{% trans "Administrative" %}
{% trans "Description" %}
{{ data.description }}
- {% if not data.activity_other %}
{% trans "Activity associated" %}
{{ data.activity_associated.text }}
- {% endif %}
{% trans "Activity associated" %}
{{ data.activity_associated.text }} ({{ data.activity_associated.code }})
{% trans "Area responsible" %}
{{ data.area_responsible }}
@@ -85,25 +87,69 @@
{% trans "Administrative" %}
{% if data.funding_associated.count %}
{% trans "Funding associated" %}
- {% for funding in data.funding_associated.all %}
{{ funding.name }}
- {% endfor %}
+ {% for funding in data.funding_associated.all %}{{ funding.name }}{% if not forloop.last %}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% trans "Links" %}
{{ data.links|linebreaksbr }}
- {% if data.public_communication %}
{% trans "Public communication" %}
{{ data.public_communication|linebreaksbr }}
- {% endif %}
- {% if data.participants or data.resources or data.feedbacks or data.editors.count or data.organizers.count or data.partners_activated.count or data.technologies_used.count or data.metrics_related.count or data.wikipedia_created or data.wikipedia_edited or data.commons_created or data.commons_edited or data.wikidata_created or data.wikidata_edited or data.wikiversity_created or data.wikiversity_edited or data.wikibooks_created or data.wikibooks_edited or data.wikisource_created or data.wikisource_edited or data.wikinews_created or data.wikinews_edited or data.wikiquote_created or data.wikiquote_edited or data.wiktionary_created or data.wiktionary_edited or data.wikivoyage_created or data.wikivoyage_edited or data.wikispecies_created or data.wikispecies_edited or data.metawiki_created or data.metawiki_edited or data.mediawiki_created or data.mediawiki_edited %}
{% trans "Quantitative" %}
+ {% if operations_with_value and operations %}
{% trans "Operational" %}
+ {% for operation in operations %}
{{ operation.metric }}
+ {% if operation.number_of_events %}
{% translate "Number of events" %}
{{ operation.number_of_events }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if operation.number_of_resources %}
{% translate "Number of resources" %}
{{ operation.number_of_resources }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if operation.number_of_partnerships_activated %}
{% translate "Number of partnerships activated" %}
{{ operation.number_of_partnerships_activated }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if operation.number_of_new_partnerships %}
{% translate "Number of new partnerships" %}
{{ operation.number_of_new_partnerships }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if operation.number_of_new_followers %}
{% translate "Number of new followers" %}
{{ operation.number_of_new_followers }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if operation.number_of_mentions %}
{% translate "Number of mentions" %}
{{ operation.number_of_mentions }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if operation.number_of_people_reached_through_social_media %}
{% translate "Number of people reached through social media" %}
{{ operation.number_of_people_reached_through_social_media }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if operation.number_of_community_communications %}
{% translate "Number of community communications" %}
{{ operation.number_of_community_communications }}
+ {% endif %}
+{# Number of mentions#}
+{# Number of community communications#}
+{# Number of people reached through social media#}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if data.participants or data.feedbacks or data.editors.count or data.organizers.count or data.technologies_used.count or data.wikipedia_created or data.wikipedia_edited or data.commons_created or data.commons_edited or data.wikidata_created or data.wikidata_edited or data.wikiversity_created or data.wikiversity_edited or data.wikibooks_created or data.wikibooks_edited or data.wikisource_created or data.wikisource_edited or data.wikinews_created or data.wikinews_edited or data.wikiquote_created or data.wikiquote_edited or data.wiktionary_created or data.wiktionary_edited or data.wikivoyage_created or data.wikivoyage_edited or data.wikispecies_created or data.wikispecies_edited or data.metawiki_created or data.metawiki_edited or data.mediawiki_created or data.mediawiki_edited %}
{% trans "Quantitative" %}
{% if data.metrics_related %}
{% trans "Metrics related" %}
@@ -116,24 +162,12 @@
{% trans "Quantitative" %}
{{ data.participants }}
{% endif %}
- {% if data.resources %}
{% trans "Number of resources" %}
{{ data.resources }}
- {% endif %}
{% if data.feedbacks %}
{% trans "Number of feedbacks" %}
{{ data.feedbacks }}
{% endif %}
- {% if data.number_of_people_reached_through_social_media %}
{% trans "Number of people reached through social media" %}
{{ data.number_of_people_reached_through_social_media }}
- {% endif %}
{% if data.editors.count %}
{% trans "Editors" %}
@@ -149,13 +183,13 @@
{% trans "Quantitative" %}
{% if data.partners_activated.count %}
{% trans "Partnerships activated" %}
{% for partners in data.partners_activated.all %}{{ partners.name }}{% endfor %}
{% for partners in data.partners_activated.all %}{{ partners.name }}{% if not forloop.last %}; {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if data.technologies_used.count %}
{% trans "Technologies used" %}
{% for technology in data.technologies_used.all %}{{ technology.name }}{% endfor %}
{% for technology in data.technologies_used.all %}{{ technology.name }}{% if not forloop.last %}; {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
@@ -261,41 +295,34 @@
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
- {% if data.strategic_axis.count or data.directions_related.count or data.learning %}
{% trans "Learning" %}
+ {% if data.directions_related.count %}
{% trans "Strategic axis" %}
- {% if data.directions_related.count %}
{% trans "Directions associated" %}
- {% for direction in data.directions_related.all %}{{ direction.text }}{% if not forloop.last %}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
- {% endif %}
{% trans "Learning of the activity" %}
{% trans "Strategic" %}
{% trans "Directions associated" %}
{{ data.learning|linebreaksbr }}
+ {% for direction in data.directions_related.all %}
{{ direction.text }}
+ {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
- {% if data.learning_questions_related.count or evaluation_objective.count %}
{% trans "Qualitative" %}
+ {% if data.learning_questions_related.count or data.learning %}
{% trans "Learning" %}
{% if data.learning_questions_related.count %}
{% trans "Strategic learning questions" %}
- {% for question in data.learning_questions_related.all %}
{{ question.text }}
- {% endfor %}
{% trans "Strategic learning questions" %}
+ {% for question in data.learning_questions_related.all %}
{{ question.text }}
+ {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
- {% if evaluation_objective.count %}
{% trans "Evaluation objectives" %}
- {% for evaluation_objective_answer in evaluation_objective.all %}
{{ evaluation_objective_answer.objective.text }}
{{ evaluation_objective_answer.answer }}
- {% endfor %}
+ {% if data.learning %}
{% trans "Learning of the activity" %}
{{ data.learning|linebreaksbr }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/report/views.py b/report/views.py
index fa40103..6f60312 100644
--- a/report/views.py
+++ b/report/views.py
@@ -136,7 +136,12 @@ def list_reports(request):
def detail_report(request, report_id):
- context = {"data": Report.objects.get(id=report_id),
+ report = Report.objects.get(id=report_id)
+ operations = OperationReport.objects.filter(report=report)
+ operations_with_value =operations.filter(Q(number_of_people_reached_through_social_media__gt=0) | Q(number_of_new_followers__gt=0) | Q(number_of_mentions__gt=0) | Q(number_of_community_communications__gt=0) | Q(number_of_events__gt=0) | Q(number_of_resources__gt=0) | Q(number_of_partnerships_activated__gt=0) | Q(number_of_new_partnerships__gt=0)).exists()
+ context = {"data": report,
+ "operations": OperationReport.objects.filter(report=report),
+ "operations_with_value": operations_with_value,
"title": _("View report %(report_id)s") % {"report_id": report_id}}
return render(request, "report/detail_report.html", context)