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Folders and files

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Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) :

  • Man pages
  • Documents installed by the distribution (i.e. /usr/share and its subdirectories)
  • Packages that are part of the distribution (may also be installed by Candidate if not available by default)
  • If you decide to install packages (not required to complete tasks) to your exam environment, you will want to be familiar with standard package managers (apt, dpkg, dnf, and yum).


1 Create hard and soft links to the file file1
Task weight 1%
Task - Create a hard link from file file1 in your home directory to /opt/file1
- Create a soft link from file1 in your home directory to /opt/softlinkfile.
- Soft link should point to the absloute path
Acceptance criteria
- Hard and soft links are created?

2 Perform the following actions on the file file2 in the home directory
Task weight 2%
Task - Change owner of this file to uid 750 and gid 750
- Apply the following permissions to this file:
  - Group members should be able to write and read
  - Others only should be able to read.
- Enable the SUID (set user id) special permission flag on file2.
Acceptance criteria - File owners changes?
- Set file permissions and SUID?

3 Perform the following actions on the files file31,file32,file33
Task weight 1%
Task - Create directory /opt/newdir
- Move file31 to this directory
- Copy file32 to /opt/newdir directory
- Remove file33
Acceptance criteria - Created directory?
- Moved file31?
- Copied file32?
- Removed file33 file?

4 Enable the sticky bit permissions on the directory
Task weight 1%
Task - Enable the sticky bit special permission on the following directory: /opt/stickydir/
Acceptance criteria - "sticky bit" is set on /opt/stickydir directory?

5 Filtering out specific files in the folder
Task weight 3%
Task In the /opt/05/task directory, you will find 500 files.
- Filter out files that have the executable permissions for the user. Save output to the /opt/05/result/execuser.
- Find all files that have the SETUID permission enabled and copy them to the folder /opt/05/result/setuid.
- Find any file that is larger than 1KB and copy it to the /opt/result/05kb directory.
Acceptance criteria - Filtered out files with executable permissions for user?
- Moved all files with SETUID permissions?
- Copied files that larder then 1KB?

6 Find special file in the directory
Task weight 2%
Task - In the /opt/06/task there is a tree based hierarchy with a bunch of files. Some of the them contains findme word. Copy these files to the /opt/06/result folder
Acceptance criteria - Files that contained special word were moved to the specified folder?

7 Work with config file
Task weight 2%
Task - Add a new line to the end of the file /etc/config.conf with the following content:
- Write a simple bash script that filtering out all enabled parameters. Make this script executable and place it to the /opt/07/ file
- Enable all disabled parameters from changing it to enable. Be careful with apllying changes to the last subtask, you can make backup of the file before applying changes to it.
Acceptance criteria - Added a new line at the end of the file?
- Writed simple script to filter out enabled parameters
- Updated all disabled parameters to be enabled?

8 Work with archives
Task weight 4%
Task Create the following archive from the files in the /opt/08/files/ directory:
- Create a simple TAR archive from the files inside the folder. Store this archive in /opt/08/results/mytar.tar
- Compress entire /opt/08/files/ directory into GZIP archive. Save it at /opt/08/results/mytargz.tar.gz
- Compress entire /opt/08/files/ directory into BZ archive. Save it at /opt/08/results/mybz.tar.bz2
- Compress entire /opt/08/files/ directory into ZIP archive. Save it at /opt/08/results/
Acceptance criteria - tar archive is created?
- gzip archive is created?
- bz archive is created?
- zip archive is created?

9 Extracting content
Task weight 2%
Task There are two archives in the /opt/09/task folder:
- Extract the content of backup.tar.gz to /opt/09/solution/tarbackup
- Extract the content of to /opt/09/solution/zipbackup
Acceptance criteria backup.tar.gz is extracted? is extracted?

10 Installing the service
Task weight 1%
Task - Install the service nginx using package manager
- Make this service automatically start up after rebooting
- Run the service
Acceptance criteria - nginx is installed?
- nginx is enabled?
- nginx is running?

11 Adding a new user
Task weight 1%
Task Add a new admin user with the following requirenments:
- with the name cooluser
- with a password superstrongpassword
- Set the default shell for this user as /bin/zsh
- if that's an admin user,cooluser should be able to run commands with sudo
Acceptance criteria - user cooluser with password is created ?
- default shell for this user is zsh?
- This user is able to perform sudo?

12 Locking and unlocking users
Task weight 2%
Task There are two users in the system spiderman and batman. In this task is needed to perform some actions to lock/unlock password for these users:
- spiderman cannot login to the system with his password, as password was locked, we need to unlock this user
- batman is unlocked, so we need to lock him
Acceptance criteria - user spiderman is unlocked?
- user batman is locked?

13 Set a limit for the users
Task weight 1%
Task There is a user phoenix in the system. Set a limit for this user so that it can open no more than 20 processes. This should be a hard limit.
Acceptance criteria - hard limit is set for user phoenix processes?

14 Set a skeleton for the user users
Task weight 1%
Task Edit the so-called skeleton directory so that whenever a new user is created on this system, a file called IMPORTANT_NOTES is copied to his/her home directory.
Acceptance criteria - Make sure a file called IMPORTANT_NOTES is copied to the new user's home directory

15 Revoke sudo privilligies
Task weight ?%
Task There is a user jackson in the system. This user should not have sudo permissions anymore.
Acceptance criteria - Make sure that a user jackson is not able to perform commands with sudo

16 Redirect filtering output
Task weight 1%
Task Display all the lines in the /etc/services file that start out with the text net. Redirect the output to /opt/16/result.txt
Acceptance criteria - Filtered output redirected to the file

17 Check the difference between files and folders
Task weight 2%
Task - There are 2 files in the folder /opt/17/file1 and /opt/17/file2. Files are almost the same, but they have one line that exist in one file and doesn't exist in another one. Find that line and save the difference to /opt/17/resuls/text_difference.
- /opt/17/dir1/ and /opt/17/dir2/ have almost similar files. Find out which files only exist in /opt/17/dir2/ but not in /opt/17/dir1/. Find these files and save the output in the /opt/17/results/folder_difference file.
Acceptance criteria - The difference between 2 files was found?
- The difference between 2 folders was found?

18 Perform docker operations
Task weight 1%
Task - Run docker ubuntu/apache2 container with name webserv.
- Removed all docker images except apache
Acceptance criteria - Container is running?
- Removed all images except apache

19 Analyze networking information
Task weight 2%
Task - Check the ip address of the ens5 network interface, save IP address to /opt/19/result/ip file.
- Print out the route table and save the output to the /opt/19/result/routes file.
- Check the PID of the service that uses 22 port and save the pid to the /opt/19/result/pid file
Acceptance criteria - IP adrress was saved to the file?
- Route table was written to the file?
- PID of the service was saved to the file?

20 Networking settings
Task weight 3%
Task SSH to the node02 and perform the following actions:
- Add an extra DNS resolver (nameserver) on this system:
- Add a static dns resolution to make database.local host to be resolver to DNS resolver should repond with this IP on database.local hostname
- Configure route table of this host to route all of the traffic through the node01 host.
Acceptance criteria - DNS resolver was configured?
- Static host entry for database.local was added?
- Static route was configured properly?

21 Create a bash script
Task weight 2%
Task This script should perform the following actions. You should put this script to /opt/21/result/
- Recursively copies the /opt/21/task/ directory into the /opt/21/task-backup/ directory.
- Creates an empty file called empty_file at this location: /opt/21/result/
- Make this script automatically running every day at 2AM.
Acceptance criteria - Script was created, made executable and placed as it's required?
- Test the script?
- Make sure that this script was added to cron?

22 Work with advanced file permissions and attributes
Task weight 2%
Task - In the folder /opt/22/tasks you will find a file aclfile. Currently this file can only be read by user0. Add a new ACL permission so that user22 can also read this. user22 should have only read permissions.
- Next, in the /opt/22/tasks directory you will find a file named frozenfile. This currently has the immutable attribute set on it. Remove the immutable attribute from this file.
Acceptance criteria - ACL permissions are set?
- frozenfile file is no longer immutable?

23 Send signal to a process
Task weight 1%
Task - Send the SIGHUP signal to the redis process.
Acceptance criteria - SIGHUP sent to the redis service?

24 Perform disk operations
Task weight 3%
Task You will find a disk /dev/nvme2n1 in the system. We need to perform the following actions:
- This disk has unpartitioned space. Create two partitions. Each should be exactly 1GB in size for each.
- Mount the 1st partition (nvme2n1p1) to the /drive folder. It should be mounted even after rebooting of the system
- Format the 2nd partition (nvme2n1p2) to be used in xfs file system
Acceptance criteria - Verify created partitions?
- Verify that required partitions was mounted?
- Partition is mounted automatically even after rebooting of the instance?

25 Perform LVM operations
Task weight 4%
Task - Add these two physical volumes to lvm: /dev/nvme1n1 and /dev/nvme3n1
- Create a volume group called volgroup1 out of these two physical volumes, /dev/nvme1n1 and /dev/nvme3n1
- Create a logical volume of 1GB on the volume group volgroup1. The name of this logical volume should be logvolume1.
Acceptance criteria - Verify the LVM
- Volume Group (VG) named volgroup1 has been created?
- logvolume1 LV has been created?