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Workshop 1 - Equity portfolio choice, Global Minimum Variance portfolio and factor models

Pierre Clauss October 2022

The following R Markdown document has to be read with my course notes (in particular for the details of the analysis framework).

Not all the R codes are displayed but only some of them to help you to succeed the workshop.


To begin these workshops, I have to precise the 3 necessary steps for a data science project:

  1. data: (i) importation, (ii) wrangling and (iii) visualisation (or named also exploratory data analysis)
  2. modelling
  3. results communication

To achieve these 3 steps, the universe of the package tidyverse is essential for R nowadays.


The first step on data seems often a thankless task but it takes time (we can estimate it to more than 50% of a data science project) and it is essential for the success of the project.

The second step is the most grateful for a data scientist. But it is important to know that the first step and the second one are overlapped: indeed, when I wrangle or I visualise my data, I often have an idea of the models I will try.

Finally, the third step is often neglected to a simple ppt, word or tex document. But it has to be more appreciated with the new tools and this example of R Markdown document and github website is an attempt to show you how to communicate better the results of a data science project.

1 Data

1.1 Importation

I import the data with the package readxl, which manages Excel files very well (comma, percentages) as well as missing values, with the function read_xlsx().

(workshop1 <- read_xlsx("data.xlsx", sheet = "workshop1", skip = 4))
## # A tibble: 112 x 20
##    <dttm>                            <dbl>              <dbl>              <dbl>
##  1 2011-06-30 00:00:00            -0.0191            -0.00444           -0.0239 
##  2 2011-07-31 00:00:00             0.00813           -0.0304            -0.0135 
##  3 2011-08-31 00:00:00            -0.102             -0.0805            -0.0875 
##  4 2011-09-30 00:00:00            -0.123             -0.163             -0.232  
##  5 2011-10-31 00:00:00             0.169              0.176              0.209  
##  6 2011-11-30 00:00:00             0.0181            -0.00764           -0.00442
##  7 2011-12-31 00:00:00            -0.00375           -0.00251           -0.0836 
##  8 2012-01-31 00:00:00             0.00943            0.107              0.110  
##  9 2012-02-29 00:00:00             0.0611             0.0175            -0.0340 
## 10 2012-03-31 00:00:00            -0.0289             0.0230            -0.0569 
## # ... with 102 more rows, and 16 more variables:
## #   NASDAQOMX/NQUSB4000/INDEX VALUE <dbl>, ...

The data are issued from Quandl and its Excel add-in. You can see the file in the repo and can focus on the function =QSERIES(Sector_1 : Sector_19 ; Start_date : End_date ; “monthly” ; “asc” ; “rdiff”).

Data are a sample of monthly stocks returns from Nasdaq observed on 19 US Supersectors from Industry Classification Benchmark. The start date is 30th June 2011 until today.

1.2 Wrangling

The wrangling (démêlage in French) consists in the storage and the transformation of the data. “Tidying and transforming are called wrangling, because getting your data in a form that’s natural to work with often feels like a fight” R for Data Science (Grolemund G. and Wickham H.).

I need for the workshop only returns to do calculation on: so I shrink the data of workshop 1 to returns.

fin_return <- workshop1 %>% select(-"TRADE DATE")

Then, the wrangling is quite simple here and is essentially done via data importation in Excel: data are tidy - each column is a variable (a Supersector) and each line is an observation (a month) - and data are transformed in financial returns, which are used to model a portfolio. As I said just before, data and modelling steps are effectively overlapped.

I can confirm this relation between the two steps with the choice of monthly observations. Indeed, monthly returns are nearer to gaussian data than weekly and daily data: they present less extreme variations (see next section on data viz). As theoretical framework of H. Markowitz behaves well with gaussian data, this choice is relevant.

To simplify our communication of results, I focus on the 4 first variables.

(fin_return_4first_Supersectors <- fin_return %>% select(1:4))
## # A tibble: 112 x 4
##                  <dbl>               <dbl>              <dbl>              <dbl>
##  1            -0.0191             -0.00444           -0.0239             -0.0480
##  2             0.00813            -0.0304            -0.0135             -0.0665
##  3            -0.102              -0.0805            -0.0875             -0.0684
##  4            -0.123              -0.163             -0.232              -0.138 
##  5             0.169               0.176              0.209               0.180 
##  6             0.0181             -0.00764           -0.00442             0.0314
##  7            -0.00375            -0.00251           -0.0836              0.0154
##  8             0.00943             0.107              0.110               0.0855
##  9             0.0611              0.0175            -0.0340              0.0377
## 10            -0.0289              0.0230            -0.0569              0.0295
## # ... with 102 more rows

We can see below, thanks to the package DataExplorer, a summary of the tidy data observed for the first 4 variables.


I can conclude that data are tidy without missing values.

1.3 Visualisation

Data viz has to be thought in relation with modelling. We have just seen that the modelling framework needs gaussian data; it needs also not perfectly correlated data. Then, I am interested by visualising the distribution of the returns and the structure of the correlations between them.

Some statistics to sum up the distribution can be shown below: I can observe symmetric data with a median and a mean which are quite equal. This is even a quite perfect case for the fourth variable.

##  Min.   :-0.356795               Min.   :-0.189542              
##  1st Qu.:-0.035141               1st Qu.:-0.013827              
##  Median :-0.001878               Median : 0.010138              
##  Mean   :-0.004631               Mean   : 0.006858              
##  3rd Qu.: 0.029239               3rd Qu.: 0.037570              
##  Max.   : 0.312016               Max.   : 0.189760              
##  Min.   :-0.231741               Min.   :-0.18113               
##  1st Qu.:-0.054774               1st Qu.:-0.02194               
##  Median :-0.007466               Median : 0.01536               
##  Mean   :-0.001484               Mean   : 0.01094               
##  3rd Qu.: 0.046413               3rd Qu.: 0.04649               
##  Max.   : 0.220975               Max.   : 0.17966

I can go deeper thanks to distribution graphics: the non-parametric (kernel method) estimation of the distribution and QQ-plots.



Finally, I can visualize the correlations between each of the 19 Supersectors. To obtain efficient diversification between assets, we need correlations smaller than 1, which can be observed in the graph below.

corrplot(cor(fin_return), type='upper', tl.col = 'black', tl.cex = 0.1)

2 Modelling

Before all, I need to load the package scales to communicate with a pretty way the results of our allocations.


2.1 Analysis framework

The analysis framework of our modelling is the Modern Portfolio Theory initiated by H. Markowitz in the 1950s. An essential portfolio which is agnostic on expected returns is the Global Minimum Variance (GMV) portfolio for which the weights \omega are equal to :

\omega = \frac{1}{C}\Sigma^{-1}e

with \Sigma the covariance matrix between assets returns, C = e'\Sigma^{-1}e and e a vector of 1 of length n, the number of assets in the portfolio.

2.2 Estimation methodologies

I can propose 2 plug-in methodologies to estimate the GMV portfolio and to achieve our objective:

  1. classical estimators without bias
  2. estimators constructed with a more robust method to decrease the noise of the data (factorial modelling)

Before modelling, I separate the initial sample between a learning sample and a backtest sample to evaluate the performance of our modelling. I choose July 2017 as a separation date to backtest the strategy on the last 2 years of the sample.

end_date <- nrow(fin_return)
fin_return_learning <- fin_return %>% slice(1:74)
fin_return_backtest <- fin_return %>% slice(75:end_date)

There are 74 learning observations and 38 backtest observations. My objective is to observe if the ex-ante (or anticipated) volatility (equal to \displaystyle\sqrt\frac{1}{C} for the GMV portfolio) is near to the ex-post (or realised) volatility and if these volatilities are well minimised.

2.2.1 Unbiased GMV portfolio

The GMV portfolio is only based on the covariance matrix estimation \hat\Sigma. This matrix estimator is inversed in the formula to determine the weights of the portfolio. Then I can propose an unbiased estimator of the inverse covariance matrix:

 \hat\Sigma_\text{unbiased} = \frac{1}{T-n-2}\sum_{t=1}^T\left(r_t-\hat\mu\right)\left(r_t-\hat\mu\right)'

with \displaystyle\hat\mu=\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^Tr_t, T the number of observations, n the number of assets and r_t the vector of financial returns for the n assets observed at time t.

Then, I can plug-in this estimate in the formula of the GMV portfolio to obtain unbiased estimators of GMV weights.

n <- ncol(fin_return_learning)
T <- nrow(fin_return_learning)
e <- rep(1, n)
perio <- 12

Sigma <- cov(fin_return_learning) * (T - 1) / (T - n - 2) * perio
C <- t(e) %*% solve(Sigma) %*% e
sigmag <- sqrt(1 / C)
omega <- 1 / as.numeric(C) * solve(Sigma) %*% e
barplot(as.numeric(omega), col = 'black')

The anticipated volatility of the portfolio constructed on the learning sample is equal to 9%.

The realised volatility of the portfolio observed on the backtest sample is equal to 17%.

I am going to improve these results thanks to a more robust statistical approach.

2.2.2 GMV portfolio with factorial modelling (1 factor)

I use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to improve \hat\Sigma. Because of its high dimensionality, the inversion of the matrix could be noisy. Then I reduce the dimensionality to one systematic factor (and 3 factors in the next section). This modelling is inspired by W. Sharpe who was the first to propose a factor structure of the covariance matrix with the Single-Index Model in 1963. To go further see pages 304-305 of the chapter written by M. Brandt in 2010 in the Handbook of Financial Econometrics.

I can write the estimator (remind my course for the proof) with the following formula:

\hat\Sigma_\text{1factor} = \lambda_1\phi_1\phi_1'+\Sigma_{\varepsilon}

with \lambda_1 the first eigenvalue of the unbiased estimator of the covariance matrix, \phi_1 the first eigenvector and \Sigma_\varepsilon the diagonal residual covariance matrix determined for each asset i thanks to:

\text{Var}\left(\varepsilon_i\right) = \text{Var}\left(r_i\right) - \phi_{1i}^2\lambda_1

valp <- eigen(Sigma)$values
vecp <- eigen(Sigma)$vectors
vp1 <- vecp[, 1]
lambda1 <- valp[1]
varepsilon1 <- diag(Sigma) - vp1 ^ 2 * lambda1
Sigma_epsilon1 <- diag(varepsilon1, n, n)
Sigma1 <- (lambda1 * vp1 %*% t(vp1) + Sigma_epsilon1)
C1 <- t(e) %*% solve(Sigma1) %*% e
sigmag1 <- sqrt(1 / C1)
omega1 <- 1 / as.numeric(C1) * solve(Sigma1) %*% e
barplot(as.numeric(omega1), col = 'black')

The anticipated volatility of the portfolio constructed on the learning sample is equal to 6%.

The realised volatility of the portfolio observed on the backtest sample is equal to 12%.

2.2.3 GMV portfolio with factorial modelling (3 factors)

I can write the estimator with the following formula:

\hat\Sigma_\text{3factors} = \Phi_f\Lambda_f\Phi_f'+\Sigma_{\varepsilon}

with \Lambda_f the diagonal matrix of the three first eigenvalues of the unbiased estimator of the covariance matrix, \Phi_f the matrix with the first three eigenvectors and \Sigma_\varepsilon the diagonal residual covariance matrix determined for each asset i thanks to:

\text{Var}\left(\varepsilon_i\right) = \text{Var}\left(r_i\right) - \phi_{1i}^2\lambda_1 - \phi_{2i}^2\lambda_2 - \phi_{3i}^2\lambda_3

vp3 <- cbind(vecp[, 1], vecp[, 2], vecp[, 3])
lambda3 <- diag(c(valp[1], valp[2], valp[3]), 3, 3)
varepsilon3 <- diag(Sigma) - vp3 ^ 2 %*% diag(lambda3)
Sigma_epsilon3 <- diag(as.numeric(varepsilon3), n, n)
Sigma3 <- (vp3 %*% lambda3 %*% t(vp3) + Sigma_epsilon3)
C3 <- t(e) %*% solve(Sigma3) %*% e
sigmag3 <- sqrt(1 / C3)
omega3 <- 1 / as.numeric(C3) * solve(Sigma3) %*% e
barplot(as.numeric(omega3), col = 'black')

The anticipated volatility of the portfolio constructed on the learning sample is equal to 10%.

The realised volatility of the portfolio observed on the backtest sample is equal to 14%.

To conclude the first workshop

This workshop is the first of my course on Asset Management dedicated to equities and GMV portfolio. I present some improvements of the classical plug-in estimator of the covariance matrix thanks to factorial modelling.