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This directory includes tools to run the ice floe tracker analysis on a batch of satellite images.

General Use


You will need the following installed on your computer:

You will also need a username and account on

Running the pipeline

Add the following lines to the rose-suite.conf file with your username and password:

SPACEUSER="[email protected]"

Don't commit these changes to the repo.

Simple case: single target

Make a new configuration file with the region and time period you want to analyse. All the possible parameters are listed in rose-suite.conf and described in meta/rose-meta.conf. You can see examples in example. Command line usage examples are shown in

Run the pipeline by calling cylc vip, like this:

cylc vip . --set-file /path/to/your/configuration/file.conf --set PARAM="value" -n your-analysis-run-name

View progress of the pipeline by calling:

cylc tui

In the TUI you can view logs, and "trigger" (i.e., rerun) failed tasks.

Note that any parameters not specified in /path/to/your/configuration/file.conf nor specified using a --set PARAM="value argument will default to the values in rose-suite.conf.

Advanced case: non-contiguous dates, multiple locations

The simplest way to generate runs of non-contiguous dates is to call cylc vip several times, e.g.:

cylc vip . --set-file example/hudson-bay.conf -n hudson-bay --run-name=may-2006 --set 'START="2006-05-04"' --set 'END="2006-05-06"'
cylc vip . --set-file example/hudson-bay.conf -n hudson-bay --run-name=july-2008 --set 'START="2008-07-13"' --set 'END="2008-07-15"'

The simplest way to process many different locations would be to make a location configuration file for each target location, and then to run a series of cylc vip commands as above.

You can also use this kind of approach to run the pipeline with different sets of parameters, e.g.:

for nclusters in 3 5 7; do 
  cylc vip . --set-file example/beaufort-sea-buckley-paper.conf -n beaufort-sea-cluster-test --run-name="${nclusters}-clusters" -s "ICEMASK_N_CLUSTERS=${nclusters}"

View the running commands by calling cylc tui.

Advanced use: case list

To loop through a list of cases, you might use a script like this:


cylc stop ${name}/*;
cylc clean ${name} -y

for row_name in $(pipx run example/util/ "${datafile}" "${column}" --start 1 --stop 10);
  cylc vip . -n ${name} --run-name=${row_name} $(pipx run example/util/ ${datafile} ${column} ${row_name}); 

cylc tui

The script provided doesn't currently have support for setting any other parameters, but could be extended if needed.


Contact the Wilhelmus Lab members for access to the pipeline environment on Brown University's High Performance Computing cluster "Oscar".


pipx, cylc and cylc-rose are available in the ../runtime/venv virtual environment. Load it using:

module load python/3.11.0s-ixrhc3q
. ../runtime/venv/bin/activate

Update your ~/.cylc/flow/global.cylc file to include the following lines to use the SLURM scheduler:

        job runner = slurm

This will ensure that jobs from cylc are scheduled using Slurm.

Oscar uses Apptainer rather than Docker, so include the line IFT_INSTALL="Apptainer" or IFT_INSTALL="ApptainerLocal" in your configuration file.

Development Use

If you're working on the workflow steps, you may wish to use a local version of the command line tools IceFloeTracker.jl, fsdproc, satellite-overpass-identification-tool or label-colorizer.

To enable those, in rose-suite.conf:

  • Set the _INSTALL for that tool to "Inject"
  • Set the _COMMAND for that tool to the full path to the local installation

For example, to use a local version of IceFloeTracker.jl, already fully instantiated at /path/to/IceFloeTracker.jl, you would use the following settings:

IFT_COMMAND="julia --project=/path/to/IceFloeTracker.jl /path/to/IceFloeTracker.jl/src/cli.jl"

To use a local version of satellite-overpass-identification-tool installed into the virtual environment /path/to/venv/ , you would use the following settings:


To use a local version of satellite-overpass-identification-tool without a pre-existing virtual environment, you would use the following settings:

PASS_TIME_COMMAND="pipx run --editable --spec /path/to/satellite-overpass-identification-tool/ soit"

To use a specific Dockerized version of the Ice Floe Tracker Pipeline CLI tagged brownccv/icefloetracker-julia:v3.0.0-dev, you would use the following settings:

IFT_COMMAND="docker run -v `pwd`:/app -w /app brownccv/icefloetracker-julia:v3.0.0-dev"

When you run IFT_COMMAND in /some/local/directory/ containing the data you want to process, the fragment -v `pwd`:/app mounts /some/local/directory to the /app directory of the container. -w /app sets the working directory within the container to /app. Together, these allow the container to interact with the data to be processed.