We send you emails throughout your internship to ensure you are aware of what is coming up.
The key milestones are:
- setup Workday,
- read documentation,
- schedule regular weekly meetings with your supervisors, and
- schedule two regular weekly meetings with your team members and sister project interns (ie. without your supervisor).
- create a weekly template email to send to your supervisor one day before the weekly meeting,
- start your two weekly non-supervisor co-working sessions,
- setup technical diaries for each student, and
- continue to study for week 4 where you will be expected to answer high-level questions about the project.
- draw up the high level problem on the virtual whiteboard to the satisfaction of your supervisors so that you can organise a meeting with stakeholders / subject matter experts (SMEs) in week 5. Here is an example of drawing up the high level problem on a virtual whiteboard WEHI email access only.
- Write up questions before you meet up with stakeholders and subject matter experts (SMEs),
- Behave in a professional way when you meet with stakeholders and subject matter experts, and
- Provide a summary of the conversation and send it back to the stakeholders / SMEs to confirm you have understood what they have said.
- Create final presentation document in Sharepoint and link to wiki onboarding page, and
- Create one page summary report document in Sharepoint and link to wiki onboarding page.
To find out actual dates for your intake, go to the Student intake dates page.
- Share practice presentation,
- Finalise the onboarding page on the wiki,
- Practice presentation in the weekly project meeting, and
- Submit one page summary report.
To find out actual dates for your intake, go to the Student intake dates page.
- Do the final presentation.
We send onboarding emails to your university email on:
- the Monday before you start (Link to the email)
- the Monday of week 1 (Link to the email)
- the Monday of week 2 (Link to the email)
- the Monday of week 3 (Link to the email)
- The Monday of week 4 (Link to the email)
- The Monday of week 5 (Link to the email)
- The Monday of week 10 (Link to the email)
- The last week of your internship (Link to the email)