This is the public website for Warwick Tech Crew, written using Docusaurus.
Future contributors may want to keep the shows and hires archives up to date, and change the exec names and images
yearly. This README documents how to do so. For information about writing or editing wiki pages, see
We keep an archive of all members who work on shows (in the WAC) and hires (outside WAC). This is stored in annual YAML
files in shows/
and hires/
You can add notes
to a term to be displayed above the shows (see Term 3 2019/2020), as well as links
below the roles
in a show (see photo galleries in earlier years).
The standard format is below:
year: 2012 / 2013
- name: Term 1
notes: This was a strange term, we don't talk about it.
- name: 'Tech Crew: The Musical'
society: Tech Crew X MTW
venue: Warwick Arts Centre Theatre
- role: Tech Manager
name: Stan Dinovation
- role: Followspot Operator
name: S. Potlite
- name: Images
label: Happy
Using commas for multiple people sharing a role:
- role: Assistant Stage Manager
name: Shrek, Donkey, and Fiona
The exec information is stored in src/components/home/the-exec.tsx
, at the array at the top of the file. Images should
be stored in static/images/home/exec
and should ideally be compressed to 85% quality 300x300px jpegs.
This website is deployed on Cloudflare Pages on the Warwick Tech Crew Google Cloudflare account.
Note that the build command must be npm run shallow-build
to avoid issues with the changelog and Git history.