From 818510a50ba4a20451bb1af771a723534ed86d6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: arithon Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 14:00:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] deleted "the" in all god's names --- localisation/wc_religions.csv | 122 +++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-) diff --git a/localisation/wc_religions.csv b/localisation/wc_religions.csv index 341ddec74c..ae4ceb78c5 100644 --- a/localisation/wc_religions.csv +++ b/localisation/wc_religions.csv @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #CODE;ENGLISH;FRENCH;GERMAN;;SPANISH;;;;;;;;;x -THE_BOOK_OF_RATIONALISM;the Book of Rationalism;Le Livre du Rationalisme;Das Buch des Rationalismus;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_BOOK_OF_RATIONALISM;Book of Rationalism;Livre du Rationalisme;Buch des Rationalismus;;;;;;;;;;;x MECHANIC;Mechanic;Mécanicien;Mechaniker;;;;;;;;;;;x mystery_of_the_makers;Titanic;titanique;Titanisch;;;;;;;;;;;x mystery_of_the_makers_DESC;The study of the Titans, metallic giants that travel across the cosmos, bringing order to worlds, is widespread within dwarven society. The dwarven practical nature does not lend itself to blind worship of a progenitor race, they rely upon measurements, mathematics, and their own hands work. Rather than taking the measure of their creators on faith, the dwarves have embarked on a colossal investigation of their past.;L'étude des Titans, géants du métal qui voyagent dans le cosmos et mettent de l'ordre dans les mondes, est très répandue dans la société naine. La nature pratique des nains ne se prête pas au culte aveugle d'une race de créateurs, ils reposent sur des mesures, des mathématiques et leur propre travail manuel. Plutôt que de prendre la mesure de leurs créateurs avec foi, les nains se sont lancés dans une enquête colossale sur leur passé.;Das Studium der Titanen, Metallgiganten, die durch den Weltraum reisen und den Welten Ordnung bringen, ist in der Gesellschaft der Zwerge weit verbreitet. Die praktische Natur der Zwerge zwingt sie nicht automatisch in die blinde Verehrung der Vorgängerrasse, sie verlassen sich auf Messung, Mathematik und ihrer eigenen Hände Arbeit. Anstatt an die Existenz ihrer Schöpfer zu glauben, begannen die Zwerge mit einer groß angelegten Studie ihrer Vergangenheit.;;;;;;;;;;;x @@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ cult_of_hakkar;Hakkari;hakkarie;Hakkari;;;;;;;;;;;x cult_of_hakkar_DESC;Hakkar the Soulflayer, a vile, bloodthirsty god brought the trolls great power, but in return required souls to be sacrificed to him. Known in the troll pantheon as the Loa of Blood, he's worshipped by the Atal'ai - his loyal priests.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x cult_of_loa;Loa;;Loa;;;;;;;;;;;x cult_of_loa_DESC;Loa is the name given by trolls to the countless beings they worship. Almost any being that has died and transcended to death can be worshiped as a Loa. They can grant wondrous boons or inflict terrible punishments to trolls, and all trolls are blessed with a higher than normal regeneration rate by the Loas. Famous powerful Loa include Rezan, the Loa of Kings, and Bwonsamdi, the Loa of Graves.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_BOOK;the Book;le Livre;das Buch;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_VOID;the Void;le Vide;die Leere;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_LIGHT;the Light;la Lumière;das Licht;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_CHAOS;the Chaos;le Chaos;das Chaos;;;;;;;;;;;x -COVENANTS_OF_ANCESTORS;the Covenants of Ancestors;;;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_BOOK;Book;Livre;Buch;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_VOID;Void;Vide;Leere;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_LIGHT;Light;Lumière;Licht;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_CHAOS;Chaos;Chaos;Chaos;;;;;;;;;;;x +COVENANTS_OF_ANCESTORS;Covenants of Ancestors;;;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_SHADRA;Shadra;Shadra;Shadra;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_LIFE;the Life;la Vie;das Leben;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_LIFE;Life;Vie;Leben;;;;;;;;;;;x water_deities_DESC;The ones who believe in water deities follow rituals involving communication with the sea and its powers, and they worship the water and the powerful entities within it. The pantheon of the water deities is dynamic, changing to include new creatures they encounter. Even a strong shark or a quick fish may become a living symbol of the faith. As the animals die or move on, the Murloc faith mutates to find new symbolism in their surroundings.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x ORACLE;Oracle;Oracle;Orakel;;;;;;;;;;;x THE_FISHERMEN;Fishermen;Les Pêcheurs;Fischer;;;;;;;;;;;x @@ -53,33 +53,33 @@ necromancy_group;Necromantic;n death_god;Death God;damnée;Todesgott;;;;;;;;;;;x death_god_DESC;The Lich King is often called the "Death God" by the vrykul who serve him. The tuskarr believe that the Lich King is Karkut, as the undead are under the Lich King's dominion in Northrend. A vast army of the undead created by the Lich King serves him without any second thoughts.;Le roi-liche est appelé le "Dieu de la Mort" par les Vrykuls qui le servent. Les Tuskarrs croient que le roi-liche est Karkut, une divinité censée dominer les morts-vivants, tout comme le roi-liche en Norfendre. Une vaste armée de morts-vivants créée par le roi-liche le sert sans aucun doute.;Der Lichkönig wird von den Vrykul, die ihm dienen, oft als "Gott des Todes" bezeichnet. Die Tuskarr glauben, dass der Lichkönig Karkut ist, da die Untoten in Northrend unter der Herrschaft des Lichkönigs stehen. Eine riesige Armee von Untoten, die vom Lichkönig geschaffen wurde, dient ihm ohne zu zögern.;;;;;;;;;;;x NECRONOMICON;Necronomicon;Necronomicon;Nekronomicon;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_LICH_KING;the Lich King;Le roi-liche;Der Lichkönig;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_LICH_KING;Lich King;roi-liche;Lichkönig;;;;;;;;;;;x NECROMANCER;Necromancer;Nécromancien;Nekromant;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_YSHAARJ;Y'Shaarj;Y'shaarj;Y'Shaarj;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_YSHAARJ;Y'Shaarj;Y'Shaarj;Y'Shaarj;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_CTHUN;C'Thun;C'Thun;C'Thun;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_YOGGSARON;Yogg-Saron;Yogg-Saron;Yogg-Saron;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_NZOTH;N'Zoth;N'Zoth;N'Zoth;;;;;;;;;;;x -druidism_group;Natural;;;;;;;;;;;;;x +druidism_group;Natural;;Natur;;;;;;;;;;;x secular_group;Secular;séculaire;Säkular;;;;;;;;;;;x rationalism;Rationalistic;rationaliste;Rationalismus;;;;;;;;;;;x rationalism_DESC;Rationalism is much of philosophy for gnomes that focused on forward-thinking, inventive concepts, and little thought has ever been given to history or non-scientific records. Gnomes place their loyalty in themselves, in their friends, and in their inventions.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_ENCYCLOPEDIA;the Encyclopedia;l'Encyclopédie;Die Enzyklopädie;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_ENCYCLOPEDIA;Encyclopedia;Encyclopédie;Enzyklopädie;;;;;;;;;;;x MASTER;Master;Maître;Meister;;;;;;;;;;;x cult_of_wealth;Wealthy;Fortunée;Reichtum;;;;;;;;;;;x cult_of_wealth_DESC;The Cult of Wealth is a mercantilist ideology based around the goal of making a profit. Mercantilists find themselves to be pragmatic, placing their faith in gold and their own abilities to hoard it. They dismiss insubstantial concepts such as shamanism and religion, preferring power and influence in measurable quantities that they can touch, see, and spend as their aspirations demand.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_SHINE_OF_A_COIN;the Shine of a Coin;l’Éclat de la Pièce;der Glanz einer Münze;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_POORNESS;the Poorness;la Pauvreté;die Armut;;;;;;;;;;;x -COMRADE_KM;K.M.;le K.M;K. M.;;;;;;;;;;;x -COMRADE_FE;F.E.;le F.E;;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_SHINE_OF_A_COIN;Shine of a Coin;Éclat de la Pièce;Glanz einer Münze;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_POORNESS;Poorness;Pauvreté;Armut;;;;;;;;;;;x +COMRADE_KM;K.M.;K.M;K. M.;;;;;;;;;;;x +COMRADE_FE;F.E.;F.E;F.E.;;;;;;;;;;;x KEEPER;Keeper;Gardien;Hüter;;;;;;;;;;;x shamanism;Shamanic;Chamanique;Schamanismus;;;;;;;;;;;x shamanism_DESC;Shamanism is a deeply spiritual form of elemental magic that involves a connection with both the natural and the spirit world. Shamans do not normally enslave elementals but honour them, asking the elements to heed their call. Shamans are not inherently imbued with magic - they harness the powers of the elements through ceremonial totems.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x SHAMAN;Shaman;Chaman;Schamane;;;;;;;;;;;x -LOA_SPIRITS;the Loa;les Loa;die Loa;;;;;;;;;;;x -SPIRITS;the Spirits;les Esprits;die Geister;;;;;;;;;;;x -SPIRITS_OF_ANCESTORS;the Spirits of the Ancestors;Les Esprits des Ancêtres;Die Geister der Ahnen;;;;;;;;;;;x +LOA_SPIRITS;Loa;Loa;Loa;;;;;;;;;;;x +SPIRITS;Spirits;Esprits;Geister;;;;;;;;;;;x +SPIRITS_OF_ANCESTORS;Spirits of the Ancestors;Esprits des Ancêtres;Geister der Ahnen;;;;;;;;;;;x light_group;Light;La Lumière;Licht;;;;;;;;;;;x -holy_light;Holy Light;Sacrée;Heiliges Licht;;;;;;;;;;;x +holy_light;Holy Light;Sacrée;Heilige Licht;;;;;;;;;;;x holy_light_DESC;The main organization of the holy light has been the Church of the Holy Light. Most humans, dwarves and even some high elves follow the path of the Church. It is a faith that advocates purity, goodness, kindness, and compassion in the face of adversity.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x cult_of_sunwell;Belore;Belore;Belore;;;;;;;;;;;x cult_of_sunwell_DESC;The Sunwell is a fountain of mystical power located on the Isle of Quel'Danas. Originally created by Dath'remar using a vial from the Well of Eternity, the Sunwell has become the very heart of the high elven nation, while the Sunwell isn't worshipped, it is venerated and sometimes regarded as a representation of the Sun or Belore as the high elves call it.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ cult_of_sunwell_reborn;Sunwell;thalassienne;Sonnenbrunnen;;;;;;;;;;;x cult_of_sunwell_reborn_DESC;The Sunwell is a fountain of mystical power located on the Isle of Quel'Danas. It is now a cradle of both arcane energies and light and many of the high elves see the Sunwell's rebirth as a new beginning for their people into a more promising future.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x naaru;Naaru;Naaru;Naaru;;;;;;;;;;;x naaru_DESC;The light manifests itself as a golden, shining light energy. The naaru, enigmatic beings composed of shards of fractured light taught the use of the light to the draenei and other enlightened races, but others have come into the study and practice of light-based magic on their own accord.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_NAARU;the Naaru;Naaru;Naaru;;;;;;;;;;;x -arcane_religion;Arcane;arcanique;Arkan;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_NAARU;Naaru;Naaru;Naaru;;;;;;;;;;;x +arcane_religion;Arcane;Arcanique;Arkan;;;;;;;;;;;x arcane_religion_DESC;Religions or ideologies that study arcane magic. Order is most commonly perceived in reality as arcane magic. Arcane energy is innately volatile, and wielding it requires intense precision and concentration. Wielders of arcane magic have learned how to exploit that arcane instability being able to control the elements and other forces such as time.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x arakkoa_religion_group;Arakkoa;Arakkoa;Arakkoa;;;;;;;;;;;x rukhmar_worship;Rukhmar;Rukhmar;Rukhmar;;;;;;;;;;;x @@ -97,78 +97,78 @@ anzu_worship;Anzu;Anzu;Anzu;;;;;;;;;;;x rukhmar_worship_DESC;Rukhmar is an avian sun goddess from Draenor who helped Anzu to slay Sethe. After the raven lord faded into darkness, she created the arakkoa to represent her grace and his cunning. Rukhmar fears and hates the arakkoa outcasts, for they have been cursed by Sethe. Her loyal high arakkoa followers, the adherents of Rukhmar, wage war on the cursed arakkoa in her name. The kaliri are Rukhmar's children as well, and Rukhran is rumored to be her progeny. As the mother of the arakkoa, Rukhmar was their main and traditional deity. Her veneration was eventually abandoned in favour of numerous other deities, such as Anzu, Ka'alu and Sethe, and later an unnamed Old God.;;Rukhmar ist eine avianische Sonnengöttin aus Draenor, die Anzu half, Sethe zu töten. Nachdem der Rabenfürst in die Dunkelheit entschwand, schuf sie die Arakkoa, um ihre Anmut und seine Gerissenheit zu repräsentieren. Rukhmar fürchtet und hasst die Ausgestoßenen Arakkoa, denn sie sind von Sethe verflucht worden. Ihre loyalen hohen Arakkoa-Anhänger, die Gefolgsleute von Rukhmar, führen in ihrem Namen Krieg gegen die verfluchten Arakkoa. Die Kaliri sind ebenfalls Rukhmars Kinder, und es wird gemunkelt, dass Rukhran ihr Nachkomme sei. Als Mutter der Arakkoa, war Rukhmar ihre wichtigste und traditionelle Gottheit. Ihre Verehrung wurde letztendlich zugunsten zahlreicher anderer Gottheiten, wie Anzu, Ka'alu und Sethe, und später eines namenlosen alten Gottes, aufgegeben.;;;;;;;;;;;x sethekk_worship_DESC;Sethe is a deceased primal god worshiped by, and the namesake of, the Sethekk on Draenor. He is ancient enemies with Anzu and Rukhmar, the other major deities of the arakkoa. Sethe was cold-blooded and scornful. When he flew, the winds bit his flesh. He would sun himself on the mountainsides, but he could never taste warmth. His scales were frosted glass, and his children were the wind serpents. He is the source and namesake of the Curse of Sethe, an affliction that causes any arakkoa who touches the blighted waters of Sethekk Hollow to become broken and flightless.;;Sethe ist ein verstorbener urtümlicher Gott, der von den Sethekk auf Draenor angebetet wurde und dessen Namensvetter er ist. Er ist ein alter Feind von Anzu und Rukhmar, den anderen Hauptgottheiten der Arakkoa. Sethek war kaltblütig und höhnisch. Wenn er flog, bissen ihm die Winde ins Fleisch. Er sonnte sich an den Berghängen, aber er konnte nie Wärme empfinden. Seine Schuppen waren aus gefrorenem Glas, und seine Kinder waren die Windschlangen. Er ist die Quelle und Namensvetter des Fluchs von Sethe, einer Krankheit, die jeden Arakkoa, der die verseuchten Gewässer der Sethekk-Höhle berührt, bricht und flugunfähig macht.;;;;;;;;;;;x anzu_worship_DESC;Anzu is a dread raven god deeply tied to the arakkoa and the history of the Spires of Arak. While physically Anzu was meager compared to his counterpart, Rukhmar, he possessed a great intellect. As opposed to Rukhmar loving the sun and sky, Anzu preferred the cool of the shade and the peace of the twilight hours where he could be alone in quiet contemplation. He would converse with the "gods of the abyss", and he would find them dull, witless creatures.;;Anzu ist ein gefürchteter Rabengott, der tief mit den Arakkoa und der Geschichte der Spitzen von Arak verbunden ist. Obwohl Anzu im Vergleich zu seinem Gegenstück, Rukhmar, körperlich schwach war, besaß er einen großen Intellekt. Im Gegensatz zu Rukhmar, die die Sonne und den Himmel liebte, zog Anzu die Kühle des Schattens und die Ruhe der Dämmerstunden vor, wo er in ruhiger Meditation allein sein konnte. Er unterhielt sich mit den „Göttern des Abgrunds“, und er hielt sie für stumpfe, geistlose Kreaturen.;;;;;;;;;;;x -scarlet_light;Scarlet Light;Écarlate;Scharlachrotes Licht;;;;;;;;;;;x +scarlet_light;Scarlet Light;Écarlate;Scharlachrote Licht;;;;;;;;;;;x scarlet_light_DESC;A heretical offshoot of the Church of Light. They are intolerant of all non-human races, regardless of alliance or affiliation. They believe that any and all unholy creatures must be destroyed by a cleansing flame.;;Ein ketzerischer Sprössling der Kirche des Lichts. Sie sind intolerant gegenüber allen nichtmenschlichen Rassen, unabhängig von Allianz oder Zugehörigkeit. Sie glauben, dass alle unheiligen Geschöpfe durch eine reinigende Flamme ausgerottet werden müssen.;;;;;;;;;;;x primitive_group;Primitive;Primitif;Primitiv;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_STORIES;the Stories;les Histoires;die Geschichten;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_STORIES;Stories;Histoires;Geschichten;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_RUKHMAR;Rukhmar;Rukhmar;Rukhmar;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_TEROKK;Terokk;Terokk;Terokk;;;;;;;;;;;x -MURLOC_INVASION_AGAINST_THE_FISHERMEN;The Great Murloc Campaign Against the Fishermen;La grande Campagne murloque contre les Pêcheurs;;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_RUNESTONE;the Runestone;la Rune-Pierre;der Runenstein;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_RUNE;the Rune;la Rune;die Rune;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_WATER_DEITIES;the Water Deities;les Déités de l'Eau;die Wassergottheiten;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_GREAT_CAMPAIGN_FOR_CANDLES;The Great Campaign for Candles;La grande Campagne pour les Bougies;;;;;;;;;;;;x +MURLOC_INVASION_AGAINST_THE_FISHERMEN;The Great Murloc Campaign Against the Fishermen;La grande Campagne murloque contre les Pêcheurs;Die große Murloc-Kampagne gegen die Fischer;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_RUNESTONE;Runestone;Rune-Pierre;Runenstein;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_RUNE;Rune;Rune;Rune;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_WATER_DEITIES;Water Deities;Déités de l'Eau;Wassergottheiten;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_GREAT_CAMPAIGN_FOR_CANDLES;The Great Campaign for Candles;La grande Campagne pour les Bougies;Die große Kampagne für Kerzen;;;;;;;;;;;x GEOMANT;Geomant;Geomant;Geomant;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_CANDLE;the Candle;la Bougie;die Kerze;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_CANDLE;Candle;Bougie;Kerze;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_ANZU;Anzu;Anzu;Anzu;;;;;;;;;;;x -CRUSADE_AGAINST_WEAKLINGS;Crusade Against Weaklings;Croisade Contre les Faibles;;;;;;;;;;;;x +CRUSADE_AGAINST_WEAKLINGS;Crusade Against Weaklings;Croisade Contre les Faibles;Kreuzzug gegen Schwächlinge;;;;;;;;;;;x IMPIETY;Impiety;Impiété;Gottlosigkeit;;;;;;;;;;;x STAT_PIETY_IMPIETY;Impiety;Impiété;Gottlosigkeit;;;;;;;;;;;x STAT_PIETY_MENU_IMPIETY;Impiety;Impiété;Gottlosigkeit;;;;;;;;;;;x MONTHLY_PIETY_IMPIETY;Monthly Impiety Increase;Impiété par mois;Monatliche Zunahme der Gottlosigkeit;;;;;;;;;;;x STAT_PIETY_DESC_IMPIETY;Impiety is respected by the clergy and monastics of your religion. Like Prestige it is added to your score on the death of a ruler.;L'impiété est respectée par le clergé et les monastiques de votre religion. Comme le prestige, elle ajoutée à votre score à la mort du souverain.;Gottlosigkeit wird von den Geistlichen und Mönchen Eurer Religion respektiert. Wie Prestige wird sie beim Tod eines Herrschers zu Eurer Punktzahl hinzugefügt.;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_MANNOROTH;Mannoroth;Mannoroth;Mannoroth;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_ORDER;the Order;l'Ordre;die Ordnung;;;;;;;;;;;x -DARK_GRIMOIRE;the Dark Grimoire;le Grimoire Noir;das dunkle Grimoir;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_ORDER;Order;Ordre;Ordnung;;;;;;;;;;;x +DARK_GRIMOIRE;Dark Grimoire;Grimoire Noir;Grimoir;;;;;;;;;;;x WARLOCK;Warlock;Démoniste;Hexenmeister;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_SARGERAS;Sargeras;Sargeras;Sargeras;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_KILJAEDEN;Kil'jaeden;Kil'jaeden;Kil'jaeden;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_ARCHIMONDE;Archimonde;Archimonde;Archimonde;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_CODE_OF_ILLIDARI;the Illidari Code;le Code Illidari;der Illidari-Kodex;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_CODE_OF_ILLIDARI;Illidari Code;Code Illidari;Illidari-Kodex;;;;;;;;;;;x DEMON_HUNTER;Demon Hunter;Chasseur de démons;Dämonenjäger;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_RAGNAROS;the Firelord;le Seigneur du Feu;der Feuerlord;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_NEPTULON;the Tidehunter;le Chasse-marée;der Gezeitenjäger;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_THERAZANE;the Stonemother;la Pierre-Mère;die Steinmutter;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_ALAKIR;the Windlord;le Seigneur des Vents;der Windlord;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_RAGNAROS;Firelord;Seigneur du Feu;Feuerlord;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_NEPTULON;Tidehunter;Chasse-marée;Gezeitenjäger;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_THERAZANE;Stonemother;Pierre-Mère;Steinmutter;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_ALAKIR;Windlord;Seigneur des Vents;Windlord;;;;;;;;;;;x elemental_lords_group;Elementalist;Elementalist;Elementalist;;;;;;;;;;;x orcish_shamanism;Ancestral;ancestrale;Ahnenverehrung;;;;;;;;;;;x orcish_shamanism_DESC;Ancestral worship is one of the faiths in Azeroth and one of the main tenets of shamanism practices in the world. Most races respect the dead, but those who worship their ancestors, like orcs and tauren, believe that the fallen possess powers, which the living can use. Tauren speak to them and can request their help through dreaming and such. Orcs leave more concrete reminders of their ancestors. They carve memorials to the fallen dead and place stones around permanent burial grounds. There are many rituals one can perform, alone or in a group.;;Die Ahnenverehrung ist eine der Glaubensrichtungen in Azeroth und einer der Hauptgrundsätze der schamanistischen Praktiken in der Welt. Die meisten Rassen respektieren die Toten, aber diejenigen, die ihre Vorfahren verehren, wie Orks und Tauren, glauben, dass die Gefallenen Kräfte besitzen, welche die Lebenden nutzen können. Tauren sprechen zu ihnen und können sie durch Träume und dergleichen um Hilfe bitten. Orks hinterlassen handfestere Erinnerungen an ihre Vorfahren. Sie meißeln Denkmäler für die gefallenen Toten und errichten Steine um dauerhafte Grabstätten herum. Es gibt viele Rituale, die allein oder in der Gruppe durchgeführt werden können.;;;;;;;;;;;x -EVIL_SPIRITS;the Evil Spirits;les Esprits Mal;die bösen Geister;;;;;;;;;;;x +EVIL_SPIRITS;Evil Spirits;Esprits Mal;Böse Geister;;;;;;;;;;;x primitive_shamanism;Fetishistic;Fétichiste;Fetischistisch;;;;;;;;;;;x primitive_shamanism_DESC;The worshipping of primitive godlike figures, as the bear twins Ursoc and Ursol, is uncommon in Azeroth, however, their followers primarily revere nature and the spirits of the world much like "modern" shamanism. The bear twins are the primary patrons of those who believe in a balance between nature and all living creatures. The furbolg are the most fervent followers of the bear twins in the present day, following in their magical tradition and carving their fortress, Timbermaw Hold, in the form of a gigantic, growling bear head.;;Die Verehrung primitiver, gottähnlicher Gestalten, wie der Bärenzwillinge Ursoc und Ursol, ist in Azeroth nicht allzu verbreitet, ihre Anhänger verehren jedoch in erster Linie die Natur und die Geister der Welt, ähnlich wie der „moderne“ Schamanismus. Die Bärenzwillinge sind die primären Schirmherren derer, die an ein Gleichgewicht zwischen der Natur und allen Lebewesen glauben. Die Furbolgs sind die glühendsten Anhänger der Bärenzwillinge in der heutigen Zeit. Sie folgen ihrer magischen Tradition und schnitzten ihre Festung, die Holzschlundfeste, in Form eines gigantischen, knurrenden Bärenkopfes.;;;;;;;;;;;x loa_group;Loa;Loa;Loa;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_EARTH_MOTHER;the Earth Mother;la Terre-Mère;die Erdenmutter;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_SKY_FATHER;the Sky Father;le Père-Ciel;der Himmelsvater;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_EARTH_MOTHER;Earth Mother;Terre-Mère;Erdenmutter;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_SKY_FATHER;Sky Father;Père-Ciel;Himmelsvater;;;;;;;;;;;x earth_mother_worship;Earth Mother;Terre-Mère;Erdenmutter;;;;;;;;;;;x earth_mother_worship_DESC;The Earth Mother is the embodiment of nature and life. This being is primarily worshipped by tauren and acknowledged by some orc shamans as the creator of the land. The Earth Mother is regarded in tauren culture the same way Elune is in kaldorei culture. Both are meant to be the stabilizing factor in the shifting lives of their respective people.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x old_gods_worship;Shath'gral;Shath'gral;Shath'gralisch;;;;;;;;;;;x old_gods_worship_DESC;The worship of the Old Gods, mysterious, godlike and great malefic horrors. It is a widespread nihilistic religion based on cults that seeks to bring the end of the world and fanatically serves and worships the old gods, parasitic eldritch horrors who are physical manifestations of the Void.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x INSANITY;Insanity;Démence;Wahnsinn;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_OLD_GODS;the Old Gods;les Dieux très anciens;die alten Götter;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_OLD_GODS;Old Gods;Dieux très anciens;alten Götter;;;;;;;;;;;x voidfarer;Voidfarer;Vide-Voyageur;Astrale;;;;;;;;;;;x forsaken_cult;Forgotten Shadow;Ombre-Oubliée;Vergessener Schatten;;;;;;;;;;;x voidfarer_DESC;While dangerous, void magic can be carefully used for the benefit of its users and their allies. Void practictioners have devoted their lives to the study and use of the void for good.;;Obwohl sie gefährlich ist, kann Leeren-Magie vorsichtig zum Vorteil ihrer Verwender und deren Verbündeten eingesetzt werden. Die Anhänger dieser Religion haben ihr Leben dem Studium und der Nutzung der Leere für das Gute gewidmet.;;;;;;;;;;;x forsaken_cult_DESC;A heretical group of shadow practitioners, the Forgotten Shadow, believe that dark energy practitioners are just as vital to the survival of life and reality as wielders of the Light. The cult preaches balance, mandating that shadow priests must never forget the dangers being corrupted by the dark energies they manipulate, for it is often difficult to find one's way back to the shadow from the deep reaches of the darkness. ;;Eine häretische Gruppe von Schattenanbetern, der Vergessene Schatten, glaubt, dass die Anhänger der dunklen Energie für das Überdauern des Lebens und der Realität genauso wichtig sind wie die Anhänger des Lichts. Die Sekte predigt Ausgewogenheit und fordert, dass Schattenpriester niemals die Gefahren vergessen dürfen, die von den von ihnen manipulierten dunklen Energien ausgehen, denn es ist oft schwierig, aus den Tiefen der Dunkelheit zurück zum Schatten zu finden.;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_SHADOW;the Shadow;l'Ombre;der Schatten;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_SHADOW;Shadow;Ombre;Schatten;;;;;;;;;;;x void_group;Void;Vide;Leere;;;;;;;;;;;x old_ways;Old Way;Vieille Mode;;;;;;;;;;;;x old_ways_DESC;The old ways are not widespread, but have existed on the fringes of Gilnean society. The religious leaders of what was in Gilneas referred to as the "old ways" eventually became "harvest-witches". Those who used their nature powers to augment Gilneas' agricultural output during and following its period of industrialization.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x druidism_beliefs;Druidic;druidique;Druidisch;;;;;;;;;;;x druidism_beliefs_DESC;Druidism is teaching to worship the spirits through plants, animals and the fundamental spirit of the wilds. The druids seek guidance or interference from the spirits and see their forests as havens for living spirits, and as such are bound to defend them.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x WITCH;Witch;Sorcière;Hexe;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_NATURE;the Nature;la Nature;die Natur;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_NATURE;Nature;Nature;Natur;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_CENARIUS;Cenarius;Cénarius;Cenarius;;;;;;;;;;;x DRUID;Druid;Druide;Druide;;;;;;;;;;;x pandarian_beliefs;Pandaren;Pandarène;Pandaren;;;;;;;;;;;x august_celestials;Celestial;Vénérable;Himmlisch;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_AUGUST_CELESTIALS;the August Celestials;les Astres Vénérables;die himmlischen Erhabenen;;;;;;;;;;;x -SHA;the Sha;les Sha;die Sha;;;;;;;;;;;x -jinyu_beliefs;Jinyu;jinyue;Jinyu;;;;;;;;;;;x -WATERSPEAKER;Waterspeaker;Eauracle;Wassersprecher;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_WATER;the Water;l'Eau;das Wasser;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_RIVER;the River;la Rivière;der Fluss;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_SEA;the Sea;la Mer;die See;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_DROUGHT;the Drought;;ie Dürre;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_AUGUST_CELESTIALS;August Celestials;Astres Vénérables;Himmlische Erhabene;;;;;;;;;;;x +SHA;Sha;Sha;Sha;;;;;;;;;;;x +jinyu_beliefs;Jinyu;Jinyue;Jinyu;;;;;;;;;;;x +WATERSPEAKER;Waterspeaker;Eauracle;Wasserrufer;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_WATER;Water;Eau;Wasser;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_RIVER;River;Rivière;Fluss;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_SEA;Sea;Mer;See;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_DROUGHT;Drought;;Dürre;;;;;;;;;;;x august_celestials_DESC;The August Celestials are four wild gods who defend the temples from the evils of the sha and mogu. The celestials built temples to train monks in their respective styles after the pandaren revolution. Many native races of Pandaria respect these creatures and worship them as gods.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x jinyu_beliefs_DESC;Water speaking is a belief in Jinyu society. It allows their spiritual leaders to speak and listen to the waters that flow throughout Pandaria, making them extremely wise and terribly powerful.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x vrykul_religion_group;Vrykultruar;vrykultruare;;;;;;;;;;;;x @@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ nerubian_religion_group;Nerubian;N spider_philosophy;Nerubian;Nérubienne;Nerubisch;;;;;;;;;;;x spider_philosophy_DESC;The Nerub were a result of a split of species between the Aqir, native to ancient Kalimdor. Both species and the Mantid Empire were split off by the Gurubashi and Amani troll tribes, the trio of species soon adapted to their change of environment. This happened long before the Lich King, however. The Lich King would envy the Nerubian way of organisation and the capability to spawn in mass numbers. The Lich King would later attack and swarm the kingdom with the undead. He besieged the Nerubian capital of Azjol-Nerub and, with every Nerubian dead, the undead lord would beat the numbers of the Nerub by using their fallen against them. This would render Azjol-Nerub a tomb.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x INVASION_FROM_THE_SUBSOIL;Invasion From the Subsoil;;Invasion aus dem Erdboden;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_SPIDER;the Spider;l'Araignée;die Spinne;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_SPIDER;Spider;Araignée;Spinne;;;;;;;;;;;x wolf_cult_religion;Goldrinn;Goldrinniste;Goldrinnisch;;;;;;;;;;;x wolf_cult_religion_DESC;Members of the Wolf Cult accepted the beastly nature within themselves. They worship the great wolf, Goldrinn, and consider it their duty to awaken the beast inside every inhabitant of Azeroth.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x GOLDRINN;Goldrinn;Goldrinn;Goldrinn;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_PURITY_OF_ESSENCE;the Purity of Essence;la Pureté de l'Essence;die Reinheit der Essenz;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_PURITY_OF_ESSENCE;Purity of Essence;Pureté de l'Essence;Reinheit der Essenz;;;;;;;;;;;x ursine;Ursine;ursine;Ursinisch;;;;;;;;;;;x ursine_DESC;Ursoc and Ursol are two bear ancient guardians and patrons of those who favour balance of nature and the living beasts of the wild. Among their most loyal followers practice the respective customs: those who follow Ursol become druids, while the others who follow on Ursoc become hunters or warriors and carve wooden statues and structures in his honour.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_URSOL;Ursol;Ursol;Ursol;;;;;;;;;;;x @@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ kaldorei_religion_DESC;Kaldorei worship the pantheon of gods, led by Elune, the tidemother;Tidemother;Mère-Marée;Gezeitenmutter;;;;;;;;;;;x tidemother_DESC;The Tidemother is a being worshipped by many sailors and those whose lives depend on mutable sea winds. Most people look to the seas for guidance the same way others look to the light, but the tidesages, the priest of the Tidemother, have a much deeper connection with the water. Long have the tidesages listened to the sea to guide their ships and their people, gentle whispers imperceptible to most.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x TIDESAGE;Tidesage;Sage des Marées;Gezeitenweise;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_TIDEMOTHER;the Tidemother;la Mère des Marées;die Gezeitenmutter;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_TIDEMOTHER;Tidemother;Mère des Marées;Gezeitenmutter;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_AMANTHUL;Aman'thul;Aman'thul;Aman'thul;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_EONAR;Eonar;Eonar;Eonar;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_NORGANNON;Norgannon;Norgannon;Norgannon;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_GOLGANNETH;Golganneth;Golganneth;Golganneth;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_KHAZGOROTH;Khaz'goroth;Khaz'goroth;Khaz'goroth;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_ELUNE;Elune;Elune;Elune;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_DARK;the Dark;l'Ombre;das Dunkel;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_DARK;Dark;Ombre;Dunkel;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_AKILZON;Akil'zon;Akil'zon;Akil'zon;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_AKUNDA;Akunda;Akunda;Akunda;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_BWONSAMDI;Bwonsamdi;Bwonsamdi;Bwonsamdi;;;;;;;;;;;x @@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ GOD_KRAGWA;Krag'wa;Krag'wa;Krag'wa;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_REZAN;Rezan;Rezan;Rezan;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_TORGA;Torga;Torga;Torga;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_YSILDAR;Ysildar;Ysildar;Ysildar;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_VALARJAR;the Valarjar;;die Valarjer;;;;;;;;;;;x -GOD_HELARJAR;the Helarjar;;die Helarjer;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_VALARJAR;Valarjar;;Valarjer;;;;;;;;;;;x +GOD_HELARJAR;Helarjar;;Helarjer;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_EYIR;Eyir;Eyir;Eyir;;;;;;;;;;;x -cult_of_nightwell;Nightwell;Shal'dorei;;;;;;;;;;;;x +cult_of_nightwell;Nightwell;Shal'dorei;Nachtbrunnen;;;;;;;;;;;x cult_of_nightwell_DESC;The Nightwell is the fount of magic that has kept the Shal'dorei people alive during their great isolation behind their shield. The Nightwell nourished them and shaped them into a new form and it is central to their culture.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x MAGISTER;Magister;Magistère;Magister;;;;;;;;;;;x MAGISTRIX;Magistrix;Magistère;Magistrix;;;;;;;;;;;x @@ -240,9 +240,9 @@ lightbound;Lightbound;Lumi lightbound_DESC;A heretical offshoot of the naaru teachings, the adherents to the Lightbound doctrine are dedicated to spread the influence of the Light wherever they possibly can and convert the unbelievers by any means necessary, even forcibly.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x shadowlander;Shadowlander;Terre-Ombreur;Schattenländer;;;;;;;;;;;x shadowlander_DESC;The Shadowlands are a dimension existing between worlds, where the souls of the mortal creatures go when they die. Their origins remain uncertain, but they have existed ever since mortal life first arose in the physical universe and seemingly span all worlds in existence. When a soul is called from the afterlife, it is free to roam the material realm if it is not restrained within moments of its arrival. Death knights, necromancers, and undead as a whole share a strong connection with the realm.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_FEL;the Fel;les Fel;das Fel;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_DEATH;the Death;;der Tod;;;;;;;;;;;x -THE_ANCESTORS;the Ancestors;;die Ahnen;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_FEL;Fel;Fel;Fel;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_DEATH;Death;;Tod;;;;;;;;;;;x +THE_ANCESTORS;Ancestors;;Ahnen;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_BELORE;Belore;;;;;;;;;;;;;x GOD_SHAL;Shal;;Shal;;;;;;;;;;;x THROS;Thros;;Thros;;;;;;;;;;;x