The Twistar Project provides an ActiveRecord (ORM) pattern interface to the Twisted Project's RDBMS library. This file contains minimal documentation - see the project home page at for more information.
easy_install twistar
Your database must be one of: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. The only DBAPI modules supported by Twistar are: MySQLdb, psycopg2, and sqlite3 - at least one of these must be installed.
Here's the obligatory TL;DR example of creating a User record, assuming that there is a table named "users" with varchar columns for first_name and last_name and an int age column:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from twistar.registry import Registry
from twistar.dbobject import DBObject
from twisted.internet import reactor
class User(DBObject):
def done(user):
print "A user was just created with the name %s" % user.first_name
# Connect to the DB
Registry.DBPOOL = adbapi.ConnectionPool('MySQLdb', user="twistar", passwd="apass", db="twistar")
# make a user
u = User()
u.first_name = "John"
u.last_name = "Smith"
u.age = 25
# Or, use this shorter version:
u = User(first_name="John", last_name="Smith", age=25)
# save the user
Then, finding this user is easy:
def found(users):
print "I found %i users!" % len(users)
for user in users:
print "User: %s %s" % (user.first_name, user.last_name)
u = User.findBy(first_name="John", age=25).addCallback(found)
This is a very simple example - see for more complicated examples and additional uses.
You will need to install the sqlite3 python package if you want to run the default tests. To run the tests:
trial twistar
See the README in the twistar/tests folder for more information on testing with different database types.
If you intent on generating API documentation, you will need pydoctor. If you want to generate the user documentation, you will need to install Twisted Lore.
To generate documentation:
make docs
Then open the docs/index.html file in a browser.