- AppName added into Console log
- AppName divider changed to ፧ in Console log
- Divider between app and object ⟫
- EASE_FROM configuration recognised now by Mail class
- Notify when specified config file does not exist
- Do not check config file existence
- Do not check nonexistent config file
- Do not add v prefix before banner app version
- Message Type = event
- Print Message Type = event by Cyan color
- Show Application name when not all configs pass
- Init now can only return false when failed
- Init now can show used config file when fail
- Proper handle for sqlite on init
- Better way to set object name
- Better Banner Info
- Time is back in console logger output
- AddText method added
- Try to initiate Logging with configured loggers
- Regent default singleton params fix
- Log Exception message by default only in debug mode
- Report and event message types update
- Blinking css for event
- UUID Generator function Added
- Set initial properties objectName and keyColumn
- Build for ubuntu focal back in game
- Record ID in object name fixed
- Set Object Name for Mailer
- Anonymous false login function added
- Typo fix
- Simple Mailer sending fix
- Try to fix sqlite detection
- Proper handle for sqlite on init
- Fixed (Sys)log date format
- Fixed: Object ID processing in log
- Better Anonym class compatibility
- Better Anonym class compatibility II
- Keep in memory only 1024 messages of each type
- Phpdoc update
- Changelog update
- Unit test update for object naming
- Phpstan used
- Code reformat
- Phpunit update to 9.6
- Do not build for Ubuntu 20.04 focal
Packages for debian: bullseye bookworm trixie ubuntu: focal jammy noble availble