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We wrap data in dict and pass it through the model. Some key items include:

  • part_pcs: point clouds sampled from each object part, usually of shape [batch_size, num_parts, num_points, 3]. To enable batching, we pad all shape to a pre-defined number (usually 20) of parts with zeros.
  • part_trans: ground-truth translation of each part. Shape [batch_size, num_parts, 3] and padded with zeros.
  • part_quat: ground-truth rotation (quaternion) of each part. Shape [batch_size, num_parts, 4] and padded with zeros. Note that we load rotations using quaternion for ease of dataloading. See Rotation Representation section for more details.
  • part_valids: binary mask indicating padded parts. Shape [batch_size, num_parts]. 1 means existed parts while 0 stands for padded parts.

For other data items, see comments in the dataset files for more details.


Shape assembly models usually consist of a point cloud feature extractor (e.g. PointNet), a relationship reasoning module (e.g. GNNs), and a pose predictor (usually implemented as MLPs). See model for details about the baselines supported in this codebase.

Base Model

We implement a BaseModel class as an instance of PyTorch-Lightning's LightningModule, which support general methods such as training/validation/test_step/epoch_end(). It also implements general loss computation, metrics calculation, and visualization during training. See Below we detail some core methods we implement for all assembly models.

Assembly Models

All the assembly models inherit from BaseModel. In general, you only need to implement three methods of a new model:

  • __init__(): initialize all the model components such as feature extractors, pose predictors

  • forward(): the input to this function is the data_dict from the dataloader, which contains part point clouds and other items specified by you. The model needs to leverage these inputs to predict two items:

    • rot: rotation of each parts. Shape [batch_size, num_parts, 4] if using quaternion or [batch_size, num_parts, 3, 3] if using rotation matrix
    • trans: translation of each parts. Shape [batch_size, num_parts, 3].

    Once the output dictionary contains these two values, the loss, metrics and visualization code in BaseModel can run smoothly

  • _loss_function(): this function applies some pre-/post-processing of the model input-output and loss computation. For example, you can specify the inputs to model.forward() by constructing forward_dict from data_dict. Or reuse some features calculated in previous samples


Common loss terms include:

  • MSE between predicted and ground-truth translations
  • Cosine loss for rotation, i.e. |<q1, q2> - 1|_2 for quaternion or |R1^T @ R2 - I|_2 for rotation matrix
  • L2/Chamfer distance between point clouds transformed by predicted and ground-truth rotations and translations

Semantic Assembly

Since there are multiple plausible assembly solutions for a set of parts, we adopt the MoN loss sampling mechanism from DGL. See Section 3.4 of their paper for more details.

Besides, since there are often geometrically equivalent parts in a shape (e.g. 4 legs of a chair), we perform a matching step to minimize the loss. This is similar to the Bipartite Matching used in DETR. See _match_parts() method of BaseModel class.

Geometric Assembly

Usually, there is no geometrically equivalent parts in this setting. So we don't need to perform the matching GT step.

Remark: It is actually very hard to define a canonical pose for objects under the geometric assembly setting, due to e.g. symmetry of a bottle/vase. See dev branch for our experimental features in solving this issue.


For semantic assembly, we adopt Shape Chamfer Distance (SCD), Part Accuracy (PA) and Connectivity Accuracy (CA). Please refer to Section 4.3 of the paper for more details.

For geometric assembly, we adopt SCD and PA, as well as MSE/RMSE/MAE between translations and rotations. Please refer to Section 6.1 of the paper for more details.

Remark: As discussed above, these metrics are sometimes problematic due to the symmetry ambiguity. See dev branch for experimental metrics that are robust under this setting.

Rotation Representation

  • We use real part first (w, x, y, z) quaternion in this codebase following PyTorch3D, while scipy use real part last format. Please be careful when using the code
  • For ease of data batching, we always represent rotations as quaternions from the dataloaders. However, to build a compatible interface for util functions, model input-output, we wrap the predicted rotations in a Rotation3D class, which supports common format conversion and tensor operations. See for detailed definitions
  • Rotation representations we support (change _C.rot_type under model field to use different rotation representations):
    • Quaternion (quat), by default
    • 6D representation (rotation matrix, rmat): see CVPR'19 paper. The predicted 6-len tensor will be reshaped to (2, 3), and the third row is obtained via cross product. Then, the 3 vectors will be stacked along the -2-th dim. In a Rotation3D object, the 6D representation will be converted to a 3x3 rotation matrix