pacmd list-sinks
to list name or index number of possible sinks
pacmd set-default-sink "SINKNAME"
to set the default output sink
pacmd set-default-source "SOURCENAME"
to set the default input
Note: Changing the output sink through the command line interface can only take effect if stream target device reading is disabled. This can be done by editing the corresponing line in /etc/pulse/ to:
load-module module-stream-restore restore_device=false
First, get the name of device from pacmd list-sources
* index: 2
name: <alsa_input.usb-BEHRINGER_UMC204HD_192k-00.analog-stereo>
driver: <module-alsa-card.c>
state: RUNNING
suspend cause: (none)
priority: 9049
volume: front-left: 65536 / 100% / 0.00 dB, front-right: 65536 / 100% / 0.00 dB
balance 0.00
base volume: 65536 / 100% / 0.00 dB
volume steps: 65537
muted: no
current latency: 0.59 ms
max rewind: 0 KiB
sample spec: s32le 2 k 44100 Hz
channel map: front-left,front-right
then look at channel spec and map them to 2 separate mono channels
pacmd load-module module-remap-source source_name=UMC204HD_in1 master=alsa_input.usb-BEHRINGER_UMC204HD_192k-00.analog-stereo channel_map=mono master_channel_map=front-left source_properties="device.description='UMC204HD\ input\ 1'"
pacmd load-module module-remap-source source_name=UMC204HD_in2 master=alsa_input.usb-BEHRINGER_UMC204HD_192k-00.analog-stereo channel_map=mono master_channel_map=front-right source_properties="device.description='UMC204HD\ input\ 2'"
pacmd set-default-source UMC204HD_in1