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XY Wang edited this page Jun 5, 2021
2 revisions
//Do not modify if you don't know what you are doing!
"no_restore": false, //预留配置
"language": 0, //Lyricify语言
"get_from": 0, //获取
"is_block_title_lines": false, //不显示标题和信息行
"is_sf_font_for_yesplaymusic": false, //为YesPlayMusic启用旧金山字体
"window_main": { //主窗体的设置
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"is_title_new_ui": true, //启用标题新UI
"is_scale_title_and_control": true, //让标题和控制按钮同歌词一起缩放
"is_show_all_artists": false, //显示所有歌手(以,分割)
"is_fullscreen": false, //我不记得干啥的了
"is_expand": false, //横向扩展(历史遗留功能)
"is_hide_title": false, //隐藏标题和控制按钮(历史遗留功能)
"is_playing_line_white": false, //正在播放行的颜色为白色
"font_k": 1.0, //字体缩放比例
"font_k_fullscreen": 1.85, //最大化时字体缩放比例
"font_k_custom": -1.0, //自定义字体缩放比例默认值(-1表示使用Lyricify的默认值)
"font_k_fullscreen_custom": -1.0, //自定义最大化时字体缩放比例默认值(-1表示使用Lyricify的默认值)
"is_time_rest_mode": false, //显示剩余播放时间(可点击主窗体下方的播放进度来进行切换)(登录后专用)
"is_show_audio_features_panel": false, //显示音频特性
"is_disable_background_cover": false, //禁用动态背景(登录前无法启用)
"inkcanvas": { //画板相关设置
"is_default_ink_color": true, //使用默认画笔颜色,如果需要自定义画笔颜色,需将此项改为false,并在下方custom_ink_color中修改rgb值
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"pen_height": 2.0, //画笔高度
"pen_width": 2.0 //画笔宽度(一般来说,建议与画笔高度设为同一值)
"translation": { //翻译相关设置(请不要在这里直接修改,而是使用菜单来设置)
"is_show": false, //显示翻译
"is_add_blank_line": false //两组歌词间添加空行
"sync_settings": { //同步设置(登录后专用)
"sync_frequency": 2000, //刷新播放信息的间隔时间(单位:毫秒)
"time_settings": [ //时间差设置
"time_diff": 0, //时间差
"device_type": 0 //设备类型(0为除Web Player外的所有设备)
"time_diff": 1100, //时间差
"device_type": 1 //设备类型(1为Web Player)
"is_web_player_optimize_off": false //启用Web Player优化
"keybinding": { //全局快捷键设置(此部分设置在Wiki(设置-全局快捷键)中有详解,再次不在赘述)
"help1": "Please follow instructions from: https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.windows.input.key",
"help2": "All these hotkeys are global hotkeys. Changes will not appear on InputGestureText, you should directly test it(them) by keyboard.",
"err_message": true,
"keybindings": [
"command": "mark_currect",
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"shift": true
"key": "c",
"is_disabled": false
"command": "mark_instrumental",
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"key": "left",
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"command": "lyric_control_downless",
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"command": "lyric_control_up",
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"command": "lyric_control_down",
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"alt": true,
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"shift": false
"key": "right",
"is_disabled": false
"command": "lyric_control_adjust_manual",
"hotkeymodifiers": {
"alt": false,
"ctrl": true,
"shift": true
"key": "g",
"is_disabled": false
"window_save_lyrics": { //保存歌词的相关设置
"resolution": 1, //分辨率(0:低 1:高 2:高+)
"section": 0, //选区(0:所有 1:正在播放)
"style": 0 //主题
"is_light_theme": false, //启用浅色主题
"is_block_explicit": false, //屏蔽Explicit歌词内容
"is_show_desktop_lyrics": false, //显示桌面歌词
"window_desktop_lyrics": { //桌面歌词相关设置(建议不要在此更改,而是使用右键菜单)
"window": {
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"left": "NaN",
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"window_mobile_ui": { //移动端UI相关设置(建议不要在此更改,而是使用右键菜单)
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"window_mobile_ui_fullscreen": { //移动端UI全屏相关设置(建议不要在此更改,而是使用右键菜单)
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"r": 0,
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"a": 100
"is_show_mobile_scrolling_lyrics": false, //显示移动端滚动歌词(此设置无效)
"window_mobile_scrolling_lyrics": {}, //移动端滚动歌词相关设置(此设置无效,将使用默认配置)
"window_spotify_fullscreen": { //Spotify全屏相关设置
"is_show_lyrics": true //是否显示歌词(点击图片可切换)