Semantic MediaWiki (a.k.a. SMW) is a free, open-source extension to MediaWiki – the wiki software that powers Wikipedia – that lets you store and query data within the wiki's pages.
Semantic MediaWiki is also a full-fledged framework, in conjunction with many spinoff extensions, that can turn a wiki into a powerful and flexible knowledge management system. All data created within SMW can easily be published via the Semantic Web, allowing other systems to use this data seamlessly.
For a better understanding of how Semantic MediaWiki works, have a look at deployed in 5 min and the Sesame, Fuseki triplestore video, or browse the wiki for a more comprehensive introduction.
Semantic MediaWiki requires MediaWiki and its dependencies, such as PHP.
Supported MediaWiki, PHP and database versions depend on the version of Semantic MediaWiki. See the compatibility matrix for details.
The recommended way to install Semantic MediaWiki is by using Composer. See the detailed installation guide as well as the information on compatibility.
Most of the documentation can be found on the Semantic MediaWiki wiki. A small core of documentation also comes bundled with the software itself. This documentation is minimalistic and less explanatory than what can be found on the SMW wiki. However, It is always kept up to date and applies to the version of the code it bundles with. The most critical files are linked below.
Primary support channels:
- User mailing list - for user questions
- SMW chat room - for questions and developer discussions
- Issue tracker - for bug reports
Many people have contributed to SMW. A list of people who have made contributions in the past can be found here or on the wiki for Semantic MediaWiki. The overview on how to contribute provides information on the different ways available to do so.
If you want to contribute work to the project, please subscribe to the developer's mailing list and have a look at the contribution guidelines.
- File an issue
- Submit a pull request
- Ask a question on the mailing list
This extension is tested using GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration (CI). Each time changes are pushed to the repository, GitHub Actions automatically runs a series of tests to ensure the code remains reliable and functional.
INFO: This repository contains submodules. Make sure to clone with
option in Git.git clone --recursive <REPO>
If not done when cloning, it can be done by
git submodule init git submodule update
This repository supports "docker-compose-ci" based CI and testing for MediaWiki extensions.
The "docker-compose-ci" repository has already been integrated into the Semantic MediaWiki repository as a Git submodule. It uses "Make" as main entry point and command line interface.
Ensure, you have Make
and Docker
make --version
docker --version
make ci
For more information about
- docker-compose-ci, see
- tests in Semantic MediaWiki in general, see the test documentation.
GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. The COPYING file explains SMW's copyright and license.