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File metadata and controls

104 lines (68 loc) · 5.19 KB

CardKit Watermark

User-friendly web app for quickly cropping and adding credits to images for social media.

Example of an image cropped for Twitter with credit and logo.


CardKit Watermark is a fork of CardKit (v1.0.0, by Chris Hutchinson for The Times and Sunday Times) customized to make image handling faster and easier. Because all image processing takes place in the browser, no server is required. However, It's currently limited to browsers which support the download attribute, i.e., Chrome and Firefox. Like CardKit, it is an Angular app.

Setup and run locally

  • Clone this repo.
  • If necessary, install Node, Grunt and Bower.
  • Run npm install and bower install.
  • Run grunt serve to run the application.
  • See the Style section below to add your styles.



Edit dist/mode/watermark.config.json to customize the options and styles. Here are some notes that may not be obvious.

  • sizes, margin, colors are required. 'shadow' is recommended.
  • shadow and logo.src use the values of colors to choose values. (Since shadow is a contrasting color to the caption fill, it should be set with an inverse color)
  • The rest of the values are optional to set and have defaults. Many of them are for the design of the credit text.
  • maxWidth sets the maximum file width you want exported (Custom allows larger sizes if set manually). This is useful for putting a cap on file sizes.
  • Color sizes and size names (except Custom size) are used to make the button labels and may be edited or expanded.
  • The Custom size has special settings the others don't to allow for user-defined sizes. locked will lock the aspect ratio by default. Custom will use the dimensions of the uploaded image.
  • 'helpText' appears under the credit text field with guidance about your credit styles.
  • Enabling suffix lets you make a shortcut to add text to the end of your credit, e.g., " for The Wall Street Journal"


  • Set "display": "block" to show the logo by default.
  • Set "enabled": true to expose a toggle to turn the logo on and off (the initial state will pull from display)
  • Set src to a file path for one logo, or an object to select a different file based on the credit color (advanced editing can expose a color option for the logo separately).
  • Use svg files for best quality over all sizes. Images are exported at up to twice the scale of the preset size (images are scaled up without going above their original dimensions).
  • Place logo files in app/logo/ so the build task doesn't minify or rename them.


Edit app/mode/watermark.config.json to customize the options and styles and make other changes to fit the app to your needs. Use grunt build to compile the edits into a production ready application. (See Tasks below for more information.)

  • Any custom fonts to be exported in the image may need to be included as part of the app (as opposed to referencing an outside file). Define data src information in app/styles/_fonts.scss
  • Customize the tool page wrapper in app/index.html and app/styles/
  • Edit app/scripts/controllers/watermark.js and app/views/watermark.html to customize the app further. See CardKit for more information on the controller.



Run grunt build to build the application into the /dist directory.

Deploy to server

Add server information (account and address) and destination directory to Gruntfile. Staging and production deploys are set up.

  • grunt deploy_staging
  • grunt deploy_production

Deploy to GitHub pages

Edit remote URL for gh-pages in Gruntfile.

  • grunt buildcontrol:pages


Tests are untouched from the CardKit base. Help setting up new tests would be appreciated.


Add a different use of CardKit by duplicating the watermark mode, controller and directive and adding another route to app.js (and a link to the route in the nav bar). This instance will play well with most of the original CardKit. However, some features may have been removed and the Angular version has been updated from 1.2 to 1.4.


Pull requests are welcome and I will do my best to stay on top of them. However, I may not have time to carefully consider and test every contribution, so please do your best to test code changes and include what you did, what it changed and why you did it. This is my first time using Angular, so I expect I broke many Angular conventions and rules. This code was originally written to work and not to be an Angular demo.

Version history


  • Initial release
