - const param_str = "icC*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strcpy = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strcspn = struct { - const param_str = "zcC*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strdup = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strlen = struct { - const param_str = "zcC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strncasecmp = struct { - const param_str = "icC*cC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strncat = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strncmp = struct { - const param_str = "icC*cC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strncpy = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strndup = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strpbrk = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strrchr = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strspn = struct { - const param_str = "zcC*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_strstr = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*cC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_sub_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "b."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_subc = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiCUiCUiCUi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_subcb = struct { - const param_str = "UcUcCUcCUcCUc*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_subcl = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULiCULiCULiCULi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_subcll = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiCULLiCULLiCULLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_subcs = struct { - const param_str = "UsUsCUsCUsCUs*"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_subf128_round_to_odd = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdLLd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tabort = struct { - const param_str = "UiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tabortdc = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tabortdci = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tabortwc = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tabortwci = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tan = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tanf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tanf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tanh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tanhf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tanhf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tanhl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tanl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tbegin = struct { - const param_str = "UiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tcheck = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tend = struct { - const param_str = "UiUIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tendall = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tgamma = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tgammaf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tgammaf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tgammal = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_thread_pointer = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_trap = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_trechkpt = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_treclaim = struct { - const param_str = "UiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tresume = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_trunc = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_truncf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_truncf128 = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_truncf128_round_to_odd = struct { - const param_str = "dLLd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_truncf16 = struct { - const param_str = "hh"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_truncl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_tsr = struct { - const param_str = "UiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_tsuspend = struct { - const param_str = "Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_ttest = struct { - const param_str = "LUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_uadd_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bUiCUiCUi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_uaddl_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bULiCULiCULi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_uaddll_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bULLiCULLiCULLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_umul_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bUiCUiCUi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_umull_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bULiCULiCULi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_umulll_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bULLiCULLiCULLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_unpack_longdouble = struct { - const param_str = "dLdIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_unpack_vector_int128 = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiV1LLLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_unpredictable = struct { - const param_str = "LiLi"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_unreachable = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_unwind_init = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - }; - - pub const __builtin_usub_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bUiCUiCUi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_usubl_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bULiCULiCULi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_usubll_overflow = struct { - const param_str = "bULLiCULLiCULLi*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_va_copy = struct { - const param_str = "vAA"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_va_end = struct { - const param_str = "vA"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_va_start = struct { - const param_str = "vA."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_andm_MMM = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV512bV512b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_andm_mmm = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256bV256b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_eqvm_MMM = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV512bV512b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_eqvm_mmm = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256bV256b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_extract_vm512l = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV512b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ve = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_extract_vm512u = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV512b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ve = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_fencec_s = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_fencei = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_fencem_s = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_fidcr_sss = struct { - const param_str = "LUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_insert_vm512l = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV512bV256b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ve = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_insert_vm512u = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV512bV256b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ve = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_lcr_sss = struct { - const param_str = "LUiLUiLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_lsv_vvss = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUiLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_lvm_MMss = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV512bLUiLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_lvm_mmss = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256bLUiLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_lvsd_svs = struct { - const param_str = "dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_lvsl_svs = struct { - const param_str = "LUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_lvss_svs = struct { - const param_str = "fV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_lzvm_sml = struct { - const param_str = "LUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_negm_MM = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV512b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_negm_mm = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_nndm_MMM = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV512bV512b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_nndm_mmm = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256bV256b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_orm_MMM = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV512bV512b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_orm_mmm = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256bV256b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pack_f32a = struct { - const param_str = "ULifC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ve = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pack_f32p = struct { - const param_str = "ULifC*fC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ve = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pcvm_sml = struct { - const param_str = "LUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pfchv_ssl = struct { - const param_str = "vLivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pfchvnc_ssl = struct { - const param_str = "vLivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrd_vsMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrd_vsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrd_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrv_vvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrv_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrv_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvlo_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvlo_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvlo_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvup_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvup_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvup_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtsw_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtsw_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtws_vvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtws_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtws_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtwsrz_vvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtwsrz_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtwsrz_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vsvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkaf_Ml = struct { - const param_str = "V512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkat_Ml = struct { - const param_str = "V512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkseq_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkseq_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkseqnan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkseqnan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksge_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksge_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgenan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgenan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgt_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgt_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgtnan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgtnan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksle_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksle_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslenan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslenan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloeq_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloeq_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloeqnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloeqnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloge_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloge_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogtnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogtnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslole_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslole_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslolenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslolenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslolt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslolt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloltnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloltnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslone_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslone_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonum_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonum_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslt_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslt_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksltnan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksltnan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksne_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksne_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnenan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnenan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnum_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnum_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupeq_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupeq_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupeqnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupeqnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupge_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupge_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgtnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgtnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuple_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuple_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuplenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuplenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuplt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuplt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupltnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupltnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupne_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupne_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnum_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnum_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkweq_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkweq_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkweqnan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkweqnan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwge_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwge_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgenan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgenan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgt_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgt_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgtnan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgtnan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwle_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwle_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlenan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlenan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloeq_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloeq_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloeqnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloeqnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloge_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloge_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogtnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogtnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlole_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlole_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlolenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlolenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlolt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlolt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloltnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloltnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlone_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlone_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonum_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonum_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlt_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlt_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwltnan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwltnan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwne_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwne_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnenan_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnenan_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnum_MvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnum_Mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupeq_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupeq_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupeqnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupeqnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupge_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupge_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgtnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgtnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuple_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuple_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuplenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuplenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuplt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuplt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupltnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupltnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupne_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupne_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnum_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnum_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vsvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vsvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vsvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvldz_vvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvldz_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvldz_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzlo_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzlo_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzlo_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzup_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzup_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzup_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcnt_vvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcnt_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcnt_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntlo_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntlo_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntlo_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntup_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntup_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntup_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvrcp_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvrcp_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvrsqrt_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvrsqrt_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvrsqrtnex_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvrsqrtnex_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvseq_vl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvseq_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvseqlo_vl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvseqlo_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsequp_vl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsequp_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvsMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvsMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvsMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvsMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_scr_sss = struct { - const param_str = "vLUiLUiLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_svm_sMs = struct { - const param_str = "LUiV512bLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_svm_sms = struct { - const param_str = "LUiV256bLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_svob = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_tovm_sml = struct { - const param_str = "LUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_tscr_ssss = struct { - const param_str = "LUiLUiLUiLUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vand_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = 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const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdd_vsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdd_vsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdd_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdl_vsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdl_vsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdl_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrds_vsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrds_vsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrds_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdw_vsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdw_vsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdw_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrv_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrv_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vbrv_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpuw_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi"; - const 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"V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcp_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtdl_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtdl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtds_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtds_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtdw_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtdw_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtld_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtld_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtld_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtldrz_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtldrz_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtldrz_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtsd_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtsd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtsw_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtsw_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsx_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsxrz_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsxrz_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsxrz_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzx_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzxrz_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzxrz_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzxrz_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssx_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssxrz_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssxrz_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssxrz_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszx_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszxrz_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszxrz_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszxrz_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vex_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vsvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vsvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdeq_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdeq_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdeqnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdeqnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdge_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdge_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgtnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgtnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdle_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdle_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdlenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdlenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdlt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdlt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdltnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdltnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdne_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdne_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnum_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnum_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklaf_ml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklat_ml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkleq_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkleq_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkleqnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkleqnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklge_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklge_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgtnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgtnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklle_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklle_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkllenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkllenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkllt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkllt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklltnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklltnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklne_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklne_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnum_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnum_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkseq_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkseq_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkseqnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkseqnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksge_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksge_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgtnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgtnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksle_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksle_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkslenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkslenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkslt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkslt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksltnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksltnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksne_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksne_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnum_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnum_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkweq_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkweq_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkweqnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkweqnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwge_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwge_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgtnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgtnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwle_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwle_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwlenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwlenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwlt_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwlt_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwltnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwltnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwne_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwne_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnenan_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnenan_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnum_mvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnum_mvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vsvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vsvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vsvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vsvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vsvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vsvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vsvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxdfst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxdfst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxdlst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxdlst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxsfst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxsfst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxslst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxslst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmindfst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmindfst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmindlst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmindlst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrminsfst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrminsfst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrminslst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfrminslst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsqrtd_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsqrtd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsqrts_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsqrts_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsumd_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsumd_vvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsums_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vfsums_vvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgt_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgt_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgt_vvssmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgt_vvssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsx_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsx_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsx_vvssmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsx_vvssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsxnc_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsxnc_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsxnc_vvssmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsxnc_vvssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzx_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzx_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzx_vvssmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzx_vvssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzxnc_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzxnc_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzxnc_vvssmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzxnc_vvssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtnc_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtnc_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtnc_vvssmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtnc_vvssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtu_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtu_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtu_vvssmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtu_vvssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtunc_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtunc_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtunc_vvssmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vgtunc_vvssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vld2d_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vld2d_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vld2dnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vld2dnc_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vld_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vld_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dsx_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dsx_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dsxnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dsxnc_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dzx_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dzx_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dzxnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dzxnc_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldlsx_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldlsx_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldlsxnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldlsxnc_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldlzx_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldlzx_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldlzxnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldlzxnc_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldnc_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldu2d_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldu2d_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldu2dnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldu2dnc_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldu_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldu_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldunc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldunc_vssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldz_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldz_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vldz_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmrg_vsvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmrg_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmrg_vvvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmrg_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmrgw_vsvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmrgw_vsvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmrgw_vvvMl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmrgw_vvvMvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulslw_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulslw_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulslw_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulslw_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmv_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmv_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vmv_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vpcnt_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vpcnt_vvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vpcnt_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrand_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrand_vvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrcpd_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrcpd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrcps_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrcps_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxslfst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxslfst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxsllst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxsllst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswfstsx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswfstsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswfstzx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswfstzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswlstsx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswlstsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswlstzx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswlstzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminslfst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminslfst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminsllst_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminsllst_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswfstsx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswfstsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswfstzx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswfstzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswlstsx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswlstsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswlstzx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswlstzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vror_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vror_vvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtd_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtd_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtdnex_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtdnex_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrts_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrts_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtsnex_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtsnex_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrxor_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vrxor_vvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsc_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsc_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscl_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscl_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsclnc_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsclnc_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsclncot_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsclncot_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsclot_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsclot_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscnc_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscnc_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscncot_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscncot_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscot_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscot_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscu_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscu_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscunc_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscunc_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscuncot_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscuncot_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscuot_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vscuot_vvssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vseq_vl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vseq_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsfa_vvssl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsfa_vvssmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsfa_vvssvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vshf_vvvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vshf_vvvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvsl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvsmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst2d_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst2d_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dnc_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dncot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dncot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vst_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2d_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2d_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dnc_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dncot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dncot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstl_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstlnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstlnc_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstlncot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstlncot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstlot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstlot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstnc_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstncot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstncot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2d_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2d_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dnc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dnc_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dncot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dncot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstu_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstunc_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstunc_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstuncot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstuncot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstuot_vssl = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vstuot_vssml = struct { - const param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsuml_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsuml_vvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsumwsx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsumwsx_vvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsumwzx_vvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vsumwzx_vvml = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vsvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vsvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vsvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vvvmvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vvvvl = struct { - const param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_xorm_MMM = struct { - const param_str = "V512bV512bV512b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_ve_vl_xorm_mmm = struct { - const param_str = "V256bV256bV256b"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .vevl_gen = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsnprintf = struct { - const param_str = "ic*zcC*a"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 2, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsprintf = struct { - const param_str = "ic*cC*a"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_extractuword = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV16UcIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_insertword = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV4UiV16UcIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_ldrmb = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcCc*Ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_lxvd2x = struct { - const param_str = "V2dLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_lxvd2x_be = struct { - const param_str = "V2dSLLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_lxvl = struct { - const param_str = "V4ivC*ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_lxvll = struct { - const param_str = "V4ivC*ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_lxvw4x = struct { - const param_str = "V4iLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_lxvw4x_be = struct { - const param_str = "V4iSLLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_scalar_extract_expq = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiLLd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_scalar_insert_exp_qp = struct { - const param_str = "LLdLLdULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_strmb = struct { - const param_str = "vCc*IiV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_stxvd2x = struct { - const param_str = "vV2dLiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_stxvd2x_be = struct { - const param_str = "vV2dSLLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_stxvl = struct { - const param_str = "vV4iv*ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_stxvll = struct { - const param_str = "vV4iv*ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_stxvw4x = struct { - const param_str = "vV4iLiv*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_stxvw4x_be = struct { - const param_str = "vV4iSLLivC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xsmaxdp = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xsmindp = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvabsdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvabssp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpeqdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpeqdp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpeqsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpeqsp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpgedp = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpgedp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpgesp = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpgesp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpgtdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpgtdp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpgtsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcmpgtsp_p = struct { - const param_str = "iiV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcpsgndp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcpsgnsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvbf16spn = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvdpsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvdpsxws = struct { - const param_str = "V4SiV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvdpuxws = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvhpsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvspbf16 = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvspdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvsphp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvspsxds = struct { - const param_str = "V2SLLiV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvspuxds = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvsxdsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV2SLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvsxwdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV4Si"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvuxdsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvcvuxwdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvdivdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvdivsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xviexpdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xviexpsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvmaddadp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvmaddasp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvmaxdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvmaxsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvmindp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvminsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvmsubadp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvmsubasp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvmuldp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvmulsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvnmaddadp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvnmaddasp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvnmsubadp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2dV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvnmsubasp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrdpi = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrdpic = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrdpim = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrdpip = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrdpiz = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvredp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvresp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrspi = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrspic = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrspim = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrspip = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrspiz = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrsqrtedp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvrsqrtesp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvsqrtdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvsqrtsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvtdivdp = struct { - const param_str = "iV2dV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvtdivsp = struct { - const param_str = "iV4fV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvtlsbb = struct { - const param_str = "iV16UcUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvtsqrtdp = struct { - const param_str = "iV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvtsqrtsp = struct { - const param_str = "iV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvtstdcdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2dIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvtstdcsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4fIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvxexpdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvxexpsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvxsigdp = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2d"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xvxsigsp = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxblendvb = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxblendvd = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxblendvh = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8UsV8Us"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxblendvw = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxeval = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxgenpcvbm = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16Uci"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxgenpcvdm = struct { - const param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxgenpcvhm = struct { - const param_str = "V8UsV8Usi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxgenpcvwm = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4Uii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxleqv = struct { - const param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxpermdi = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxpermx = struct { - const param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16UcIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __builtin_vsx_xxsldwi = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .ppc = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_max_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_max_f64 = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_memory_grow = struct { - const param_str = "zIiz"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_memory_size = struct { - const param_str = "zIi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_min_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_min_f64 = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_trunc_s_i32_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_trunc_s_i32_f64 = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_trunc_s_i64_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_trunc_s_i64_f64 = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_trunc_u_i32_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_trunc_u_i32_f64 = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_trunc_u_i64_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wasm_trunc_u_i64_f64 = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .webassembly = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wcschr = struct { - const param_str = "w*wC*w"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wcscmp = struct { - const param_str = "iwC*wC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wcslen = struct { - const param_str = "zwC*"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wcsncmp = struct { - const param_str = "iwC*wC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wmemchr = struct { - const param_str = "w*wC*wz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wmemcmp = struct { - const param_str = "iwC*wC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wmemcpy = struct { - const param_str = "w*w*wC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __builtin_wmemmove = struct { - const param_str = "w*w*wC*z"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __c11_atomic_is_lock_free = struct { - const param_str = "bz"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __c11_atomic_signal_fence = struct { - const param_str = "vi"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __c11_atomic_thread_fence = struct { - const param_str = "vi"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __clear_cache = struct { - const param_str = "vv*v*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __cospi = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __cospif = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __debugbreak = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __dmb = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __dsb = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __emit = struct { - const param_str = "vIUiC"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __exception_code = struct { - const param_str = "UNi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __exception_info = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __exp10 = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __exp10f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __fastfail = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __finite = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __finitef = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __finitel = struct { - const param_str = "iLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __isb = struct { - const param_str = "vUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __iso_volatile_load16 = struct { - const param_str = "ssCD*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __iso_volatile_load32 = struct { - const param_str = "iiCD*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __iso_volatile_load64 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiCD*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __iso_volatile_load8 = struct { - const param_str = "ccCD*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __iso_volatile_store16 = struct { - const param_str = "vsD*s"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __iso_volatile_store32 = struct { - const param_str = "viD*i"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __iso_volatile_store64 = struct { - const param_str = "vLLiD*LLi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __iso_volatile_store8 = struct { - const param_str = "vcD*c"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __ldrexd = struct { - const param_str = "WiWiCD*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __lzcnt = struct { - const param_str = "UiUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __lzcnt16 = struct { - const param_str = "UsUs"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __lzcnt64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __noop = struct { - const param_str = "i."; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rm_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rm_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rm_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rn_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rn_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rn_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rp_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rp_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rp_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rz_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_add_rz_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_add_gen_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffD*f"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_add_gen_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_add_gen_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_add_gen_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_and_gen_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_and_gen_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_and_gen_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_cas_gen_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_cas_gen_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*LiLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_cas_gen_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_dec_gen_ui = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiD*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_inc_gen_ui = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiD*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_max_gen_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_max_gen_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_max_gen_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_max_gen_ui = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiD*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_max_gen_ul = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_max_gen_ull = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiD*ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_min_gen_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_min_gen_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_min_gen_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_min_gen_ui = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiD*Ui"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_min_gen_ul = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_min_gen_ull = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiD*ULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_or_gen_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_or_gen_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_or_gen_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_sub_gen_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_sub_gen_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_sub_gen_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_xchg_gen_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_xchg_gen_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_xchg_gen_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_xor_gen_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_xor_gen_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiD*Li"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_atom_xor_gen_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_bar0_and = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_bar0_or = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_bar0_popc = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_bar_sync = struct { - const param_str = "vi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_bitcast_d2ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_bitcast_f2i = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_bitcast_i2f = struct { - const param_str = "fi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_bitcast_ll2d = struct { - const param_str = "dLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ceil_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ceil_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ceil_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_compiler_error = struct { - const param_str = "vcC*4"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_compiler_warn = struct { - const param_str = "vcC*4"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_cos_approx_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_cos_approx_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2f_rm = struct { - const param_str = "fd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2f_rm_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "fd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2f_rn = struct { - const param_str = "fd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2f_rn_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "fd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2f_rp = struct { - const param_str = "fd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2f_rp_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "fd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2f_rz = struct { - const param_str = "fd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2f_rz_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "fd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2i_hi = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2i_lo = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2i_rm = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2i_rn = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2i_rp = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2i_rz = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ll_rm = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ll_rn = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ll_rp = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ll_rz = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ui_rm = struct { - const param_str = "Uid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ui_rn = struct { - const param_str = "Uid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ui_rp = struct { - const param_str = "Uid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ui_rz = struct { - const param_str = "Uid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ull_rm = struct { - const param_str = "ULLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ull_rn = struct { - const param_str = "ULLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ull_rp = struct { - const param_str = "ULLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_d2ull_rz = struct { - const param_str = "ULLid"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_approx_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_approx_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rm_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rm_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rm_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rn_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rn_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rn_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rp_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rp_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rp_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rz_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_div_rz_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ex2_approx_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ex2_approx_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ex2_approx_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2h_rn = struct { - const param_str = "Usf"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2h_rn_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "Usf"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2i_rm = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2i_rm_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2i_rn = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2i_rn_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2i_rp = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2i_rp_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2i_rz = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2i_rz_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ll_rm = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ll_rm_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ll_rn = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ll_rn_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ll_rp = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ll_rp_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ll_rz = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ll_rz_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ui_rm = struct { - const param_str = "Uif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ui_rm_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "Uif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ui_rn = struct { - const param_str = "Uif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ui_rn_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "Uif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ui_rp = struct { - const param_str = "Uif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ui_rp_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "Uif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ui_rz = struct { - const param_str = "Uif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ui_rz_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "Uif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ull_rm = struct { - const param_str = "ULLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ull_rm_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "ULLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ull_rn = struct { - const param_str = "ULLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ull_rn_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "ULLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ull_rp = struct { - const param_str = "ULLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ull_rp_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "ULLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ull_rz = struct { - const param_str = "ULLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_f2ull_rz_ftz = struct { - const param_str = "ULLif"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fabs_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fabs_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fabs_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_floor_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_floor_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_floor_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rm_d = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rm_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rm_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rn_d = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rn_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rn_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rp_d = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rp_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rp_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rz_d = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fma_rz_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fmax_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fmax_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fmax_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fmin_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fmin_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_fmin_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_i2d_rm = struct { - const param_str = "di"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_i2d_rn = struct { - const param_str = "di"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_i2d_rp = struct { - const param_str = "di"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_i2d_rz = struct { - const param_str = "di"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_i2f_rm = struct { - const param_str = "fi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_i2f_rn = struct { - const param_str = "fi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_i2f_rp = struct { - const param_str = "fi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_i2f_rz = struct { - const param_str = "fi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_isspacep_const = struct { - const param_str = "bvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_isspacep_global = struct { - const param_str = "bvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_isspacep_local = struct { - const param_str = "bvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_isspacep_shared = struct { - const param_str = "bvC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_c = struct { - const param_str = "ccC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_c2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2cE2cC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_c4 = struct { - const param_str = "E4cE4cC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_d2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2dE2dC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_f = struct { - const param_str = "ffC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_f2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2fE2fC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_f4 = struct { - const param_str = "E4fE4fC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_i2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2iE2iC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_i4 = struct { - const param_str = "E4iE4iC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_l = struct { - const param_str = "LiLiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_ll2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2LLiE2LLiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_s = struct { - const param_str = "ssC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_s2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2sE2sC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_s4 = struct { - const param_str = "E4sE4sC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_uc = struct { - const param_str = "UcUcC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_uc2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2UcE2UcC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_uc4 = struct { - const param_str = "E4UcE4UcC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_ui = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_ui2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2UiE2UiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_ui4 = struct { - const param_str = "E4UiE4UiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_ul = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_ull = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_ull2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2ULLiE2ULLiC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_us = struct { - const param_str = "UsUsC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_us2 = struct { - const param_str = "E2UsE2UsC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ldg_us4 = struct { - const param_str = "E4UsE4UsC*"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_lg2_approx_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_lg2_approx_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_lg2_approx_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ll2d_rm = struct { - const param_str = "dLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ll2d_rn = struct { - const param_str = "dLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ll2d_rp = struct { - const param_str = "dLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ll2d_rz = struct { - const param_str = "dLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ll2f_rm = struct { - const param_str = "fLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ll2f_rn = struct { - const param_str = "fLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ll2f_rp = struct { - const param_str = "fLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ll2f_rz = struct { - const param_str = "fLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_lohi_i2d = struct { - const param_str = "dii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_membar_cta = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_membar_gl = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_membar_sys = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_memcpy = struct { - const param_str = "vUc*Uc*zi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_memset = struct { - const param_str = "vUc*Uczi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul24_i = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul24_ui = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rm_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rm_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rm_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rn_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rn_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rn_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rp_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rp_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rp_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rz_d = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mul_rz_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mulhi_i = struct { - const param_str = "iii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mulhi_ll = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiLLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mulhi_ui = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_mulhi_ull = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLiULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_prmt = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_approx_ftz_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_approx_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rm_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rm_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rm_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rn_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rn_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rn_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rp_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rp_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rp_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rz_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rcp_rz_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_clock = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_clock64 = struct { - const param_str = "LLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ctaid_w = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ctaid_x = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ctaid_y = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ctaid_z = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_gridid = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_laneid = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_eq = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_ge = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_gt = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_le = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_lt = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_w = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_x = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_y = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_z = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nsmid = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_w = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_x = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_y = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_z = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nwarpid = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm0 = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm1 = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm2 = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm3 = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_smid = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_w = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_x = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_y = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_z = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_warpid = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __nvvm_round_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_round_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_round_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rsqrt_approx_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rsqrt_approx_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_rsqrt_approx_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sad_i = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sad_ui = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiUiUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_saturate_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_saturate_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_saturate_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_shfl_bfly_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "ffii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_shfl_bfly_i32 = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_shfl_down_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "ffii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_shfl_down_i32 = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_shfl_idx_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "ffii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_shfl_idx_i32 = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_shfl_up_f32 = struct { - const param_str = "ffii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_shfl_up_i32 = struct { - const param_str = "iiii"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sin_approx_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sin_approx_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_approx_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_approx_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rm_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rm_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rm_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rn_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rn_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rn_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rp_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rp_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rp_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rz_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_sqrt_rz_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_trunc_d = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_trunc_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_trunc_ftz_f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ui2d_rm = struct { - const param_str = "dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ui2d_rn = struct { - const param_str = "dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ui2d_rp = struct { - const param_str = "dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ui2d_rz = struct { - const param_str = "dUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ui2f_rm = struct { - const param_str = "fUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ui2f_rn = struct { - const param_str = "fUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ui2f_rp = struct { - const param_str = "fUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ui2f_rz = struct { - const param_str = "fUi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ull2d_rm = struct { - const param_str = "dULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ull2d_rn = struct { - const param_str = "dULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ull2d_rp = struct { - const param_str = "dULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ull2d_rz = struct { - const param_str = "dULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ull2f_rm = struct { - const param_str = "fULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ull2f_rn = struct { - const param_str = "fULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ull2f_rp = struct { - const param_str = "fULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_ull2f_rz = struct { - const param_str = "fULLi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_vote_all = struct { - const param_str = "bb"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_vote_any = struct { - const param_str = "bb"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_vote_ballot = struct { - const param_str = "Uib"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __nvvm_vote_uni = struct { - const param_str = "bb"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __popcnt = struct { - const param_str = "UiUi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __popcnt16 = struct { - const param_str = "UsUs"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __popcnt64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __rdtsc = struct { - const param_str = "UOi"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .x86 = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __sev = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __sevl = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __sigsetjmp = struct { - const param_str = "iSJi"; - const header = .setjmp; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sinpi = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sinpif = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_add_and_fetch = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_add_and_fetch_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_add_and_fetch_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_add_and_fetch_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_add_and_fetch_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_add_and_fetch_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_and_and_fetch = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_and_and_fetch_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_and_and_fetch_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_and_and_fetch_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_and_and_fetch_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_and_and_fetch_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_bool_compare_and_swap = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_1 = struct { - const param_str = "bcD*cc."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_16 = struct { - const param_str = "bLLLiD*LLLiLLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_2 = struct { - const param_str = "bsD*ss."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_4 = struct { - const param_str = "biD*ii."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_8 = struct { - const param_str = "bLLiD*LLiLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_add = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_add_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_add_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_add_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_add_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_add_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_and = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_and_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_and_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_and_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_and_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_and_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_max = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_min = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_nand = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_nand_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_nand_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_nand_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_nand_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_nand_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_or = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_or_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_or_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_or_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_or_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_or_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_sub = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_sub_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_sub_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_sub_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_sub_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_sub_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_umax = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiD*Ui"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_umin = struct { - const param_str = "UiUiD*Ui"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_xor = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_xor_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_xor_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_xor_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_xor_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_fetch_and_xor_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_release = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_release_1 = struct { - const param_str = "vcD*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_release_16 = struct { - const param_str = "vLLLiD*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_release_2 = struct { - const param_str = "vsD*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_release_4 = struct { - const param_str = "viD*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_release_8 = struct { - const param_str = "vLLiD*."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_test_and_set = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_test_and_set_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_test_and_set_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_test_and_set_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_test_and_set_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_lock_test_and_set_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_nand_and_fetch = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_nand_and_fetch_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_nand_and_fetch_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_nand_and_fetch_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_nand_and_fetch_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_nand_and_fetch_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_or_and_fetch = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_or_and_fetch_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_or_and_fetch_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_or_and_fetch_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_or_and_fetch_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_or_and_fetch_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_sub_and_fetch = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_sub_and_fetch_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_sub_and_fetch_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_sub_and_fetch_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_sub_and_fetch_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_sub_and_fetch_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_swap = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_swap_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_swap_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_swap_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_swap_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_swap_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_synchronize = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const __sync_val_compare_and_swap = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_val_compare_and_swap_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*cc."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_val_compare_and_swap_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLiLLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_val_compare_and_swap_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*ss."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_val_compare_and_swap_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*ii."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLiLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_xor_and_fetch = struct { - const param_str = "v."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_xor_and_fetch_1 = struct { - const param_str = "ccD*c."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_xor_and_fetch_16 = struct { - const param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_xor_and_fetch_2 = struct { - const param_str = "ssD*s."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_xor_and_fetch_4 = struct { - const param_str = "iiD*i."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __sync_xor_and_fetch_8 = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi."; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __syncthreads = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .nvptx = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __tanpi = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __tanpif = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __va_start = struct { - const param_str = "vc**."; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .custom_typecheck = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __warn_memset_zero_len = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - }; - }; - - pub const __wfe = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __wfi = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const __xray_customevent = struct { - const param_str = "vcC*z"; - }; - - pub const __xray_typedevent = struct { - const param_str = "vzcC*z"; - }; - - pub const __yield = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const target_set = TargetSet.init(.{ - .aarch64 = true, - .arm = true, - }); - }; - - pub const _abnormal_termination = struct { - const param_str = "i"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _alloca = struct { - const param_str = "v*z"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _bittest = struct { - const param_str = "UcNiC*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _bittest64 = struct { - const param_str = "UcWiC*Wi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _bittestandcomplement = struct { - const param_str = "UcNi*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _bittestandcomplement64 = struct { - const param_str = "UcWi*Wi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _bittestandreset = struct { - const param_str = "UcNi*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _bittestandreset64 = struct { - const param_str = "UcWi*Wi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _bittestandset = struct { - const param_str = "UcNi*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _bittestandset64 = struct { - const param_str = "UcWi*Wi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _byteswap_uint64 = struct { - const param_str = "ULLiULLi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _byteswap_ulong = struct { - const param_str = "UNiUNi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _byteswap_ushort = struct { - const param_str = "UsUs"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _exception_code = struct { - const param_str = "UNi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _exception_info = struct { - const param_str = "v*"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _exit = struct { - const param_str = "vi"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .unistd; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandreset = struct { - const param_str = "UcNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandreset64 = struct { - const param_str = "UcWiD*Wi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandreset_acq = struct { - const param_str = "UcNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandreset_nf = struct { - const param_str = "UcNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandreset_rel = struct { - const param_str = "UcNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandset = struct { - const param_str = "UcNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandset64 = struct { - const param_str = "UcWiD*Wi"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandset_acq = struct { - const param_str = "UcNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandset_nf = struct { - const param_str = "UcNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _interlockedbittestandset_rel = struct { - const param_str = "UcNiD*Ni"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{}; - }; - - pub const _longjmp = struct { - const param_str = "vJi"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .setjmp; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _lrotl = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULii"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _lrotr = struct { - const param_str = "ULiULii"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _rotl = struct { - const param_str = "UiUii"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _rotl16 = struct { - const param_str = "UsUsUc"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _rotl64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWii"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _rotl8 = struct { - const param_str = "UcUcUc"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _rotr = struct { - const param_str = "UiUii"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _rotr16 = struct { - const param_str = "UsUsUc"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _rotr64 = struct { - const param_str = "UWiUWii"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _rotr8 = struct { - const param_str = "UcUcUc"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _setjmp = struct { - const param_str = "iJ"; - const header = .setjmp; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const _setjmpex = struct { - const param_str = "iJ"; - const language = .all_ms_languages; - const header = .setjmpex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const abort = struct { - const param_str = "v"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const abs = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const acos = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const acosf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const acosh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const acoshf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const acoshl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const acosl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const aligned_alloc = struct { - const param_str = "v*zz"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const alloca = struct { - const param_str = "v*z"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const asin = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const asinf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const asinh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const asinhf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const asinhl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const asinl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const atan = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const atan2 = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const atan2f = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const atan2l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const atanf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const atanh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const atanhf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const atanhl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const atanl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const bcmp = struct { - const param_str = "ivC*vC*z"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .strings; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const bzero = struct { - const param_str = "vv*z"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .strings; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cabs = struct { - const param_str = "dXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cabsf = struct { - const param_str = "fXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cabsl = struct { - const param_str = "LdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cacos = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cacosf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cacosh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cacoshf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cacoshl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cacosl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const calloc = struct { - const param_str = "v*zz"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const carg = struct { - const param_str = "dXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cargf = struct { - const param_str = "fXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cargl = struct { - const param_str = "LdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const casin = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const casinf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const casinh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const casinhf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const casinhl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const casinl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const catan = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const catanf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const catanh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const catanhf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const catanhl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const catanl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cbrt = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cbrtf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cbrtl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ccos = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ccosf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ccosh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ccoshf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ccoshl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ccosl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ceil = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ceilf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ceill = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cexp = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cexpf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cexpl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cimag = struct { - const param_str = "dXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cimagf = struct { - const param_str = "fXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cimagl = struct { - const param_str = "LdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const clog = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const clogf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const clogl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const conj = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const conjf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const conjl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const copysign = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const copysignf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const copysignl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cos = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cosf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cosh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const coshf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const coshl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cosl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cpow = struct { - const param_str = "XdXdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cpowf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cpowl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cproj = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cprojf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const cprojl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const creal = struct { - const param_str = "dXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const crealf = struct { - const param_str = "fXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const creall = struct { - const param_str = "LdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const csin = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const csinf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const csinh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const csinhf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const csinhl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const csinl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const csqrt = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const csqrtf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const csqrtl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ctan = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ctanf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ctanh = struct { - const param_str = "XdXd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ctanhf = struct { - const param_str = "XfXf"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ctanhl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ctanl = struct { - const param_str = "XLdXLd"; - const header = .complex; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const erf = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const erfc = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const erfcf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const erfcl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const erff = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const erfl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const exit = struct { - const param_str = "vi"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const exp = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const exp2 = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const exp2f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const exp2l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const expf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const expl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const expm1 = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const expm1f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const expm1l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fabs = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fabsf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fabsl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fdim = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fdimf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fdiml = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const finite = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const language = .gnu_lang; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const finitef = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const language = .gnu_lang; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const finitel = struct { - const param_str = "iLd"; - const language = .gnu_lang; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const floor = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const floorf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const floorl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fma = struct { - const param_str = "dddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fmaf = struct { - const param_str = "ffff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fmal = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fmax = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fmaxf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fmaxl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fmin = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fminf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fminl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fmod = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fmodf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fmodl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fopen = struct { - const param_str = "P*cC*cC*"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fprintf = struct { - const param_str = "iP*cC*."; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const fread = struct { - const param_str = "zv*zzP*"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const free = struct { - const param_str = "vv*"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const frexp = struct { - const param_str = "ddi*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const frexpf = struct { - const param_str = "ffi*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const frexpl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdi*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const fscanf = struct { - const param_str = "iP*RcC*R."; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .scanf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const fwrite = struct { - const param_str = "zvC*zzP*"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const getcontext = struct { - const param_str = "iK*"; - const header = .setjmp; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const hypot = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const hypotf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const hypotl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ilogb = struct { - const param_str = "id"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ilogbf = struct { - const param_str = "if"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ilogbl = struct { - const param_str = "iLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const index = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*i"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .strings; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const isalnum = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const isalpha = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const isblank = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const iscntrl = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const isdigit = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const isgraph = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const islower = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const isprint = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ispunct = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const isspace = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const isupper = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const isxdigit = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const labs = struct { - const param_str = "LiLi"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ldexp = struct { - const param_str = "ddi"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ldexpf = struct { - const param_str = "ffi"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const ldexpl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdi"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const lgamma = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const lgammaf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const lgammal = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const llabs = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLLi"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const llrint = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const llrintf = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const llrintl = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const llround = struct { - const param_str = "LLid"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const llroundf = struct { - const param_str = "LLif"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const llroundl = struct { - const param_str = "LLiLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log10 = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log10f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log10l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log1p = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log1pf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log1pl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log2 = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log2f = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const log2l = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const logb = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const logbf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const logbl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const logf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const logl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const longjmp = struct { - const param_str = "vJi"; - const header = .setjmp; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const lrint = struct { - const param_str = "Lid"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const lrintf = struct { - const param_str = "Lif"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const lrintl = struct { - const param_str = "LiLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const lround = struct { - const param_str = "Lid"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const lroundf = struct { - const param_str = "Lif"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const lroundl = struct { - const param_str = "LiLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const malloc = struct { - const param_str = "v*z"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const memalign = struct { - const param_str = "v*zz"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .malloc; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const memccpy = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*iz"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const memchr = struct { - const param_str = "v*vC*iz"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const memcmp = struct { - const param_str = "ivC*vC*z"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const memcpy = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*z"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const memmove = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*z"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const mempcpy = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*vC*z"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const memset = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*iz"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const modf = struct { - const param_str = "ddd*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const modff = struct { - const param_str = "fff*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const modfl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nan = struct { - const param_str = "dcC*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nanf = struct { - const param_str = "fcC*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nanl = struct { - const param_str = "LdcC*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nearbyint = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nearbyintf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nearbyintl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nextafter = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nextafterf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nextafterl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nexttoward = struct { - const param_str = "ddLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nexttowardf = struct { - const param_str = "ffLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const nexttowardl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const pow = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const powf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const powl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const printf = struct { - const param_str = "icC*."; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 0, - }; - }; - - pub const realloc = struct { - const param_str = "v*v*z"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const remainder = struct { - const param_str = "ddd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const remainderf = struct { - const param_str = "fff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const remainderl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const remquo = struct { - const param_str = "dddi*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const remquof = struct { - const param_str = "fffi*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const remquol = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLdi*"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const rindex = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*i"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .strings; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const rint = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const rintf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const rintl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const round = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const roundf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const roundl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const savectx = struct { - const param_str = "iJ"; - const header = .setjmp; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const scalbln = struct { - const param_str = "ddLi"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const scalblnf = struct { - const param_str = "ffLi"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const scalblnl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdLi"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const scalbn = struct { - const param_str = "ddi"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const scalbnf = struct { - const param_str = "ffi"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const scalbnl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLdi"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const scanf = struct { - const param_str = "icC*R."; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .scanf, - .format_string_position = 0, - }; - }; - - pub const setjmp = struct { - const param_str = "iJ"; - const header = .setjmp; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const siglongjmp = struct { - const param_str = "vSJi"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .setjmp; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .noreturn = true, - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sigsetjmp = struct { - const param_str = "iSJi"; - const header = .setjmp; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sin = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sinf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sinh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sinhf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sinhl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sinl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const snprintf = struct { - const param_str = "ic*zcC*."; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 2, - }; - }; - - pub const sprintf = struct { - const param_str = "ic*cC*."; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .printf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const sqrt = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sqrtf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sqrtl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const sscanf = struct { - const param_str = "icC*RcC*R."; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .scanf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const stpcpy = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const stpncpy = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*z"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strcasecmp = struct { - const param_str = "icC*cC*"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .strings; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strcat = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strchr = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*i"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strcmp = struct { - const param_str = "icC*cC*"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strcpy = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strcspn = struct { - const param_str = "zcC*cC*"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strdup = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strerror = struct { - const param_str = "c*i"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strlcat = struct { - const param_str = "zc*cC*z"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strlcpy = struct { - const param_str = "zc*cC*z"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strlen = struct { - const param_str = "zcC*"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strncasecmp = struct { - const param_str = "icC*cC*z"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .strings; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strncat = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*z"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strncmp = struct { - const param_str = "icC*cC*z"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strncpy = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*z"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strndup = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*z"; - const language = .all_gnu_languages; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strpbrk = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*cC*"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strrchr = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*i"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strspn = struct { - const param_str = "zcC*cC*"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strstr = struct { - const param_str = "c*cC*cC*"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strtod = struct { - const param_str = "dcC*c**"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strtof = struct { - const param_str = "fcC*c**"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strtok = struct { - const param_str = "c*c*cC*"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strtol = struct { - const param_str = "LicC*c**i"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strtold = struct { - const param_str = "LdcC*c**"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strtoll = struct { - const param_str = "LLicC*c**i"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strtoul = struct { - const param_str = "ULicC*c**i"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strtoull = struct { - const param_str = "ULLicC*c**i"; - const header = .stdlib; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const strxfrm = struct { - const param_str = "zc*cC*z"; - const header = .string; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tan = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tanf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tanh = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tanhf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tanhl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tanl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tgamma = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tgammaf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tgammal = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true, - }; - }; - - pub const tolower = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const toupper = struct { - const param_str = "ii"; - const header = .ctype; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .pure = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const trunc = struct { - const param_str = "dd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const truncf = struct { - const param_str = "ff"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const truncl = struct { - const param_str = "LdLd"; - const header = .math; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .@"const" = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const va_copy = struct { - const param_str = "vAA"; - const header = .stdarg; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const va_end = struct { - const param_str = "vA"; - const header = .stdarg; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const va_start = struct { - const param_str = "vA."; - const header = .stdarg; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - }; - }; - - pub const vfork = struct { - const param_str = "p"; - const header = .unistd; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .allow_type_mismatch = true, - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .returns_twice = true, - }; - }; - - pub const vfprintf = struct { - const param_str = "iP*cC*a"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const vfscanf = struct { - const param_str = "iP*RcC*Ra"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vscanf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const vprintf = struct { - const param_str = "icC*a"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 0, - }; - }; - - pub const vscanf = struct { - const param_str = "icC*Ra"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vscanf, - .format_string_position = 0, - }; - }; - - pub const vsnprintf = struct { - const param_str = "ic*zcC*a"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 2, - }; - }; - - pub const vsprintf = struct { - const param_str = "ic*cC*a"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vprintf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const vsscanf = struct { - const param_str = "icC*RcC*Ra"; - const header = .stdio; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .format_kind = .vscanf, - .format_string_position = 1, - }; - }; - - pub const wcschr = struct { - const param_str = "w*wC*w"; - const header = .wchar; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const wcscmp = struct { - const param_str = "iwC*wC*"; - const header = .wchar; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const wcslen = struct { - const param_str = "zwC*"; - const header = .wchar; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const wcsncmp = struct { - const param_str = "iwC*wC*z"; - const header = .wchar; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const wmemchr = struct { - const param_str = "w*wC*wz"; - const header = .wchar; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const wmemcmp = struct { - const param_str = "iwC*wC*z"; - const header = .wchar; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const wmemcpy = struct { - const param_str = "w*w*wC*z"; - const header = .wchar; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; - }; - - pub const wmemmove = struct { - const param_str = "w*w*wC*z"; - const header = .wchar; - const attributes = Attributes{ - .lib_function_without_prefix = true, - .const_evaluable = true, - }; +const dafsa = [_]Node{ + .{ .char = 0, .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 0, .child_index = 1 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3601, .child_index = 19 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 25, .child_index = 32 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 37 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 82, .child_index = 39 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 16, .child_index = 50 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 33, .child_index = 52 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 62 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 63 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 16, .child_index = 64 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 36, .child_index = 67 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 73 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 76 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 78 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 17, .child_index = 80 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 54, .child_index = 83 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 14, .child_index = 92 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 11, .child_index = 96 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 100 }, + .{ .char = 'B', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 102 }, + .{ .char = 'E', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 103 }, + .{ .char = 'I', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 29, .child_index = 104 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 105 }, + .{ .char = 'R', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 106 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3525, .child_index = 107 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 125 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 11, .child_index = 127 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 129 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 10, .child_index = 130 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 131 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 133 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 134 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 135 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 137 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 138 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 140 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 9, .child_index = 141 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 142 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 144 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 25, .child_index = 145 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 151 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 137 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 152 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 154 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 155 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 156 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 159 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 161 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 9, .child_index = 162 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 164 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 165 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 166 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 168 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 169 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 170 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 171 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 172 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 175 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 176 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 177 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 178 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 179 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 180 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 181 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 182 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 183 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 184 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 194 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 195 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 196 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 7, .child_index = 197 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 16, .child_index = 199 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 201 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 203 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 204 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 205 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 206 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 9, .child_index = 207 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 209 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 210 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 7, .child_index = 211 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 213 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 214 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 215 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 7, .child_index = 216 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 217 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 218 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 220 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 176 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 151 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 178 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 31, .child_index = 221 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 223 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 196 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 224 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 226 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 227 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 228 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 176 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 231 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 235 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 236 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 237 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 238 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 29, .child_index = 239 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 240 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 241 }, + .{ .char = 'G', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 242 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 10, .child_index = 243 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2967, .child_index = 248 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 249 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 252 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 255 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 257 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 9, .child_index = 259 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 260 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 390, .child_index = 262 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 264 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 265 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 113, .child_index = 266 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 269 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 270 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 271 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 273 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 274 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 275 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 276 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 277 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 278 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 279 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 281 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 282 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 283 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 284 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 285 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 286 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 287 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 288 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 289 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 223 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 9, .child_index = 290 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 291 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 292 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 293 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 294 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 137 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 295 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 296 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 140 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 164 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 297 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 298 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 299 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 300 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 296 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 301 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 302 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 303 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 209 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 306 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 307 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 223 }, + 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'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 461 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 297 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 462 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 463 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 464 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 466 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 467 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 468 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 469 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 470 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list 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}, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 374 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 297 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 478 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 479 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 480 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 484 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 485 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 486 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, 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true, .number = 3, .child_index = 419 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 548 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 549 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 550 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 540 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 108, .child_index = 551 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 540 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 552 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 553 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + 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570 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 361 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 571 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 361 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 496 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 572 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 573 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 361 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, 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= 1, .child_index = 656 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 585 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 311 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 311 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 572 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 361 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 657 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 572 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 658 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 659 }, + .{ .char = 'o', 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3, .child_index = 820 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 821 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 26, .child_index = 823 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 14, .child_index = 827 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 828 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 34, .child_index = 829 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 833 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 834 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 18, .child_index = 835 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 837 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 839 }, + .{ 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= 1126 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 33, .child_index = 1128 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1129 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1130 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1131 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1133 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1134 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 14, .child_index = 929 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1135 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1136 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 40, .child_index = 1137 }, + .{ .char = 'k', 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= 1, .child_index = 1169 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1170 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1171 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1172 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1173 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1174 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 28, .child_index = 1175 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 135 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 1184 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 1185 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 1186 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'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1279 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1280 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 1281 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 11, .child_index = 1283 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 108, .child_index = 1285 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1286 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 16, .child_index = 1288 }, + .{ .char = '6', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 9, .child_index = 1289 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 19, .child_index = 1290 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 1294 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word 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= 572 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1326 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 1327 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 36, .child_index = 1331 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1339 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1342 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1343 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1344 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1346 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1347 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1348 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1352 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 451 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1353 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1347 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 1327 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1357 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1358 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1100 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1353 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1359 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1360 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1362 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1360 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1362 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1360 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 1363 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 1365 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 13, .child_index = 1368 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1372 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1373 }, + .{ .char = '4', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 954 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1374 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1375 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 1327 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 33, .child_index = 1376 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1100 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 930 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1352 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1377 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1378 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1100 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1382 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 40, .child_index = 1385 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 1386 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1388 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1389 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1393 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1394 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 344 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1395 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1396 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1397 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1398 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1399 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1400 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1401 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1402 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1403 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1404 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1405 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1406 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 1407 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1408 }, + .{ .char = 'A', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1409 }, + .{ .char = 'C', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 1410 }, + .{ .char = 'D', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1411 }, + .{ .char = 'E', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 10, .child_index = 1412 }, + .{ .char = 'I', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1413 }, + .{ .char = 'O', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1414 }, + .{ .char = 'X', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1415 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, 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.char = 'N', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1425 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1426 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1427 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 1428 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 1429 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1430 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 10, .child_index = 1431 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1434 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1437 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1438 }, + .{ .char = 'i', 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= 1, .child_index = 1453 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 296 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1454 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1455 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1457 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 1458 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 1461 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 9, .child_index = 1462 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 209 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 306 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1465 }, 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true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 21, .child_index = 1475 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1481 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1483 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1484 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1485 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 1486 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1487 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 10, .child_index = 1488 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 1491 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1492 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = 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= false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1526 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1527 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 135, .child_index = 1531 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1532 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 534, .child_index = 1533 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1534 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 1535 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 1538 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1539 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1540 }, + .{ .char = 'j', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1542 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1544 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1545 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1546 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1547 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1548 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1549 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 108, .child_index = 1552 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1553 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 365 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 16, 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.child_index = 1100 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1100 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 7, .child_index = 1604 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1606 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1607 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1608 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 1609 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1611 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1612 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1613 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 519 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 585 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1615 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1616 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1617 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1618 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1619 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1620 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1621 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1621 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = 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= 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = '8', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1645 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1646 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1647 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1397 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1648 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1649 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1650 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1651 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1652 }, + .{ 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false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 1664 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1663 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1665 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1414 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1667 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1668 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1669 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 887 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1670 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1671 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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1430 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1678 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1427 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1430 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1680 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1589 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1682 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1683 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1686 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1687 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 122, .child_index = 1688 }, + .{ .char = '_', 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false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1792 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1793 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1794 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1724 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 361 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 108, .child_index = 1795 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1808 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1809 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 16, .child_index = 1810 }, + .{ .char = '0', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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1821 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1822 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 1824 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 496 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1825 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1826 }, + .{ .char = 'j', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 497 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 344 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 519 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1827 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1828 }, + .{ .char = 'l', 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.end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 512 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 513 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1733 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1831 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1832 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1833 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1834 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1835 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1836 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1263, .child_index = 1837 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 14, .child_index = 1838 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 887 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 888 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1839 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 1840 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 1841 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1842 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1843 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1844 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1844 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 1845 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1846 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1847 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1848 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1849 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1611 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1850 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 569 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1851 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1852 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1853 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1854 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1855 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1856 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1857 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 458 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1858 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 655 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1861 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1863 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 33, .child_index = 1864 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1865 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1866 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1867 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1868 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1869 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 655 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 450 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1870 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1352 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 40, .child_index = 1871 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1872 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1873 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1874 }, + .{ .char = '6', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1875 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1876 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1877 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1878 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1879 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1880 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1401 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1881 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1882 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1883 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 286 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 572 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 451 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 1884 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1885 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1886 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1665 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1887 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1888 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 1889 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 648 }, + .{ .char = '8', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1890 }, + .{ .char = 'I', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1406 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1891 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1892 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1168 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1893 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1168 }, + .{ .char = 'S', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1894 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1895 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1896 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1900 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1901 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1903 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1427 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1430 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1906 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 549 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1907 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1908 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 122, .child_index = 1909 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 11, .child_index = 1910 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1913 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1916 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1917 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 7, .child_index = 1918 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 1919 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 420 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1921 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 9, .child_index = 1922 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 1925 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 51, .child_index = 1927 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 1934 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 24, .child_index = 1937 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1942 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 1943 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 274 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1945 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1733 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1946 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1947 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1950 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 569 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1951 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1733 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1952 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1953 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1485 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 332 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1954 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1955 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1956 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1957 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 1959 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1961 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1962 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1963 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1964 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1965 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1966 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 25, .child_index = 1967 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1968 }, + .{ .char = '0', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1504 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1969 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1970 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1971 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1504 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1972 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1973 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1974 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1504 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1975 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1976 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1977 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1978 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1979 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 328 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1980 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1981 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1982 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1983 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1984 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1985 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 579 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1986 }, + .{ .char = '0', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 1504 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1987 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1988 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 585 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 291 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1989 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1990 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 135, .child_index = 1991 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 50, .child_index = 2003 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 56, .child_index = 2007 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 50, .child_index = 2013 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 26, .child_index = 2018 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 106, .child_index = 2021 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 2032 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 24, .child_index = 2034 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 10, .child_index = 2036 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 73, .child_index = 2037 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 10, .child_index = 2042 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2044 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 2045 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 97, .child_index = 2046 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 2053 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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33, .child_index = 2151 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1100 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2152 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2153 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1869 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2154 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2156 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 40, .child_index = 2157 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2158 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2159 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2160 }, + 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3, .child_index = 2260 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2261 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2262 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2263 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2264 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2167 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 2265 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2267 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2268 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ 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20, .child_index = 2356 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 9, .child_index = 2357 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 2359 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 2360 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 2361 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2044 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2363 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 2365 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 2367 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 2368 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 16, .child_index = 2369 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 2371 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 32, .child_index = 2372 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 2374 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 24, .child_index = 2376 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2377 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2044 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2378 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2379 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2380 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2381 }, + .{ .char = 'm', 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true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1974 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 2443 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 2445 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1724 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1682 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1534 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 2446 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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2468 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 2469 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2470 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2471 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2472 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2473 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 2474 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1847 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2475 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2476 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2477 }, + .{ .char = 'l', 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2504 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2505 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2506 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2507 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2508 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2509 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2183 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2510 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2511 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2183 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2512 }, + .{ .char = 't', 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2, .child_index = 1362 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2542 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2543 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 1661 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 463 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 655 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 463 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 2544 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1652 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 2545 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2547 }, + .{ 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true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 2537 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 332 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2539 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2558 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2560 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2561 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2562 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 2563 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2557 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2566 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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= false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1744 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2586 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2587 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 729 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2588 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 1451 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 2589 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2591 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2592 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1166 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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= 479 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2603 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2604 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 2605 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 16, .child_index = 2606 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2608 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2609 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2610 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 463 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 463 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 2611 }, + .{ .char = 'o', 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= 2650 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2651 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2652 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2653 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2654 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 2655 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2658 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2659 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 2660 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2663 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 2664 }, + .{ .char = 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2, .child_index = 2747 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2748 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2749 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2751 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 9, .child_index = 2752 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2757 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2758 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2759 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2760 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 2761 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2762 }, + 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2856 }, + .{ .char = '3', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2235 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 311 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 40, .child_index = 2857 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2864 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2865 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2866 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 572 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 2867 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2868 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2869 }, + .{ .char = 'e', 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= 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1362 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1362 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1808 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1665 }, + .{ .char = '6', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 649 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2931 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 463 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2557 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 10, .child_index = 2933 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, 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1, .child_index = 2948 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 311 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2949 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2944 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2951 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 1749 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2952 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2953 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2954 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2955 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 512 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2956 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2957 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2958 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2959 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 291 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2960 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 568 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2961 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2962 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = 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false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2702 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3028 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2702 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2702 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2702 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2702 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2654 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 2680 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3029 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2702 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3031 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3032 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3033 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3034 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2702 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2702 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2701 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3032 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2652 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3035 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, 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.char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 2680 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3029 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3038 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3040 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3027 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3027 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3041 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 2701 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3042 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2701 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3043 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3044 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2697 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3045 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 2708 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 3047 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 2650 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3050 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 2708 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3051 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3052 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2701 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2701 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 412 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3041 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3042 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2701 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3053 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 3056 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 2697 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 2701 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 2644 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 16, .child_index = 3057 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 2644 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 2701 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3059 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3060 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3061 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3062 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3063 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2161 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3064 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3065 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3066 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1485 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3067 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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}, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3077 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3078 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3079 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2747 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2751 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2751 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2751 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2751 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3080 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2751 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3081 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3082 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3083 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 463 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3084 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3086 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 585 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 585 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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= 1, .child_index = 3126 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3127 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 3128 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3130 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3131 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3120 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3132 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3133 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3130 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3134 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 388, .child_index = 3135 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3126 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3147 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3130 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3149 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 36, .child_index = 3150 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 15, .child_index = 3152 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 71, .child_index = 3153 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 45, .child_index = 3156 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 7, .child_index = 3157 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 294, .child_index = 3159 }, + .{ 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3221 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 3222 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3223 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3224 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3225 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 3226 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3227 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 486 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3228 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3229 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3230 }, + .{ .char = 'e', 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+ .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 3276 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3278 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3279 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3274 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3280 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3281 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 9, .child_index = 3282 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3283 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3284 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3101 }, + .{ .char = '1', 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3324 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3326 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3327 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3328 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3329 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3330 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3331 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3332 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3330 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3333 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3334 }, + .{ .char = 'e', 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false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 2644 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 3022 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 3355 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1715 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 1987 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3357 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3358 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3359 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3360 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3362 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3363 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 463 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3364 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3365 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3366 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3367 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3367 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2482 }, + .{ .char = 'w', 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= 3377 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3378 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1352 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3379 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3084 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3381 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3383 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 3384 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 3385 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3386 }, + .{ .char = 'l', 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1, .child_index = 3398 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3399 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3400 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3401 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3404 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3405 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3406 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3407 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3408 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 18, .child_index = 3409 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 3411 }, 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572 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3679 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3680 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3126 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3681 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3682 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3683 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3684 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3686 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3686 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3686 }, + .{ .char = 'm', 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+ .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 3738 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 30, .child_index = 3739 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 3741 }, + .{ .char = 'k', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 114, .child_index = 3742 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 18, .child_index = 3746 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 3747 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 36, .child_index = 3748 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 16, .child_index = 3750 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3752 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 16, .child_index = 3753 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3755 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 16, .child_index = 3756 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3758 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 3759 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3761 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3762 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 16, .child_index = 3763 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3766 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 3767 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3728 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 18, .child_index = 3770 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 18, .child_index = 3770 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 3771 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 34, .child_index = 3773 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3775 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3776 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3777 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3778 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3779 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 3781 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 3782 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3783 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 3784 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3476 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3785 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 3786 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3789 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3790 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 3786 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3791 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, 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}, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3805 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3807 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3809 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 3810 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 648 }, + .{ .char = '3', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2235 }, + .{ .char = '6', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 649 }, + .{ .char = '8', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3811 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3814 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3815 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 549 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2267 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3818 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 33, .child_index = 3819 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1140 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3512 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 1140 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3820 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3821 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 323 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1652 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 3822 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3823 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2944 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 648 }, + .{ .char = '8', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'A', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 3824 }, + .{ .char = 'P', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2966 }, + .{ .char = 'S', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3825 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3826 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3827 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 521 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2431 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3828 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3829 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3830 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3831 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3832 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3833 }, + .{ .char = 'e', 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= 1, .child_index = 3857 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3264 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3858 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3859 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3860 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3861 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3862 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3863 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 3864 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3867 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3868 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3869 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3870 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3871 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3870 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3872 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3874 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3875 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3876 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3878 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3879 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 680 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3880 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3881 }, + .{ .char = 'k', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 9, .child_index = 3882 }, + .{ .char = 'T', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3884 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3886 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3887 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3888 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3889 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3890 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 664 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 344 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3891 }, + .{ .char = 'j', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3892 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3893 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 25, .child_index = 3894 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3895 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3600 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3896 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3897 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 579 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3898 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2168 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3899 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3900 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 656 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3901 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3902 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 656 }, + .{ .char = 'q', 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2, .child_index = 3920 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3921 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3901 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3323 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3922 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3619 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 656 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 412 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 3923 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3925 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 3926 }, + 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= false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 2702 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3934 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3935 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3936 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3937 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3938 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3939 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2431 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3940 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3941 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3961 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1166 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3962 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3963 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3964 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3965 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3966 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3967 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3969 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3970 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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3982 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 15, .child_index = 3983 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 3985 }, + .{ .char = 'k', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 170, .child_index = 3986 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 9, .child_index = 3989 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3990 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 18, .child_index = 3991 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3993 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 9, .child_index = 3977 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3994 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3994 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3995 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 9, .child_index = 3996 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3997 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3998 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3999 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 4002 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4002 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 3974 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4003 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4005 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, 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}, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 12, .child_index = 4025 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4042 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4044 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 4045 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 4045 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4046 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3755 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3758 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4047 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4049 }, + .{ .char = '2', 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4068 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 3796 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 12, .child_index = 4069 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4071 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 4072 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4075 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 3797 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3798 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3803 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3804 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4076 }, + .{ .char = 't', 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true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1352 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 549 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 3507 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3289 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 33, .child_index = 4084 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4092 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4093 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 4094 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4095 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 1661 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 2544 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4096 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4097 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4098 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4099 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4100 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4101 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4102 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 680 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 458 }, + .{ .char = 'm', 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5, .child_index = 4118 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4119 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4120 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4121 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4122 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4123 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4124 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4125 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4126 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 4127 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4128 }, + 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true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4181 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3917 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3918 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4182 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3901 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4183 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3917 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 3925 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4184 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4185 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, 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'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4194 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4195 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4196 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3118 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4197 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 4198 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4199 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4200 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3379 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3230 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, 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= 1, .child_index = 4211 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4211 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4212 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1166 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1166 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1166 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4213 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4214 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4215 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 654 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4215 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 654 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4216 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4217 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4218 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 3712 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3712 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4219 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 4220 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 4221 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4222 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4223 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4224 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3712 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 9, .child_index = 4225 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3712 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 3712 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4226 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 84, .child_index = 4228 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 84, .child_index = 4228 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = 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false, .number = 8, .child_index = 4255 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 4255 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 4257 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4260 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 4254 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 4255 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 4255 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 4257 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 18, .child_index = 4027 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 4262 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, 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= false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4275 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 4276 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3785 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3790 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3785 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4278 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4280 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4281 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 4282 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4282 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4283 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3798 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 3803 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3804 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4284 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3798 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3804 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3798 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4285 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4285 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, 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}, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4301 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4302 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 10, .child_index = 4303 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4305 }, + .{ .char = 'k', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4306 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4307 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4308 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4309 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4310 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4312 }, + .{ .char = 'r', 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2, .child_index = 4334 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4336 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2243 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4338 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4339 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4340 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4341 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3899 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4342 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4343 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4344 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4345 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 569 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4346 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4347 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4348 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4346 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 291 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4349 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3861 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4350 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4352 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3569 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4353 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4354 }, + .{ .char = 'T', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4355 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4356 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 2944 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4357 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 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4400 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 4401 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4402 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4403 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4404 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4405 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4406 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 344 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4407 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 344 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 655 }, + .{ .char = 'M', 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= true, .number = 9, .child_index = 4415 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4416 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4416 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 4417 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 4418 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 36, .child_index = 4420 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 8, .child_index = 4423 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 28, .child_index = 4426 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 9, .child_index = 4225 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 4412 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, 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false, .number = 4, .child_index = 4051 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4051 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4449 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4449 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4450 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 6, .child_index = 3776 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4452 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, .child_index = 4446 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 8, .child_index = 4453 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4455 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 4, 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false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4468 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4472 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4473 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4474 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4475 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4476 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 5, .child_index = 4477 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 4478 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4479 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4480 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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4490 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4491 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3833 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4492 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 496 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 496 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4493 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4494 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 3558 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4495 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4496 }, + .{ .char = 't', 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1, .child_index = 2741 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 580 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 3569 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4511 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4512 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4513 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4514 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4515 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4516 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 457 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4517 }, + .{ 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= '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4580 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4581 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4582 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4582 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4214 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4583 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4583 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4584 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4587 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4588 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = 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4620 }, + .{ .char = '3', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4621 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4622 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 585 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4623 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4624 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4625 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4626 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4627 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4628 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4629 }, + .{ .char = 'u', 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.child_index = 561 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4646 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4647 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4649 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4650 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4651 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 458 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4652 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4653 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4654 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4655 }, + .{ 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true, .number = 1, .child_index = 655 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4673 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 4220 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4234 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 655 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4674 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4675 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4676 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4676 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4677 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, 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false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4686 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4688 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4472 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 866 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 4478 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 4692 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4694 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4695 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4696 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4697 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, 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= false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4710 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4711 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4712 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3264 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4713 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4208 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4714 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4715 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4716 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4717 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4718 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4719 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2167 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4720 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4721 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4722 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4723 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4724 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4725 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4726 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.end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4731 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4732 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4733 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4734 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4735 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4736 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4737 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4738 }, + .{ .char = 'D', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4739 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4741 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4126 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4742 }, + .{ .char = '5', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4743 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4220 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4744 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4571 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4674 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3997 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3997 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4278 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4066 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4066 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4745 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3190 }, + .{ .char = '4', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3190 }, + .{ .char = 'k', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 1881 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 458 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 4747 }, + .{ .char = 'w', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'x', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = '6', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 649 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4748 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4751 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4755 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4756 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4757 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = true, 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1, .child_index = 4129 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4766 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4767 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4768 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4769 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 6, .child_index = 4770 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4772 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4773 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4774 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4775 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4776 }, + .{ 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2, .child_index = 4793 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4793 }, + .{ .char = 'D', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4795 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4798 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4799 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4800 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4677 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4677 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 4802 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4803 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 496 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3288 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 648 }, + .{ .char = '6', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 649 }, + .{ .char = '8', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'P', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4804 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4805 }, + .{ .char = 'k', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4806 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2972 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4807 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4808 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2490 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4809 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2730 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2946 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4811 }, + .{ .char = '6', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3861 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2712 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4812 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4813 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3881 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 3, .child_index = 4404 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 3, .child_index = 4327 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4814 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4815 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4816 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 311 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4817 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4818 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 471 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4819 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4820 }, + .{ .char = 'z', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4821 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4822 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4823 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4823 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4824 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2799 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4825 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4732 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 183 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4826 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4827 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4828 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4829 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4829 }, + .{ .char = 'f', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4829 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4829 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4830 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4612 }, + .{ .char = '2', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4831 }, + .{ .char = 'M', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 655 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 4833 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4834 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4835 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4836 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 4, .child_index = 4837 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2883 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4841 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 2946 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2946 }, + .{ .char = 'm', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4842 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3288 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 311 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4843 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4844 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 451 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4845 }, + .{ .char = 'c', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4846 }, + .{ .char = 'v', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 323 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4847 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4848 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 3937 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4849 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4850 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4851 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4830 }, + .{ .char = 'h', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4852 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4829 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'k', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 4853 }, + .{ .char = 'q', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4854 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4855 }, + .{ .char = 'b', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4856 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4505 }, + .{ .char = 's', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 520 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 420 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4857 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4858 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4859 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4860 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3223 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4861 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4862 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 3117 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4863 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2384 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4864 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4830 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 5, .child_index = 4865 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4868 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4869 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4870 }, + .{ .char = '1', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'n', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4871 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4872 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 457 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 2161 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4873 }, + .{ .char = 'u', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 572 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4874 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4834 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 2, .child_index = 4875 }, + .{ .char = 'l', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4875 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4877 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4878 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4879 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4126 }, + .{ .char = 'g', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 572 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 450 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4880 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 0 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4882 }, + .{ .char = 'S', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4883 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4884 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = false, .number = 1, .child_index = 4885 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4886 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = true, .end_of_list = true, .number = 2, .child_index = 4887 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4888 }, + .{ .char = 'o', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 654 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4889 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4890 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 459 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4891 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4892 }, + .{ .char = 'd', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4893 }, + .{ .char = 'i', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 1654 }, + .{ .char = 'a', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4894 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4895 }, + .{ .char = '_', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4896 }, + .{ .char = 'r', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4830 }, + .{ .char = 't', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4897 }, + .{ .char = 'y', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4898 }, + .{ .char = 'p', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4899 }, + .{ .char = 'e', .end_of_word = false, .end_of_list = true, .number = 1, .child_index = 4830 }, +}; +const builtin_data = blk: { + @setEvalBranchQuota(3948); + break :blk [_]@This(){ + // _Block_object_assign + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(0), .param_str = "vv*vC*iC", .properties = .{ .header = .blocks, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // _Block_object_dispose + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1), .param_str = "vvC*iC", .properties = .{ .header = .blocks, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // _Exit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // _InterlockedAnd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3), .param_str = "NiNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedAnd16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(4), .param_str = "ssD*s", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedAnd8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(5), .param_str = "ccD*c", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedCompareExchange + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(6), .param_str = "NiNiD*NiNi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedCompareExchange16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(7), .param_str = "ssD*ss", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedCompareExchange64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(8), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLiLLi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedCompareExchange8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(9), .param_str = "ccD*cc", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(10), .param_str = "v*v*D*v*v*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer_nf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(11), .param_str = "v*v*D*v*v*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedDecrement + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(12), .param_str = "NiNiD*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedDecrement16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(13), .param_str = "ssD*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchange + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(14), .param_str = "NiNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchange16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(15), .param_str = "ssD*s", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchange8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(16), .param_str = "ccD*c", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchangeAdd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(17), .param_str = "NiNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchangeAdd16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(18), .param_str = "ssD*s", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchangeAdd8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(19), .param_str = "ccD*c", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchangePointer + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(20), .param_str = "v*v*D*v*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchangeSub + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(21), .param_str = "NiNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchangeSub16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(22), .param_str = "ssD*s", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedExchangeSub8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(23), .param_str = "ccD*c", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedIncrement + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(24), .param_str = "NiNiD*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedIncrement16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(25), .param_str = "ssD*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedOr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(26), .param_str = "NiNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedOr16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(27), .param_str = "ssD*s", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedOr8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(28), .param_str = "ccD*c", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedXor + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(29), .param_str = "NiNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedXor16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(30), .param_str = "ssD*s", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _InterlockedXor8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(31), .param_str = "ccD*c", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _MoveFromCoprocessor + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(32), .param_str = "UiIUiIUiIUiIUiIUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // _MoveFromCoprocessor2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(33), .param_str = "UiIUiIUiIUiIUiIUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // _MoveToCoprocessor + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(34), .param_str = "vUiIUiIUiIUiIUiIUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // _MoveToCoprocessor2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(35), .param_str = "vUiIUiIUiIUiIUiIUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // _ReturnAddress + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(36), .param_str = "v*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __GetExceptionInfo + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(37), .param_str = "v*.", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .eval_args = false } } }, + // __abnormal_termination + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(38), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __annotation + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(39), .param_str = "wC*.", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __arithmetic_fence + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(40), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __assume + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(41), .param_str = "vb", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __atomic_always_lock_free + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(42), .param_str = "bzvCD*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __atomic_clear + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(43), .param_str = "vvD*i", .properties = .{} }, + // __atomic_is_lock_free + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(44), .param_str = "bzvCD*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __atomic_signal_fence + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(45), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{} }, + // __atomic_test_and_set + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(46), .param_str = "bvD*i", .properties = .{} }, + // __atomic_thread_fence + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(47), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin___CFStringMakeConstantString + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(48), .param_str = "FC*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin___NSStringMakeConstantString + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(49), .param_str = "FC*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin___clear_cache + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(50), .param_str = "vc*c*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin___fprintf_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(51), .param_str = "iP*RicC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 2 } } }, + // __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_bottom + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(52), .param_str = "v*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_ptr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(53), .param_str = "v*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_start + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(54), .param_str = "v*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_top + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(55), .param_str = "v*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___memccpy_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(56), .param_str = "v*v*vC*izz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___memcpy_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(57), .param_str = "v*v*vC*zz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___memmove_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(58), .param_str = "v*v*vC*zz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___mempcpy_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(59), .param_str = "v*v*vC*zz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___memset_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(60), .param_str = "v*v*izz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___printf_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(61), .param_str = "iicC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin___snprintf_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(62), .param_str = "ic*RzizcC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 4 } } }, + // __builtin___sprintf_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(63), .param_str = "ic*RizcC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 3 } } }, + // __builtin___stpcpy_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(64), .param_str = "c*c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___stpncpy_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(65), .param_str = "c*c*cC*zz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___strcat_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(66), .param_str = "c*c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___strcpy_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(67), .param_str = "c*c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___strlcat_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(68), .param_str = "zc*cC*zz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___strlcpy_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(69), .param_str = "zc*cC*zz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___strncat_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(70), .param_str = "c*c*cC*zz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___strncpy_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(71), .param_str = "c*c*cC*zz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin___vfprintf_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(72), .param_str = "iP*RicC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 2 } } }, + // __builtin___vprintf_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(73), .param_str = "iicC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin___vsnprintf_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(74), .param_str = "ic*RzizcC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 4 } } }, + // __builtin___vsprintf_chk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(75), .param_str = "ic*RizcC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 3 } } }, + // __builtin_abort + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(76), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_abs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(77), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_acos + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(78), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_acosf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(79), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_acosf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(80), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_acosh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(81), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_acoshf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(82), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_acoshf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(83), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_acoshl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(84), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_acosl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(85), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_add_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(86), .param_str = "b.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_addc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(87), .param_str = "UiUiCUiCUiCUi*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_addcb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(88), .param_str = "UcUcCUcCUcCUc*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_addcl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(89), .param_str = "ULiULiCULiCULiCULi*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_addcll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(90), .param_str = "ULLiULLiCULLiCULLiCULLi*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_addcs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(91), .param_str = "UsUsCUsCUsCUs*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_align_down + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(92), .param_str = "v*vC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_align_up + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(93), .param_str = "v*vC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_alloca + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(94), .param_str = "v*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_alloca_uninitialized + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(95), .param_str = "v*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_alloca_with_align + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(96), .param_str = "v*zIz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_alloca_with_align_uninitialized + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(97), .param_str = "v*zIz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_alignbit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(98), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_alignbyte + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(99), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_atomic_dec32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(100), .param_str = "UZiUZiD*UZiUicC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_atomic_dec64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(101), .param_str = "UWiUWiD*UWiUicC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_atomic_inc32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(102), .param_str = "UZiUZiD*UZiUicC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_atomic_inc64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(103), .param_str = "UWiUWiD*UWiUicC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_buffer_wbinvl1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(104), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_class + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(105), .param_str = "bdi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_classf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(106), .param_str = "bfi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cosf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(107), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cubeid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(108), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cubema + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(109), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cubesc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(110), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cubetc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(111), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pk_i16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(112), .param_str = "E2sii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pk_u16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(113), .param_str = "E2UsUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pk_u8_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(114), .param_str = "UifUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pknorm_i16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(115), .param_str = "E2sff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pknorm_u16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(116), .param_str = "E2Usff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_cvt_pkrtz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(117), .param_str = "E2hff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_dispatch_ptr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(118), .param_str = "v*4", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_div_fixup + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(119), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_div_fixupf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(120), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_div_fmas + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(121), .param_str = "ddddb", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_div_fmasf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(122), .param_str = "ffffb", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_div_scale + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(123), .param_str = "dddbb*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_div_scalef + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(124), .param_str = "fffbb*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ds_append + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(125), .param_str = "ii*3", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ds_bpermute + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(126), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ds_consume + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(127), .param_str = "ii*3", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ds_faddf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(128), .param_str = "ff*3fIiIiIb", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ds_fmaxf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(129), .param_str = "ff*3fIiIiIb", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ds_fminf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(130), .param_str = "ff*3fIiIiIb", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ds_permute + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(131), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ds_swizzle + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(132), .param_str = "iiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_endpgm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(133), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_exp2f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(134), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_fcmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(135), .param_str = "WUiddIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_fcmpf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(136), .param_str = "WUiffIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_fence + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(137), .param_str = "vUicC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_fmed3f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(138), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_fract + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(139), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_fractf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(140), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_exp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(141), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_expf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(142), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_mant + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(143), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_mantf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(144), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_grid_size_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(145), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_grid_size_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(146), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_grid_size_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(147), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_groupstaticsize + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(148), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_iglp_opt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(149), .param_str = "vIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_implicitarg_ptr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(150), .param_str = "v*4", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_interp_mov + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(151), .param_str = "fUiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_interp_p1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(152), .param_str = "ffUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_interp_p1_f16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(153), .param_str = "ffUiUibUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_interp_p2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(154), .param_str = "fffUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_interp_p2_f16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(155), .param_str = "hffUiUibUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_is_private + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(156), .param_str = "bvC*0", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_is_shared + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(157), .param_str = "bvC*0", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_kernarg_segment_ptr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(158), .param_str = "v*4", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ldexp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(159), .param_str = "ddi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ldexpf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(160), .param_str = "ffi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_lerp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(161), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_log_clampf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(162), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_logf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(163), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_mbcnt_hi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(164), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_mbcnt_lo + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(165), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_mqsad_pk_u16_u8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(166), .param_str = "WUiWUiUiWUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_mqsad_u32_u8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(167), .param_str = "V4UiWUiUiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_msad_u8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(168), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_qsad_pk_u16_u8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(169), .param_str = "WUiWUiUiWUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_queue_ptr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(170), .param_str = "v*4", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_rcp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(171), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_rcpf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(172), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_read_exec + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(173), .param_str = "WUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_read_exec_hi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(174), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_read_exec_lo + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(175), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_readfirstlane + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(176), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_readlane + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(177), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_rsq + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(178), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_rsq_clamp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(179), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_rsq_clampf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(180), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_rsqf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(181), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_barrier + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(182), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_dcache_inv + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(183), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_decperflevel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(184), .param_str = "vIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_getpc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(185), .param_str = "WUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_getreg + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(186), .param_str = "UiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_incperflevel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(187), .param_str = "vIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_sendmsg + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(188), .param_str = "vIiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_sendmsghalt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(189), .param_str = "vIiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_setprio + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(190), .param_str = "vIs", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_setreg + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(191), .param_str = "vIiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_sleep + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(192), .param_str = "vIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_s_waitcnt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(193), .param_str = "vIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sad_hi_u8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(194), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sad_u16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(195), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sad_u8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(196), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sbfe + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(197), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sched_barrier + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(198), .param_str = "vIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sched_group_barrier + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(199), .param_str = "vIiIiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sicmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(200), .param_str = "WUiiiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sicmpl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(201), .param_str = "WUiWiWiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(202), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sqrt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(203), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_sqrtf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(204), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_trig_preop + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(205), .param_str = "ddi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_trig_preopf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(206), .param_str = "ffi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_ubfe + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(207), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_uicmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(208), .param_str = "WUiUiUiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_uicmpl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(209), .param_str = "WUiWUiWUiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_wave_barrier + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(210), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu) } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_id_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(211), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_id_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(212), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_id_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(213), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_size_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(214), .param_str = "Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_size_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(215), .param_str = "Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_workgroup_size_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(216), .param_str = "Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_workitem_id_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(217), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_workitem_id_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(218), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_amdgcn_workitem_id_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(219), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_annotation + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(220), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_cdp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(221), .param_str = "vUIiUIiUIiUIiUIiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_cdp2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(222), .param_str = "vUIiUIiUIiUIiUIiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_clrex + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(223), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __builtin_arm_cls + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(224), .param_str = "UiZUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_cls64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(225), .param_str = "UiWUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_clz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(226), .param_str = "UiZUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_clz64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(227), .param_str = "UiWUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_cmse_TT + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(228), .param_str = "Uiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_cmse_TTA + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(229), .param_str = "Uiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_cmse_TTAT + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(230), .param_str = "Uiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_cmse_TTT + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(231), .param_str = "Uiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_dbg + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(232), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_dmb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(233), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_dsb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(234), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_get_fpscr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(235), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_isb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(236), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_ldaex + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(237), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_ldc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(238), .param_str = "vUIiUIivC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_ldc2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(239), .param_str = "vUIiUIivC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_ldc2l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(240), .param_str = "vUIiUIivC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_ldcl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(241), .param_str = "vUIiUIivC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_ldrex + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(242), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_ldrexd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(243), .param_str = "LLUiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_mcr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(244), .param_str = "vUIiUIiUiUIiUIiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_mcr2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(245), .param_str = "vUIiUIiUiUIiUIiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_mcrr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(246), .param_str = "vUIiUIiLLUiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_mcrr2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(247), .param_str = "vUIiUIiLLUiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_mrc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(248), .param_str = "UiUIiUIiUIiUIiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_mrc2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(249), .param_str = "UiUIiUIiUIiUIiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_mrrc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(250), .param_str = "LLUiUIiUIiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_mrrc2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(251), .param_str = "LLUiUIiUIiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_nop + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(252), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __builtin_arm_prefetch + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(253), .param_str = "!", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_qadd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(254), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_qadd16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(255), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_qadd8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(256), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_qasx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(257), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_qdbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(258), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_qsax + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(259), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_qsub + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(260), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_qsub16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(261), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_qsub8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(262), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_rbit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(263), .param_str = "UiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_rbit64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(264), .param_str = "WUiWUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.aarch64), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_rsr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(265), .param_str = "UicC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_rsr64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(266), .param_str = "!", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_rsrp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(267), .param_str = "v*cC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_sadd16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(268), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_sadd8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(269), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_sasx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(270), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_sel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(271), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_set_fpscr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(272), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_sev + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(273), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __builtin_arm_sevl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(274), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __builtin_arm_shadd16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(275), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_shadd8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(276), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_shasx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(277), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_shsax + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(278), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_shsub16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(279), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_shsub8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(280), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlabb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(281), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlabt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(282), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlad + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(283), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smladx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(284), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlald + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(285), .param_str = "LLiiiLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlaldx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(286), .param_str = "LLiiiLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlatb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(287), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlatt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(288), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlawb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(289), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlawt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(290), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlsd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(291), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlsdx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(292), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlsld + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(293), .param_str = "LLiiiLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smlsldx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(294), .param_str = "LLiiiLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smuad + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(295), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smuadx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(296), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smulbb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(297), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smulbt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(298), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smultb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(299), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smultt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(300), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smulwb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(301), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smulwt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(302), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smusd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(303), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_smusdx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(304), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_ssat + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(305), .param_str = "iiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_ssat16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(306), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_ssax + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(307), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_ssub16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(308), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_ssub8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(309), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_stc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(310), .param_str = "vUIiUIiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_stc2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(311), .param_str = "vUIiUIiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_stc2l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(312), .param_str = "vUIiUIiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_stcl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(313), .param_str = "vUIiUIiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_stlex + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(314), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_strex + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(315), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_strexd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(316), .param_str = "iLLUiv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __builtin_arm_sxtab16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(317), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_sxtb16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(318), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_tcancel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(319), .param_str = "vWUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.aarch64) } }, + // __builtin_arm_tcommit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(320), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.aarch64) } }, + // __builtin_arm_tstart + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(321), .param_str = "WUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.aarch64), .attributes = .{ .returns_twice = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_ttest + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(322), .param_str = "WUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.aarch64), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uadd16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(323), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uadd8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(324), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uasx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(325), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uhadd16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(326), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uhadd8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(327), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uhasx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(328), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uhsax + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(329), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uhsub16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(330), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uhsub8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(331), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uqadd16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(332), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uqadd8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(333), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uqasx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(334), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uqsax + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(335), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uqsub16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(336), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uqsub8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(337), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_usad8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(338), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_usada8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(339), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_usat + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(340), .param_str = "UiiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_usat16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(341), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_usax + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(342), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_usub16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(343), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_usub8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(344), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uxtab16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(345), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_uxtb16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(346), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_vcvtr_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(347), .param_str = "fdi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_vcvtr_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(348), .param_str = "ffi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_wfe + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(349), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __builtin_arm_wfi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(350), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __builtin_arm_wsr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(351), .param_str = "vcC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_wsr64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(352), .param_str = "!", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_wsrp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(353), .param_str = "vcC*vC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_arm_yield + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(354), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __builtin_asin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(355), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_asinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(356), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_asinf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(357), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_asinh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(358), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_asinhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(359), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_asinhf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(360), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_asinhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(361), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_asinl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(362), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_assume + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(363), .param_str = "vb", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_assume_aligned + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(364), .param_str = "v*vC*z.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_assume_separate_storage + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(365), .param_str = "vvCD*vCD*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_atan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(366), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atan2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(367), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atan2f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(368), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atan2f128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(369), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atan2l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(370), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(371), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atanf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(372), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atanh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(373), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atanhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(374), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atanhf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(375), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atanhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(376), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_atanl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(377), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_bcmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(378), .param_str = "ivC*vC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_bcopy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(379), .param_str = "vvC*v*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_bitrev + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(380), .param_str = "UiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.xcore), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_bitreverse16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(381), .param_str = "UsUs", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_bitreverse32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(382), .param_str = "UZiUZi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_bitreverse64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(383), .param_str = "UWiUWi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_bitreverse8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(384), .param_str = "UcUc", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_bswap16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(385), .param_str = "UsUs", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_bswap32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(386), .param_str = "UZiUZi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_bswap64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(387), .param_str = "UWiUWi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_bzero + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(388), .param_str = "vv*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cabs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(389), .param_str = "dXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cabsf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(390), .param_str = "fXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cabsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(391), .param_str = "LdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cacos + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(392), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cacosf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(393), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cacosh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(394), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cacoshf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(395), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cacoshl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(396), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cacosl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(397), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_call_with_static_chain + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(398), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_calloc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(399), .param_str = "v*zz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_canonicalize + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(400), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_canonicalizef + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(401), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_canonicalizef16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(402), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_canonicalizel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(403), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_carg + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(404), .param_str = "dXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cargf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(405), .param_str = "fXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cargl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(406), .param_str = "LdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_casin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(407), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_casinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(408), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_casinh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(409), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_casinhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(410), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_casinhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(411), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_casinl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(412), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_catan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(413), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_catanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(414), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_catanh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(415), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_catanhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(416), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_catanhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(417), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_catanl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(418), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cbrt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(419), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cbrtf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(420), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cbrtf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(421), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cbrtl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(422), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_ccos + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(423), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ccosf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(424), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ccosh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(425), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ccoshf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(426), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ccoshl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(427), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ccosl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(428), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ceil + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(429), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_ceilf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(430), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_ceilf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(431), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_ceilf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(432), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_ceill + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(433), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cexp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(434), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cexpf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(435), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cexpl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(436), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_char_memchr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(437), .param_str = "c*cC*iz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_cimag + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(438), .param_str = "dXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cimagf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(439), .param_str = "fXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cimagl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(440), .param_str = "LdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_classify_type + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(441), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .eval_args = false, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_clog + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(442), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_clogf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(443), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_clogl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(444), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_clrsb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(445), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_clrsbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(446), .param_str = "iLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_clrsbll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(447), .param_str = "iLLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_clz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(448), .param_str = "iUi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_clzl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(449), .param_str = "iULi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_clzll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(450), .param_str = "iULLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_clzs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(451), .param_str = "iUs", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_complex + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(452), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_conj + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(453), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_conjf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(454), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_conjl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(455), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_constant_p + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(456), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .eval_args = false, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_convertvector + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(457), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_copysign + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(458), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_copysignf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(459), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_copysignf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(460), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_copysignf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(461), .param_str = "hhh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_copysignl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(462), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_cos + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(463), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cosf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(464), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cosf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(465), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cosf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(466), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cosh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(467), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_coshf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(468), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_coshf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(469), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_coshl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(470), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cosl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(471), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cpow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(472), .param_str = "XdXdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cpowf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(473), .param_str = "XfXfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cpowl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(474), .param_str = "XLdXLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_cproj + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(475), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cprojf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(476), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cprojl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(477), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_cpu_init + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(478), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.x86) } }, + // __builtin_cpu_is + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(479), .param_str = "bcC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.x86), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_cpu_supports + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(480), .param_str = "bcC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.x86), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_creal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(481), .param_str = "dXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_crealf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(482), .param_str = "fXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_creall + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(483), .param_str = "LdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_csin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(484), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_csinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(485), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_csinh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(486), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_csinhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(487), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_csinhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(488), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_csinl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(489), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_csqrt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(490), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_csqrtf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(491), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_csqrtl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(492), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(493), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(494), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctanh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(495), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctanhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(496), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctanhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(497), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctanl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(498), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(499), .param_str = "iUi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctzl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(500), .param_str = "iULi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctzll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(501), .param_str = "iULLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_ctzs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(502), .param_str = "iUs", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_dcbf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(503), .param_str = "vvC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_debugtrap + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(504), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_dump_struct + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(505), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_dwarf_cfa + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(506), .param_str = "v*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_dwarf_sp_column + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(507), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_dynamic_object_size + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(508), .param_str = "zvC*i", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .eval_args = false, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_eh_return + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(509), .param_str = "vzv*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true } } }, + // __builtin_eh_return_data_regno + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(510), .param_str = "iIi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_abs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(511), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_add_sat + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(512), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_bitreverse + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(513), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_canonicalize + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(514), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_ceil + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(515), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_copysign + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(516), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_cos + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(517), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_exp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(518), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_exp2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(519), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_floor + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(520), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_fma + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(521), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_log + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(522), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_log10 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(523), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_log2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(524), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_max + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(525), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_min + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(526), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_nearbyint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(527), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_pow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(528), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_rint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(529), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_round + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(530), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_roundeven + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(531), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_sin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(532), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_sqrt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(533), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_sub_sat + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(534), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_elementwise_trunc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(535), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_erf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(536), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_erfc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(537), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_erfcf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(538), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_erfcf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(539), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_erfcl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(540), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_erff + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(541), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_erff128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(542), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_erfl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(543), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(544), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp10 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(545), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp10f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(546), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp10f128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(547), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp10f16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(548), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp10l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(549), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(550), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp2f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(551), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp2f128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(552), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp2f16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(553), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_exp2l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(554), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_expect + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(555), .param_str = "LiLiLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_expect_with_probability + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(556), .param_str = "LiLiLid", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_expf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(557), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_expf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(558), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_expf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(559), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_expl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(560), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_expm1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(561), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_expm1f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(562), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_expm1f128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(563), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_expm1l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(564), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_extend_pointer + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(565), .param_str = "ULLiv*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_extract_return_addr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(566), .param_str = "v*v*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_fabs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(567), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fabsf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(568), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fabsf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(569), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fabsf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(570), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_fabsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(571), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fdim + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(572), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fdimf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(573), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fdimf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(574), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fdiml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(575), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ffs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(576), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_ffsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(577), .param_str = "iLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_ffsll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(578), .param_str = "iLLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_floor + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(579), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_floorf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(580), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_floorf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(581), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_floorf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(582), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_floorl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(583), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_flt_rounds + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(584), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_fma + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(585), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmaf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(586), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmaf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(587), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmaf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(588), .param_str = "hhhh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(589), .param_str = "LdLdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmax + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(590), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmaxf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(591), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmaxf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(592), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmaxf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(593), .param_str = "hhh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmaxl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(594), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(595), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fminf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(596), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fminf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(597), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fminf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(598), .param_str = "hhh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fminl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(599), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmod + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(600), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmodf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(601), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmodf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(602), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmodf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(603), .param_str = "hhh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fmodl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(604), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_fpclassify + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(605), .param_str = "iiiiii.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_fprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(606), .param_str = "iP*RcC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin_frame_address + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(607), .param_str = "v*IUi", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_free + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(608), .param_str = "vv*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_frexp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(609), .param_str = "ddi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_frexpf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(610), .param_str = "ffi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_frexpf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(611), .param_str = "LLdLLdi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_frexpf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(612), .param_str = "hhi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_frexpl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(613), .param_str = "LdLdi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_frob_return_addr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(614), .param_str = "v*v*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_fscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(615), .param_str = "iP*RcC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .scanf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin_getid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(616), .param_str = "Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.xcore), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_getps + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(617), .param_str = "UiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.xcore) } }, + // __builtin_huge_val + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(618), .param_str = "d", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_huge_valf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(619), .param_str = "f", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_huge_valf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(620), .param_str = "LLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_huge_valf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(621), .param_str = "x", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_huge_vall + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(622), .param_str = "Ld", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_hypot + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(623), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_hypotf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(624), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_hypotf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(625), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_hypotl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(626), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ia32_rdpmc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(627), .param_str = "UOii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.x86) } }, + // __builtin_ia32_rdtsc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(628), .param_str = "UOi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.x86) } }, + // __builtin_ia32_rdtscp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(629), .param_str = "UOiUi*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.x86) } }, + // __builtin_ilogb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(630), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ilogbf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(631), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ilogbf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(632), .param_str = "iLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ilogbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(633), .param_str = "iLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_index + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(634), .param_str = "c*cC*i", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_inf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(635), .param_str = "d", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_inff + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(636), .param_str = "f", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_inff128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(637), .param_str = "LLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // 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true } } }, + // __builtin_isgreater + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(644), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_isgreaterequal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(645), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_isinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(646), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_isinf_sign + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(647), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_isless + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(648), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_islessequal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(649), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_islessgreater + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(650), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_isnan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(651), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_isnormal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(652), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_isunordered + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(653), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_labs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(654), .param_str = "LiLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_launder + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(655), .param_str = "v*v*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_ldexp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(656), .param_str = "ddi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ldexpf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(657), .param_str = "ffi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ldexpf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(658), .param_str = "LLdLLdi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ldexpf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(659), .param_str = "hhi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ldexpl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(660), .param_str = "LdLdi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_lgamma + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(661), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_lgammaf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(662), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_lgammaf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(663), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_lgammal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(664), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_llabs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(665), .param_str = "LLiLLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_llrint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(666), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_llrintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(667), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_llrintf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(668), .param_str = "LLiLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_llrintl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(669), .param_str = "LLiLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_llround + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(670), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_llroundf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(671), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_llroundf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(672), .param_str = "LLiLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_llroundl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(673), .param_str = "LLiLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(674), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log10 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(675), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log10f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(676), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log10f128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(677), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log10f16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(678), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log10l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(679), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log1p + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(680), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log1pf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(681), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log1pf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(682), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log1pl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(683), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(684), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log2f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(685), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log2f128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(686), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log2f16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(687), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_log2l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(688), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_logb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(689), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_logbf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(690), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_logbf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(691), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_logbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(692), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_logf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(693), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_logf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(694), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_logf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(695), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_logl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(696), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_longjmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(697), .param_str = "vv**i", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true } } }, + // __builtin_lrint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(698), .param_str = "Lid", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_lrintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(699), .param_str = "Lif", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_lrintf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(700), .param_str = "LiLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_lrintl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(701), .param_str = "LiLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_lround + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(702), .param_str = "Lid", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_lroundf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(703), .param_str = "Lif", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_lroundf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(704), .param_str = "LiLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_lroundl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(705), .param_str = "LiLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_malloc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(706), .param_str = "v*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_matrix_column_major_load + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(707), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_matrix_column_major_store + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(708), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_matrix_transpose + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(709), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_memchr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(710), .param_str = "v*vC*iz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_memcmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(711), .param_str = "ivC*vC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_memcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(712), .param_str = "v*v*vC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_memcpy_inline + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(713), .param_str = "vv*vC*Iz", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_memmove + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(714), .param_str = "v*v*vC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_mempcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(715), .param_str = "v*v*vC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_memset + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(716), .param_str = "v*v*iz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_memset_inline + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(717), .param_str = "vv*iIz", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_mips_absq_s_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(718), .param_str = "V2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_absq_s_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(719), .param_str = "V4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_absq_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(720), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_addq_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(721), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_addq_s_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(722), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_addq_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(723), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_addqh_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(724), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_addqh_r_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(725), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_addqh_r_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(726), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_addqh_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(727), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_addsc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(728), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_addu_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(729), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_addu_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(730), .param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_addu_s_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(731), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_addu_s_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(732), .param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_adduh_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(733), .param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_adduh_r_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(734), .param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_addwc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(735), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_append + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(736), .param_str = "iiiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_balign + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(737), .param_str = "iiiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_bitrev + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(738), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_bposge32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(739), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmp_eq_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(740), .param_str = "vV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmp_le_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(741), .param_str = "vV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmp_lt_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(742), .param_str = "vV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmpgdu_eq_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(743), .param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmpgdu_le_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(744), .param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmpgdu_lt_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(745), .param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmpgu_eq_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(746), .param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmpgu_le_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(747), .param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmpgu_lt_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(748), .param_str = "iV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmpu_eq_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(749), .param_str = "vV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmpu_le_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(750), .param_str = "vV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_cmpu_lt_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(751), .param_str = "vV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpa_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(752), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpaq_s_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(753), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpaq_sa_l_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(754), .param_str = "LLiLLiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpaqx_s_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(755), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpaqx_sa_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(756), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpau_h_qbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(757), .param_str = "LLiLLiV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpau_h_qbr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(758), .param_str = "LLiLLiV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpax_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(759), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_dps_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(760), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpsq_s_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(761), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpsq_sa_l_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(762), .param_str = "LLiLLiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpsqx_s_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(763), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpsqx_sa_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(764), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpsu_h_qbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(765), .param_str = "LLiLLiV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpsu_h_qbr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(766), .param_str = "LLiLLiV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_dpsx_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(767), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_extp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(768), .param_str = "iLLii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_extpdp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(769), .param_str = "iLLii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_extr_r_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(770), .param_str = "iLLii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_extr_rs_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(771), .param_str = "iLLii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_extr_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(772), .param_str = "iLLii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_extr_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(773), .param_str = "iLLii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_insv + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(774), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_lbux + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(775), .param_str = "iv*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_lhx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(776), .param_str = "iv*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_lwx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(777), .param_str = "iv*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_madd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(778), .param_str = "LLiLLiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_maddu + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(779), .param_str = "LLiLLiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_maq_s_w_phl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(780), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_maq_s_w_phr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(781), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_maq_sa_w_phl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(782), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_maq_sa_w_phr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(783), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_modsub + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(784), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_msub + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(785), .param_str = "LLiLLiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_msubu + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(786), .param_str = "LLiLLiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_mthlip + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(787), .param_str = "LLiLLii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_mul_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(788), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_mul_s_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(789), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_muleq_s_w_phl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(790), .param_str = "iV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_muleq_s_w_phr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(791), .param_str = "iV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_muleu_s_ph_qbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(792), .param_str = "V2sV4ScV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_muleu_s_ph_qbr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(793), .param_str = "V2sV4ScV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_mulq_rs_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(794), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_mulq_rs_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(795), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_mulq_s_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(796), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_mulq_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(797), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_mulsa_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(798), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_mulsaq_s_w_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(799), .param_str = "LLiLLiV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_mult + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(800), .param_str = "LLiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_multu + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(801), .param_str = "LLiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_packrl_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(802), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_pick_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(803), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_pick_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(804), .param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_preceq_w_phl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(805), .param_str = "iV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_preceq_w_phr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(806), .param_str = "iV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_precequ_ph_qbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(807), .param_str = "V2sV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_precequ_ph_qbla + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(808), .param_str = "V2sV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_precequ_ph_qbr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(809), .param_str = "V2sV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_precequ_ph_qbra + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(810), .param_str = "V2sV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_preceu_ph_qbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(811), .param_str = "V2sV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_preceu_ph_qbla + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(812), .param_str = "V2sV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_preceu_ph_qbr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(813), .param_str = "V2sV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_preceu_ph_qbra + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(814), .param_str = "V2sV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_precr_qb_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(815), .param_str = "V4ScV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_precr_sra_ph_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(816), .param_str = "V2siiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_precr_sra_r_ph_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(817), .param_str = "V2siiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_precrq_ph_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(818), .param_str = "V2sii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_precrq_qb_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(819), .param_str = "V4ScV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_precrq_rs_ph_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(820), .param_str = "V2sii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_precrqu_s_qb_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(821), .param_str = "V4ScV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_prepend + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(822), .param_str = "iiiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_raddu_w_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(823), .param_str = "iV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_rddsp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(824), .param_str = "iIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_repl_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(825), .param_str = "V2si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_repl_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(826), .param_str = "V4Sci", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_shilo + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(827), .param_str = "LLiLLii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_shll_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(828), .param_str = "V2sV2si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_shll_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(829), .param_str = "V4ScV4Sci", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_shll_s_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(830), .param_str = "V2sV2si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_shll_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(831), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_shra_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(832), .param_str = "V2sV2si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_shra_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(833), .param_str = "V4ScV4Sci", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_shra_r_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(834), .param_str = "V2sV2si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_shra_r_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(835), .param_str = "V4ScV4Sci", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_shra_r_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(836), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_shrl_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(837), .param_str = "V2sV2si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_shrl_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(838), .param_str = "V4ScV4Sci", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_subq_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(839), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_subq_s_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(840), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_subq_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(841), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_subqh_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(842), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_subqh_r_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(843), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_subqh_r_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(844), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_subqh_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(845), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_subu_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(846), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_subu_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(847), .param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_subu_s_ph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(848), .param_str = "V2sV2sV2s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_subu_s_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(849), .param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_mips_subuh_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(850), .param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_subuh_r_qb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(851), .param_str = "V4ScV4ScV4Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mips_wrdsp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(852), .param_str = "viIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_modf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(853), .param_str = "ddd*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_modff + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(854), .param_str = "fff*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_modff128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(855), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_modfl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(856), .param_str = "LdLdLd*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_add_a_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(857), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_add_a_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(858), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_add_a_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(859), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_add_a_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(860), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_a_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(861), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_a_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(862), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_a_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(863), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_a_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(864), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(865), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(866), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(867), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(868), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(869), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(870), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(871), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_adds_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(872), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_addv_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(873), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_addv_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(874), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_addv_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(875), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_addv_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(876), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_addvi_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(877), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_addvi_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(878), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_addvi_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(879), .param_str = "V8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_addvi_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(880), .param_str = "V4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_and_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(881), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_andi_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(882), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_asub_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(883), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_asub_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(884), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_asub_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(885), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_asub_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(886), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_asub_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(887), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_asub_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(888), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_asub_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(889), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_asub_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(890), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ave_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(891), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ave_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(892), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ave_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(893), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ave_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(894), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ave_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(895), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ave_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(896), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ave_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(897), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ave_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(898), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_aver_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(899), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_aver_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(900), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_aver_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(901), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_aver_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(902), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_aver_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(903), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_aver_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(904), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_aver_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(905), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_aver_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(906), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bclr_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(907), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bclr_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(908), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bclr_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(909), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bclr_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(910), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bclri_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(911), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bclri_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(912), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bclri_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(913), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bclri_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(914), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsl_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(915), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsl_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(916), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsl_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(917), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsl_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(918), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsli_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(919), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsli_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(920), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsli_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(921), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8UsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsli_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(922), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsr_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(923), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsr_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(924), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsr_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(925), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsr_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(926), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsri_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(927), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsri_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(928), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsri_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(929), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8UsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_binsri_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(930), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4UiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bmnz_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(931), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bmnzi_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(932), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bmz_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(933), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bmzi_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(934), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bneg_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(935), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bneg_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(936), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bneg_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(937), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bneg_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(938), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bnegi_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(939), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bnegi_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(940), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bnegi_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(941), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bnegi_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(942), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bnz_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(943), .param_str = "iV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bnz_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(944), .param_str = "iV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bnz_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(945), .param_str = "iV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bnz_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(946), .param_str = "iV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bnz_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(947), .param_str = "iV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bsel_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(948), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bseli_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(949), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bset_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(950), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bset_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(951), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bset_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(952), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bset_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(953), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bseti_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(954), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bseti_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(955), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bseti_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(956), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bseti_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(957), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bz_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(958), .param_str = "iV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bz_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(959), .param_str = "iV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bz_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(960), .param_str = "iV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bz_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(961), .param_str = "iV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_bz_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(962), .param_str = "iV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ceq_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(963), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ceq_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(964), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ceq_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(965), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ceq_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(966), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ceqi_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(967), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ceqi_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(968), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ceqi_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(969), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ceqi_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(970), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_cfcmsa + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(971), .param_str = "iIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_msa_cle_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(972), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_cle_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(973), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_cle_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(974), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_cle_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(975), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_cle_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(976), .param_str = "V16ScV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_cle_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(977), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_cle_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(978), .param_str = "V8SsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_cle_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(979), .param_str = "V4SiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clei_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(980), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clei_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(981), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clei_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(982), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clei_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(983), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clei_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(984), .param_str = "V16ScV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clei_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(985), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clei_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(986), .param_str = "V8SsV8UsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clei_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(987), .param_str = "V4SiV4UiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clt_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(988), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clt_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(989), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clt_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(990), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clt_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(991), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clt_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(992), .param_str = "V16ScV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clt_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(993), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clt_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(994), .param_str = "V8SsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clt_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(995), .param_str = "V4SiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clti_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(996), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clti_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(997), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clti_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(998), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clti_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(999), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiISi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clti_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1000), .param_str = "V16ScV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clti_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1001), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clti_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1002), .param_str = "V8SsV8UsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_clti_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1003), .param_str = "V4SiV4UiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_copy_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1004), .param_str = "iV16ScIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_copy_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1005), .param_str = "LLiV2SLLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_copy_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1006), .param_str = "iV8SsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_copy_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1007), .param_str = "iV4SiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_copy_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1008), .param_str = "iV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_copy_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1009), .param_str = "LLiV2ULLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_copy_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1010), .param_str = "iV8UsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_copy_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1011), .param_str = "iV4UiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ctcmsa + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1012), .param_str = "vIii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips) } }, + // __builtin_msa_div_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1013), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_div_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1014), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_div_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1015), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_div_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1016), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_div_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1017), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_div_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1018), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_div_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1019), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_div_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1020), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dotp_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1021), .param_str = "V2SLLiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dotp_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1022), .param_str = "V8SsV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dotp_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1023), .param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dotp_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1024), .param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dotp_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1025), .param_str = "V8UsV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dotp_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1026), .param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpadd_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1027), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpadd_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1028), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpadd_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1029), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpadd_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1030), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpadd_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1031), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpadd_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1032), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpsub_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1033), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpsub_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1034), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpsub_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1035), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpsub_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1036), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpsub_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1037), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_dpsub_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1038), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fadd_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1039), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fadd_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1040), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcaf_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1041), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcaf_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1042), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fceq_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1043), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fceq_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1044), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fclass_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1045), .param_str = "V2LLiV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fclass_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1046), .param_str = "V4iV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcle_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1047), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcle_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1048), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fclt_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1049), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fclt_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1050), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcne_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1051), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcne_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1052), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcor_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1053), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcor_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1054), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcueq_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1055), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcueq_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1056), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcule_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1057), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcule_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1058), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcult_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1059), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcult_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1060), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcun_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1061), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcun_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1062), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcune_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1063), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fcune_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1064), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fdiv_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1065), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fdiv_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1066), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fexdo_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1067), .param_str = "V8hV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fexdo_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1068), .param_str = "V4fV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fexp2_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1069), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fexp2_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1070), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fexupl_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1071), .param_str = "V2dV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fexupl_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1072), .param_str = "V4fV8h", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fexupr_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1073), .param_str = "V2dV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fexupr_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1074), .param_str = "V4fV8h", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ffint_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1075), .param_str = "V2dV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ffint_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1076), .param_str = "V4fV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ffint_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1077), .param_str = "V2dV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ffint_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1078), .param_str = "V4fV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ffql_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1079), .param_str = "V2dV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ffql_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1080), .param_str = "V4fV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ffqr_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1081), .param_str = "V2dV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ffqr_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1082), .param_str = "V4fV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fill_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1083), .param_str = "V16Sci", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fill_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1084), .param_str = "V2SLLiLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fill_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1085), .param_str = "V8Ssi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fill_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1086), .param_str = "V4Sii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_flog2_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1087), .param_str = "V2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_flog2_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1088), .param_str = "V4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmadd_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1089), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmadd_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1090), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmax_a_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1091), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmax_a_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1092), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmax_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1093), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmax_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1094), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmin_a_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1095), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmin_a_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1096), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmin_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1097), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmin_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1098), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmsub_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1099), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmsub_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1100), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmul_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1101), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fmul_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1102), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_frcp_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1103), .param_str = "V2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_frcp_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1104), .param_str = "V4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_frint_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1105), .param_str = "V2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_frint_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1106), .param_str = "V4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_frsqrt_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1107), .param_str = "V2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_frsqrt_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1108), .param_str = "V4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsaf_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1109), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsaf_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1110), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fseq_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1111), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fseq_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1112), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsle_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1113), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsle_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1114), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fslt_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1115), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fslt_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1116), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsne_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1117), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsne_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1118), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsor_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1119), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsor_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1120), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsqrt_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1121), .param_str = "V2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsqrt_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1122), .param_str = "V4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsub_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1123), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsub_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1124), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsueq_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1125), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsueq_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1126), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsule_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1127), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsule_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1128), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsult_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1129), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsult_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1130), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsun_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1131), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsun_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1132), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsune_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1133), .param_str = "V2LLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_fsune_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1134), .param_str = "V4iV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftint_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1135), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftint_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1136), .param_str = "V4SiV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftint_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1137), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftint_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1138), .param_str = "V4UiV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftq_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1139), .param_str = "V4UiV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftq_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1140), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftrunc_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1141), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftrunc_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1142), .param_str = "V4SiV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftrunc_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1143), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ftrunc_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1144), .param_str = "V4UiV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hadd_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1145), .param_str = "V2SLLiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hadd_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1146), .param_str = "V8SsV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hadd_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1147), .param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hadd_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1148), .param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hadd_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1149), .param_str = "V8UsV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hadd_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1150), .param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hsub_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1151), .param_str = "V2SLLiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hsub_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1152), .param_str = "V8SsV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hsub_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1153), .param_str = "V4SiV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hsub_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1154), .param_str = "V2ULLiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hsub_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1155), .param_str = "V8UsV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_hsub_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1156), .param_str = "V4UiV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvev_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1157), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvev_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1158), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvev_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1159), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvev_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1160), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvl_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1161), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvl_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1162), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvl_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1163), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvl_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1164), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvod_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1165), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvod_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1166), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvod_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1167), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvod_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1168), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvr_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1169), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvr_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1170), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvr_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1171), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ilvr_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1172), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_insert_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1173), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScIUii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_insert_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1174), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIUiLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_insert_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1175), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsIUii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_insert_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1176), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiIUii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_insve_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1177), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScIUiV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_insve_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1178), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIUiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_insve_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1179), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsIUiV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_insve_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1180), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiIUiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ld_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1181), .param_str = "V16Scv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ld_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1182), .param_str = "V2SLLiv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ld_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1183), .param_str = "V8Ssv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ld_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1184), .param_str = "V4Siv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ldi_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1185), .param_str = "V16cIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ldi_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1186), .param_str = "V2LLiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ldi_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1187), .param_str = "V8sIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ldi_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1188), .param_str = "V4iIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ldr_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1189), .param_str = "V2SLLiv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ldr_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1190), .param_str = "V4Siv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_madd_q_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1191), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_madd_q_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1192), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maddr_q_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1193), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maddr_q_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1194), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maddv_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1195), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maddv_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1196), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maddv_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1197), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maddv_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1198), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_a_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1199), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_a_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1200), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_a_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1201), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_a_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1202), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1203), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1204), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1205), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1206), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1207), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1208), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1209), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_max_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1210), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maxi_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1211), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maxi_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1212), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maxi_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1213), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maxi_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1214), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maxi_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1215), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maxi_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1216), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maxi_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1217), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_maxi_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1218), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_a_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1219), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_a_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1220), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_a_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1221), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_a_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1222), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1223), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1224), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1225), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1226), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1227), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1228), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1229), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_min_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1230), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mini_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1231), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mini_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1232), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mini_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1233), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mini_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1234), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mini_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1235), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mini_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1236), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mini_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1237), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mini_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1238), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mod_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1239), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mod_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1240), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mod_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1241), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mod_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1242), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mod_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1243), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mod_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1244), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mod_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1245), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mod_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1246), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_move_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1247), .param_str = "V16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_msub_q_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1248), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_msub_q_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1249), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_msubr_q_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1250), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_msubr_q_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1251), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_msubv_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1252), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_msubv_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1253), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_msubv_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1254), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_msubv_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1255), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mul_q_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1256), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mul_q_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1257), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mulr_q_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1258), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mulr_q_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1259), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mulv_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1260), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mulv_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1261), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mulv_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1262), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_mulv_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1263), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nloc_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1264), .param_str = "V16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nloc_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1265), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nloc_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1266), .param_str = "V8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nloc_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1267), .param_str = "V4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nlzc_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1268), .param_str = "V16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nlzc_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1269), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nlzc_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1270), .param_str = "V8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nlzc_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1271), .param_str = "V4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nor_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1272), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_nori_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1273), .param_str = "V16UcV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_or_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1274), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_ori_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1275), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pckev_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1276), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pckev_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1277), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pckev_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1278), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pckev_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1279), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pckod_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1280), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pckod_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1281), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pckod_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1282), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pckod_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1283), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pcnt_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1284), .param_str = "V16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pcnt_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1285), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pcnt_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1286), .param_str = "V8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_pcnt_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1287), .param_str = "V4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sat_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1288), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sat_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1289), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sat_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1290), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sat_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1291), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sat_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1292), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sat_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1293), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sat_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1294), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sat_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1295), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_shf_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1296), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_shf_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1297), .param_str = "V8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_shf_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1298), .param_str = "V4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sld_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1299), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16cUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sld_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1300), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sld_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1301), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8sUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sld_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1302), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4iUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sldi_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1303), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sldi_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1304), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sldi_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1305), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sldi_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1306), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sll_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1307), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sll_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1308), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sll_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1309), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sll_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1310), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_slli_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1311), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_slli_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1312), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_slli_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1313), .param_str = "V8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_slli_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1314), .param_str = "V4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_splat_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1315), .param_str = "V16cV16cUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_splat_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1316), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_splat_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1317), .param_str = "V8sV8sUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_splat_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1318), .param_str = "V4iV4iUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_splati_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1319), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_splati_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1320), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_splati_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1321), .param_str = "V8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_splati_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1322), .param_str = "V4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sra_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1323), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sra_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1324), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sra_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1325), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_sra_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1326), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srai_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1327), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srai_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1328), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srai_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1329), .param_str = "V8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srai_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1330), .param_str = "V4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srar_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1331), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srar_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1332), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srar_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1333), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srar_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1334), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srari_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1335), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srari_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1336), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srari_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1337), .param_str = "V8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srari_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1338), .param_str = "V4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srl_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1339), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srl_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1340), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srl_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1341), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srl_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1342), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srli_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1343), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srli_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1344), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srli_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1345), .param_str = "V8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srli_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1346), .param_str = "V4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srlr_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1347), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srlr_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1348), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srlr_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1349), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srlr_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1350), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srlri_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1351), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srlri_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1352), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srlri_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1353), .param_str = "V8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_srlri_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1354), .param_str = "V4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_st_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1355), .param_str = "vV16Scv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_st_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1356), .param_str = "vV2SLLiv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_st_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1357), .param_str = "vV8Ssv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_st_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1358), .param_str = "vV4Siv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_str_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1359), .param_str = "vV2SLLiv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_str_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1360), .param_str = "vV4Siv*Ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subs_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1361), .param_str = "V16ScV16ScV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subs_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1362), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subs_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1363), .param_str = "V8SsV8SsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subs_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1364), .param_str = "V4SiV4SiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subs_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1365), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subs_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1366), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subs_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1367), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subs_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1368), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subsus_u_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1369), .param_str = "V16UcV16UcV16Sc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subsus_u_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1370), .param_str = "V2ULLiV2ULLiV2SLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subsus_u_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1371), .param_str = "V8UsV8UsV8Ss", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subsus_u_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1372), .param_str = "V4UiV4UiV4Si", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subsuu_s_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1373), .param_str = "V16ScV16UcV16Uc", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subsuu_s_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1374), .param_str = "V2SLLiV2ULLiV2ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subsuu_s_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1375), .param_str = "V8SsV8UsV8Us", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subsuu_s_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1376), .param_str = "V4SiV4UiV4Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subv_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1377), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subv_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1378), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subv_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1379), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subv_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1380), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subvi_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1381), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subvi_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1382), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subvi_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1383), .param_str = "V8sV8sIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_subvi_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1384), .param_str = "V4iV4iIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_vshf_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1385), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_vshf_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1386), .param_str = "V2LLiV2LLiV2LLiV2LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_vshf_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1387), .param_str = "V8sV8sV8sV8s", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_vshf_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1388), .param_str = "V4iV4iV4iV4i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_xor_v + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1389), .param_str = "V16cV16cV16c", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_msa_xori_b + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1390), .param_str = "V16cV16cIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.mips), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_mul_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1391), .param_str = "b.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // 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.tag = @enumFromInt(1397), .param_str = "dcC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_nansf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1398), .param_str = "fcC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_nansf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1399), .param_str = "LLdcC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_nansf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1400), .param_str = "xcC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_nansl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1401), .param_str = "LdcC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_nearbyint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1402), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_nearbyintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1403), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_nearbyintf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1404), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_nearbyintl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1405), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_nextafter + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1406), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_nextafterf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1407), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_nextafterf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1408), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_nextafterl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1409), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_nexttoward + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1410), .param_str = "ddLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_nexttowardf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1411), .param_str = "ffLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_nexttowardf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1412), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_nexttowardl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1413), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_nondeterministic_value + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1414), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_nontemporal_load + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1415), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_nontemporal_store + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1416), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_objc_memmove_collectable + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1417), .param_str = "v*v*vC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_object_size + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1418), .param_str = "zvC*i", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .eval_args = false, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_operator_delete + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1419), .param_str = "vv*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_operator_new + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1420), .param_str = "v*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_os_log_format + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1421), .param_str = "v*v*cC*.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .format_kind = .printf } } }, + // __builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1422), .param_str = "zcC*.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .format_kind = .printf, .eval_args = false, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_pack_longdouble + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1423), .param_str = "Lddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_parity + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1424), .param_str = "iUi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_parityl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1425), .param_str = "iULi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_parityll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1426), .param_str = "iULLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_popcount + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1427), .param_str = "iUi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_popcountl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1428), .param_str = "iULi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_popcountll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1429), .param_str = "iULLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_pow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1430), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_powf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1431), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_powf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1432), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_powf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1433), .param_str = "hhh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_powi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1434), .param_str = "ddi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_powif + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1435), .param_str = "ffi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_powil + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1436), .param_str = "LdLdi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_powl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1437), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_ppc_alignx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1438), .param_str = "vIivC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_ppc_cmpb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1439), .param_str = "LLiLLiLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_compare_and_swap + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1440), .param_str = "iiD*i*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_compare_and_swaplp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1441), .param_str = "iLiD*Li*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_dcbfl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1442), .param_str = "vvC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_dcbflp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1443), .param_str = "vvC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_dcbst + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1444), .param_str = "vvC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_dcbt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1445), .param_str = "vv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_dcbtst + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1446), .param_str = "vv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_dcbtstt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1447), .param_str = "vv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_dcbtt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1448), .param_str = "vv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_dcbz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1449), .param_str = "vv*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_eieio + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1450), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fcfid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1451), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fcfud + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1452), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fctid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1453), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fctidz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1454), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fctiw + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1455), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fctiwz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1456), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fctudz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1457), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fctuwz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1458), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_add + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1459), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_addlp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1460), .param_str = "LiLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_and + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1461), .param_str = "UiUiD*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_andlp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1462), .param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_or + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1463), .param_str = "UiUiD*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_orlp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1464), .param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_swap + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1465), .param_str = "UiUiD*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fetch_and_swaplp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1466), .param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fmsub + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1467), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fmsubs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1468), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fnabs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1469), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fnabss + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1470), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fnmadd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1471), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fnmadds + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1472), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fnmsub + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1473), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fnmsubs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1474), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fre + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1475), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fres + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1476), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fric + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1477), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_frim + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1478), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_frims + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1479), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_frin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1480), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_frins + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1481), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_frip + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1482), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_frips + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1483), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_friz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1484), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_frizs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1485), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_frsqrte + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1486), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_frsqrtes + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1487), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fsel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1488), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fsels + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1489), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fsqrt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1490), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_fsqrts + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1491), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_get_timebase + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1492), .param_str = "ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_iospace_eieio + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1493), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_iospace_lwsync + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1494), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_iospace_sync + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1495), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_isync + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1496), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_ldarx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1497), .param_str = "LiLiD*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_load2r + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1498), .param_str = "UsUs*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_load4r + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1499), .param_str = "UiUi*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_lwarx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1500), .param_str = "iiD*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_lwsync + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1501), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_maxfe + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1502), .param_str = "LdLdLdLd.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_ppc_maxfl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1503), .param_str = "dddd.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_ppc_maxfs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1504), .param_str = "ffff.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mfmsr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1505), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mfspr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1506), .param_str = "ULiIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mftbu + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1507), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_minfe + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1508), .param_str = "LdLdLdLd.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_ppc_minfl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1509), .param_str = "dddd.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_ppc_minfs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1510), .param_str = "ffff.", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc), .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mtfsb0 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1511), .param_str = "vUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mtfsb1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1512), .param_str = "vUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mtfsf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1513), .param_str = "vUIiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mtfsfi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1514), .param_str = "vUIiUIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mtmsr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1515), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mtspr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1516), .param_str = "vIiULi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mulhd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1517), .param_str = "LLiLiLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mulhdu + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1518), .param_str = "ULLiULiULi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mulhw + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1519), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_mulhwu + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1520), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_popcntb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1521), .param_str = "ULiULi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_poppar4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1522), .param_str = "iUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_poppar8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1523), .param_str = "iULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_rdlam + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1524), .param_str = "UWiUWiUWiUWIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_ppc_recipdivd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1525), .param_str = "V2dV2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_recipdivf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1526), .param_str = "V4fV4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_rldimi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1527), .param_str = "ULLiULLiULLiIUiIULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_rlwimi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1528), .param_str = "UiUiUiIUiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_rlwnm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1529), .param_str = "UiUiUiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_rsqrtd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1530), .param_str = "V2dV2d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_rsqrtf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1531), .param_str = "V4fV4f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_stdcx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1532), .param_str = "iLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_stfiw + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1533), .param_str = "viC*d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_store2r + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1534), .param_str = "vUiUs*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_store4r + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1535), .param_str = "vUiUi*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_stwcx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1536), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_swdiv + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1537), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_swdiv_nochk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1538), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_swdivs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1539), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_swdivs_nochk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1540), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_sync + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1541), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_tdw + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1542), .param_str = "vLLiLLiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_trap + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1543), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_trapd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1544), .param_str = "vLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_ppc_tw + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1545), .param_str = "viiIUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_prefetch + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1546), .param_str = "vvC*.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_preserve_access_index + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1547), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_printf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1548), .param_str = "icC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf } } }, + // __builtin_ptx_get_image_channel_data_typei_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1549), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_get_image_channel_orderi_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1550), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_get_image_depthi_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1551), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_get_image_heighti_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1552), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_get_image_widthi_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1553), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_read_image2Dff_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1554), .param_str = "V4fiiff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_read_image2Dfi_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1555), .param_str = "V4fiiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_read_image2Dif_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1556), .param_str = "V4iiiff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_read_image2Dii_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1557), .param_str = "V4iiiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_read_image3Dff_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1558), .param_str = "V4fiiffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_read_image3Dfi_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1559), .param_str = "V4fiiiiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_read_image3Dif_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1560), .param_str = "V4iiiffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_read_image3Dii_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1561), .param_str = "V4iiiiiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_write_image2Df_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1562), .param_str = "viiiffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_write_image2Di_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1563), .param_str = "viiiiiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_ptx_write_image2Dui_ + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1564), .param_str = "viiiUiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __builtin_r600_implicitarg_ptr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1565), .param_str = "Uc*7", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_r600_read_tgid_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1566), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_r600_read_tgid_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1567), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_r600_read_tgid_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1568), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_r600_read_tidig_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1569), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_r600_read_tidig_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1570), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_r600_read_tidig_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1571), .param_str = "Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_r600_recipsqrt_ieee + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1572), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_r600_recipsqrt_ieeef + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1573), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.amdgpu), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_readcyclecounter + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1574), .param_str = "ULLi", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_readflm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1575), .param_str = "d", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_realloc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1576), .param_str = "v*v*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_reduce_add + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1577), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_reduce_and + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1578), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_reduce_max + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1579), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_reduce_min + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1580), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_reduce_mul + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1581), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_reduce_or + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1582), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_reduce_xor + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1583), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_remainder + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1584), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_remainderf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1585), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_remainderf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1586), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_remainderl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1587), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_remquo + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1588), .param_str = "dddi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_remquof + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1589), .param_str = "fffi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_remquof128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1590), .param_str = "LLdLLdLLdi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_remquol + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1591), .param_str = "LdLdLdi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_return_address + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1592), .param_str = "v*IUi", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_rindex + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1593), .param_str = "c*cC*i", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_rint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1594), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_rintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1595), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_rintf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1596), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_rintf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1597), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_rintl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1598), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_rotateleft16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1599), .param_str = "UsUsUs", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_rotateleft32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1600), .param_str = "UZiUZiUZi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_rotateleft64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1601), .param_str = "UWiUWiUWi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_rotateleft8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1602), .param_str = "UcUcUc", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_rotateright16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1603), .param_str = "UsUsUs", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_rotateright32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1604), .param_str = "UZiUZiUZi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_rotateright64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1605), .param_str = "UWiUWiUWi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_rotateright8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1606), .param_str = "UcUcUc", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_round + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1607), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_roundeven + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1608), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_roundevenf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1609), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_roundevenf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1610), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_roundevenf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1611), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_roundevenl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1612), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_roundf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1613), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_roundf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1614), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_roundf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1615), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_roundl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1616), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_sadd_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1617), .param_str = "bSiCSiCSi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_saddl_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1618), .param_str = "bSLiCSLiCSLi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_saddll_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1619), .param_str = "bSLLiCSLLiCSLLi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_scalbln + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1620), .param_str = "ddLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_scalblnf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1621), .param_str = "ffLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_scalblnf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1622), .param_str = "LLdLLdLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_scalblnl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1623), .param_str = "LdLdLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_scalbn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1624), .param_str = "ddi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_scalbnf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1625), .param_str = "ffi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_scalbnf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1626), .param_str = "LLdLLdi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_scalbnl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1627), .param_str = "LdLdi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_scanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1628), .param_str = "icC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .scanf } } }, + // __builtin_set_flt_rounds + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1629), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_setflm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1630), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_setjmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1631), .param_str = "iv**", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .returns_twice = true } } }, + // __builtin_setps + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1632), .param_str = "vUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.xcore) } }, + // __builtin_setrnd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1633), .param_str = "di", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_shufflevector + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1634), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_signbit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1635), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .custom_typecheck = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_signbitf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1636), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_signbitl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1637), .param_str = "iLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_sin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1638), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1639), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sinf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1640), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sinf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1641), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sinh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1642), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sinhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1643), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sinhf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1644), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sinhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1645), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sinl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1646), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_smul_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1647), .param_str = "bSiCSiCSi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_smull_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1648), .param_str = "bSLiCSLiCSLi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_smulll_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1649), .param_str = "bSLLiCSLLiCSLLi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_snprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1650), .param_str = "ic*RzcC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 2 } } }, + // __builtin_sponentry + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1651), .param_str = "v*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_sprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1652), .param_str = "ic*RcC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin_sqrt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1653), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sqrtf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1654), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sqrtf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1655), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sqrtf16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1656), .param_str = "hh", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sqrtl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1657), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_sscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1658), .param_str = "icC*RcC*R.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .scanf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin_ssub_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1659), .param_str = "bSiCSiCSi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_ssubl_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1660), .param_str = "bSLiCSLiCSLi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_ssubll_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1661), .param_str = "bSLLiCSLLiCSLLi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_stdarg_start + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1662), .param_str = "vA.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __builtin_stpcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1663), .param_str = "c*c*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_stpncpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1664), .param_str = "c*c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strcasecmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1665), .param_str = "icC*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strcat + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1666), .param_str = "c*c*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strchr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1667), .param_str = "c*cC*i", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_strcmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1668), .param_str = "icC*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_strcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1669), .param_str = "c*c*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strcspn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1670), .param_str = "zcC*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strdup + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1671), .param_str = "c*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strlen + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1672), .param_str = "zcC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_strncasecmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1673), .param_str = "icC*cC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strncat + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1674), .param_str = "c*c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strncmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1675), .param_str = "icC*cC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_strncpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1676), .param_str = "c*c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strndup + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1677), .param_str = "c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strpbrk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1678), .param_str = "c*cC*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strrchr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1679), .param_str = "c*cC*i", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strspn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1680), .param_str = "zcC*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_strstr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1681), .param_str = "c*cC*cC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true } } }, + // __builtin_sub_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1682), .param_str = "b.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_subc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1683), .param_str = "UiUiCUiCUiCUi*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_subcb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1684), .param_str = "UcUcCUcCUcCUc*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_subcl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1685), .param_str = "ULiULiCULiCULiCULi*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_subcll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1686), .param_str = "ULLiULLiCULLiCULLiCULLi*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_subcs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1687), .param_str = "UsUsCUsCUsCUs*", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_tan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1688), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_tanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1689), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // 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= true } } }, + // __builtin_tanl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1695), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_tgamma + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1696), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_tgammaf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1697), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_tgammaf128 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1698), .param_str = "LLdLLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __builtin_tgammal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1699), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, 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}, + // __builtin_umulll_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1712), .param_str = "bULLiCULLiCULLi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_unpack_longdouble + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1713), .param_str = "dLdIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ppc) } }, + // __builtin_unpredictable + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1714), .param_str = "LiLi", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_unreachable + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1715), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true } } }, + // __builtin_unwind_init + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1716), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{} }, + // __builtin_usub_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1717), .param_str = "bUiCUiCUi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_usubl_overflow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1718), .param_str = "bULiCULiCULi*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // 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"V512bV512bV512b", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_nndm_mmm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1746), .param_str = "V256bV256bV256b", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_orm_MMM + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1747), .param_str = "V512bV512bV512b", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_orm_mmm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1748), .param_str = "V256bV256bV256b", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pack_f32a + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1749), .param_str = "ULifC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ve) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pack_f32p + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1750), .param_str = "ULifC*fC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.ve) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pcvm_sml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1751), .param_str = "LUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pfchv_ssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1752), .param_str = "vLivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pfchvnc_ssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1753), .param_str = "vLivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1754), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1755), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1756), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1757), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1758), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvadds_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1759), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1760), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1761), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1762), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1763), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1764), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvaddu_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1765), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1766), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1767), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1768), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1769), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1770), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvand_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1771), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrd_vsMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1772), .param_str = "V256dLUiV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrd_vsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1773), .param_str = "V256dLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrd_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1774), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrv_vvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1775), .param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrv_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1776), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrv_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1777), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvlo_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1778), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvlo_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1779), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvlo_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1780), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvup_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1781), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvup_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1782), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvbrvup_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1783), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1784), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1785), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1786), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1787), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1788), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmps_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1789), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1790), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1791), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1792), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1793), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1794), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcmpu_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1795), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtsw_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1796), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtsw_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1797), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtws_vvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1798), .param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtws_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1799), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtws_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1800), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtwsrz_vvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1801), .param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtwsrz_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1802), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvcvtwsrz_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1803), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1804), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1805), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1806), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1807), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1808), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pveqv_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1809), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1810), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1811), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1812), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1813), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1814), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfadd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1815), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1816), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1817), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1818), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1819), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1820), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfcmp_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1821), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vsvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1822), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1823), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1824), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1825), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1826), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1827), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1828), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1829), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmad_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1830), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1831), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1832), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1833), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1834), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1835), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmax_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1836), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1837), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1838), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1839), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1840), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1841), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmin_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1842), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkaf_Ml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1843), .param_str = "V512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkat_Ml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1844), .param_str = "V512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkseq_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1845), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkseq_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1846), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkseqnan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1847), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkseqnan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1848), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksge_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1849), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksge_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1850), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgenan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1851), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgenan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1852), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgt_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1853), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgt_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1854), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgtnan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1855), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksgtnan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1856), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksle_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1857), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksle_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1858), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslenan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1859), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslenan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1860), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloeq_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1861), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloeq_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1862), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloeqnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1863), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloeqnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1864), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloge_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1865), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloge_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1866), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1867), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1868), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1869), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1870), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogtnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1871), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslogtnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1872), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslole_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1873), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslole_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1874), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslolenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1875), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslolenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1876), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslolt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1877), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslolt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1878), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloltnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1879), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksloltnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1880), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1881), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1882), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslone_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1883), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslone_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1884), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1885), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1886), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonum_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1887), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslonum_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1888), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslt_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1889), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkslt_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1890), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksltnan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1891), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksltnan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1892), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1893), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1894), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksne_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1895), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksne_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1896), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnenan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1897), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnenan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1898), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnum_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1899), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksnum_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1900), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupeq_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1901), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupeq_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1902), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupeqnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1903), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupeqnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1904), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupge_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1905), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupge_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1906), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1907), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1908), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1909), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1910), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgtnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1911), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupgtnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1912), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuple_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1913), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuple_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1914), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuplenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1915), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuplenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1916), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuplt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1917), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksuplt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1918), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupltnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1919), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupltnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1920), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1921), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1922), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupne_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1923), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupne_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1924), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1925), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1926), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnum_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1927), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmksupnum_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1928), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkweq_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1929), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkweq_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1930), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkweqnan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1931), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkweqnan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1932), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwge_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1933), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwge_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1934), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgenan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1935), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgenan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1936), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgt_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1937), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgt_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1938), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgtnan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1939), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwgtnan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1940), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwle_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1941), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwle_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1942), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlenan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1943), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlenan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1944), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloeq_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1945), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloeq_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1946), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloeqnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1947), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloeqnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1948), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloge_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1949), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloge_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1950), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1951), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1952), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1953), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1954), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogtnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1955), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlogtnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1956), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlole_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1957), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlole_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1958), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlolenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1959), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlolenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1960), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlolt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1961), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlolt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1962), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloltnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1963), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwloltnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1964), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1965), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1966), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlone_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1967), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlone_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1968), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1969), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1970), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonum_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1971), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlonum_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1972), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlt_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1973), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwlt_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1974), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwltnan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1975), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwltnan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1976), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1977), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1978), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwne_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1979), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwne_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1980), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnenan_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1981), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnenan_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1982), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnum_MvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1983), .param_str = "V512bV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwnum_Mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1984), .param_str = "V512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupeq_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1985), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupeq_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1986), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupeqnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1987), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupeqnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1988), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupge_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1989), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupge_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1990), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1991), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1992), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1993), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1994), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgtnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1995), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupgtnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1996), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuple_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1997), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuple_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1998), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuplenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(1999), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuplenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2000), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuplt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2001), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwuplt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2002), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupltnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2003), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupltnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2004), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2005), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2006), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupne_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2007), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupne_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2008), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2009), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2010), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnum_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2011), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmkwupnum_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2012), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vsvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2013), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2014), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2015), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2016), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2017), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2018), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2019), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2020), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmsb_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2021), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2022), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2023), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2024), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2025), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2026), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfmul_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2027), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vsvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2028), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2029), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2030), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2031), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2032), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2033), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2034), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2035), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmad_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2036), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vsvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2037), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2038), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2039), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2040), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2041), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2042), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2043), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2044), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfnmsb_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2045), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2046), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2047), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2048), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2049), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2050), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvfsub_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2051), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvldz_vvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2052), .param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvldz_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2053), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvldz_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2054), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzlo_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2055), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzlo_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2056), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzlo_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2057), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzup_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2058), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzup_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2059), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvldzup_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2060), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2061), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2062), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2063), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2064), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2065), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmaxs_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2066), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2067), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2068), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2069), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2070), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2071), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvmins_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2072), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2073), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2074), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2075), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2076), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2077), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvor_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2078), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcnt_vvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2079), .param_str = "V256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcnt_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2080), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcnt_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2081), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntlo_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2082), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntlo_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2083), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntlo_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2084), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntup_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2085), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntup_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2086), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvpcntup_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2087), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvrcp_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2088), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvrcp_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2089), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvrsqrt_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2090), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvrsqrt_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2091), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvrsqrtnex_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2092), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvrsqrtnex_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2093), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvseq_vl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2094), .param_str = "V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvseq_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2095), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvseqlo_vl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2096), .param_str = "V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvseqlo_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2097), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsequp_vl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2098), .param_str = "V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsequp_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2099), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvsMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2100), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2101), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2102), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2103), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2104), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsla_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2105), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvsMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2106), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2107), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2108), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2109), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2110), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsll_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2111), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvsMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2112), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2113), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2114), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2115), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2116), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsra_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2117), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvsMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2118), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2119), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2120), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2121), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2122), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsrl_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2123), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2124), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2125), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2126), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2127), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2128), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubs_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2129), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2130), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2131), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2132), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2133), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2134), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvsubu_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2135), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2136), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2137), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2138), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2139), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2140), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_pvxor_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2141), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_scr_sss + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2142), .param_str = "vLUiLUiLUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_svm_sMs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2143), .param_str = "LUiV512bLUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_svm_sms + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2144), .param_str = "LUiV256bLUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_svob + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2145), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_tovm_sml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2146), .param_str = "LUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_tscr_ssss + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2147), .param_str = "LUiLUiLUiLUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2148), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2149), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2150), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2151), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2152), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddsl_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2153), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2154), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2155), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2156), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2157), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2158), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswsx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2159), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2160), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2161), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2162), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2163), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2164), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddswzx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2165), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2166), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2167), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2168), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2169), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2170), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vaddul_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2171), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2172), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2173), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2174), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2175), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2176), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vadduw_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2177), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vand_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2178), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vand_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2179), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vand_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2180), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vand_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2181), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vand_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2182), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vand_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2183), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdd_vsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2184), .param_str = "V256ddUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdd_vsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2185), .param_str = "V256ddV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdd_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2186), .param_str = "V256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdl_vsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2187), .param_str = "V256dLiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdl_vsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2188), .param_str = "V256dLiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdl_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2189), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrds_vsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2190), .param_str = "V256dfUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrds_vsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2191), .param_str = "V256dfV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrds_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2192), .param_str = "V256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdw_vsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2193), .param_str = "V256diUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdw_vsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2194), .param_str = "V256diV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrdw_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2195), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrv_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2196), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrv_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2197), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vbrv_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2198), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2199), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2200), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2201), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2202), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2203), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpsl_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2204), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2205), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2206), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2207), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2208), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2209), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswsx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2210), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2211), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2212), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2213), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2214), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2215), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpswzx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2216), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2217), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2218), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2219), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2220), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2221), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpul_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2222), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpuw_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2223), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpuw_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2224), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpuw_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2225), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpuw_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2226), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpuw_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2227), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcmpuw_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2228), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcp_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2229), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtdl_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2230), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtdl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2231), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtds_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2232), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtds_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2233), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtdw_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2234), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtdw_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2235), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtld_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2236), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtld_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2237), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtld_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2238), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtldrz_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2239), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtldrz_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2240), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtldrz_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2241), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtsd_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2242), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtsd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2243), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtsw_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2244), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtsw_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2245), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2246), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsx_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2247), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2248), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsxrz_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2249), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsxrz_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2250), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdsxrz_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2251), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2252), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzx_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2253), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2254), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzxrz_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2255), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzxrz_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2256), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwdzxrz_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2257), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2258), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssx_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2259), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2260), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssxrz_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2261), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssxrz_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2262), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwssxrz_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2263), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2264), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszx_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2265), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2266), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszxrz_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2267), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszxrz_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2268), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vcvtwszxrz_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2269), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2270), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2271), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2272), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2273), .param_str = "V256dV256dLiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2274), .param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2275), .param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2276), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2277), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivsl_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2278), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2279), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2280), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2281), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2282), .param_str = "V256dV256diUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2283), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2284), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2285), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2286), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswsx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2287), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2288), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2289), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2290), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2291), .param_str = "V256dV256diUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2292), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2293), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2294), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2295), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivswzx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2296), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2297), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2298), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2299), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2300), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2301), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2302), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2303), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2304), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivul_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2305), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2306), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2307), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2308), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2309), .param_str = "V256dV256dUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2310), .param_str = "V256dV256dUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2311), .param_str = "V256dV256dUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2312), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2313), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vdivuw_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2314), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2315), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2316), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2317), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2318), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2319), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_veqv_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2320), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vex_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2321), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2322), .param_str = "V256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2323), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2324), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2325), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2326), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfaddd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2327), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2328), .param_str = "V256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2329), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2330), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2331), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2332), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfadds_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2333), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2334), .param_str = "V256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2335), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2336), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2337), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2338), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmpd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2339), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2340), .param_str = "V256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2341), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2342), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2343), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2344), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfcmps_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2345), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2346), .param_str = "V256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2347), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2348), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2349), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2350), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2351), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2352), .param_str = "V256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2353), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2354), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2355), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2356), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfdivs_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2357), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2358), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vsvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2359), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2360), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2361), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2362), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2363), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2364), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2365), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmadd_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2366), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2367), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vsvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2368), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2369), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2370), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2371), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2372), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2373), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2374), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmads_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2375), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2376), .param_str = "V256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2377), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2378), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2379), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2380), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2381), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2382), .param_str = "V256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2383), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2384), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2385), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2386), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmaxs_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2387), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2388), .param_str = "V256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2389), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2390), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2391), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2392), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmind_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2393), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2394), .param_str = "V256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2395), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2396), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2397), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2398), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmins_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2399), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdeq_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2400), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdeq_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2401), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdeqnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2402), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdeqnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2403), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdge_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2404), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdge_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2405), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2406), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2407), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2408), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2409), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgtnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2410), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdgtnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2411), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdle_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2412), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdle_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2413), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdlenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2414), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdlenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2415), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdlt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2416), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdlt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2417), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdltnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2418), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdltnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2419), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2420), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2421), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdne_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2422), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdne_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2423), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2424), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2425), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnum_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2426), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkdnum_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2427), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklaf_ml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2428), .param_str = "V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklat_ml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2429), .param_str = "V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkleq_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2430), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkleq_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2431), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkleqnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2432), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkleqnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2433), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklge_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2434), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklge_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2435), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2436), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2437), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2438), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2439), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgtnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2440), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklgtnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2441), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklle_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2442), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklle_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2443), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkllenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2444), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkllenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2445), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkllt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2446), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkllt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2447), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklltnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2448), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklltnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2449), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2450), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2451), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklne_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2452), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklne_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2453), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2454), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2455), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnum_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2456), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmklnum_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2457), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkseq_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2458), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkseq_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2459), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkseqnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2460), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkseqnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2461), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksge_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2462), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksge_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2463), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2464), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2465), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2466), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2467), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgtnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2468), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksgtnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2469), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksle_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2470), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksle_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2471), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkslenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2472), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkslenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2473), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkslt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2474), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkslt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2475), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksltnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2476), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksltnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2477), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2478), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2479), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksne_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2480), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksne_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2481), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2482), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2483), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnum_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2484), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmksnum_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2485), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkweq_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2486), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkweq_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2487), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkweqnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2488), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkweqnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2489), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwge_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2490), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwge_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2491), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2492), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2493), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2494), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2495), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgtnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2496), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwgtnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2497), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwle_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2498), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwle_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2499), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwlenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2500), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwlenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2501), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwlt_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2502), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwlt_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2503), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwltnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2504), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwltnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2505), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2506), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2507), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwne_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2508), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwne_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2509), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnenan_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2510), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnenan_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2511), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnum_mvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2512), .param_str = "V256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmkwnum_mvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2513), .param_str = "V256bV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2514), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vsvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2515), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2516), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2517), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2518), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2519), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2520), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2521), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbd_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2522), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2523), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vsvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2524), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2525), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2526), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2527), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2528), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2529), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2530), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmsbs_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2531), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2532), .param_str = "V256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2533), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2534), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2535), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2536), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuld_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2537), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2538), .param_str = "V256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2539), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2540), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2541), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2542), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfmuls_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2543), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2544), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vsvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2545), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2546), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2547), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2548), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2549), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2550), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2551), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmadd_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2552), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2553), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vsvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2554), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2555), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2556), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2557), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2558), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2559), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2560), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmads_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2561), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2562), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vsvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2563), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2564), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2565), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2566), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2567), .param_str = "V256dV256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2568), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2569), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbd_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2570), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2571), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vsvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2572), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vsvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2573), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2574), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2575), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2576), .param_str = "V256dV256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2577), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2578), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfnmsbs_vvvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2579), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxdfst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2580), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxdfst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2581), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxdlst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2582), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxdlst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2583), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxsfst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2584), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxsfst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2585), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxslst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2586), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmaxslst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2587), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmindfst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2588), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmindfst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2589), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmindlst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2590), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrmindlst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2591), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrminsfst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2592), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrminsfst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2593), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrminslst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2594), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfrminslst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2595), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsqrtd_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2596), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsqrtd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2597), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsqrts_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2598), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsqrts_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2599), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2600), .param_str = "V256ddV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2601), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2602), .param_str = "V256ddV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2603), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2604), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubd_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2605), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2606), .param_str = "V256dfV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2607), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2608), .param_str = "V256dfV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2609), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2610), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsubs_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2611), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsumd_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2612), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsumd_vvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2613), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsums_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2614), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vfsums_vvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2615), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgt_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2616), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgt_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2617), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgt_vvssmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2618), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgt_vvssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2619), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsx_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2620), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsx_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2621), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsx_vvssmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2622), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsx_vvssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2623), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsxnc_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2624), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsxnc_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2625), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsxnc_vvssmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2626), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlsxnc_vvssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2627), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzx_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2628), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzx_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2629), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzx_vvssmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2630), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzx_vvssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2631), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzxnc_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2632), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzxnc_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2633), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzxnc_vvssmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2634), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtlzxnc_vvssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2635), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtnc_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2636), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtnc_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2637), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtnc_vvssmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2638), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtnc_vvssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2639), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtu_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2640), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtu_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2641), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtu_vvssmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2642), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtu_vvssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2643), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtunc_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2644), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtunc_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2645), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtunc_vvssmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2646), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vgtunc_vvssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2647), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vld2d_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2648), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vld2d_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2649), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vld2dnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2650), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vld2dnc_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2651), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vld_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2652), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vld_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2653), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dsx_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2654), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dsx_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2655), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dsxnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2656), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dsxnc_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2657), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dzx_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2658), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dzx_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2659), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dzxnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2660), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldl2dzxnc_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2661), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldlsx_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2662), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldlsx_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2663), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldlsxnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2664), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldlsxnc_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2665), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldlzx_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2666), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldlzx_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2667), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldlzxnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2668), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldlzxnc_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2669), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2670), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldnc_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2671), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldu2d_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2672), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldu2d_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2673), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldu2dnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2674), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldu2dnc_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2675), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldu_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2676), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldu_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2677), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldunc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2678), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldunc_vssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2679), .param_str = "V256dLUivC*V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldz_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2680), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldz_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2681), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vldz_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2682), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2683), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2684), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2685), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2686), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2687), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxsl_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2688), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2689), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2690), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2691), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2692), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2693), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswsx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2694), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2695), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2696), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2697), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2698), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2699), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmaxswzx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2700), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2701), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2702), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2703), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2704), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2705), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminsl_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2706), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2707), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2708), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2709), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2710), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2711), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswsx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2712), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2713), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2714), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2715), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2716), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2717), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vminswzx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2718), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmrg_vsvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2719), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmrg_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2720), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmrg_vvvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2721), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmrg_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2722), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmrgw_vsvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2723), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmrgw_vsvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2724), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmrgw_vvvMl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2725), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmrgw_vvvMvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2726), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV512bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2727), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2728), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2729), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2730), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2731), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulsl_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2732), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulslw_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2733), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulslw_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2734), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulslw_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2735), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulslw_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2736), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2737), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2738), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2739), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2740), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2741), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswsx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2742), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2743), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2744), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2745), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2746), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2747), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulswzx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2748), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2749), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2750), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2751), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2752), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2753), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmulul_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2754), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2755), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2756), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2757), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2758), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2759), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmuluw_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2760), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmv_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2761), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmv_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2762), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vmv_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2763), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2764), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2765), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2766), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2767), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2768), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vor_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2769), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vpcnt_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2770), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vpcnt_vvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2771), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vpcnt_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2772), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrand_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2773), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrand_vvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2774), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrcpd_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2775), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrcpd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2776), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrcps_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2777), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrcps_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2778), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxslfst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2779), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxslfst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2780), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxsllst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2781), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxsllst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2782), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswfstsx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2783), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswfstsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2784), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswfstzx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2785), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswfstzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2786), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswlstsx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2787), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswlstsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2788), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswlstzx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2789), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrmaxswlstzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2790), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminslfst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2791), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminslfst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2792), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminsllst_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2793), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminsllst_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2794), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswfstsx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2795), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswfstsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2796), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswfstzx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2797), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswfstzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2798), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswlstsx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2799), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswlstsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2800), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswlstzx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2801), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrminswlstzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2802), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vror_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2803), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vror_vvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2804), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtd_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2805), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtd_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2806), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtdnex_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2807), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtdnex_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2808), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrts_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2809), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrts_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2810), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtsnex_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2811), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrsqrtsnex_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2812), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrxor_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2813), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vrxor_vvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2814), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsc_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2815), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsc_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2816), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscl_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2817), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscl_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2818), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsclnc_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2819), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsclnc_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2820), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsclncot_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2821), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsclncot_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2822), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsclot_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2823), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsclot_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2824), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscnc_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2825), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscnc_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2826), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscncot_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2827), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscncot_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2828), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscot_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2829), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscot_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2830), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscu_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2831), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscu_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2832), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscunc_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2833), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscunc_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2834), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscuncot_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2835), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscuncot_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2836), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscuot_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2837), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vscuot_vvssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2838), .param_str = "vV256dV256dLUiLUiV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vseq_vl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2839), .param_str = "V256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vseq_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2840), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsfa_vvssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2841), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsfa_vvssmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2842), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsfa_vvssvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2843), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vshf_vvvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2844), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vshf_vvvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2845), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2846), .param_str = "V256dV256dLiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2847), .param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2848), .param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2849), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2850), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslal_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2851), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2852), .param_str = "V256dV256diUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2853), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2854), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2855), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2856), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawsx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2857), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2858), .param_str = "V256dV256diUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2859), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2860), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2861), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2862), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vslawzx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2863), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2864), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2865), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2866), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2867), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2868), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsll_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2869), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2870), .param_str = "V256dV256dLiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2871), .param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2872), .param_str = "V256dV256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2873), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2874), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsral_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2875), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2876), .param_str = "V256dV256diUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2877), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2878), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2879), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2880), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawsx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2881), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2882), .param_str = "V256dV256diUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2883), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2884), .param_str = "V256dV256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2885), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2886), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrawzx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2887), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2888), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvsmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2889), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2890), .param_str = "V256dV256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2891), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2892), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsrl_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2893), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst2d_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2894), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst2d_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2895), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2896), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dnc_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2897), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dncot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2898), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dncot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2899), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2900), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst2dot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2901), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2902), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vst_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2903), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2d_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2904), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2d_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2905), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2906), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dnc_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2907), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dncot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2908), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dncot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2909), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2910), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl2dot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2911), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2912), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstl_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2913), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstlnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2914), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstlnc_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2915), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstlncot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2916), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstlncot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2917), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstlot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2918), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstlot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2919), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2920), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstnc_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2921), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstncot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2922), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstncot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2923), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2924), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2925), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2d_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2926), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2d_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2927), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dnc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2928), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dnc_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2929), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dncot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2930), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dncot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2931), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2932), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu2dot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2933), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2934), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstu_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2935), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstunc_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2936), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstunc_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2937), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstuncot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2938), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstuncot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2939), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstuot_vssl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2940), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vstuot_vssml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2941), .param_str = "vV256dLUiv*V256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2942), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2943), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2944), .param_str = "V256dLiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2945), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2946), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubsl_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2947), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2948), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2949), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2950), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2951), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2952), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswsx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2953), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2954), .param_str = "V256diV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2955), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2956), .param_str = "V256diV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2957), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2958), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubswzx_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2959), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2960), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2961), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2962), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2963), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2964), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubul_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2965), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2966), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2967), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2968), .param_str = "V256dUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2969), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2970), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsubuw_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2971), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsuml_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2972), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsuml_vvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2973), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsumwsx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2974), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsumwsx_vvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2975), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsumwzx_vvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2976), .param_str = "V256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vsumwzx_vvml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2977), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256bUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vsvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2978), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vsvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2979), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vsvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2980), .param_str = "V256dLUiV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2981), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vvvmvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2982), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256bV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_vxor_vvvvl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2983), .param_str = "V256dV256dV256dV256dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_xorm_MMM + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2984), .param_str = "V512bV512bV512b", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_ve_vl_xorm_mmm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2985), .param_str = "V256bV256bV256b", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.vevl_gen) } }, + // __builtin_vfprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2986), .param_str = "iP*RcC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin_vfscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2987), .param_str = "iP*RcC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vscanf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin_vprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2988), .param_str = "icC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf } } }, + // __builtin_vscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2989), .param_str = "icC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vscanf } } }, + // __builtin_vsnprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2990), .param_str = "ic*RzcC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 2 } } }, + // __builtin_vsprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2991), .param_str = "ic*RcC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin_vsscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2992), .param_str = "icC*RcC*Ra", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vscanf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_max_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2993), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_max_f64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2994), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_memory_grow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2995), .param_str = "zIiz", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly) } }, + // __builtin_wasm_memory_size + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2996), .param_str = "zIi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly) } }, + // __builtin_wasm_min_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2997), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_min_f64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2998), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_trunc_s_i32_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(2999), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_trunc_s_i32_f64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3000), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_trunc_s_i64_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3001), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_trunc_s_i64_f64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3002), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_trunc_u_i32_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3003), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_trunc_u_i32_f64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3004), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_trunc_u_i64_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3005), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wasm_trunc_u_i64_f64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3006), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.webassembly), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __builtin_wcschr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3007), .param_str = "w*wC*w", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_wcscmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3008), .param_str = "iwC*wC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_wcslen + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3009), .param_str = "zwC*", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_wcsncmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3010), .param_str = "iwC*wC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_wmemchr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3011), .param_str = "w*wC*wz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_wmemcmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3012), .param_str = "iwC*wC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_wmemcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3013), .param_str = "w*w*wC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __builtin_wmemmove + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3014), .param_str = "w*w*wC*z", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .lib_function_with_builtin_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __c11_atomic_is_lock_free + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3015), .param_str = "bz", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __c11_atomic_signal_fence + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3016), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{} }, + // __c11_atomic_thread_fence + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3017), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{} }, + // __clear_cache + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3018), .param_str = "vv*v*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __cospi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3019), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __cospif + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3020), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __debugbreak + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3021), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __dmb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3022), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __dsb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3023), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __emit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3024), .param_str = "vIUiC", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __exception_code + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3025), .param_str = "UNi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __exception_info + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3026), .param_str = "v*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __exp10 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3027), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __exp10f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3028), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __fastfail + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3029), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true } } }, + // __finite + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3030), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // __finitef + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3031), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // __finitel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3032), .param_str = "iLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // __isb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3033), .param_str = "vUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __iso_volatile_load16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3034), .param_str = "ssCD*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __iso_volatile_load32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3035), .param_str = "iiCD*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __iso_volatile_load64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3036), .param_str = "LLiLLiCD*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __iso_volatile_load8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3037), .param_str = "ccCD*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __iso_volatile_store16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3038), .param_str = "vsD*s", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __iso_volatile_store32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3039), .param_str = "viD*i", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __iso_volatile_store64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3040), .param_str = "vLLiD*LLi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __iso_volatile_store8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3041), .param_str = "vcD*c", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __ldrexd + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3042), .param_str = "WiWiCD*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.arm) } }, + // __lzcnt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3043), .param_str = "UiUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __lzcnt16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3044), .param_str = "UsUs", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __lzcnt64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3045), .param_str = "UWiUWi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __noop + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3046), .param_str = "i.", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // __nvvm_add_rm_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3047), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rm_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3048), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rm_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3049), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rn_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3050), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rn_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3051), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rn_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3052), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rp_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3053), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rp_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3054), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rp_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3055), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rz_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3056), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3057), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_add_rz_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3058), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_add_gen_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3059), .param_str = "ffD*f", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_add_gen_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3060), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_add_gen_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3061), .param_str = "LiLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_add_gen_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3062), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_and_gen_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3063), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_and_gen_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3064), .param_str = "LiLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_and_gen_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3065), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_cas_gen_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3066), .param_str = "iiD*ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_cas_gen_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3067), .param_str = "LiLiD*LiLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_cas_gen_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3068), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLiLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_dec_gen_ui + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3069), .param_str = "UiUiD*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_inc_gen_ui + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3070), .param_str = "UiUiD*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_max_gen_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3071), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_max_gen_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3072), .param_str = "LiLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_max_gen_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3073), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_max_gen_ui + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3074), .param_str = "UiUiD*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_max_gen_ul + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3075), .param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_max_gen_ull + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3076), .param_str = "ULLiULLiD*ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_min_gen_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3077), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_min_gen_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3078), .param_str = "LiLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_min_gen_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3079), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_min_gen_ui + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3080), .param_str = "UiUiD*Ui", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_min_gen_ul + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3081), .param_str = "ULiULiD*ULi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_min_gen_ull + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3082), .param_str = "ULLiULLiD*ULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_or_gen_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3083), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_or_gen_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3084), .param_str = "LiLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_or_gen_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3085), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_sub_gen_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3086), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_sub_gen_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3087), .param_str = "LiLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_sub_gen_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3088), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_xchg_gen_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3089), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_xchg_gen_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3090), .param_str = "LiLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_xchg_gen_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3091), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_xor_gen_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3092), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_xor_gen_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3093), .param_str = "LiLiD*Li", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_atom_xor_gen_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3094), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_bar0_and + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3095), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_bar0_or + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3096), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_bar0_popc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3097), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_bar_sync + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3098), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_bitcast_d2ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3099), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_bitcast_f2i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3100), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_bitcast_i2f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3101), .param_str = "fi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_bitcast_ll2d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3102), .param_str = "dLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ceil_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3103), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ceil_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3104), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ceil_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3105), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_compiler_error + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3106), .param_str = "vcC*4", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_compiler_warn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3107), .param_str = "vcC*4", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_cos_approx_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3108), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_cos_approx_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3109), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2f_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3110), .param_str = "fd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2f_rm_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3111), .param_str = "fd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2f_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3112), .param_str = "fd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2f_rn_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3113), .param_str = "fd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2f_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3114), .param_str = "fd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2f_rp_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3115), .param_str = "fd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2f_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3116), .param_str = "fd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2f_rz_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3117), .param_str = "fd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2i_hi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3118), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2i_lo + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3119), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2i_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3120), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2i_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3121), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2i_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3122), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2i_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3123), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ll_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3124), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ll_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3125), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ll_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3126), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ll_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3127), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ui_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3128), .param_str = "Uid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ui_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3129), .param_str = "Uid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ui_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3130), .param_str = "Uid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ui_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3131), .param_str = "Uid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ull_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3132), .param_str = "ULLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ull_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3133), .param_str = "ULLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ull_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3134), .param_str = "ULLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_d2ull_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3135), .param_str = "ULLid", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_approx_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3136), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_approx_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3137), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rm_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3138), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rm_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3139), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rm_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3140), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rn_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3141), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rn_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3142), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rn_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3143), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rp_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3144), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rp_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3145), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rp_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3146), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rz_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3147), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3148), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_div_rz_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3149), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ex2_approx_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3150), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ex2_approx_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3151), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ex2_approx_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3152), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2h_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3153), .param_str = "Usf", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2h_rn_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3154), .param_str = "Usf", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2i_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3155), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2i_rm_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3156), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2i_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3157), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2i_rn_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3158), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2i_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3159), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2i_rp_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3160), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2i_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3161), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2i_rz_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3162), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ll_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3163), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ll_rm_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3164), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ll_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3165), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ll_rn_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3166), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ll_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3167), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ll_rp_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3168), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ll_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3169), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ll_rz_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3170), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ui_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3171), .param_str = "Uif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ui_rm_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3172), .param_str = "Uif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ui_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3173), .param_str = "Uif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ui_rn_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3174), .param_str = "Uif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ui_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3175), .param_str = "Uif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ui_rp_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3176), .param_str = "Uif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ui_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3177), .param_str = "Uif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ui_rz_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3178), .param_str = "Uif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ull_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3179), .param_str = "ULLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ull_rm_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3180), .param_str = "ULLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ull_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3181), .param_str = "ULLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ull_rn_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3182), .param_str = "ULLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ull_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3183), .param_str = "ULLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ull_rp_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3184), .param_str = "ULLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ull_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3185), .param_str = "ULLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_f2ull_rz_ftz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3186), .param_str = "ULLif", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fabs_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3187), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fabs_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3188), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fabs_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3189), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_floor_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3190), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_floor_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3191), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_floor_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3192), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rm_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3193), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rm_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3194), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rm_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3195), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rn_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3196), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rn_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3197), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rn_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3198), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rp_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3199), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rp_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3200), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rp_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3201), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rz_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3202), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3203), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fma_rz_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3204), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fmax_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3205), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fmax_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3206), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fmax_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3207), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fmin_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3208), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fmin_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3209), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_fmin_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3210), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_i2d_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3211), .param_str = "di", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_i2d_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3212), .param_str = "di", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_i2d_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3213), .param_str = "di", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_i2d_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3214), .param_str = "di", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_i2f_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3215), .param_str = "fi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_i2f_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3216), .param_str = "fi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_i2f_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3217), .param_str = "fi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_i2f_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3218), .param_str = "fi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_isspacep_const + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3219), .param_str = "bvC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_isspacep_global + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3220), .param_str = "bvC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_isspacep_local + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3221), .param_str = "bvC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_isspacep_shared + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3222), .param_str = "bvC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_c + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3223), .param_str = "ccC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_c2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3224), .param_str = "E2cE2cC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_c4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3225), .param_str = "E4cE4cC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3226), .param_str = "ddC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_d2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3227), .param_str = "E2dE2dC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3228), .param_str = "ffC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_f2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3229), .param_str = "E2fE2fC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_f4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3230), .param_str = "E4fE4fC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3231), .param_str = "hhC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_h2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3232), .param_str = "E2hE2hC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3233), .param_str = "iiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_i2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3234), .param_str = "E2iE2iC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_i4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3235), .param_str = "E4iE4iC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3236), .param_str = "LiLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_l2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3237), .param_str = "E2LiE2LiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3238), .param_str = "LLiLLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_ll2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3239), .param_str = "E2LLiE2LLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_s + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3240), .param_str = "ssC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_s2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3241), .param_str = "E2sE2sC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_s4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3242), .param_str = "E4sE4sC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_sc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3243), .param_str = "ScScC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_sc2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3244), .param_str = "E2ScE2ScC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_sc4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3245), .param_str = "E4ScE4ScC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_uc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3246), .param_str = "UcUcC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_uc2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3247), .param_str = "E2UcE2UcC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_uc4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3248), .param_str = "E4UcE4UcC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_ui + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3249), .param_str = "UiUiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_ui2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3250), .param_str = "E2UiE2UiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_ui4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3251), .param_str = "E4UiE4UiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_ul + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3252), .param_str = "ULiULiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_ul2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3253), .param_str = "E2ULiE2ULiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_ull + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3254), .param_str = "ULLiULLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_ull2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3255), .param_str = "E2ULLiE2ULLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_us + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3256), .param_str = "UsUsC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_us2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3257), .param_str = "E2UsE2UsC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldg_us4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3258), .param_str = "E4UsE4UsC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_c + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3259), .param_str = "ccC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_c2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3260), .param_str = "E2cE2cC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_c4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3261), .param_str = "E4cE4cC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3262), .param_str = "ddC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_d2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3263), .param_str = "E2dE2dC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3264), .param_str = "ffC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_f2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3265), .param_str = "E2fE2fC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_f4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3266), .param_str = "E4fE4fC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_h + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3267), .param_str = "hhC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_h2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3268), .param_str = "E2hE2hC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3269), .param_str = "iiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_i2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3270), .param_str = "E2iE2iC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_i4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3271), .param_str = "E4iE4iC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3272), .param_str = "LiLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_l2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3273), .param_str = "E2LiE2LiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3274), .param_str = "LLiLLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_ll2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3275), .param_str = "E2LLiE2LLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_s + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3276), .param_str = "ssC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_s2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3277), .param_str = "E2sE2sC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_s4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3278), .param_str = "E4sE4sC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_sc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3279), .param_str = "ScScC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_sc2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3280), .param_str = "E2ScE2ScC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_sc4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3281), .param_str = "E4ScE4ScC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_uc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3282), .param_str = "UcUcC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_uc2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3283), .param_str = "E2UcE2UcC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_uc4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3284), .param_str = "E4UcE4UcC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_ui + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3285), .param_str = "UiUiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_ui2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3286), .param_str = "E2UiE2UiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_ui4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3287), .param_str = "E4UiE4UiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_ul + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3288), .param_str = "ULiULiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_ul2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3289), .param_str = "E2ULiE2ULiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_ull + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3290), .param_str = "ULLiULLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_ull2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3291), .param_str = "E2ULLiE2ULLiC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_us + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3292), .param_str = "UsUsC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_us2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3293), .param_str = "E2UsE2UsC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ldu_us4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3294), .param_str = "E4UsE4UsC*", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_lg2_approx_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3295), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_lg2_approx_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3296), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_lg2_approx_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3297), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ll2d_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3298), .param_str = "dLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ll2d_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3299), .param_str = "dLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ll2d_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3300), .param_str = "dLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ll2d_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3301), .param_str = "dLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ll2f_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3302), .param_str = "fLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ll2f_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3303), .param_str = "fLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ll2f_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3304), .param_str = "fLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ll2f_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3305), .param_str = "fLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_lohi_i2d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3306), .param_str = "dii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_membar_cta + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3307), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_membar_gl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3308), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_membar_sys + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3309), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_memcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3310), .param_str = "vUc*Uc*zi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_memset + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3311), .param_str = "vUc*Uczi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul24_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3312), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul24_ui + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3313), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rm_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3314), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rm_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3315), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rm_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3316), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rn_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3317), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rn_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3318), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rn_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3319), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rp_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3320), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rp_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3321), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rp_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3322), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rz_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3323), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3324), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mul_rz_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3325), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mulhi_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3326), .param_str = "iii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mulhi_ll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3327), .param_str = "LLiLLiLLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mulhi_ui + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3328), .param_str = "UiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_mulhi_ull + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3329), .param_str = "ULLiULLiULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_prmt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3330), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_approx_ftz_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3331), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_approx_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3332), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rm_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3333), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rm_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3334), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rm_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3335), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rn_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3336), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rn_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3337), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rn_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3338), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rp_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3339), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rp_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3340), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rp_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3341), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rz_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3342), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3343), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rcp_rz_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3344), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_clock + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3345), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_clock64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3346), .param_str = "LLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ctaid_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3347), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ctaid_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3348), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ctaid_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3349), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ctaid_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3350), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_gridid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3351), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_laneid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3352), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_eq + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3353), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_ge + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3354), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_gt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3355), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_le + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3356), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_lt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3357), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3358), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3359), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3360), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3361), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nsmid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3362), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3363), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3364), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3365), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3366), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nwarpid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3367), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm0 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3368), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3369), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3370), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm3 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3371), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_smid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3372), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_w + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3373), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_x + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3374), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_y + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3375), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_z + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3376), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_warpid + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3377), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx), .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true } } }, + // __nvvm_round_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3378), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_round_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3379), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_round_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3380), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rsqrt_approx_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3381), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rsqrt_approx_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3382), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_rsqrt_approx_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3383), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sad_i + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3384), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sad_ui + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3385), .param_str = "UiUiUiUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_saturate_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3386), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_saturate_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3387), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_saturate_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3388), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_shfl_bfly_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3389), .param_str = "ffii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_shfl_bfly_i32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3390), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_shfl_down_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3391), .param_str = "ffii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_shfl_down_i32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3392), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_shfl_idx_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3393), .param_str = "ffii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_shfl_idx_i32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3394), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_shfl_up_f32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3395), .param_str = "ffii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_shfl_up_i32 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3396), .param_str = "iiii", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sin_approx_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3397), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sin_approx_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3398), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_approx_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3399), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_approx_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3400), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rm_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3401), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rm_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3402), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rm_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3403), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rn_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3404), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rn_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3405), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rn_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3406), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rp_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3407), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rp_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3408), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rp_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3409), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rz_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3410), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3411), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_sqrt_rz_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3412), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_trunc_d + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3413), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_trunc_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3414), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_trunc_ftz_f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3415), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ui2d_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3416), .param_str = "dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ui2d_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3417), .param_str = "dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ui2d_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3418), .param_str = "dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ui2d_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3419), .param_str = "dUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ui2f_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3420), .param_str = "fUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ui2f_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3421), .param_str = "fUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ui2f_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3422), .param_str = "fUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ui2f_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3423), .param_str = "fUi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ull2d_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3424), .param_str = "dULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ull2d_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3425), .param_str = "dULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ull2d_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3426), .param_str = "dULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ull2d_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3427), .param_str = "dULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ull2f_rm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3428), .param_str = "fULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ull2f_rn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3429), .param_str = "fULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ull2f_rp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3430), .param_str = "fULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_ull2f_rz + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3431), .param_str = "fULLi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_vote_all + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3432), .param_str = "bb", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_vote_any + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3433), .param_str = "bb", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_vote_ballot + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3434), .param_str = "Uib", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __nvvm_vote_uni + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3435), .param_str = "bb", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __popcnt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3436), .param_str = "UiUi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __popcnt16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3437), .param_str = "UsUs", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __popcnt64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3438), .param_str = "UWiUWi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // __rdtsc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3439), .param_str = "UOi", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.x86) } }, + // __sev + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3440), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __sevl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3441), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __sigsetjmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3442), .param_str = "iSJi", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmp, .attributes = .{ .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .returns_twice = true } } }, + // __sinpi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3443), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __sinpif + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3444), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __sync_add_and_fetch + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3445), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_add_and_fetch_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3446), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_add_and_fetch_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3447), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_add_and_fetch_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3448), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_add_and_fetch_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3449), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_add_and_fetch_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3450), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_and_and_fetch + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3451), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_and_and_fetch_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3452), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_and_and_fetch_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3453), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_and_and_fetch_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3454), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_and_and_fetch_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3455), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_and_and_fetch_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3456), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_bool_compare_and_swap + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3457), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3458), .param_str = "bcD*cc.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3459), .param_str = "bLLLiD*LLLiLLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3460), .param_str = "bsD*ss.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3461), .param_str = "biD*ii.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3462), .param_str = "bLLiD*LLiLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_add + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3463), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_add_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3464), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_add_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3465), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_add_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3466), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_add_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3467), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_add_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3468), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_and + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3469), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_and_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3470), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_and_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3471), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_and_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3472), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_and_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3473), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_and_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3474), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_max + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3475), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{} }, + // __sync_fetch_and_min + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3476), .param_str = "iiD*i", .properties = .{} }, + // __sync_fetch_and_nand + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3477), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_nand_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3478), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_nand_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3479), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_nand_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3480), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_nand_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3481), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_nand_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3482), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_or + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3483), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_or_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3484), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_or_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3485), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_or_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3486), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_or_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3487), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_or_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3488), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_sub + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3489), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_sub_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3490), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_sub_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3491), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_sub_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3492), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_sub_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3493), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_sub_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3494), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_umax + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3495), .param_str = "UiUiD*Ui", .properties = .{} }, + // __sync_fetch_and_umin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3496), .param_str = "UiUiD*Ui", .properties = .{} }, + // __sync_fetch_and_xor + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3497), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_xor_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3498), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_xor_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3499), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_xor_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3500), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_xor_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3501), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_fetch_and_xor_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3502), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_release + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3503), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_release_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3504), .param_str = "vcD*.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_release_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3505), .param_str = "vLLLiD*.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_release_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3506), .param_str = "vsD*.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_release_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3507), .param_str = "viD*.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_release_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3508), .param_str = "vLLiD*.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_test_and_set + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3509), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_test_and_set_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3510), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_test_and_set_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3511), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_test_and_set_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3512), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_test_and_set_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3513), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_lock_test_and_set_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3514), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_nand_and_fetch + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3515), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_nand_and_fetch_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3516), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_nand_and_fetch_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3517), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_nand_and_fetch_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3518), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_nand_and_fetch_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3519), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_nand_and_fetch_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3520), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_or_and_fetch + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3521), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_or_and_fetch_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3522), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_or_and_fetch_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3523), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_or_and_fetch_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3524), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_or_and_fetch_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3525), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_or_and_fetch_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3526), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_sub_and_fetch + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3527), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_sub_and_fetch_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3528), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_sub_and_fetch_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3529), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_sub_and_fetch_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3530), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_sub_and_fetch_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3531), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_sub_and_fetch_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3532), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_swap + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3533), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_swap_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3534), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_swap_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3535), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_swap_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3536), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_swap_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3537), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_swap_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3538), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_synchronize + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3539), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{} }, + // __sync_val_compare_and_swap + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3540), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_val_compare_and_swap_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3541), .param_str = "ccD*cc.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_val_compare_and_swap_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3542), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLiLLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_val_compare_and_swap_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3543), .param_str = "ssD*ss.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_val_compare_and_swap_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3544), .param_str = "iiD*ii.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3545), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLiLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_xor_and_fetch + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3546), .param_str = "v.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_xor_and_fetch_1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3547), .param_str = "ccD*c.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_xor_and_fetch_16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3548), .param_str = "LLLiLLLiD*LLLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_xor_and_fetch_2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3549), .param_str = "ssD*s.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_xor_and_fetch_4 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3550), .param_str = "iiD*i.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __sync_xor_and_fetch_8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3551), .param_str = "LLiLLiD*LLi.", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __syncthreads + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3552), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .target_set = TargetSet.initOne(.nvptx) } }, + // __tanpi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3553), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __tanpif + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3554), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // __va_start + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3555), .param_str = "vc**.", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .custom_typecheck = true } } }, + // __warn_memset_zero_len + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3556), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .attributes = .{ .pure = true } } }, + // __wfe + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3557), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __wfi + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3558), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // __xray_customevent + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3559), .param_str = "vcC*z", .properties = .{} }, + // __xray_typedevent + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3560), .param_str = "vzcC*z", .properties = .{} }, + // __yield + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3561), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .target_set = TargetSet.initMany(&.{ .aarch64, .arm }) } }, + // _abnormal_termination + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3562), .param_str = "i", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _alloca + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3563), .param_str = "v*z", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _bittest + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3564), .param_str = "UcNiC*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _bittest64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3565), .param_str = "UcWiC*Wi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _bittestandcomplement + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3566), .param_str = "UcNi*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _bittestandcomplement64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3567), .param_str = "UcWi*Wi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _bittestandreset + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3568), .param_str = "UcNi*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _bittestandreset64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3569), .param_str = "UcWi*Wi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _bittestandset + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3570), .param_str = "UcNi*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _bittestandset64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3571), .param_str = "UcWi*Wi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _byteswap_uint64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3572), .param_str = "ULLiULLi", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // _byteswap_ulong + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3573), .param_str = "UNiUNi", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // _byteswap_ushort + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3574), .param_str = "UsUs", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // _exception_code + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3575), .param_str = "UNi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _exception_info + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3576), .param_str = "v*", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _exit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3577), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{ .header = .unistd, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // _interlockedbittestandreset + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3578), .param_str = "UcNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _interlockedbittestandreset64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3579), .param_str = "UcWiD*Wi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _interlockedbittestandreset_acq + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3580), .param_str = "UcNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _interlockedbittestandreset_nf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3581), .param_str = "UcNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _interlockedbittestandreset_rel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3582), .param_str = "UcNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _interlockedbittestandset + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3583), .param_str = "UcNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _interlockedbittestandset64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3584), .param_str = "UcWiD*Wi", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _interlockedbittestandset_acq + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3585), .param_str = "UcNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _interlockedbittestandset_nf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3586), .param_str = "UcNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _interlockedbittestandset_rel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3587), .param_str = "UcNiD*Ni", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages } }, + // _longjmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3588), .param_str = "vJi", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmp, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true, .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // _lrotl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3589), .param_str = "ULiULii", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _lrotr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3590), .param_str = "ULiULii", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _rotl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3591), .param_str = "UiUii", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _rotl16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3592), .param_str = "UsUsUc", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _rotl64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3593), .param_str = "UWiUWii", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _rotl8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3594), .param_str = "UcUcUc", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _rotr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3595), .param_str = "UiUii", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _rotr16 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3596), .param_str = "UsUsUc", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _rotr64 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3597), .param_str = "UWiUWii", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _rotr8 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3598), .param_str = "UcUcUc", .properties = .{ .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // _setjmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3599), .param_str = "iJ", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmp, .attributes = .{ .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .returns_twice = true } } }, + // _setjmpex + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3600), .param_str = "iJ", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmpex, .language = .all_ms_languages, .attributes = .{ .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .returns_twice = true } } }, + // abort + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3601), .param_str = "v", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // abs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3602), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // acos + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3603), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // acosf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3604), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // acosh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3605), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // acoshf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3606), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // acoshl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3607), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // acosl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3608), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // aligned_alloc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3609), .param_str = "v*zz", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // alloca + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3610), .param_str = "v*z", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // asin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3611), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // asinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3612), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // asinh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3613), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // asinhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3614), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // asinhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3615), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // asinl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3616), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // atan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3617), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // atan2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3618), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // atan2f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3619), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // atan2l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3620), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // atanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3621), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // atanh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3622), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // atanhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3623), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // atanhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3624), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // atanl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3625), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // bcmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3626), .param_str = "ivC*vC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .strings, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // bcopy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3627), .param_str = "vvC*v*z", .properties = .{ .header = .strings, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // bzero + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3628), .param_str = "vv*z", .properties = .{ .header = .strings, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // cabs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3629), .param_str = "dXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cabsf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3630), .param_str = "fXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cabsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3631), .param_str = "LdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cacos + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3632), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cacosf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3633), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cacosh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3634), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cacoshf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3635), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cacoshl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3636), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cacosl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3637), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // calloc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3638), .param_str = "v*zz", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // carg + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3639), .param_str = "dXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cargf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3640), .param_str = "fXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cargl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3641), .param_str = "LdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // casin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3642), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // casinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3643), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // casinh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3644), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // casinhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3645), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // casinhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3646), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // casinl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3647), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // catan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3648), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // catanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3649), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // catanh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3650), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // catanhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3651), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // catanhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3652), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // catanl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3653), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cbrt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3654), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // cbrtf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3655), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // cbrtl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3656), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // ccos + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3657), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ccosf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3658), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ccosh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3659), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ccoshf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3660), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ccoshl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3661), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ccosl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3662), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ceil + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3663), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // ceilf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3664), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // ceill + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3665), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // cexp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3666), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cexpf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3667), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cexpl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3668), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cimag + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3669), .param_str = "dXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // cimagf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3670), .param_str = "fXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // cimagl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3671), .param_str = "LdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // clog + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3672), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // clogf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3673), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // clogl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3674), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // conj + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3675), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // conjf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3676), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // conjl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3677), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // copysign + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3678), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // copysignf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3679), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // copysignl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3680), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // cos + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3681), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cosf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3682), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cosh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3683), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // coshf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3684), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // coshl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3685), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cosl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3686), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cpow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3687), .param_str = "XdXdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cpowf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3688), .param_str = "XfXfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cpowl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3689), .param_str = "XLdXLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // cproj + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3690), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // cprojf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3691), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // cprojl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3692), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // creal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3693), .param_str = "dXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // crealf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3694), .param_str = "fXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // creall + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3695), .param_str = "LdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // csin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3696), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // csinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3697), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // csinh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3698), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // csinhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3699), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // csinhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3700), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // csinl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3701), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // csqrt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3702), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // csqrtf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3703), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // csqrtl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3704), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ctan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3705), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ctanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3706), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ctanh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3707), .param_str = "XdXd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ctanhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3708), .param_str = "XfXf", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ctanhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3709), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ctanl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3710), .param_str = "XLdXLd", .properties = .{ .header = .complex, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // erf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3711), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // erfc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3712), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // erfcf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3713), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // erfcl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3714), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // erff + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3715), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // erfl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3716), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // exit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3717), .param_str = "vi", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // exp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3718), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // exp2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3719), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // exp2f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3720), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // exp2l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3721), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // expf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3722), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // expl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3723), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // expm1 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3724), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // expm1f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3725), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // expm1l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3726), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // fabs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3727), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fabsf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3728), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fabsl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3729), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fdim + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3730), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // fdimf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3731), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // fdiml + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3732), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // finite + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3733), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .language = .gnu_lang, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // finitef + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3734), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .language = .gnu_lang, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // finitel + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3735), .param_str = "iLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .language = .gnu_lang, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // floor + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3736), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // floorf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3737), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // floorl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3738), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fma + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3739), .param_str = "dddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // fmaf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3740), .param_str = "ffff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // fmal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3741), .param_str = "LdLdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // fmax + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3742), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fmaxf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3743), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fmaxl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3744), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fmin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3745), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fminf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3746), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fminl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3747), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fmod + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3748), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // fmodf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3749), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // fmodl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3750), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // fopen + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3751), .param_str = "P*cC*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3752), .param_str = "iP*cC*.", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // fread + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3753), .param_str = "zv*zzP*", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // free + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3754), .param_str = "vv*", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // frexp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3755), .param_str = "ddi*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // frexpf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3756), .param_str = "ffi*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // frexpl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3757), .param_str = "LdLdi*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // fscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3758), .param_str = "iP*RcC*R.", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .scanf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // fwrite + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3759), .param_str = "zvC*zzP*", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // getcontext + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3760), .param_str = "iK*", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmp, .attributes = .{ .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .returns_twice = true } } }, + // hypot + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3761), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // hypotf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3762), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // hypotl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3763), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ilogb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3764), .param_str = "id", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ilogbf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3765), .param_str = "if", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ilogbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3766), .param_str = "iLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // index + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3767), .param_str = "c*cC*i", .properties = .{ .header = .strings, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // isalnum + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3768), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // isalpha + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3769), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // isblank + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3770), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // iscntrl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3771), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // isdigit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3772), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // isgraph + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3773), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // islower + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3774), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // isprint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3775), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // ispunct + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3776), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // isspace + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3777), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // isupper + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3778), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // isxdigit + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3779), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // labs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3780), .param_str = "LiLi", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // ldexp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3781), .param_str = "ddi", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ldexpf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3782), .param_str = "ffi", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // ldexpl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3783), .param_str = "LdLdi", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // lgamma + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3784), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // lgammaf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3785), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // lgammal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3786), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // llabs + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3787), .param_str = "LLiLLi", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // llrint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3788), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // llrintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3789), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // llrintl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3790), .param_str = "LLiLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // llround + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3791), .param_str = "LLid", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // llroundf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3792), .param_str = "LLif", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // llroundl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3793), .param_str = "LLiLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3794), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log10 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3795), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log10f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3796), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log10l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3797), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log1p + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3798), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log1pf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3799), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log1pl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3800), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log2 + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3801), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log2f + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3802), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // log2l + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3803), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // logb + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3804), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // logbf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3805), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // logbl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3806), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // logf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3807), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // logl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3808), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // longjmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3809), .param_str = "vJi", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmp, .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true, .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // lrint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3810), .param_str = "Lid", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // lrintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3811), .param_str = "Lif", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // lrintl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3812), .param_str = "LiLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // lround + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3813), .param_str = "Lid", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // lroundf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3814), .param_str = "Lif", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // lroundl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3815), .param_str = "LiLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // malloc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3816), .param_str = "v*z", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // memalign + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3817), .param_str = "v*zz", .properties = .{ .header = .malloc, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // memccpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3818), .param_str = "v*v*vC*iz", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // memchr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3819), .param_str = "v*vC*iz", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // memcmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3820), .param_str = "ivC*vC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // memcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3821), .param_str = "v*v*vC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // memmove + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3822), .param_str = "v*v*vC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // mempcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3823), .param_str = "v*v*vC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // memset + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3824), .param_str = "v*v*iz", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // modf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3825), .param_str = "ddd*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // modff + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3826), .param_str = "fff*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // modfl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3827), .param_str = "LdLdLd*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // nan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3828), .param_str = "dcC*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // nanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3829), .param_str = "fcC*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // nanl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3830), .param_str = "LdcC*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // nearbyint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3831), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // nearbyintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3832), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // nearbyintl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3833), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // nextafter + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3834), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // nextafterf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3835), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // nextafterl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3836), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // nexttoward + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3837), .param_str = "ddLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // nexttowardf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3838), .param_str = "ffLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // nexttowardl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3839), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // pow + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3840), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // powf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3841), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // powl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3842), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // printf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3843), .param_str = "icC*.", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf } } }, + // realloc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3844), .param_str = "v*v*z", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // remainder + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3845), .param_str = "ddd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // remainderf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3846), .param_str = "fff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // remainderl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3847), .param_str = "LdLdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // remquo + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3848), .param_str = "dddi*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // remquof + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3849), .param_str = "fffi*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // remquol + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3850), .param_str = "LdLdLdi*", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // rindex + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3851), .param_str = "c*cC*i", .properties = .{ .header = .strings, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // rint + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3852), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // rintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3853), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // rintl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3854), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // round + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3855), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // roundeven + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3856), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // roundevenf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3857), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // roundevenl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3858), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // roundf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3859), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // roundl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3860), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // savectx + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3861), .param_str = "iJ", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmp, .attributes = .{ .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .returns_twice = true } } }, + // scalbln + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3862), .param_str = "ddLi", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // scalblnf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3863), .param_str = "ffLi", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // scalblnl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3864), .param_str = "LdLdLi", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // scalbn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3865), .param_str = "ddi", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // scalbnf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3866), .param_str = "ffi", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // scalbnl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3867), .param_str = "LdLdi", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // scanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3868), .param_str = "icC*R.", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .scanf } } }, + // setjmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3869), .param_str = "iJ", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmp, .attributes = .{ .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .returns_twice = true } } }, + // siglongjmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3870), .param_str = "vSJi", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmp, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .noreturn = true, .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // sigsetjmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3871), .param_str = "iSJi", .properties = .{ .header = .setjmp, .attributes = .{ .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .returns_twice = true } } }, + // sin + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3872), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // sinf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3873), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // sinh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3874), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // sinhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3875), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // sinhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3876), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // sinl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3877), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // snprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3878), .param_str = "ic*zcC*.", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 2 } } }, + // sprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3879), .param_str = "ic*cC*.", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .printf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // sqrt + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3880), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // sqrtf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3881), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // sqrtl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3882), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // sscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3883), .param_str = "icC*RcC*R.", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .scanf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // stpcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3884), .param_str = "c*c*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // stpncpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3885), .param_str = "c*c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strcasecmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3886), .param_str = "icC*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .strings, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strcat + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3887), .param_str = "c*c*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strchr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3888), .param_str = "c*cC*i", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // strcmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3889), .param_str = "icC*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // strcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3890), .param_str = "c*c*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strcspn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3891), .param_str = "zcC*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strdup + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3892), .param_str = "c*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strerror + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3893), .param_str = "c*i", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strlcat + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3894), .param_str = "zc*cC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strlcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3895), .param_str = "zc*cC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strlen + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3896), .param_str = "zcC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // strncasecmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3897), .param_str = "icC*cC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .strings, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strncat + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3898), .param_str = "c*c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strncmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3899), .param_str = "icC*cC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // strncpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3900), .param_str = "c*c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strndup + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3901), .param_str = "c*cC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .language = .all_gnu_languages, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strpbrk + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3902), .param_str = "c*cC*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strrchr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3903), .param_str = "c*cC*i", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strspn + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3904), .param_str = "zcC*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strstr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3905), .param_str = "c*cC*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strtod + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3906), .param_str = "dcC*c**", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strtof + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3907), .param_str = "fcC*c**", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strtok + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3908), .param_str = "c*c*cC*", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strtol + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3909), .param_str = "LicC*c**i", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strtold + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3910), .param_str = "LdcC*c**", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strtoll + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3911), .param_str = "LLicC*c**i", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strtoul + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3912), .param_str = "ULicC*c**i", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strtoull + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3913), .param_str = "ULLicC*c**i", .properties = .{ .header = .stdlib, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // strxfrm + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3914), .param_str = "zc*cC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .string, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // tan + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3915), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // tanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3916), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // tanh + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3917), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // tanhf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3918), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // tanhl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3919), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // tanl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3920), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // tgamma + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3921), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // tgammaf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3922), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // tgammal + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3923), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_without_errno_and_fp_exceptions = true } } }, + // tolower + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3924), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // toupper + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3925), .param_str = "ii", .properties = .{ .header = .ctype, .attributes = .{ .pure = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // trunc + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3926), .param_str = "dd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // truncf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3927), .param_str = "ff", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // truncl + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3928), .param_str = "LdLd", .properties = .{ .header = .math, .attributes = .{ .@"const" = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // va_copy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3929), .param_str = "vAA", .properties = .{ .header = .stdarg, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // va_end + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3930), .param_str = "vA", .properties = .{ .header = .stdarg, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // va_start + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3931), .param_str = "vA.", .properties = .{ .header = .stdarg, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true } } }, + // vfork + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3932), .param_str = "p", .properties = .{ .header = .unistd, .attributes = .{ .allow_type_mismatch = true, .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .returns_twice = true } } }, + // vfprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3933), .param_str = "iP*cC*a", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // vfscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3934), .param_str = "iP*RcC*Ra", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vscanf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // vprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3935), .param_str = "icC*a", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf } } }, + // vscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3936), .param_str = "icC*Ra", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vscanf } } }, + // vsnprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3937), .param_str = "ic*zcC*a", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 2 } } }, + // vsprintf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3938), .param_str = "ic*cC*a", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vprintf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // vsscanf + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3939), .param_str = "icC*RcC*Ra", .properties = .{ .header = .stdio, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .format_kind = .vscanf, .format_string_position = 1 } } }, + // wcschr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3940), .param_str = "w*wC*w", .properties = .{ .header = .wchar, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // wcscmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3941), .param_str = "iwC*wC*", .properties = .{ .header = .wchar, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // wcslen + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3942), .param_str = "zwC*", .properties = .{ .header = .wchar, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // wcsncmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3943), .param_str = "iwC*wC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .wchar, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // wmemchr + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3944), .param_str = "w*wC*wz", .properties = .{ .header = .wchar, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // wmemcmp + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3945), .param_str = "iwC*wC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .wchar, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // wmemcpy + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3946), .param_str = "w*w*wC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .wchar, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, + // wmemmove + .{ .tag = @enumFromInt(3947), .param_str = "w*w*wC*z", .properties = .{ .header = .wchar, .attributes = .{ .lib_function_without_prefix = true, .const_evaluable = true } } }, }; }; -pub const MaxParamCount = 12; diff --git a/src/builtins/Properties.zig b/src/builtins/Properties.zig index b564c0e2..1b795f5c 100644 --- a/src/builtins/Properties.zig +++ b/src/builtins/Properties.zig @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ const std = @import("std"); const Properties = @This(); -language: Language, -attributes: Attributes, -header: Header, -target_set: TargetSet, +language: Language = .all_languages, +attributes: Attributes = Attributes{}, +header: Header = .none, +target_set: TargetSet = TargetSet.initOne(.basic), /// Header which must be included for a builtin to be available pub const Header = enum { diff --git a/src/builtins/TypeDescription.zig b/src/builtins/TypeDescription.zig index 59832cff..aca66e7f 100644 --- a/src/builtins/TypeDescription.zig +++ b/src/builtins/TypeDescription.zig @@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ pub const ComponentIterator = struct { 'z' => return .{ .spec = .z }, 'w' => return .{ .spec = .w }, 'F' => return .{ .spec = .F }, + 'G' => return .{ .spec = .G }, + 'H' => return .{ .spec = .H }, + 'M' => return .{ .spec = .M }, 'a' => return .{ .spec = .a }, 'A' => return .{ .spec = .A }, 'V', 'q', 'E' => { @@ -233,6 +236,12 @@ const Spec = union(enum) { w, /// constant CFString F, + /// id + G, + /// SEL + H, + /// struct objc_super + M, /// __builtin_va_list a, /// "reference" to __builtin_va_list diff --git a/test/cases/builtin functions.c b/test/cases/builtin functions.c index 3c8e28ba..f15e1538 100644 --- a/test/cases/builtin functions.c +++ b/test/cases/builtin functions.c @@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ int foo(void) { return strlen(c); } -typedef unsigned char c16v __attribute__((vector_size(16))); - -c16v bar(c16v x) { - return __builtin_altivec_crypto_vsbox(x); +void bar(int x) { + __builtin_ppc_trap(x); } void ns_constant_string(void) {